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Other urls found in this thread:

it will be shit

>we want the hat in time audience

Everyone at Rare worth a shit left like 10 years ago when MS forced Rare into making but Kinect shovelware for years.

back to twitter shit head

It will be shit and not even come close to Hat in Time, nostalgia based platformers are dead.

Yes Anons.
Hope it's shit, internalize it.
So when it turns out to just be below average we can pretend it's the greatest game of all time.

>Microsoft forces rare to make Kinect games
Yeah, after they let them do whatever the fuck they want, and they made a bunch of bombs in niche genres like Gardening simulators, beat em' ups, and car building games.

it will be shit

>Hat In Time
Go back to Trannyera.

Who gives a fuck, as long as they can make a good reboot fuck original rare, the people "worth a damn" made Yooka Laylee which was just okay

He's not saying Banjo Threeie is happening
He's referring to the "I want Grant to compose another soundtrack," part.
Its a Mario x Rabbids sequel.

>it's a twitter screencap OP episode

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Yeah because pigs fly whenever a guy who is a professional composer makes another soundtrack. Retard.

>having good taste in games means you're from resetera
Come on, you know that's not true.

He's hinting he'll be composing for a game this E3. Probably Rabbids 2.

A Hat In Time succeeded in doing what Yooka Laylee tried and failed to do. It was also way better than Mario Odyssey.

Hope it's good and it gets a Switch port.

>It was also way better than Mario Odyssey.
Cunny is clouding your mind bro

Let it go, hoped and dreamed since sneaky mention of a new game in N&B final cutscene, but its time to let it go

Wrong. I'm gay. And not the sissy/twink gay either. I like men.

Then suck my cock faggot

You said the same thing about Killer Instinct and Battletoads.

It's fucking nothing.

I said men :)

Banjo confirmed for Smash!!!!


NOT based

>yfw the only truth to this is kirkhope composes the music for a game

It’s been established at this point that Microsoft is going to hire other people to make Rare games since Rare themselves are dogshit

Killer Instinct and Battletoads are just the beginning

Oh god I hope that Grant Kirkhope is fucking around here. As cool as another real Banjo game would be Rareware is in shambles. It would be awful and would probably pander to nostalgia harder than Nuts & Bolts.

>omg guise do i fit in yet

Not that user, but those games would have been instant classics with dedicated fan followings, had they been released on Nintendo's systems.

nuts & bolts had multiple ingame jokes that implied they didn't actually want to make it, and the viva pinatas were great

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You guys do this shit every year

Nothing will happen. Phil deems Rare as an abomination.

>Everyone at Rare worth a shit left
:) and then they made Yooka-Laylee

modern Rare can't even make attractive mermaids

Explains why you like shit in time

Which is fucking mediocre

Alright, how about this...
Banjo confirmed omg snoy BTFO

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I hope he's telling the truth and that it's good, it's always nice to have more 3D platformers

>functional and fun multiplayer with user created maps.
Mario Odyssey even made the moveset redundent and boring, you do the same move all the time

>It was also way better than Mario Odyssey.
I enjoyed AHIT too, but let's not get silly here.

Everytime a few months before E3 we get those shitty rumors about Banjo or some other Rare IP and nothing happens.
How can you still get hyped or is this some kind of shilling strategy?

It'll be a gimmick game to push a new VR headset

He's talking of the lastest drama related to A Hat in Time. Check their steam discussion forum

And that's a good thing

naw, Microsoft is all in on old Nintendo 3DS/mobile hologram shit

just tl;dr i don't care enough to browse steam forums

He's right, though, Nintenbro
Only thing Odyssey had on AHIT was its length, Odyssey was a fantastic game and it lasted at least thrice as long as AHIT

The newest DLC have the trans flag and everyone is losing their minds.

Yeah, because it went so well last time.

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and? just mod it out, mods will literally fix it.
this isn't a console game.

