60 hours in (Hard), Im in the evening before the trip to Hawaii, lv 36, stats are at 4 (except kindness)...

60 hours in (Hard), Im in the evening before the trip to Hawaii, lv 36, stats are at 4 (except kindness), lowest confidant is at 3. How much do I have left with this pace? And is anything really good beyond this? Cause I like the art and music, and seeing SMT demons in 3d is great but I cant cope anymore with the long cutscenes and over exposition

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Goro is the traitor and Igor is a fake

Also, already completed every sidequest aveliable atm besides the one of the cheater gamer

Goro being bad is pretty obvious, man. Also, I dont care about spoilers

your less than half way in mate

What's with so many Persona 5 hate threads lmao. Also how the fuck are you 60 Hours in and still there? I beat the game at 80 hours in.

>Playing on hard for the first playthrough
>60 before even going to Hawaii
>Asking how much time is left
Oh boy...

I dont hate the game, its my first Persona and I like it gor what it is but you soent fucking hours on characters discusing the same thing over and over again (even with the ffw). I spent a lot of time with fusing options, I dont have a problem with the difficulty. Its the story that drags to much with the same anime cliches that Im getting burned out

Ok, but is it worth it? Maybe next palaces being good or something like that, dont mind about the plot

Lmao. Should've played a real game instead.

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i finished the game on normal in roughly 80 hours on my first play through
got btfo in each palace section cause i wanted to hold onto personas as opposed to just immediately sacrificing them
i also didn't know about the reaper bs and actually grinded
i remember i died on the final boss after i got him onto his final phase when i only needed one more turn to kill him i rage quitted and put the difficulty to easy
i replayed the game last year and did pretty much everything i didn't do on my first playthrough and finished in around 80 aswell even beat the final boss
will replay this year on hard
you're 60 hours in and only on hawaii lol

>How much do I have left with this pace?
Like another 50-60 hours.

I was underleveled as fuck after doing all the mementos sidequests. I had to just grind it out.

nice bait

Don't listen to him, you're more than halfway. The game picks up a lot after the point you're at, the stakes get raised and some interesting twists happen.

Kamoshida and Madarame was the best parts of the game. It only goes downhill from there and it gets great again at the casino. The ship is fucking terrible and the final dungeon too. Christmas up until Valentine's Day is great. Ending is ok. Worst ending out of the 3 imo.

Persona 5's story drags a lot in the middle. I recommend you try out Persona 3 and 4, those stories are a lot more evenly paced and the gameplay is just about as good as 5's.

I beat the entire game in under 80 hours, but it sounds like you're progressing much slower than I did. I found it dragged towards the end - the second last dungeon and everything after it was more tedious than fun, I found it peaked after the casino. If you decided you want to quit without finishing, I suggest you finish the casino dungeon and then leave the rest.

>Im getting burned out
It's because you are playing on hard. Each random battle shouldn't take five minutes at a time.

I played on hard and idk what you mean by this you dummy

Also like other people have said I suggest you turn down the difficulty, I didn't find this was a game where playing on a higher difficulty was rewarding or fun. If anything, play on normal most of the time and then turn it up to hard to make boss fights more challenging, but don't make random fights more tedious than they need to be.

So many casuals in this thread LMAO
Imagine finding a turn based game HARD

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>beat the game at 140 hours

Was I retarded? I really like taking my time with persona games. Game was way too long but I wanted to enjoy all the content at my own leisure.

Depends, were you trying to farm the reaper until he had the despair status ailment?

I beat it in way less time without the reaper trick.

>posts the game that's more Persona than Persona is

>Never actually played the game
I can greentext too!

Dont listen to this guy, the game gets even worse, it has already peaked so nothing to see there, the plottwists are shit and the characters shallow