Next game is Dominions 5

next game is Dominions 5

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hey hey people Sseth here

Only the greatest reviews invest into smut


sseth review smt some day and comission more smt porn

I hope so. Love that autistic fucking game.

So how much of this video is gonna consist of rehashed memes and stolen footage?

>mostly does 90's and 00's cult classics
It'll be VTMB

Sseth spending $1130 on public Olivia porn made him go from hack & fraud to Kino Grandmaster

>steals your video
nothing personel goy, donate to my patreon.

wish I was autistic enough to enjoy it

>stolen footage

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>not using the superior picture

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Who else is Yea Forums approved? Maulers stuff is too long for me

I hope so because then a bunch of morons will buy the game and play mulitplayer and it'll pad my ego to wipe the floor with faggots instead of getting ass raped by the /vg/ and goon crowd.

Who cares if he stole some videos and made like $5000 on it. I mean he might have needed those $1000. It's not like people didn't enjoy his content enough for that $100 to be a fair price.

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dude he LITERALLY steals entire videos and passes them off as his own he is LITERAL GARBAGE.


Oh fuck, that's good. Dominions 5 is full of wacky shit.

Anyone who makes a lets play video for money does the same thing.

There's no way Sseth's viewers have the attention span to get into Dominions multiplayer, they could barely fucking interact with SS13 and that takes way less brainpower than getting into Dominions.

why does mandalore have 2 accounts?



>starcraft review never

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Who cares about stolen footage in reviews?

Review when?

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Black DSP is obnoxious and clickbait garbage
Zen Huxtable is blackino

the only thing i really thought was objectionable was the nicking stories for his dwarf fortress review, but even then dorf fort stories often fall into the same kinds of abject silliness that i didn't think it wasn't his until somebody brought it up


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He's a step below let's players because at least they FLIPPIN PLAY THE DARN GAME! All he does is take other people's footage then spew the general consensus on Yea Forums and yes there is such a thing as a general consensus if you think otherwise you need to LURK MOAR!

are there good waifus to smut in dominions 5?

Mate, he pretends to be Korea to piss off Japanese online. He's not actually one.

Yeah bro thats gonna be a report from me

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there are hot lizard men


haha wow user i've never seen that meme before in the past two months :)


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Probably so
>some nigger who spammed his vids that were loaded with fake-30 something boomer jokes when most of his skits prior to that were just him imprisoned for some reason and forced to play shitty games by Tom Servo and Crow T Robot
Go with what works, I guess.
I don't give a shit what the "general consensus" is in anything. Caring about e-celeb bullshit is gay as hell. Stop sucking cock down at the truck stop, turbofag. You'll catch something that don't wash off.


Only Sseth and Mandalore are approved, the rest can kill themselves. That includes you, Matthew.

His brother is a tranny. (just check comments, don't watch video) (Mike at Easter with Eric) (Mike's channel) (Mike talking about being a crossdresser)

And to make it Yea Forums e-celeb drama related:

i love speedo's work.

>dude he LITERALLY steals entire videos
imagine being such a retard

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I expect lizard smut of the highest quality, seth.
Don't disappoint me.

As long he genuinely hating and shitting on Randy, Civvie is always fine in my book

Seriously sseth review warcraft 3.

what are you talking about, Sseth is white

evenicle review when

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I miss my wives

People who want an excuse to bitch. The only time hes stolen video was when he was telling dwarf fort storys and I think thats fine because hes just trying to sell the crazy shit you can do in it.

What about Lost Technology?

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Matthew is dogshit. Ross is probably the only other Yea Forums approved youtuber, but I find his half life roleplaying videos insanely cringey.
I like tehsnakerer and running shine.

>Sseth used $1200 worth of sponsorship money to commission smuts
>Mandy had Sean Astin to appears in his video
>Matt had his GoW review to be praised by Sony Santa Monica themselves

>he pretends to be Korea
i didn't even know about that and i don't care, i just want him to do a sc review

Yeah sseth should review warcraft 3 that game would skyrocket his youtube channel.

