
yoship BTFO cunnyposters
Why aren't you playing the most based mmo?

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Other urls found in this thread:


reminder that you don't have to combo to generate enmity

Attached: rage of halone.png (358x163, 30K)

reminder that warriors never do anything wrong and shitting on your local warrior is unjustifiable
we are stuck in the wrong class category and it is not our fault
warrior is NOT a tank

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Reminder that "additional effect: increased enmity" just means you generate aggro equal to the amount of damage you dealt times 3.
>300 potency of enmity versus 810 potency enmity

so much outrage now that they confirmed they'll never ever make Alphinaud's body type playable

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A rage halone that does 270 potency generates a hell of a lot more enmity than 100 potency. I dont even know why you are using enemity gcds though

Find a flaw.

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>10 people in Idylshire
>half are AFK
This fucking sucks man.

Good riddance to Rhalgr's shithole though.

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Reminder that your first attack in the combo doesn't generate any enmity anyway.

How the shit does he justify Lalafells?
>lol they're totally adults even though they look like children and are only played by pedophiles

SCH here. This guy speaks the truth.

>Lyse didnt die.
The only saving grace was that we got the best miqote.

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>look like children
Have you ever seen a child?

All damage generates enmity.

We knew that since hw when they said no to loli catgirls, but wahhh mah shota bunnies wah.

>removed half the skills
>all the new skills suck
>raids are just repeated mechanics for half the fights
>commiefornia servers
>predictable story

They are basically pudgy children and only appeal to pedos.
They certainly don't look like IRL midgets.

>I dont even know why you are using enemity gcds though
enmity ogcds don't exist.
provoke only puts you +1 over the other tank and you need an enmity generation gcd to secure a tank swap.

enjoy having the black mage taking the boss during your tank swap bro

Anyone know where I can find the .wavs for these act triggers?

jack missed rage of halone

They didn't though. Not that we will anyway because of yoshi's autism.

>16 year old shota

>That part where you decide to attack Doma Castle
>Expect a bunch of quests leading up to it with tons of preparation
>Game practically jump cuts to the battle
The pacing there was completely fucked

yiff in hell furfag

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Shit they confirmed that? Was holding out hope they'd eventually add a potato-kittyboi race. Guess I'll never resub now.

no more short and slim bunny boys due to legal reasons

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>what is shirk

one less pedo

>what is DA Plunge
>Dark Passenger
>Defiance Equilibrium
>OT Shirk
>what is literally just doing your rotation competently after your aggro opener
go back to DPS

Blame Sony.

They would never have looked like that anyway, bunnyfags are so delusional.

Literally looks like a catboy

Both new races are half assed flipped assets that look like trash tho

>dps loss
>relying on other people
>doing an enmity combo and calling it "doing your rotation competently"
provoke->rage of halone + ogcds->holy spirit casting is the way to go my dude

its the male miqo'te concept. they obviously could not do this type due to law

Attached: MiqoteConcept.jpg (520x677, 59K)

There was this image/set of a lalafell getting married to a human, anyone have that?

fuck man. i can't think of a viera name. they are all over the place like mjrn or valentyne from tactics. should i say fuck it and just go with what sounds cute or whatever?

Post Lalafell pics

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I played the first 10 levels and most of it was running around a city handing items to other people .Got bored as fuck. Barely seems to be any dungeons either

Wait until the naming conventions come out so you don't end up as some shitter with a lore breaking name.

we didn't get them because they look something like that if matsuno told yoshi he could just stick bunny ears on highlanders he would've made them

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There's 60+ dungeons in the game.

xiv designer is a woman and made them cute, so they didn't do it, viera should be crazy hunters, not fucking catboys #2
Should have listened to matsuno and made them ugly like highlanders


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>lore breaking name
like half the XIV population?

>legal reasons
How is this more pedo than lalafell or minimum height aura?

Yeah, don't end up like them.

I've been trying to get back into Pagos after release week and it is pure suffering. I reached level 25 solo so far and it is exhausting as fuck. No friends/FC.

Because Lalafell are chibis, not children. And Au Ra are just Japanese height. Stop being a fucking retard.

