What's your favorite Game Fuel?

What's your favorite Game Fuel?

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The first person to roll a 5 in response to this post will decide what I eat for lunch, any non-food request will be ignored

toast sandwich

1 carrot stick and water


1 fruit, almonds, yougurt.

Chic fil a

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White bread with vegemite

a raw onion

An entire sleeve of Lemon Oreos.

McDonalds Mystery Meat, also known as MMM delicious.

Anything really

Attached: try before you buy.webm (480x854, 1.24M)

Unironically Onions.

my ass


What a fail get

Microwaved potato

boiled milk

a dozen of boiled eggs


Steak and Eggs.



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the one and only

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do americans really do this

gamer girl pee

Gimmie like 5 mins I’m gonna go get some mayo from the corner store and eat a spoonful or two from the jar

Unironically best kind of potato. Just need to time it right and becomes both tastier and easier to peel away than the boiled kind.

>tfw ruined my teeth with sweets and eating this hurts now
Don't eat too many sweets kids


Cun- Gummy worms!

Attached: Ох уж эти детские каналы - XXX видео в HD качестве(1).webm (640x358, 692K)

you are disgusting

Pizza, of course.

Attached: pizza.webm (640x360, 2.73M)

gardettos or funyuns


Did she died? She doesn't seem able to pull it out from the end of the video.

Bad end for the gummy phallus

What's his problem

Why, my peanus weenus of course!


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Progress and sheer willpower.

Ice sandwich

oh no

"Gamer Fuel" - you're not an athlete, you're a fat bastard hitting buttons and crying over cutscenes

Woah shut this free thinker down before he says god isn't real

XXL pizza and diet Pepsi

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Just some quick snack like a muffin or something

these faggots knew what they are doing

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