Sseff, Smegmaking, Ross, and HELLO YOU are the only ones I watch sometimes. I don't usually care about video game videos or streamers.

>make unfunny review of a game
>Yea Forums hates you
>make unfunny review of a game full of unfunny Yea Forums memes
>Yea Forums loves you

Translated 2 when?

>this man actually commissioned Olivia porn
Not all heroes wear capes

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Hey hey sseth...
fuck off to your website.

Civvie 11 is not Yea Forums approved he is only /vr/ approved

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Absolutely, warcraft 3 is an amazing pick and a Yea Forums approved videogame it would be an amazing pick as a review.

Dominions is SHIT

Kill yourself sseth you fucking shitcunt


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Yea Forums - e-celeb circlejerking and twitter drama

whos brother?

The 'boomer juice' joke was specifically for the Doom video, as far as I know. The 'imprisoned and forced to play bad games' skit is ongoing, though generally kept low-intrusion.

Him too.

who the fuck hasn't played w3?


people who like the superior Starcraft instead


Magic Carpet

>Matt had his GoW review to be praised by Sony Santa Monica themselves
I don't know if you can be proud of that.

Warcraft 3 is literally Starcraft but better

>Making same game over and over again
Is Illwinter retarded?


Actually kill yourself

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wrong disability

>getting baited

How much did his God Hand hentai collection cost?

Earth Mother for maximum thickness

Like $1200 or something. It shows in the video.

'member Anita?


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>commission artists to draw smut
>it's all western artists

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He also stole a video in the heroes 3 review

it's not easy to commission japanese artists


Thought you fuckers would never talk about him. Every time he reviews some obscure jank as fuck PS1/PS2 game I run after an ISO and emulate it and have a real good time. He's good at being a list of notable janky obscure games if nothing else.

I know that it sounded better in your head


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I'll look forward to all the newfriends to crush in /domg/, then.

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>eater of the dead
oh nonono

Review e.y e retard or any multiplayer game like arma 3 or squad

hey hey people sseth here
review LISA and commission Buddy porn
shit on the creator too

Joseph Anderson, Variabull, Internet Historian, SSeth, Mechagamezilla, ILLREVIEWANYTHING, Salutation Nation, Lazy Game Reviews, Whitelight, Flimsii, Shammy, HeavyEyed, Novacanoe, KrealTube, and Mauler all come to mind

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>implying ULMGODS can be destroyed

>tfw half of these fucks have nasally bri'ish accents that make it physically painful to listen to them blather on about video games
might as well put on some white noise desu

>No one has posted Saint yet
Fags the lot of you

You know spoiling shit is against the rules of Yea Forums right? Fuck off.

I see people mention him here sometimes but he's still pretty underground. He has some of the most unique and coolest video editing on youtube.

>makes fun of africans
>invests patreon money in rule34 for characters with too few porn
Sseth is based

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Mods you have to delete this thread. It's ecelebs.

He's white. He's shown his hands.

>mentioning Saint
quiet, we don't want newfags to find him.

GamingPastime is probably the most chill reviewer out there.

You don't even recognize half of them you dipshit

So we can talk about Projared then, since e celebs can be discussed?

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I like his videos, but he could really do without the corny ass Yea Forums memes and spewing Alt-right dogwhistles every 10 seconds.

>invests patreon money in rule34 for characters with too few porn

That right there is what makes him a real hero. Nothing more frustrating than playing a game with a character that's hot as fuck and then searching online only to find out there's little R34, or worse, that there's absolutely nothing. It's a frustration the likes of which few things in life can achieve.

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excuse you but in your rage you appear to have replied to the wrong person
kindly rectify this situation at once, fagboy

Well i'm from Yea Forums and I review things so...

The fuck is a dogwhistle?


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not much man what's up with you

You don't even recognize half of them you dipshit

Post videos or get out fag

>*gets blown the fuck out by an actual lawyer*
What a fucking retard.

