110,000 votes have been counted, how do you feel about the list?
Yea Forums's Top 100 Games
Feels like a waste of time. Ranking games like this is completely pointless.
People have fun with it though, so it's better than the usual garbage Smash faggotry that gets spammed 24/7 on here
Why are Mario and Zelda so incredibly overrated?
They aren't, the fact that nobody can agree on what game in the franchises are the best proves that all of the games are amazing. If you ask someone their top 3 Mario or Zelda games, the result will be different every single time
That's a very flawed logic. It only means different entries have different appeal/are liked by different people.
No it's not, for every other series like Metroid, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Resident Evil, Castlevania & Metal Gear everyone agrees on the best & worst games in the series. Nobody agrees on anything with Zelda, which is why the fanbase is so fucking cancerous
Sure, it's something. I'm just grumpy about these kinds of lists being by the nature of them more or less not a good representation of the real world. It's like those reading lists at goodreads. Filled to the brim with classics and what is perceived to be intelligent literature, whatever that means, but in reality those books are not nearly as popular as they would seem. And I'm sure as fuck it's the case for these here too.
Popularity isn't everything, games that are popular on Yea Forums are not as popular outside this board. This is merely a representation of this board's taste
pokemon red was that good? thought it was a glitchy mess.
theres no such thing as a best game, but neir is way too high
>merely a representation of this board's taste
This is what I doubt. This board as a strong meta when it comes to taste. Or rather displaying a certain kind of taste.
I wonder how the list would shift if it was possible to control for last replays for example.
> After nearly 14 hours of voting, it all ends up coming down to Mario 64 & OOT at the top
why is nier automata so high? the game was good i get it but what the hell?
Because Tarofags consider it the citizen Kane of gaming, apparently the story is so good that it trancends the genre
absolute garbage
Not even worth a you, post your top 100 games & then come back
>37 of the 114 are Nintendo
>even more if we consider third-party exclusives/timed exclusives to Nintendo platforms like RE4, REmake, Banjo-Kazooie, and Viewtiful Joe
>specifically distinguish the Gamecube version of Soul Calibur 2 over the other versions, even though the only difference is the guest character
If this isn't enough proof that this place is Nintendogaf, I dunno what is.
Nintendo makes the best games plain & simple, Sony has no dedicated fanbase since all of their franchises are dead. All they have are Soulsfags, but they are pre-existing fans. It's ironic that still Sony fans make up 95 % of the shitposting on this board
yeah and enjoy your dead thread faggot
I get all that. My comment on the inherent pro-Nintendo bias here was not an endorsement of Sony by any means. You gotta admit that specifically listing the Gamecube version of SC2 is pure fanboyism, though.
I agree that people are inherently biased towards Nintendo, but i feel that's because they have the most accessible games
>nier automata that high
so official
fallout 3 wasn't even eligible you fag. that's supposed to be fallout 2.
>for every other series like Metroid, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Resident Evil, Castlevania & Metal Gear everyone agrees on the best & worst games in the series
For some of these, this is either not true, or there are not enough entries for it to be a meaningful distinction.
Shit, made a typo. Will fix that
Autistic tarofags upvoting their shitty game. you could vote multiple times so there was basically no limit
The poll was shit. It didn't even have stuff like Bayonetta or GTA: Vice City yet you could vote for garbage like Katawa Shoujo. Nevermind the fact that it was rigged
Just look at the top 3 and you know the list is shit.
Neirs on their twice ya retard.
> It doesn't have my favorite game so it's shit
as expected of entry-level taste
>21: Nier Automata
>3: Nier Automata
Where can i vote?
>last year's list
It has favorite game in there and it's still shit
I didnt take the survey because it's a waste of time. you can safely scrap the top ten out as they are just autists spamming the survey to bloat the numbers regarding the game they champion.
>not a single fighting game in there
Why list the number of "votes" in the header when it's a largely meaningless metric given the poll's weird format?
List the number of voters instead, since that's the actually useful stat when determining how robust it is and when comparing it to past and future polls.
haha nevermind finally ST and soulcal made it in
the only fighting games eligible were Street Fighter 2 and Smash lmao
>all those missing jrpg franchises
>No God Hand anymore
End of an era. How disappointing.
i said fighting game
>Yea Forums make fun of hamsterson
>Yea Forums's list is even more bad and safe
>Dark Souls dropped from 1 to 12
>all because a new FromSoft game came out so they're too popular to like now
Fuck this board, who the fuck cares what they think.
god hand wasn't even included in the poll
Number of voters was 1,300
post more charts
i need something to play
Souls cuck seething.
It's posted periodically & 10 games are added each time, are you satisfied with these being the newest additions?
> 1. God of War 2
> 2. Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
> 3. Bayonetta 2
> 4. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
> 5. Rune Factory 4
> 6. World of WarCraft (Classic)
> 7. The Binding of Issac
> 8. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Outcast
> 9. Valkyria: Chronicles
> 10. Return to Castle: Wolfenstein
Replace Wolfenstein with Rome Total War
>popular vote
>Yea Forums list
what did you expect? ask a very average gamer to list his favorite games and it would be something like this:
>FIFA / Madden
>Need For Speed
>Street Fighter / Tekken
>Resident Evil
ask a tendie / vtard
>Smash Bros
>another Zelda
>Fire Emblem
>another Zelda
Literally could not be made to be more generic.
