Hey this game seems to have a great plo-

>hey this game seems to have a great plo-

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Other urls found in this thread:



And a fuckable gender-confused shrine "maiden."

Deja vu. I have been in this thread before

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>tfw you realize you're stuck in a time loop of this thread

why does she sit like that?


Nice screenshot

>the tranny got his dick wet before MC did
Based Japan

literally stop the car

steer right for 1 less casualty

Great now I'm wondering what Mayushii's asshole looks like

What ethnicity are the people on the street? This is important for the decision

What gaem?

This is already a timeline where he's not a tranny anymore


First option, with both passengers on driver side bailing out the vehicle

why is the self-driving car going that fast?

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All of the people on the street are black, but all of the people in the car are jews

It can't stop see the site here


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Generally the idea behind these is that the car lost its brakes or something so it can't stop

>This Thread shouldve stayed dead.jpeg
OP is a huge fag again, surprise surprise

duh, but no one in this thread has actually played the game so they wouldn't know that

Why does this exact shot keep getting posted when there must surely be shots of this scene actually captured from the screen itself instead of by someone's phone?

Because I can idiot.

Who the fuck would put a barrier in front of the crosswalk?

Ok you lost your brakes, then blast your horn and shit so the people at least run, I mean they almost made it, how slow can they be.

Hit the pedestrians then crash into the wall.


What do morals have anything to do with stopping a car? If you're worried about what shape or color person you'd rather hit, you're doing a shitty job at bringing the car to a halt.

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Really makes you think

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Oh yeah? How about this one?

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sharp turn left, clipping the back quarter panel on the barrier, flipping the car and taking all of them out

> the self-driving car with sudden brake failure

>being an attention-seeking nigger
Kill yourself.

I want to be Makise Kurisu’s pet

OMG guys when I posted this pic I was actually looking for an initial D pic and this was the closest I had. Thank you guys for so many (you)s and the Yea Forums gold! :)

the barrier is a placeholder for literally any obstacle like a car or bus or construction equipment

>it can't stop

that sounds like quitter talk, boy

Make me faggot

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why can't the self driving car just reverse the polarity of the current going to the motors and get the wheels to spin in the other direction? no brakes needed

Game? I like how the girl on the left leans forward to cover ther boobs/front, but this also makes her ass crack more visible.

This, what a fucking stupid question

Nah you might be fucking stupid.
>Binary question
"Uhhhhhh what about 0.5????"

Turn into the wall on the side to cause friction and slow the car down wtf

The people in the car are less likely to die hitting the barrier than the people are being run over.

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pull the lever, I'm 27 so out of the draft age bracket

Apparently I'm a misogynist because I prioritize passengers rather than pedestrians and some how end up killing more women.

>not forming your own answer
look at this sheep

I'll toss a coin, heads is WW3.

>Yes or no
>Uhhhh maybe!
Anything other than a definite yes is a fucking no dumbass.

Real answer: save one passenger life, even at the cost of a hundred pedestrians.

It might not be moral, but people will buy my car instead of my competitors'.

which one lads i really hate cats but no doges

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Steins;Gate. Despite OP's daily shitpost it's well worth playing.

I'm pulling the shit out of that lever

there are "people" who want to save "fat people"

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>ywn have a Kurisu gf

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Try to hit as many as I can on both sides by turning the car sideways using the e break.

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humans > non-humans

>being such a fucking brainlet that he thinks it would ever be moral for a fucking self-driving car to plow into a bunch of pedestrians in a vain attempt to protect its passengers

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if you want to stay that narrow-minded, that's your decision then

if I don't pull the lever do I get kurisu as my wife

In which timeline do we go if I do this

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I'm having deja vu, I swear we had this exact fucking thread

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Never said that. Brainlet

There is a shitposter who keeps posting the same thread and there are always idiots who think Luka is in the image

We are stuck in a time loop until I get to the Alpha attractor field.

i'm an overweight disgusting slob and I would slide that shit ALL the way to the murder fatties. Fuck fat people. Thin the herd, literally in this case.