An innocuous statement which is designed to trigger previously indoctrinated bigotry & hatred without being recognized by outsiders for bigotry or hateful speech.

Seething weeb

>He's white

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>you don't recognize
I am glad

theericbutts. The Star Wars crying guy.

wait. his not an African warlord who makes youtube videos to found his child gorilla army?

Based and Jakeypilled
Saintlike is legitimately great

Link channel

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Nip artists are a pain to commission if you're not a Nip yourself. Even more so cause good Nip artists barely ever, if ever at all take open commissions

He's probably a pole living in UK



just learn japanese

Already done

It was photoshop

Some guy who works for Manga Gamer was here back when it was released and said that they'll most definitely pick it up.

This, the real question is will the porn commissions be nelf or space goat

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/vr/ hates him though

loll'ing @ your buttblast
sseth is based

Mother of Monsters
Neter of Many Names
Titan of War and Wisdom
Titan of Serpents and Medicine
the list goes on

>actually defends western 2d porn

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nasally brit detected, please remove those phalluses from your nostrils so you can sound like an actual human being

Fucking Nice

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I'm from dogshit Mississippi my friend. You're welcome to insult my home. I plan on leaving soon.

appear offline doesn't work i'm fuckin' offline
no they're joining through recent players
>*slams controller*
look here LOOK HERE
>*grabs mic*

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the only ones I'd definitively add are Ross and Mechagamezilla (who really doesn't even count as video games at this point.)

I'd add fitz if he still existed.

>e-celeb thread still up
So what was the point of the sticky?

If you're a social being you can.

>Alt-right dogwhistles

Fucking hell not going to watch 2 hours of babbling, i wasted enough time on the original video. Care to give a quick rundown? And most importantly, it's an american lawyer?

That sticky specifically said e-celeb drama. Mods fault for being too specific

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russian jew living in Denmark, iirc

Basically Ross got BTFO'd to the point where he admitted he was wrong.

Ya nigga worrying about eceleb shit there are half a dozen porn threads and /pol/baits at any given moment, mods gave up on this place long ago, even Yea Forums is more moderated

sephirothsword57 is based

i've watched it. iirc they end up agreeing that games as a service probably violate consumer protection law, but isn't necessarily 'fraud' per the legal definition despite being what most people would consider a fraudulent practice per the natural english convention.

so, it's a bit embarrassing for Ross since the entire point of his games as a service vid was to apply the specific term "fraud" to GaaS. but it's not really as if Leonard French came in and told Ross he was a retard, either. btw Leonard French and Ross are both based

>jjoseph hamsterson

He cheats on his wife with his friend's wife and he sends nudes to children. What else needed to say.

>Mauler’s Force Awakens video series is longer than the movie in the first video alone
his autism is entertaining

Yeah he said he was ashkenazi in the stream interview but it's Sseth so it's better to take it with a good amount of salt

This is the second time you used the same bait

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stop shilling your own channel

That just sounds like something the kind of paranoid person who screams /pol/ at anything came up with desu.

He paid for the top tiers of their commission sheets to boot.

I was just going by his last name.

Fuck off gmanlives


Wrong on what, on calling GaaS fraud? Yeah, that was a stretch
He wasn't really wrong on the fact EULA means jack shit compared to the law, and a company cutting off access to a sw you bought is illegal. I'm quite prepared on the matter, had a whole exam on SW legality back in uni.
Long story short, when you get licence to a SW the company has to provide you means to operate, that includes
A SW that does what it's supposed to perform without fault
The ability to backup
Data protection
Those are rights you can disown trough a contract, at least not here, that's why i was wondering if the lawyer is american, you guys tend to prefer big corps to the governament

>stolen footage

Don't you mean pirated footage?

>no replies
lol of course

what's /vr/'s beef with civvie? Is it the fact that he's getting zoomers interested in old shooters?