When are people going to learn that literally every "top video games" list is exactly the same?
That's even worse
Bayo 2 is the only one I personally care about there.
>no Kirby Air Ride
you failed me, Yea Forums
>SSBU rank 38
it's been like 5 months. hasn't the hype died down yet?
Should put that in the image somewhere when you edit out typos etc.
>(110,000 votes; 1,300 voters)
Will be helpful five years from now when future fags are cataloguing the old lists.
I feel disgusted n64 was trash
>1. Ocarina of Time
Very happy about this, it really is a phenomenal game.
>2. Super Mario 64
Never actually played it despite having an N64 as a kid. I've heard it's a big deal though so fair enough.
>3. Some weeb shit
This is a joke right?
>4. Some more weeb shit
What a disappointment.
>5. Zelda: ALttP
Never played it. Looks kinda cool I guess but I don't think I could ever get into it. Looks pretty different from the 3D Zeldas. I've watched speedruns of it though and I find that interesting.
>6. Super Mario World
Yeah that's a pretty good game. I personally wouldn't rank it so high but it is a good game.
>Metroid Prime in 15th but the top Halo game is all the way down in 61st
Metroid Prime is a cool game, don't get me wrong, but Halo was a phenomenon (by the way I agree with putting Halo 2 above Halo CE). On Metacritic, Metroid Prime and Halo CE both have a 97. Oh well, I guess Yea Forums has far too many weebs, unfortunately, which is probably why Prime is much higher on this list than Halo. I think Prime should be lower than Halo 2, Halo 3, and Halo (probably in that order), personally.
Its garbage as usual, fucking weeaboos and their console trash
> BBBUT Weebs
Anime website, go back to /Reddi/t if you cannot cope with that
Most people like either Super or Prime, but it's still not entirely settled between those two.
>Final Fantasy
There's no consensus on the best Final Fantasy game.
There's DEFINITELY no consensus on the best Pokemon game.
I voted over 1000 times and ignored Zelda every fucking time, how did it still win
>Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Resident Evil
>everyone agrees on the best & worst games in the series
There's already a normalfag list on the internet with 41k voters, it looked exactly the same. Nintendo makes the best games
> 1. OOT
> 2. Skyrim
> 3. Mario 3
> 4. Mario World
> 5. Mario 64
> 6. San Andreas
> 7. Mario Bros
> 8. ALTTP
> 9. Red Dead 1
> 10. FF7
> 11. Tetris
> 12. TLOU
> 13. Pokemon Gen 1
> 14. ME2
> 15. GoldenEye
> 16. Fallout 3
> 17. Chrono Trigger
> 18. Mario Kart 64
> 19. Bioshock
> 20. RE4
Deus Ex, Xenoblade Chronicles, Ace Attorney, Ghost Trick, and any SMT or Persona game are definitely not generic "top video games" picks.
Almost Every single list on the internet ends with Final Fantasy VI at the top
It's the best franchise ever, everyone loves Zelda. It will always win
>nier automata on third place
This board is full of dumb niggers with a 2deep4u complex
I've seen lists with every game from I to X at the top. There's no consensus.
Sure about that? (Yes i realize this image is 2 months old)
No it isn't. We're not going anywhere.
How many times do you have to post this bait? You get continually BTFO'd every single time
Is Nier Automata actually that good? I assumed it was just a fapbait game but jt looks like a lot of people liked it.
Should the other Nier games be played first?
What's the obsession with Nier: Automata? Like it's a good game, but borderline best ever? Shit opinion.
It is a masterpiece compared to all of the other garbage that's released this gen. But compared to all RPGs in general it's a 8/10 at best
How is anyone supposed to have a ladder for items where one is favored over the other individually? You can't rank items in such an order where one triumphs over the other. It's illogical. You can only ever really have a set collection of favorite items that are preferred equally as much over other collections or individual units.
>weebs thinking they btfo anyone at anything
My sides are currently orbiting Jupiter.
where's bayonetta 1 retard?
rune factory 4 was already in. for fucks sake fix your shitty poll dude. arkham asylum and american McGee's Alice were posted twice
Why the fuck don't you add Skyrim to the list already you biased faggot?
>GTA III not even included
>DMC 1 not even included
Fuck off faggot
>boatloads of kiddieshit like Mario and Zelda topping the list
Fuck it, I missed the time when Yea Forums wasn't a safe space for sõy manchildren and nu-male zoomers who worshipped Nintendo for easy Internet nerd creds, this place has become as mainstream as 9GAGS these days.
Comparing this list against last year's, what the fuck went wrong with Yea Forums? Can we safely conclude that this board has a record breaking infestation of Nintendies? You can literally smell the söy from miles away by looking at the list. We really need a new quarantine board for toddlers.
Seething, see