Why do people keep saying this? Two people from original Rare made Yooka Laylee. TWO. It was sold on lies in much the same way as Mighty Number 9 just before it. The original team was comprised of many people now all over the gaming landscape or retired. Original Rare is NEVER coming back, the most you can hope for is some Evening Star-style enthusiasts that pick up the project. Current Rare making will be a guaranteed bust.

I know, but now you're gonna find people who won't stop spamming and shitposting about the game in every thread because of it. And besides, you can disable it because it's a Pin, and they can be disabled in the menu.

There's a trans flag? I wouldn't even know one if I saw one. People lose their shit over everything now.

Who the fuck wants to play a collectathon in 2019?

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well, that's even simpler, the creators being fags doesn't mean the game HAS to be, it's rare but this is not the case, multiplayer with user created maps? this is gonna be great, but anyone is welcome to change my mind

That was some indie shit, Microsoft can get people who actually know how to make good games

You don't even need to mod it out since you can turn off decals

Who the fuck wanted to play a collectathon in 1999?
Dumb children. Collectathons are garbage.

twitter thread again?

then explain sea of nothing

>its real
What the actual fuck

Do fucking what every year?
Possibly get fucking banjo threeie?

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shit taste incels kys yourselves cope and seething

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>Do fucking what every year?
Possibly get fucking banjo threeie?
Yea, every year someone makes a tweet and people jump the gun thinking it's a confirmation of a new Banjo

Every year until it happens nigga

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Have sex.

Is this supposed to be Microsoft's console seller?
If this is true, how much you wanna bet Banjo gets revealed for Smash in the e3 Nintendo Direct

>indie shit

But made by like 75% of the original Banjo team

... except for Gregg Mayles


Show me, I've never seen a tweet like this before.

bend over

David Wise > Grant Kirkhope

Grant is a hack who's songs all end up sounding the same.

You don't remember that shit about the backpack tweet?

To be honest, the people they have at playtonic that are "Rare veterans" had positions that are equivalent to being fucking janitors.
Another thing, most of the Playtonic employees are not even Rare veterans.

Which was still better than anything Rare has shat out since being acquired.

I sure as shit dont.
What was that?

Cause whatever it was, I doubt its as solid as someone like Grant basically saying Pigs are Flying and he's composing a Banjo Kazooie game.

Microsoft announced a Battletoads game last year. Banjo-Threeie doesn't even seem far-fetched


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People misinterpret the tweet, Grant is literary saying it will never happen here, not confirming shit.

Suck my balls, Snoy.

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>Nintendo will show a trailer for a game not on Switch in front of an audience of Nintendo fans.

Like two people at Playtonic worked on Banjo Kazooie/Tooie. The rest did non-development shit so it was pretty much a half-truth. Most of the people behind Banjo Kazooie and Tooie don't even work on vidya anymore or have been infected by the mobile plague.

Nobody that isn't obsessed with trans people cares

It's a "When pigs fly" joke.

good western composers are rare. They both deserve a lot of credit, stop trying to fling shit

That’s not true

What if
It's cross platform.

I'm not sure how this thread's almost reached 100 replies and most of the people in it are misinterpreting "when pigs fly".

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>He thinks Banjo-Threeie won't be on Switch and Xbone

fucker, Nuts & Bolts is better yodeli-hi-ho
Viva Pinata party game is better than Jonker's Layman

I'm not gonna spend anymore time trying to dig it up but I remember them making some vague ass tweets about them going to E3 and one of them had a blue backpack or some banjo plushies or some shit but they ended up just revealing sea of thieves stuff

Really More like 10

Retards, l2context, he's claiming that since he saw a pig fly by the window, we're in a universe in which pigs do, in fact, fly.
Its happening

hey man please dont poop on the viva pinata games
i like those games and get sad easily

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>He thinks Banjo-Threeie actually left the drawing board

i like yooka laylee, but what about viva pinata? or even nuts n bolts.

Why do Microsoft fan boys even exist? Microsoft said they want Xbox on everything.