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Say what you want about the guy but that list of bugs that he comprised on the blood remaster is extensive ( and it also blew the fucking australian dumbass out of the water).
Let's hope NDS takes those complains to heart so that they can improve on the game quickly because refunds are already being made which is a fucking shame and Blood doesn't deserve that after being resurrected.
Maybe they could ask some former monolith devs who worked on the game if they could help them out?

Jews hear nothing but dogwhistles everywhere they go because of inbred schizophenia.

I'm the only one shilling my own channel here bb

everyone knows. nobody cares

He was wrong in that literally every argument he put forward is based on the idea of making a crime that is only a crime whether or not it was the intent of the seller, whereas he was being a retard and believing anyone who sells a service owes him the service in perpetuity.

want a pat on the back for reusing an old joke?

>he wasted a lot of money and objectively mediocre porn! BASED

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the whole boomer shit has basically started sekrit club mentalities that you aren't allowed to play x game(s) unless you're this old

isn't that a good thing?

How much money did you wasted on quality porn?

He is boring. Watch someone actually funny like Upisnotjump

Sseth, you faggot review:

Come back when you spend your money wisely on objectively superior porn and then you can talk shit, wojack poster

let's talk about the music

still not as autistic as that guy that commissioned like $2k of scat porn to false-flag undertale threads with

That's a good thing

spending ad money on hentai commissions was a fantastic PR move after he got caught passing other's people footage an stories as his own, he straight up admitted it in the killstream

he even faked ss13 footage by running a private server, thats a lot of effort to put into when you can just record a normal round

Sseth, if you do your little Hentai stunt again with another obscure waifu I MIGHT forgive you

honestly mandalore's reviews are getting pretty boring. mostly because he keeps reviewing boring games.

>I give someone money on patreon to read other people's jokes over other people's footage just because he uses /pol/ memes... and I whiteknight for free!

Because he called them on the bullshit that you have to memorize every enemy spot in fps games to be good at them.

I mean I'd say it is. The zoomers that get their parents to buy these kind of games for them will keep old shooters alive. I'll take any injection of new blood for this genre we can get

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At least he does some Euro games I've never played. Like the Pathologic one.

I want a SMT2 review now

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Genuinely impressed someone could reach such levels of seethe

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lol what a nigger

Sseth please review Seven Kingdoms 2. Its a game from my childhood that I played a lot and I don't know a single other person in existence who has played it.

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He told in his pro wang series ( in the second vid iirc) that learning the placement of all the enemys in any old school shooter is not required to becoming good at it ( he rather goes for the approach that you should always be ready to get your ass kicked when you enter any room and prepare appropriately).
That and he also called them and I quote "sad and terrible people who will all die alone".
It's a double edged sword yes it brings a lot of attention to the games which itself brings a lot of money for the indie devs which itself will bring more and maybe even better games but it also causes to send masses of shitty people into these small communitys and with it come discussion topics other than the ones about the game that no one wants to talk about or hundreds of scummy dev studios will pop up to try and milk that trend till it dies and who will also ruin some of the legit game devs who try to make games for that nieche market because they will get pushed out of it by people with less talent but more manpower and money.

If you commission more porn get some pinup pieces please

Pretty gud. Rec

I reported this thread but it's not getting deleted. How come? I thought we were finally free of ecelebshit

Do I need to play Rance first? I've had the F95 page open for like a week

You misunderstood the sticky, sweaty.

Hoping this is true, it's the best turn based game since homm3 and the community feels so small

>do i need to play a completely unrelated game?

He has polish gf. No polish man would ever pronounce Żywiec in a way he did.
He's probably from Denmark but lives in either UK or Germanistan.

absolutely based but he's getting way too popular, I think we might have to hate him now

Sseth do chuja pana do witcher 1

>Who is Sinensian

Also fuck off, most jap artists draw with censored cocks/pussies
I still dont understand why they censor their porn

Go back to rebbit, kid

Yeah I think I'm not comfortable with how popular he got.
Sseth? More like seeth because hes mad i don't like him anymore lol owned.