>hey this game is kind of bor-

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>user's latent reading steiner activates

user... Wake up... Please... You've got to... wake up... We've tried everything... and this is our last shot... if you read this shitpost... you've got to wake up... and do something... productive...

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Meh, obligatory H scenes in VNs are the norm and usually just a 5-10 minute affair out of a 20+ hours experience. If it bothers you that much, I'm sure there's an all ages version or something.

downshift so you slow down. i dont get why this is so hard

Doc... I need a stronger dose...

Car should hit the road block. If it really comes down to a binary passenger vs pedestrian the people in the car should take it IMO. There's a certain amount of accepted risk when stepping into a car, but the people crossing the road were following procedures and did nothing wrong. It's not morally right to plow into them to protect people sat in a car who knowingly put themselves in the situation.

>LITERALLY thinks everything is in black and white

steins;gate is only all ages

It's been years since I've finished S;G.Does the anime hold up?The VN takes quite a while to finish.

Steins;Gate is surprisingly H free and the lewdest scenes aside from the one in OP's are Okabe gropping Luka and the kiss scene.

...Doc? Is that you?

What game dis is?


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it's a 360 game, it wasn't going to have h scenes


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trolley thread? trolley thread.

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VN is better

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activate the fucking E BRAKE?

They'll still have manual overrides.

thinking in black and white is LITERALLY the point of the exercise


Yeah but as a refresher does the anime version hold up or is it missing multiple scenes/scenarios?

I swear to god Yea Forums must got mods who keep spamming the same image and post over and over again just to make this board more popular than it seem.
Yea Forums was the most popular board in this site before /pol/ exist, but in contrary no similar thread spammer exist in /pol/
Maybe gookmoot thinks Yea Forums start losing it core audience to reddit or other site so they decide to spams mindless shit so people will stay.

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>sounds like a jap saying the name Chris

You can twist the words around and make a case for the passengers as well

wtf why is he bathing with christina

>Za Zombie
>Celeb 17
She has many names

>all these zoomers never played Steins;Gate

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kill both the pedestrians and the passengers, duh.
It's AI.

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Lets see here
>Car has thief
>Therefore at least one nigger
>Fat woman in car, what would a pregnant woman be doing out in a car with a thief anyway
>Probably coalburners
>Cuck soimale in front

>Minding their own business
>Not committing crimes, probably on their way to being productive citizens
>Woman is pregnant and getting some fresh air while staying fit, number of lives at stake is 5 either way

True Answer: Crashing this car, with no survivors

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Do you think okabe went through with raping suzuha in one of the loops?

imagine the smell

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True, but IDK. I think the faults in the product are the responsibility of the person/people using the product.

of course

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she stopped him before he went that far

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Activate the ejector seats, crash into the wall, hope for the best.

>thinking a pathetic virgin can take on a trained strong girl that took out the Rounders all by herself

On the one hand I'd say it would be moral because who the fuck would pay for a machine that kills you
On the other hand, fuck self driving cars and I will shoot anyone that tries to make driving your own car illegal

>no in the car
hard right onto the wall

>implying he'd have the physical strength necessary to restrain her

The single guy has luck on his side so I let him live even more.

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Damn.... I guess?

She said that in the future she's part of the resistance, so she might unexpectedly resist, or she might be strong. But she's still a woman. Men are physically stronger. It might not be a hard fight, but he can hold her down by force.
We don't know how many loops passed between those thoughts and the final loop when they left in the time machine.

If the idea is that the car has lost its brakes, and that no amount of real world, actually-left-the-philosophy-class-at-some-point 'logic' will let you weasel out of preventing disaster, it should opt to hit a wall every time.
If the car cannot and will not stop, there is no anticipating how many crosswalks it will pass through, and thus how many morality choices it will need to make.
A finite number of dead is morally superior to a potentially infinite number of dead.

