Smash Ultimate doesn't deserve it's name

> Game is called Smash Ultimate
> Doesn't have the Ultimate Lifeform himself as a playable character

How retarded can you seriously be? Sakurai put shitters like Daisy, Ken, Dark Samus and Chrom over someone like Shadow? A character who plays a big role in the mainline games and is actually really popular both within the Sonic fanbase and outside? What a bunch of bullshit.

What fucking reason was there to show him off as an assist trophy in the final direct? Did Sakurai really think fans would be happy over Shadow being an assist for 10 years now?

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Other urls found in this thread:

the fact that it doesn't have Shadow does make it Ultimate


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Sucks to be you!

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Sonic is already in the game. What's the point of having a black edgier version?

It's actually called Smash Brothers SPECIAL.

I wish Metal Sonic got in.
He is better than shadow. Or Robotnik. Hell even Tails or Knuckles would be better.

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Have sex

Have sex

Shave ex

Yes. Sakurai thinks a character returning as an item makes the fans actually happy.

You can tell this artist has a foot fetish

> Reimu

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He's in

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At least he didn't get cut furfag be happy about that.

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At least he's in the game
Reimu is never ever, even izayoi would appear first

Crying bitch saber in the trash where she belongs


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This. Why did they cut Saki yet gave him a Mii costume?
Ray to a lesser extent, but he was cut in Smash 4.
At least their Mii costumes are cool I guess.

> All the Pokemons from Smash 4 returned
> Some assist trophies featured in 4 aren't in Ultimate
What's the point? Even baffeling when we have 59 AT's in total. Couldn't they just ported one more so it could be 60?

But it does have Mewtwo

God why are smash threads always flooded by redditors

>Elec Man
Rest in peace you poor boy, it was fun while it lasted.

>thinking your shitty furaffinity sexhog would get in before the main antagonist of the franchise or the literal player 2
I can't even tell if this is bait or you're still salty over the Grinch leak. Either way, enjoy your assist trophy and here's your (You).

Here's your ultimate lifeform bro

Attached: kuby.jpg (1024x659, 137K)

>iconic as fuck
>the perfect pick for an echo fighter
>gets deconfirmed before echo fighters were announced
>nobody gave a shit because they'd rather bitch and whine about how their reddit tier picks like lyn or galacta knight got "betrayed"
>fucking chrom, who's still in robin's final smash, got in as an echo
you don't know my suffering, edgehog

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Shadow is way more popular than Tails and Eggman

They even gave him a new model and animations, what's the fucking point if he isn't playable?

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>more popular than fucking tails and eggman

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Excluding the two obvious ones, I can't really see any reason to exclude the Assist Trophies from Smash 4. They could have made it so Tingle couldn't be spawned on the Great Bay stage, like how Alucard can't be summoned on Wii Fit Studios. Heck, the Moon can't be summoned there either.

At least he was shown off in an assist in a direct and wasn't just added on the site like Skull Kid, Phosphora and Dillon.

Still doesn't make sense having him join before either Eggman or Tails. Hell, even Knux is an assist now. It's like having the first Smash game have the Mario reps being Mario and Wario instead of Mario and Luigi.

Imagine actually caring about Shadow of all characters. What a fucking gaylord.

Better than Waluigi or Ashley atleast

>Better than Waluigi
I'll agree with Ashley but Waluigi? Nah

>Doesn't have the Ultimate Lifeform himself as a playable character
Kirby's been in Smash since day 1 though?

Sorry bro you're a 2hu now

Save Hex

Scroll down and you will see the results

Get fucked, nobody cares about your gay fox or meme doctor

GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING Yea Forums! Just wanted to remind you that we're never getting Reimu (yes, THE Reimu from Touhou Project) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to sigh in relief when the Fighters Pass gets complete when Reimu isn't present in sight!


Your degenerate otaku trash crap will never be in. Just because a late port is confirmed doesn't mean she's guaranteed. Reimu is a literal who for the wider margin of the world and the otaku demographic choice is already taken up by Joker. There's also how literally any third party has more notoriety than Reimu and would result in a much more safe option for Nintendo and Sakurai to choose to appeal to more people. If Dragon Quest is considered anti hype by western rosterfags, Reimu would be a million times worse. Now go back to /jp/ and neck yourselves.

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Here is your Otis 2hu

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Guile deserved a spot over Ken

Chun Li deserved it more than both of them combined.

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Fuck that, Chun-Li deserved to be an assist over Guile, why him of all Street Fighter characters? Is it because he's American?

