Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?

Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?

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I am jerking my dingdong to vidya ass.

>Overwatch has been out for 3 years
>Lore still hasn't progressed past the first cinematic

Fucking LOL

This, just watch pron

Just keep buying OW content and playing for another 3 years, user. That's how you unlock more plot.


I'm getting older and the lack of movement acceleration seriously fucks up my aim against small hitboxes, AD spam is pretty cancer. Also I'm tired of GOATSE

Just brocken

I like Team Fortress 2 more.
No offense.

Because it's ass

Because Total Mayhem isn't in the arcade

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The porn is much better

I don't understand how, it hasn't been good since 2009.

Got boring with the retarded balance and lack of new game modes

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It is a bad game. only thing good was the porn and that is dying off due to tumbler censorship.
Now fuck off tranny and go dilate.

Mayhem is the ONLY mode I can have any fun with

Its shit.

The community is so passive aggressive it makes me turn into a raging lunatic in real life

>nigger shit

I dilated it from my computer.

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>he wouldn't fuck that
Holy homosexuality

because i don't need to do such thing in order to enjoy the porn

>people paid for Overwatch

>Why are you not playing Overwatch, user?
I'm not a bitch.

Blizzard would probably make more off doing Overwatch porn than the actual game at this point.

was too busy watching the gook titans get BTFO by super and sinatraa