No you fucking faggot, Grant was hinting at the idea the Banjo Threeie is a When Pigs Fly situation, and he's saying it isn't.

they don't (anymore)

>i'd love for grant kirkhope to compose a soundtrack again
>"pigs are flying"
>grant only means he's composing a vidya soundtrack and it may or may not have anything to do with banjo

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People say pigs might fly, to mean that something that has just been mentioned is very unlikely to happen. `There's a chance he isn't involved in this, of course.' — `And pigs might fly.' Note: People say that something will happen or be done when pigs fly to mean that in reality it will never happen or be done. My private reaction was `Yeah, we'll do it when pigs fly.' Note: People often vary this expression. `Maybe one day we'll be rich.' — `Oh look, I just saw a pig fly by my window.'

That’s a no champ

"Everything", meaning mobile devices and Switch through streaming. Xbox games aren't coming to PlayStation.

People say pigs might fly, to mean that something that has just been mentioned is very unlikely to happen. `There's a chance he isn't involved in this, of course.' — `And pigs might fly.' Note: People say that something will happen or be done when pigs fly to mean that in reality it will never happen or be done. My private reaction was `Yeah, we'll do it when pigs fly.' Note: People often vary this expression. `Maybe one day we'll be rich.' — `Oh look, I just saw a pig fly by my window.'

You guys are going to be really disappointed.
Its not a hint its just a "when pigs fly" joke.

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viva pinata was a classic you fucking faggot

i'm going all Ross Scott over this video.

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ggnsf, on the low chance it is a hint, why boldly just give a hint like that much before E3? That's practically spoiling it and certainly, some people have caught to that.

>a game they didn't even want to make was that good.
Rare was truely something special, weren't they?

They fucking were... when they had their shit together all english style and a team that worked

True, and grank is good at keeping secrets.
He kept Rabbids and Mario under wraps despite his excitement
He's either referring to it being really unlikely, or saying he's composing for something at best.

It’s not a hint and the only proof you need is his past tweets to believe it.

He’s a cynic

So you admit the games are good but you're a dumb nintendie fanboy

I cant wait for it to actually happen then people realize that Banjo Kazooie is a kids game and nothing about it holds up to your adult brain.

Especially when its released on Xbox and not nintendo so there goes the man children audience.

Nuts & Bolts was shit
Yooka Laylee was shit
Surely they'll get it right THIS time!

>forgetting that sea of thieves in 2019 is one of the most soulful games on the market

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Because back in the day I was an xbox man. Then I got pc. But I still like forza, gears and halo. And guess what since I'm not a dick riding sony fanboy I'm happy I can finally enjoy those games on PC to their full potential

Well, I replayed it quite a few times and it’s definitely not a “kids” game, there’s a lot of english slang in the games and that’s part of the charm. It’s clever and silly humor in beautiful atmospheric maps with easy Linear gameplay.

The combination of the package works well

Why do people want this again? None of the soul will be there.

You mean smash Ultimate!

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If it’s anything like a Hat in Time I’m fine really. To get the soul back they will have to keep the humor, challenge and map design intact. The man they need is Gregg Mayles as he worked on the originals and he’s still with Rare. Only real assets theyre missing are the Stamper brothers. I think they can do it.

This, time and time again they've expressed how disinterested they are in doing a new banjo

A Banjo Threeie would be cool but it's not something I'm super desperate for anymore now that we have Hat in Time and Mario Odyssey

>Tranny in Time and an the most boring 3D Mario ever made
No thanks. I want Banjo Threeie at beautifol 4k resolution

>It was also way better than Mario Odyssey.
I fucking hated Mario Odyssey and Hat in Time but at least I can admit that HiT doesn't even fucking come close to Mario Odyssey.


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Trolled hard.