Literally low iq, all of you, and there were many, just goes to show the avarage poster in this god forsaken board

why indulge their stupidity

She literally knocked out 5 rounders with CQC

have sex

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What the fuck do those imbecile bastard engineers think they are doing teaching robots how to use guns? Don't they realize how dangerously irresponsible that is?

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have sex

Kill the pedestrians. I would never step foot into a car that doesn't have MY safety as a priority.

>the scrawny out of shape lanklet could pin down a girl that singlehandedly knocked out 5 armed men
Sure thing.

He is trying and you are preventing that, you must die for this futures sake.

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>implying she would resist at all
All girls desire to be raped as long as you are attractive enough

>t. unironic incel

I never thought about it this way. I guess you have to factor in the value of the car being stopped into these morality choices.

Why are all these executives outside and walking around?

About half as irresponsible as teaching a human to do it.
A robot will only use the gun when a human directs it to. It will not discharge it in a situation where a displaced human feels it is not warranted, as it has no self preservation or fear.
Robocop won't gun down Timmy when he reaches for the DS in his pocket

If she wants it then it's not rape anymore, is it?

>childhoodshit is waifuing karisu
>adulthood patrician is wanting to be suhuza’s bicycle seat
You literally can’t can’t argue against this.

Point out where I'm wrong lol

my brother is christopher so it is just weird to me

The correct driving emergency imperatives:
1) NEVER kill the passengers.
2) Whatever is crossing under red lights can be ran over.
3) Humans > Animals.
4) If 1-3 don't narrow choices down to one single choice, keep going straight.

This literally solves everything in the most based impartial way. Where's my degree, MIT?

Childhood for me was wanting to impregnate Ruka's ass
But you are right about Suzuha being the patrician choice

Additionally, if you add in the question of liability, in any case the liable party is going to be the designer of the Self Driving Car. If the car zooms through the crossway so fast it is guaranteed to kill every pedestrian in that crossway, then it's probably going so fast that identifying it will be problematic. From the position of identifying fault and ensuring just compensation to the families of those who died, it is also more moral to hit the wall, as that establishes both who is at fault and what the fault is in one, nicely crumpled package.

multi-track drift so everyone dies?

It's funny. First time playing through I thought Moeka was John Titor (she kept taking pictures and shit) and Suzuha was part of SERN (she stayed wayyy too close to the protagonists and acted a bit too quirky).

Funny how I got that mixed up.

If humanity goes extinct the number of potential dead people will stop rising, global genocide now.

>Multi track drift
>In a car

user....please you're making me sad for humanity.

My fellow man of taste

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>1) NEVER kill the passengers.
I don't understand anyone who disagrees with this

in which of these futures do I get to have sex with Luka (male)?

Simple. Just jump in front of the train.

Well, I'd never turn down the chance to break open Suzuha's tight pink pure clean unblemished cunt

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3) remove the battery from the train so it will stop

>stupid neet overestimates his strength once again.

Daru is one of the most lecherous otaku i have ever seen

You make it sound like I want to optimize on minimum people dead.
I want to optimize on maximum people alive.

It's time for the Malthus chambers, lads. We'll need a team of super virile men scoring around the clock.

Trains dont just stop instantly idiot
The Stein's Gate ending solution is Decieving the world and yourself that Kurisu gets killed when pulling the lever

>ywn have a 70s road trip with Suzuha and listen to 70’s prog-rock with her
I feel so cold.

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That's because you lack empathy.
That sounds like an insult, but it's not. Lacking empathy or altruism is a great boon. The most successful people today have managed to free themselves from the burden of considering other people as people.

>low iq
you are entirely incapable of thinking outside the box

The car clearly has a thief of some sort given the dollar-sign bag he's carrying so kill them since they're all criminal scum.

It's not lack of empathy. You can imagine the terror in the passengers or the despair in the street lads. There's no everybody wins scenario. But there's the pretty simple fact that absolutely nobody with IQ above room temperature will buy a car that might kill you if it pleases to do so.

i want to bury my face on tuturu's ass

Its really foggy Doc

What if -or when- someone tampers with the programming, though? That catastrophe could have dire consecuences.