>not shotaposters
The gay pedos were the most vocal about wanting shota viera.

well they seem to be based on slovakian names so that is what i will choose

>muh single piece of concept art

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Hug your lalafell tight, bros. They won't be there much longer.

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>can't have children in violent or sexual situation
>have a character that was a child prostitute and abused

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>he thinks the Japanese will remove the cute chibi race they love because western psychos think a pedophile somewhere might sexualize them

>made a lore breaking name even though Gridania mommy told me not to
>now at level 60 I'm getting the urge to use my Freebie Fantasia just for a name change

I hope so.

I think this is it.

You never see any of that happening, retard.

fantasia don't change the name though

Genuinely the sole reason I don't play FFXIV any more is because there's no race that looks like alphinaud/alisaie. I guess this means they're avoiding that to please American feminists.

Well, have fun pleasing them without my sub fee, I guess

>even though they look like children
Honestly? My first reaction upon seeing a lala was "midget race". Them being kids has never ever come to mind for me. Helps that the story has them groping QT redheads in bars really early on

Unfortunate, but not unfortunate for them to get my money and pay for a name change

how can they get away with this?

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>avoiding that to please American feminists.

What? Xiv's female playerbase loves playing as fembois

The dragon saves her and CERO hadn't gone full retard yet

>stop asking for padjal guys they're children!
>min height aura is literally the same height
Slimmer miqote is more pedo than padjal? Sounds like you're just trying to justify your attraction to children.

You can put anything you want in a patch and get away with it

If we cant have male viera due to "lore" reasons, then my character(male viera) will disappear(unsub) from xiv due to lore reasons


Nobody even mentioned Padjal you strawmanning nigger. And they're literally people whose bodies stopped aging as children so it's not quite the same thing. Lalafells and Miqo'te are fully grown adults of their races.
>Sounds like you're just trying to justify your attraction to children.
Get help you fucking psycho.

I bet SHB will flop. Flop hard. Because release date is too close to WoW Vanilla and because SE is in bad state.
All SE games flopped and now XIV is the only source of income for them. So they will milk their players and will cut costs on development.

And WoW Classic will be HUGE thing on MMO market and will draw auditory from EVERY mmo in the world because it is alpha and omega of the genre.

Actually we already can see difference between old XIV and NEW. For example new race in XIV is literally prostitutes without story, lore and logic.
And wow has cool new races with awesome style and deep lore.

So... SHB is already dead and SE with it.

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>Implying DRK ever has MP problems
>implying there is never a need to stance dance for aggro resets
Stay in expert roulette and let the big boys talk about things beyond you

>Xeno calling out shitters like Mr.Happy, MTQ and others who rush their shitty guides

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take your meds user

but my female dwarf is married to a big aura guy
will she disappear

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Dungeons start at level 15 but your MSQ needs to be at that point.

DRK does have MP problems and I didn't say anything about stance dancing, I explicitly implied you should stay in dps stance.

>new races won't be able to equip most head pieces
>barely finished the trailer a few days before fanfest
>Soken didn't take a break in order to finish sound/music
>benchmark delayed
>only shown 1 Viera face for all promo

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Is that stephen colbert


but xeno is also a retard, kept seeing him get killed by siphon from the primephelas NM in hydatos, then graduated to failing the first bosses in BA

>people whose bodies stopped aging as children
>the same size as female aura
So which is it? Are aura pedoshit or are padjal """asian height"""?

Min height au ra can still have very noticeable tits and hips.

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Nigger are you fucking stupid? Au Ra don't stop aging as children, they're just naturally shorter the same way Asians are. Padjal are born as Hyur and then their aging freezes usually before they reach they're teens. They are physically children, Au Ra are not.

Nintendo don't care about censorship as much as Sony does. What went wrong with Sony?

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He's right I guess, MrFaggy ruined all tsuku ex parties with his retarded strats.

Look at this entitled piece of shit. Maybe you'd have an argument if this game was pay to play and had a cash shop.

Moved their HQ to California.

Feminists are the ones who cry for depictions of fictional teenagers to be censored. Women deeply envy anyone younger than them.


Based America changing the global games development market!!!

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>Because release date is too close to WoW Vanilla
I know this guy is a baiting retard, but for the rest of you lot who might be new, this was unavoidable. Blizzard deliberately holds release dates for the sole purpose of attempting to cuck their competitors.