It's time user

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Sakurai's main
>Sakurai: I mainly played Guile. Though, I later stopped going to arcades to challenge people at fighting games. I wrote about the reason why in a column a long time ago, but, I once sat down at a King of Fighters ‘95 machine to play against someone. I landed jumping heavy punches, uppercuts, Hien Shippuus and Zanretsukens**, defeating my opponent with ease, and when I happened to peek at who was playing on the other side of the cabinet, I saw a girl…

This has to be a falseflag, only a Touhou nerd could display such advanced levels of autism



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What the hell is with the barnyard cow in all these shitposts

discord autism

>Kamiya: If it was me in that situation, that would’ve filled me with a rush of excitement. I would have completely destroyed them—they wouldn’t have even gotten near me
based Japanese Phil Fish

Don't really care anymore but the secrecy around ATs was pretty shitty at the time since he refused to just announce returners early like Skull Kid, Shadow and Issac.
That and for bringing in a good concept as Echoes they're quite underused.


>Kat & Ana

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>Skull Kid wasn't even shown in the direct and you had to go to the site to see he was deconfirmed

>kamiya: If that where me, I would have destroyed them.
holy fuck what a dude

Go back to Twitter.

Too many people got the wrong idea about echoes, the idea was for them to be a way to get identical characters from a series into the game, not to try to force other characters to fit the mold of another character because "well it's better than nothing".

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90% of 2hu fags don't give a shit about your autistic party game, dumbass. Keep seething about it though. Rosterfaggotry is a mental illness.

you cant throw around terms like autism and mental illness and be implying touhou is unrelated to them

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You're comparing me to a guy who makes mad rants about their favorite video game character not being playable in a children's party game. I am absolutely sure who has the stronger mental fortitude here, and I have absolutely nothing to prove to you. OP is a faggot who needs to stop being a whiny bitch. Also, get some perspective.

It's because he's a meme

Dude, there's a reason why anti-Reimu posters are the lowest IQ rosterfags on this site

>Touhou fags arent autistic and mentally ill because OP may or may not be more autistic and mentally ill than them

2hufags are shit too, don't even deny it retard.

You subhumans like to fap to shitty Little girls and want their feet. Kill yourself.

How are anti-Reimu posters the lowest IQ rosterfags if Reimu's not getting in?

Your projection game is strong, I'll give you that.

Shadowfags are the worse.

> No argument

Who are you quoting?

I'm not denying anything. Other 2hufags can be as autistic as they want, but at least they don't spout the same insufferable bitchiness and angst as OP. The worst they may do is spam lewds and shitpost, but how is that any different from other fandoms here?

why did you capitalize little?

If you want me to actually discuss with you, you should start with giving some arguments rooted in reality and not your dumb projections.

I imagine it was a typo.

>calling others insufferable while posting /jp/ memes

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They just are lmao. Look at literally any thread they post in.

Nice consolewar image, retard. Really shows the quality of your post.

>they are because I say so

They are because you can check out for yourself and see that they are lmfao. Just look at that
Are you gonna say that's a normal behavior?

but they're right you know
Reimu's not gonna be in Smash

Dunno man you're the only one here who's apparently capable of time travel, but eve if he was right that wouldn't change the fact that these posts are objectively retarded

I’m convinced it was SEGA that chose not to let him be playable. Sakurai was probably going to make him an echo and SEGA wasn’t into the idea of of him not using any of his unique abilities so they shot it down since there’s no way in hell Sakurai was going to make him a unique character

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Thats a lot of baseless assumption.

You're not fooling anyone with the samefaggotry

>Fennekin came back despite doing the exact thing as Vulpix
>We have clones in Pokeballs already

Does that not make sense though?

But the points stand
Just because she's getting a game on the Switch that's official doesn't mean she has a shot

She always had a shot due to being the main character of a videogame series, patternfags are fucking retards
>Reddit-tier buzzpics and memes

It makes less sense than them just touching up the model to look nicer on new hardware.

And some have better shots than others
All things considered, Reimu's pretty low

I dunno man as I said I don't have whatever kind of superhuman ability is allowing you to be so sure of this despite how unpredictable Nintendo and Sakurai are, my one and only point is that anti-Reimu posters are pretty much the "retarded kid everyone avoids having to talk to" of Smash speculation

Why are you so obsessed with Reimu of all characters? There's plenty of waifufaggot options out there like Shantae, Miku, Ashley, Saber, etc. What about this shrine maiden ruffles your jimmies so much?

no, that's why he said it was baseless

Shadow is a character for emo faggots and you should be thankful that Sakurai even blessed him with an assist trophy spot.

Follow this reply chain if you really want to see how pathetic they really are
Yea, this is old but it's the only one I saved. There are plenty more recent ones too, I'm not gonna search for them now though.

Reimu would actually BTFO waifufags like Ultimate ZSS did, because she'd likely be the only female character in the fighters pass and ZUN wouldn't let them use her for fanservice and such.

I've seen people anti-Reimu post on threads that had nothing to do with Reimu whatsoever (including ). They're literally this insecure.
That's one more reason to want her in. She would act as a pleb filter and take the trash out of the Smash fandom.

You’re based-less


>every other category in survey
~1000 votes
>Sonic character vote
12000 votes

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Shadow is a nigger