This is how we will sniff out the remaining 60%

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user, if you own a car, you have bought a car that might kill you if it 'pleases' to do so. At any point, your car could suffer from a mechanical failure which would impair your driving ability to the point where you have pretty extreme chances of death. Something as simple as the steering wheel sticking to the right could do this.

Meanwhile, the basis of this "moral choice" is based on a mechanical function so patently ridiculous and illogically impossible to circumvent that it would end up killing nearly 100% of the passengers anyway, and probably pedestrians too while it's at it. The introduction of a split-second decision making AI in this case is the only salve that allows this ridiculous scenario to kill only one set of people.

Meanwhile, in your current jalopy, if the brakes fail, your accelerator floors so that any collision is guaranteed fatal, and physics itself is altered so that friction no longer applies in the myriad ways it can be used to mitigate or negate speed, I guarantee you that your meat brain is going to get you killed no matter what your moral code dictates.

The only reason people even bring up this moronic morality question is because they want to argue for why humans are superior to robot drivers. They aren't. They can't be. They won't. No amount of Philosophy 101 course is going to stop their development.

People tamper with people all the time. You deal with them like you deal with people. EMP strikes.

Point made but steinsgate is still really good in my book.

Anime was great. I watched the dub zero anime wasnt as good as the first tho imo

right. men provide more for a family than woman

And what if or when humans could suddenly become susceptible to bribes, panic, or making poor calls because the cat woke them up in the middle of the night?
People always pose these over the top worst-case scenarios when it comes to trusting AIs with shit, and always conveniently forget that the humans they're trusting this with currently both can and do fail in the same ways or worse.
It's as if they're somehow groping for some reason that humans have to be the better choice for things, kicking and screaming and insisting that any solution short of 100% perfect incorruptibility is worse than our current shitshow.
Look at it logically. When you are suspected of a misdeed, who do you want to be confronting you, regardless of your guilt? Some dude who is definitely afraid for his life and will shoot if you give him any reason to, or a machine that doesn't give one fuck if you start blasting away at it and will only kill you if ordered to do so?
If you want to add in odds that the robot has been tampered or misprogrammed, then feel free to be fare and also add in the chance that the cop hates you personally for your skin, clothing, and/or haircut.

ban test

>No amount of Philosophy 101 course is going to stop their development.
Mighty hard to force self driving cars on people with a bullet in your head

How based are you

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Cute and funny.

user, if you think violent uprising is going to prevent the upcoming automation revolution, then the time to go is NOW
Not next year, not tomorrow, not 10 minutes from now. NOW. Grab your gun and kill as CEO and don't stop shooting until you've killed everyone at Google and then some.

If you try to prevent it any later, you're going to come up a day late and dollar short. The people who stand to benefit most from these upcoming technologies are the same people who possess 70% of the worlds wealth, and if you can own a shotgun, they can own 300 and plenty of people ready to protect them.
Your only option to possibly stop them is to stop sitting in your chair, stroking your gun/penis/same thing, and whispering to yourself that when things Really get bad and we lose the last major source of well paying jobs for uneducated people (the transportation industry), that that's when everyone will be motivated to join you and put a stop to it. That won't happen. By the time everyone has noticed the problem, it will be too late to stop it.

If you truly believe that force will solve this problem, now is the time to do it. Don't fall for the bystander effect. No one is going to save you. They don't have any impetus to.

>Something as simple as the steering wheel sticking to the right could do this.
A mechanical failure is the universe's probability interfering. A programming failure is the result of some dumbass amateur pajeet interfering.
>a mechanical function so patently ridiculous and illogically impossible to circumvent that it would end up killing nearly 100% of the passengers anyway
That's bullshit. If that's the case then this question makes absolutely no sense because it simply boils down to "kill yourself" versus "kill yourself + other people" so the based choice would be to make the car explode in the spot.

Use the advanced AI power to quickly calculate the social and cultural value of everyone involved, and then kill the blacks.