>scuffed the entire expansion
>wasted time in shitty savage groups
>refused to do ultimates for the longest time leading to bad groups later that couldn't do anything with any sort of consistency
>chickened out on bald arse
>now have no really good parses or ultimate clears to my name and not really any gear to do anything real until the expansion
>have no one to blame but myself

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Cali cancer

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>DA Plunge is literally the most efficient use of DA that isn't C&S or Grit Bloodspiller
>DP is a 40 damage potency loss, but a 360 effective aggro potency gain over any standard DA usage
>Fell Cleave is only 0.11 more potency-per-gauge than Onslaught when you consider average combo potency and gauge gain of other GCDs
>Unchained, or just do it while the boss is untargetable
>just literally do your DPS combo and you'll hold aggro unless you have a Black Mage who simultaneously is great at their rotation and doesn't know what Diversion/Lucid is

>angry pedos

man and after yoshi explicitly called the fuckers out on it too.

i think im just going to name my viera, viera.

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Same, at least I got good parses in o9s,o10s,o11s before the echo.
I'm still angry at myself for not trying to do ultimate.

Shut up Lord Darkmatter

>>new races won't be able to equip most head pieces
You were saying, faggot?

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Zenos plotline was a clusterfuck. Just let the man stay dead.

It feels good to be unsubbed from this game. It gets more AMERICAN'd by the day.

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Thank you holy shit

>AR roulette
>Rescue guy into Ancient Flare
>sprint to safety
>he dies
>blame a misclick

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I have never seen a child that looks anything like a Lalafell

>draw a child
>call it an """asian"""
so you're a retarded pedo gotcha

Four years ago, someone wished on the monkey paw that FFXIV would dethrone World of Warcraft.

Here we are. This is what happens when the main audience becomes America.

Idylshire is ny favorite town. It's usually somewhat populated on Midgar though

i feel like we've seen 3 faces at least

although honestly the first two may be the same face with some different cc options

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why are normalfags so insecure about being pedophiles?

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Good, one less pedo

god most of those hairstyles are so fucking good

hello there insecure guilty pedo

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it is just one seething furfag thinking his degeneracy is better than other people's degeneracy

What the fuck is Dogpile?

Lurk 2 years before posting.

Yet theres a ton of rugged, beastly fanart of male Viera that both males and fujos would be clawing over, no bun intended. Why didn't we get those?

Do you happen to know if there are others? That link is missing Battle Litany, Chain Stratagem, and the Nael Callouts

I really doubt people would stomach viera for too long, no way in hell the limp wristed fags that play this game would get turned on by tall female models, brown skinned females no less kek

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is vina saventyne a good viera name?

The vast majority of player Viera will be short, plae-skinned, have disgusting multi-colored neon hair, and will wear the most generic slut outfits possible

Stop deluding yourself. XIV isn't even close to dethroning WoW.

Oh sweaty...

How are you enjoying BfA?


Hes right that guide makers shit out unfinished guides, but hes also unhealthy for the community too by making his silly minmaxed DPS strats instead of safe strats that work for the most people to clear.


Honestly not sure, it is from this person. twitch.tv/deadcatfish
It might be private stuff or something.

The models in XIV have no ass and lack any defined body parts. Sexualization in XIV is like putting a stick figure in a bikini. What are people gonna do? Spam /sit with coffee table backsides? Not like theres already thousands of fanart of these races with more built parts.

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>muh ass

Xeno's guides do use safe pug strats.

How come they haven't showed already the hrothgar's artworks?

>people are now praising YoshiP for going back on his promise to not make genderlocked races anymore
No wonder the game is declining.

>you cant dress her yet
Cmon Yoshi... hope tuesday patch solves this serious issue.

Because the Viera concept art was shown way back in Heavensward when they were discussing other races that were considered for that expansion.

because highlander with bunny ears isn't canon if yoshi was allowed to do something that lazy he would've done it

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When did he promise to never do it? All I've ever seen is him saying it was dumb, but never anything about never doing it again

Didja guys clear the most well realized MMO fight in the history of MMOs.

