I play as female because i want to watch a womens ass while playing!

>I play as female because i want to watch a womens ass while playing!

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Why did the spammers take this guys name?

I've seen like 8 variations of it over the past week.

I play as female because I love taking it deep in the ass.

It's one guy, moron. It's a trip.

>"Traps aren't gay"

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AS long as balls dont touch yes

Trips can be cracked.

I've never actually thought about "why"
I kind of just instinctively pick one. Sometimes it's the dude, sometimes it's the girl.
Most times the game doesn't even have it as an option.

Do you guys think I'm cute?

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i like to take female character we offers a real diference in a multiple choice story

I only see people like you always saying this, never the people you're talking about.

>tfw I did exactly that because I made a cute waifu
>ended up having to stop playing and fap because I made her too goddamn hot.

That being said Sunset Overdrive was fun times. I should go back and finish it. Shame the PC port doesnt have multiplayer

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Idk what this mean

based tripfag exposer

I hate how when everytime some retarded OP brings up this argument he sorely focus on the sexual implications of choosing a female character.

Especially when he's willing to ignore the possible desire to create a character with his story and personality who can be totally alien to the player's opinions and sexual orientation.

It's like shaming a writer for creating a murderous character and accusing him to be a serial killer, or saying that lara croft is a game for girls, when it's widely known that the appealed to a lot of young boys who were still developing their sexuality.

After this statement i can say that the opinion OP presented it's not only petty and ignorant, but also childish and tells a lot about OP lack of creativity and his personal fears of being accused of something of that he isn't.

After all, this thread wouldn't exist if it wasn't for OP's need to validate his faggy opinions.

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I modded BOTW so I could dress linkle up in cute outfits

when can we permaban tripfags, lads?

tranny thread

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I love Chara!!

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What does any of that have to do with raising a daughter?

would impregnate

Nobody wants a discussion about trannies you /pol/ack

Kill yourself, Kike.

Someone posted these for absolutely no monetary compensation

>My main is a female because she has a fun move-set

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fuck of and die you homoass doublenigger tripcunt

I unironically want to be a girl but aren't crazy enough to become a tranny and be depressed for life.
At least let me pretend in a fucking videogame.

Well, that's a dumb reason.

I just play as girls because I want to be one.

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>a womens

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>90% of the cast is female characters
>including your main
What do?

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do you not realize the irony of what you posted?

Literally only ever heard this complaint from Americans. You faggots cannot live without self inserting. It's Americans who came up with cultural appropriation thinking people self insert as a race. It's Americans who worry about heroes being role models and bitch the most about Shinji being a pussy in EVA.
Nobody else gives a shit. Stop being so insecure.

Underrated post

I still dont main the females because I'm not gay

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>I play as a dude because im a dude

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go dilate

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>tripfag is retarded

I prefer hearing a female voice I dont know why

Kill yourself, Kike.

Skullgirls is the only game I main male characters in BECAUSE I'm gay.

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Are you the same guy from yesterdays morrowind thread?

What games let me play as a cute femboy?

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If you can look at a man's clothed ass without feeling violently sick, can you truly call yourself heterosexual?

Guilty Gear

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go back to r*ddit faglord

I pick girl characters because their pretty. I also do not project like you fags do. I do not put myself in the game.

Top kek

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After looking at man ass long enough its good to get a feminine booty view.

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as least post a female ass, I can count the numer of poligons in your pic

Based and AGP-pilled

Hows this, you insufferable faggot?

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I like making male characters.
I like making female characters.
Having a headcanon for what a characters supposed to act like makes it the best. Like in blood borne I try to act like a guy constantly going through new game plus to find a cure. A constant loop to find a solution.