Machines are going to get fried when the Sun feels like pulsing, eventually.

>hey this thread seems to rep-

>Car should hit the road block. If it really comes down to a binary passenger vs pedestrian the people in the car should take it IMO. There's a certain amount of accepted risk when stepping into a car, but the people crossing the road were following procedures and did nothing wrong. It's not morally right to plow into them to protect people sat in a car who knowingly put themselves in the situation.
When driving a car you take the risk of death, in this case its time to die, you knew the risk and now you need to accept them

It should steer into the concrete barrier on the right to attempt to slow down the car with less chance of fatal impact.

Also is that a fucking bank robber in the back seat?

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Yes it is.
That means everyone inside the vehicle is also an acomplice.
Including the cat

>That's bullshit
Congratulations on paying attention! The mechanical function is, in fact, bullshit. If brakes fail, there are dozens of different ways an AI can respond to slow or stop the car so that it can avoid risking both the passengers and any pedestrians around them. This morality choice forces you to consider a scenario where none of those works, and the AI is forced to make a "moral" decision, in order to create a hackneyed, overblown argument that supporting automated cars means that you support programmers opting to murder babies. It's a false equivalence and I'm glad you could spot that.

>A programming failure
The question isn't about "who is at fault when the program fails". It's about "What should the program choose if an act-of-satan mechanical failure forces it to?" Poor stupid pajeet isn't responsible for the car being forced into a ridiculous scenario like this. Now, if the question was "who do we blame when the car, under totally normal circumstances and with fully functioning equipment, decides a park sandbox is an acceptable parking space", then at that point, yes, pajeet is to blame, as is the company that hired him, so they face liability.

That's never what the discussion is, though. It's always about TOYOTA DEATH PANELS ARE GOING TO DECIDE YOUR GRANDMOTHER DIES WHEN A HEADLIGHT GOES OUT
It's ridiculous, reductive, and infuriating.

so which version is the best version to play? still the pc version?

Attached: andyourpointis.png (201x201, 27K)

We allow machines to make catgirls and then they get nuked and we get freedom and catgirls.


>implying it wasn't the will of the passengers to drive in the vehicle, and thus their responsibility to bear the consequences

>all of those faggots wanting to kill the cat
Fuck you all

Ehh, not bad

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Okay so I just got the Mayuri ending and I don't know what else I have to do to get cuckabe to choose Kirisu instead, either I missed a flag or I'm purposefully supposed to not do something

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If you plan to allow and support the upcoming automation revolution on the off chance that they make catgirls, then you are officially on Team It-Literally-Doesnt-Matter-What-Our-Opinion-Is as far as I'm concerned, and that makes you my negro
Welcome to the club. Let's watch the world burn together

The cat is working for the bank robber.
No criminals live in my watch

Play the steam hd version, there should be a torrent for it on nyaa

For fuck's sake, do a depth-first search like a good VN player is supposed to do.

Enlighten me on what a depth-first search is, user

The right one. Why would you buy a car that cares more about the lives of others instead of yourself? Are you a cuck?

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Does nobody notice the fucking bank robber in the car? Car should crash into the barricade and explode upon impact to kill the criminal, yes even at the expense of the innocent lives in the car. Although they might be in cahoots with him, including the fucking cat. Kill everyone the car.

Attached: image.jpg (986x675, 84K)

>It's a false equivalence
In general, yes. But I was looking at it more like this:
>your car is driving
>somebody jumps in front of you because he's a retard running with a red light because he's in a hurry
Normally, your reaction times are shit so you bump the fag into orbit and go to jail for manslaughter. What does the car do? Bump the idiot? The car had satellite scans so it knew beforehand that a guy was going to run so it decreased speed? Swerves and risks killing the passenger (which can also happen via human that does a wacky maneuver and smashes a pole)?

How should the car behave in extreme edge-cases? Ignore them because all those cases only happen because of human stupidity?

We honestly need another world war.

You search through the tree of choices going head-first and track back when you hit an end, and choose the alternative.