Make it legal to sell and make money off of it. Any doujin or piece they sell at any convention or on a Jap site have to have the genitals censored. Nip law is weird, but it's there. Could probably work out non censored works if you were getting a personal commission though, but that would depend entirely on the Nip in question

>unironically likes sonic adventure

Sinen is technically Korean, so porn is full ban for him.


AK-47, MAC-11, glocks and nines

It's by law

i thought trr died after retard andy and closure of that streaming site

Space Rangers isn't boring.

Well either way. Lets enjoy the shooters while we can.

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>No polish man would ever pronounce Żywiec in a way he did
True, unless he did it on purpose.
But he is probably central or eastern euro thanks to his selection of memes and games he (claims) to played when younger.

He's saying it'll take 15 hours just to finish it. I thought his Dark Souls II critique was excessive.

but I want Dominions3

am i missing something here? he didn't review EU4

Ironically EU4 is one of the worst games in the series to play as a Colonial power. The westernisation system is utter shit.

Is this the eceleb general, then?

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Nothing is excessive if you're dunking on hbomberguy while you're doing it.

I mostly watch hardware shit. And Sseth.

>Sseth was lazy about recording footage for Dwarf Fortress
>Ever since there has been one autist on Yea Forums who will visit every Sseth thread just to screech about it

user, it is time to move on with your life and stop being mad at e-celebs...

30IQ goverment demands censoring genitalia

Crowbcat is s tier just because of the lootbox video

1. Most Japanese artists don't speak English
2. All the good ones are ridiculously expensive. ShindoL is like $5000 for a single strip.

It already happened with Strafe and Immortal Redneck

E-celebs = Yea Forums

>literally don't recognize any of these
Feels good

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I envy you brother, my life would be much better if I had not watched single of these biased critics videos

>God Hand video shows up in recommended
>its boring and no where near as good as the one with the Irish guy at the gym
Whats the appeal of this guy? Unfunny Facebook memes and VPN "i know what that is" humor?

check out the snakerer

Go apply for the joke police and try to get more people like James Gunn get fired for not suiting your tastes

He got a bit soft over the last 2 years. He will never make videos like this anymore

Linus pls

nice post user

>he actually thinks this guy is funny

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Nope, I'm a Steve guy.

I thought it was a sequel or something

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>Whats the appeal of this guy?
Making decent reviews of good games without being an obnoxious cunt.

Every video I've seen this guy do just had him mouth off Yea Forums memes while saying nothing funny or of any substance. Even people on Yea Forums are funny more often than he is. His videos seem pretty shit,and him paying for porn just makes my opinion of him even lower

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The only thing that changed is that he doesnt say nigger anymore

Not too much of a loss there desu

>mouth off
The phrase doesn't mean what you think it means.

Imagine getting buttblasted that he uses someone else's footage for generic gameplay instead of taking time out of making the videos to record it himself.

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Did he ever?

Thanks for fucking up SS13 with floods of faggots.


God bless you my man. We should set up a charity for commissioning smut artists, so we can write it off on our taxes and help everybody else trying to nut desu

LOL at the original jew joke he put in his video so based

Those Jewish man eating devil worshipping giants are such low hanging fruit though.

I miss stanburdman

>Fucked up SS13
>Fucked up God Hand threads
What's next?

>God Hand threads
All 5 of them in the last 2 years?

i absolutely love game dungeon. his half life stuff is mostly meh with few gems. still i like his content lot more than matthewmatosis. DF retro is class too.

u forgot Crowbcat.

So how about Projared huh?

Smart thing to do is release it when MG actually pins a release date to their version.



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Sseth is might and magic 1-5 good or do you only like 6 onwards?

>my favorite youtuber has been in copyright hell for ages now, not being able to release videos
I feel bad for him.

He commissioned the jap artists that you can actually contact in english, which sadly isn't many.


Please fuck off back to /pol/ with your alt-right jokesters

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>makes fun of africans
I mean unlike most people here, Sseth said everything will be ok in Africa if they just work towards getting their shit together.