And there you fucking go, another E3 tweet misconstrued as confirmation of a new Banjo. This shit happens every year

for fucks sake


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What a fucking idiot. Everyone knows the saying which is why they thought it was happening.

fuck this stupid fucking washed-up hack his work on YL was fucking garbage anyway

He did this on purpose

What? Yes I do admit that the games are good. I always thought they were.
But the Xbox was undeniably the dude bro console, and the entirely wrong market for these types of games.

RARE had an audience on Nintendo. They did not on Xbox.


He could've just said "about as likely as pigs flying" and everyone would've gotten it.
Not very surprised though. If there was going to be a new BK, it would be a surprise saved for E3.

banjo threei already exists

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Well that's the danger of trying to relay sarcasm through twitter text

The way it's phrased sounded like "pigs *are* flying". Welp, time to go home everyone.

>Banjo Threeie deconfirmed

Be glad you got let down early mates

implying there was ever anything supporting it

Which makes a Banjo revival more needed
>Mega Man is dead
>Con man here, I am the creator of Mega Man, help me fund the perfect Mega Man
>Makes tons of money
>Fails tremendously
>Mega Man 11 comes out and its actually good

>Banjo is dead
>Hey guys, we were the REAL Talent at Rare, help us fund the perfect Banjo and Kazooie game
>Makes tons of money
>Fails tremendously
>Banjo Threeie comes out and its actually good

Come out now, MS, its writes itself.

There are two options. He's either hinting at a new Banjo, or he fucked up the metaphor by suggesting that pigs ARE flying.

Banjo fans are let down, AGAIN. More at 10



They just did with joker

I mean. People really should have seen it coming. We have literally cartoons that depicts pigs flying as an impossibility.

who am I kidding, cartoons nowadays probably don't even have that

>and most of the people in it are misinterpreting "when pigs fly".
He used it incorrectly. When pigs fly is what you say when something is extremely unlikely to happen. Claiming that you saw or is seeing a fleeing pig however, is on the contrary claiming that something extremely unlikely is actually happening.

Like how the Crosscode devs claimed that a Switch version of Crosscode was about as likely as their Hedgehags flying. Then in the much later Switch trailer came and the announcement of it actually happening anyway, they opened it up with a pair of flying Hedgehags and claiming that they saw them.

Salty faggot, get fucked for getting your hopes up

Unlike all other Rare-Wannabe Indie devs, Hat In Time actually succeeded and is a perfect example of a successor

Yooka Laylee is a perfect example for a Rare-Wannabe who failed

Also Hat In Time hired my man JonTron for a voice, unlike Yooka Laylee who replaced JonTrons voice because of Jons political views

Kids today would lose their fucking minds if they saw someone morph into a donkey. A pig flying would spark a similar reaction of "Huh, that was weird."

>What is outsourcing
That's what they did for Killer Instinct and it went great

Can we please leave Grant alone with this stuff????? All he did was the music, not the development and programming. Give the man some space

Also I'd like to add that Yooka Laylees main selling point was a big nostalgic reference to Banjo Kazooie and nothing more (also Shovel Knight Cameo is there, but whatever)

Hat In Time didnt promote itself as a reference, but as its own thing and a modern interpretation of the Collectathon Game genre

What is it with Yea Forums and using others websites as img ops? Every other board does this but only Yea Forums shits itself over it

H-he's just trying to make our E3 expectations as low as possible...

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>no banjo in Smash

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If its a new Banjo game, I'll guarantee you it'll sell like shit just like every other collectathon games out there. Only ones that give a shit about Banjo are 80% smashfags and 20% nostalgiafags. That's not enough of an audience to monetize from

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>nobody will be interested in a new game because they haven't released a new game

what is this self defeating bullshit.

>Yea Forums can't understand a simple fucking phrase

Microsoft will never listen to the fans. MediEvil is returning because of a literal who fan that made a Twitter account for Daniel. Phil couldn't care less about Banjo-Kazooie.

>MediEvil is returning because of a literal who fan that made a Twitter account for Daniel.
Can i get a quick rundown

Stevebros won