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Lyse was annoying and the story was fucking garbage. They should have never put in two liberation stories in one, it only served to fuck up both by making them super small scale liberations. I wish Doma had gotten it's own expac with more areas. Fuck Ala Mhigo.

>Mr. Crappy

How is it not canon? He decides what is canon in his universe.

>Retainers are per character, not per account.
>Release my inner jew as I level up two new characters just so I can get 24 retainers as 8/8/8 miner/botanist/combat to farm items like a madman

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Wait for them to come out.
Hit random name a couple times to get the idea about their names

You forget Balmung ERP is the most vocal about this shit

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Recognized maybe, but far from best.

people want male viera a lot, but everyone has a different idea of what they want them to look like, some want them be manly, others want them to be boyishly handsome and others want them be shotas for some reason, I see arguments that they need to be bif and /fit/ to survive in the jungle, but Xaela women do just fine in a savage warrior culture and they can be about 4'10
so I am going ask anyone who actually wants male viera, what do you want them to look like?

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It is the best.

>Have places like the royal menagerie and AM's capital to make a great 70 area.
>Make them part of a shitty dungeon and nothing else.

i already bought the name change. i'm confident they will just be slovakian names.

how about Veis Nemethova?

>what matsuno said isnt canon

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>joke tweet is canon

I now understand how the DRG animation lock feels. I will no longer make fun of them.
There should at least be some higher dodge chance while the animation is playing desu. It feels so wrong that jump makes DRG more vulnerable.

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Hrothgar, but with bunny ears


>tfw male viera will either be mhiggers but with bunny ears or giraffes with bunny ears
has anyone actually considered that viera aren't actually at all interesting? you know FFXIV is dull when the thing most people are excited for in ShB is femelezen with bunny ears
they even share the same neck problems people screech about femelezen having

>Play hrothgar healer
>Never rez male cats

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I think its less pronounced than Elezen.

Based sony.

Never cared about them, I wanted insect girls.

XIV's playerbase cares about cosmetics above all else. Compare the absolute outrage of the genderlocked Viera to contentlocked BLU.


>yoshi complaining xiv designs were too cute
What about it? doesn't have anything to do with matsuno

Everything generates enmity. Point is to generate tons of enmity, not a sliver that's instantly stolen by DPS, diversion has long cooldown.
In three GCDs:
Spamming halone three times generates 2100 potency worth of enmity and 300 potency damage.
Doing the actual halone combo generates 3313 potency worth of enmity and 580 potency damage.
If you want to quickly get enmity in one GCD when it gets stolen, you use shield lob or flash, not halone, and secondly you've failed your basic role by that point.

matsuno has literally zero say on anything xiv he does not own the idea of viera

Both types, like Highlander/ Midlander. There's no reason we can't have that aside from the dev team being lazy incompetent fucks.

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>I explicitly implied

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I'm guessing she is still involved in the story somehow

This kinda makes me feel bad for the dev team. They wanted to make something cool and new, but the fans just wanted viera.

Anyone on primal want to do something?

Loli posters are too powerful so they’re trying to shut us down but it’s too late

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>we wanted to make something original
>the entire expac is reused assets or crossovers
Bring Tanaka back, please.

Their idea of new were cat Roegadyn, and people already don't play regular Roegadyn a whole lot.

Hrothgar are them trying to be original and it's just male roes with tiger heads. They do the bare minimum for everything in XIV and then Yoshida comes up with an excuse to justify it.

>its a book episode
>its a light farm episode
Oh fuck why did I decide to do another one of these

you assume that, but I'm willing to bet they will suffer from the same problems elezen do when looking at things around them
>Both types
the only race that actually has meaningful subrace differences is Hyur, the rest are mere color swaps or have a very slight difference (like lalafell and their eyes or cats and their fangs)
the subraces were such a missed opportunity, the differences between them are just so fucking basic apart from Hyur
doesn't help the character creator is fucking shit, why are shit like beards locked to face/race?

That makes literally no sense.

Hug your lolis before California takes them away

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>the guy who doesn't want to make cute males is going to ignore matsuno wanting to make them highlanders and tell designers to make them cute anyways

>Being a retard that doesn't mod your game

What are roasties going to do when lolibots make them obsolete

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