It's the law, and no one wants to be the politician that unbanned uncensored porn

Cringe and bluepilled


how is he racist?


I hate having cum delivered in my mail

i feel like mandalore's lost some of his touch with his last 3ish videos

Get the stick out of your ass, user. Ethno-history humor has always been hilarious, and I'm not going to let /pol/faggotry ruin it for me just because they conflate it with actual racism these days.

>creates a video attacking and making fun of african american babies and their mothers

Also please leave.

African Americans aren't the majority nor enablers of oppression. Again, please fuck off back to your containment board.

>I'm not going to let /pol/faggotry ruin it for me
Except they're the only ones who enjoy it. You're not fooling anyone by denying you're from there.

he didnt stole ,he just pirated them

thats not racist, its just him explaining what not to do you rude fuck.

>muh sekrit club

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its not racist because hes jewish sweaty

>Except they're the only ones who enjoy it
Nah, racist jokes are almost universally considered funny when you know the person telling them isn't doing it out of hate.

So, has it been a WIP since 2016 or is his next video releasing in 2023? That shit ain't easy.

mad while avatarfagging using a dead western anime

Stop being such an antisemite.

>sweeping generalizations and accusations
You're a better fit for there than I, faggot. Enjoy being an unfunny asshole.

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Westernization was removed years ago nigger

How long have you been waiting to post this?

No not at all, thats just his jokey persona

You couldn't tell from his voice? It was pretty crystal clear he was white, he doesn't have that deep throat african accent

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> african american babies

you mean "black" user, you fucking cuck.

>muh sekrit club
I been playing ss13 since 2011, I enjoy having newcomers, especially since it helps with breaking meta friends and routined patterns.

The ultimate problem comes down to the fact that most people who join refuse to listen to the rules, will grief the rounds nonstop whether intentionally or unintentionally thus creating an overall impact on the enjoyment of the servers. It's a domino effect, veterans who played security stop playing due to being overwhelmed by newcomers, meaning less active security presence for others during crimes committed and more people just doing whatever. I seen servers completely die due to this. Anyone remember Nox Station or Hippiestation?

dog bless

Nice try, next you're probably trying to tell me he isn't actually an Ugandan warlord.

racism is funny

He is alright, but obviously riding the red-pill train.
Doesn't come close to the creativity of Ross.

Unfortunately he is a Jew

Seth is a bit cancerous but I dont see harm on his dumb fanbase throwing money at the Dominion devs

BAKA NA. N-no! White man, no! You can't use an image of a black person. SHAKING. I need to dilate ASAP.

Just anons being anons
I got nothing but good advice when I posted my shit on /doom/

What's with all the esl speakers itt? Are they google bots or retarded zoomers? What's the deal here?

Oh yeah and I hope we can ride that wave and leave it before it crashes into a gigantic rock wall of dissapointment and ruins these type of games for a few years.
Strafe really fucked it up because they didn't really understand how to design the maps properly that and the rougelike doesn't really fi these kind of shooters that one I know but I never heard of Immortal Redneck is it one of these kickstarter Quake clones that promises that the game does everything in the same way and delivers nothing at all?


>ShindoL is like $5000 for a single strip.
Now imagine how much a good artist would cost

A large portion of Sseth's audience are Poles because he said some Polish words in a video.

Thanks for the channel suggestions, Yea Forums. I'm going to systematically watch their vids and unsubscribe to the ones that don't pique my interest.
Any other gaming review channels you can recommend?

Fair use you retard.
He's not using their audio most of the time and when he does he does so with permission

fucking baste, thanks merchants guild

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All footage of games is stolen footage.

E;R is short and sweet Mauler, except the Korra stuff.
Valk ventures are usually good but her reviews are awful and expose her bad taste

>first 10 seconds are about Sargon
>why did you start making videos
>because its fun

Goddamn it Sseth don't go on the Gunt show.

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>it's Sseth
sounds about 400% trustworthy

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It improves dramatically with each iteration. That's all you can ask for in a strategy game with no campaign, really.

