It's Mother's Day Yea Forums and I'm feeling nostalgic. Let's have a nostalgia thread

>When I was a kid, one Saturday a month, my mom would take me, my brother and our friend to Cici's Pizza
>Once we got done eating we would go to the arcade room
>Play The Simpsons Arcade Game spending so many quarters
Those were the times

Attached: simpsons arcade game.jpg (275x183, 19K)

Other urls found in this thread:

My mom was alive in 2002.


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>MOM can you buy me the Pokemon Pop Tarts?!

Attached: pokemon pop tarts.jpg (640x570, 124K)

Mother's day was 2 days ago user

>Okay user, you can rent one game and one movie for the weekend.
What you getting bros? Pokemon Puzzle League and The Rugrats Movie for me

Attached: blockbuster.jpg (580x393, 79K)

Test drive and ghostbusters

>being a fat fucking pig fucking Canadian whore
Fuck you choke on a rail road spike asshole I’m the crews to you and fuck the stupid coffee raised me to Produce pepsi and cola (generic big 8 type of shit you know what I’m saying?)

Haha well good talking to ya buddy hope you have a good week.

Nostalgia bomb ready to explode

Attached: 90s nostalgia bomb.jpg (1920x1080, 2.8M)

Mom used to take me to the corner store after her shift as a waitress. It had a back room with a few arcade cabinets like pit fighter and golden axe. She let me have her change tips.

What did he mean by this?

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have sex

>user get off the internet! I need to use the phone!

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U ok?

>gave her tips to her brat to flush down the toilet at the arcade
Aaaaand that’s why I don’t tip. Your whore mother and everyone like her just flush tips down the drain.


I hope your mom loved you enough to buy both

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You mean because your a poor nigger.

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I asked for Turtles In time one Christmas, and my mom told me she drove over 2 hours to buy a single copy left in some town when I was older.
Love you, mom.

Im sure kids owned both but you werent alive in the 90s if you needed both. Back then we left the house.

When I was a kid my mom wouldn't let me play games because she thought they were the devil

Attached: pikachu goodbye.jpg (640x480, 160K)