Black Pants Legion
Tex is the boomest boomer but he is endearing

Ralph finally admitted he was being a lolcow, checked his ego, and went back to laughing at himself. It'll never quite be as good as it was at peak and he definitely leaches off of more popular guests now, but he saved himself
Andy is just unkillable. The fact that the stand your ground shit didn't end him shows he has whatever DSP has that makes his career immortal

>The analog stick is inferior to the direction pad. I don't care what you say, it's slower. I know all you young retarded kids out there like analog sticks, but trust me, gimme a d-pad any day of the week

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Matthewmatosis/Mechagamezilla podcast soon boys
Can't wait

>sseth thread
>not /pol/
kys, nigger

Where is Sseth from? I heard he's danish somewhere but i've never heard a scandinavian speak such flawless english

>eceleb thread
>is everyone a retarded zoomer?
Do the math.

He's Danish but be grew up talking to Americans playing games.
His accent peaks out a bit more in his early videos before he found his 'voice'

Wakanda's1 outside walls

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I can tell he’s a fellow Dane on the way he shits on Germany and Sweden occasionally

dude, this guy is white as snow
voices mean nothing


I think dahootch is the only nip artist that is both well known and has open comissions
And to get a comission out of him you have to donate heavily to his patreon

That's an international sport so hardly an indicator.

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fuck rules and fuck admins, you know what server im talking about

You want fucking Miura to draw your Olivia porn or something?

>tfw big Dominions 5 fan
>Gonna have to join a bunch of games before the youtube retards watch his vid and join games en masse and quit after a week.
Feels bad. At least this will probably help the game's health in the long run.

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>not joining those newbie games en masse as ermor

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In a sea of le angery reviewers xDD, Jakey's wholesome videos are a welcome alternative.

>bragon row prey

I want to bully him and then cuddle

Not based or Yea Forums approved after that Anthem shitshow; which, mind you, he only got away with because he was able to use people's blind hatred of EA to get himself out of that mess. Also he shilled that broken version of Blood by Night Dive. Not based at all. Thank Christ a real Yea Forums approved e-celeb like Civvie called out that faggot.

that's Yea Forums not Yea Forums

He linked a pirated copy of God Hand for free, that's technically a bigger crime than stealing footage of Dwarf Fortress or whatever.

Yeah? Does Mecha do a Patreon-exclusive podcast these days?
I've been refreshing the tumblr page for years at this point.

>IF they tried

why do people keep posting this image?

>he didn't watch the origin story

because hey hey people

The reason the faggot thinks that is because he operates on a doom mentality and can't verbalize what he's actually doing, where you can be ace on any wad that gets released on UV thanks to the skills you build to pay the bills in the doom engine. If you want to be top tier in build engine games, you have to know enemy placement TO A DEGREE on the exact same principle.

It works on a similar principle in doom, but not quite. If you've played a crapload of doom, you start to notice certain patterns that wad producers make. You can start to expect tripwires, monster closets, fake walls, all that shit. Same thing in build engine games, you can start to subconsciously pick up cues that tell you when the shit is going to hit the fan.

/vr/ is loaded with zoomers pretending to be boomers and dumbshit millenials who can't articulate this sensation so they say you have to memorize enemy placement. You don't, you just have to lean how to pick up the cues that tell you when enemies are about to show up. They're just different in build engine games because the atmosphere is so totally different between doom and dick kickem and Lo Wang's Mystery Tour and Englishman Pretending to be a Southerner Tears Ass through Hammer Horror and 80's Slasher Flicks.

>ashkenazi jew
i dunno what this means as i'm no yurojanker

>"Let's try this one first since it's free to play"
>as there's a brief shot of him scanning a GOG setup with malwarebytes
Wish he had more videos, some of them are just rapid fire jokes wearing you down until some dumb line sets you off laughing like an idiot

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but internet historian isn't really Yea Forums focused, though

African Americans cant be racist