>western studios
Western studios
Other urls found in this thread:
>japanese studios
What went wrong?
What if he just came to terms with what he is and started to draw his real self?
The right is better, though.
damn he went full schizo mode
I like the right
>Japanese art
Correct, for a pedo
Just like in modern times.
Fuck off loser.
We just had this thread you cumguzzling turbo retard.
>Insight 0, 20, 60
Shit taste, please leave
not really.
the left one still sells
Even back then they knew that not everything has to be realism
Nice western obsolete photography you got there
>This is Japanese Picasso
That Japanese picture was a mass-produced advertisement though.
>they falter a little in the middle but end up making something great and new from that experience
I can’t wait.
we already had this thread fucking retard
>Left: soulless
>Right: makes my dick hard
I love how retardera had to make this meme to keep pushing their hate.
It's getting a little tiresome lads.
in the case of picasso, he went from other commom painter that will be forgotten to unique immortal painter
in case of anime "it is prettyyyyyy, I will buy to masturbate"
When my brain starts to fade I'll have one bullet to the base of the neck, please.
>this is realism
Get out more, you fucking uneducated niggerbrained incel.
it looks more like dali
>distant "YOOOOOOOO" in the background
There's nothing in this gooks art that resembles Picasso's though...
This is an old Yea Forums meme though, my dude. But surely you knew that?
Is Mexico part of the west or it's own thing?
Dunno who retardera is but this picture is years old.
Picasso is the poser boy for degenerate art
Hey dude, don't use the n-word that's not cool. Also Mona Lisa is overrated as FUCK!
ok kid
All they can do is symbol drawing because they are all somewhat autistic..
Too illustrative.
Unironically middleis best
why? not even close to picasso
So is your mom lmao.
Weebs are disgusting pigs who need to be spread out. They have no practical skills in any fields, everything is just fantasy and story after story. You'll always be a loser attached to drawings, never knowing what it's like to live a life.
Nice meme retard
>newfags from Resetera are coming to Yea Forums to repaint the narrative and say that Yea Forums is really actually Resetera
Makes my fucking head spin.
continuing from the other thread, that user that linked me the wiki article about the Gashadokuro, the gian skeleton:
The Gashadokuro are spirits that take the form of giant skeletons[...]There is a way to know of their approach, as the victim would hear the sound of loud ringing in the ear.
Damn, so that's where the eeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE move from Nito from Dark Souls 1 came from, nice
lol @ all the triggered weebs
Why not call him Japanese Dali while you're at it moron
Loved his work for Flying Lotus.
Are Calarts trash cartoons weebshit?
More like niggered lmao goteem
nothing wrong with wanting to develop a unique style, it's what got him famous after all.
Excuse me, but what the fuck are you trying to say?
That picture has been around forever newfag
lol @ all the triggered westcucks
Fuck niggers, faggots, kikes, spics, trannies, retards, abrahamicists, liberals, boomers, and neo-cons, bitch.
Left one literally looks like Nameless One from Planescape Torment
This shit's awesome.
more like niggered
Everything not China/Korea/Japan is the West. Yes, even Russia and Australia
not him, but are you idiot?
>Also Mona Lisa is overrated as FUCK!
Not mexico
>mfw your post
What the fuck is toxic blood?
chicano hands typed this
A bit kitsch but I like it.
I think Latin America is its own thing. It's a hybrid of European culture with a strong element of indigenous culture
DIY bitch.
HIV+ blood.
Pretty impressive how he failed to get infected in four months of actively trying
>Yea Forums - Artwork/Critique
It looks like Raziel, a better character from a better game
Its funny because he's parroting criticism actual masters of fine arts would put forth.
Not him, but he's right you know
There is nothing special about the Mona Lisa, why is it so popular of a painting is beyond me, it isn't even Da Vinci's best work
reminder that in america it's legal to intentionally give someone HIV without them knowing
this guy could stick you with a needle while you're waiting in line somewhere
enjoy your AIDS
I hate picasso because shit on the right reminds me of what I see when I get migraines
Once you reach peek, only way to go forward is to go down.
ok but why
Why the fuck is taking an art class a requirement for a degree?
why would assault be legal just because you gave someone aids
if you're going to make shit up at least have it be clever
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso.
Picasso's complete name
You don't think any of those were examples of realism, do you. Are weebs really so dumb that they don't know anything about western art? You aren't that stupid, are you?
We literally JUST had this thread? Why make it again?
cringe weebs
He could stick a knife in you just as easily you know.
Jesus that's sad
>OP's retarded pleb brain think the left one is the best
No wonder you have eternal shit taste
>left: no would know it's a picasso if he didn't sign it
>right: it's a picasso
Are you brainlet that thinks generic shit trumps a unique art style or something?
90 is basically
>Please kill me I don't want to live anymore, pleeeeasseeee
>morons with NPC brains
Wow its unique that makes it amazing
Middle is best
I bet he went insane with a name like that
faggots are mentally ill. nothing new
this just got radder over time, did this person actually go insane or is it just some style change?
communist scum
And you probably think its the right lmao
why the guy in the center is white?
>artist makes whatever he wants
who cares? i thought you guys were for freedom of expression
You can be unique and still look good, but Picassos "unique" artstyle, isn't appealing so what's the point
Go build glass dildo on the Notre Dame, super genius.
I wanted to pick up a couple of his doujins in nippland but leafing through them they all had dismembered lolis. Fancy getting through customs with that.
>comparing oil paintings on canvas to wood block carved paintings
taking a dump and spreading it is an expression, but some things are better left reserved, aren’t they?
No it isn't. Stop being a fucking idiot. If you're referring to the California addendum, they degraded it from a felony to misdemeanor. It's still bad, but that's California for you.
Are you implying western studios gets more creative and wild with their visuals over time because they are so clearly not
when Toxoplasmosis hits bad.
>this is true
fucking based, why can't more nip artists be like this?
>wow it's generic so it's amazing
>Picassos "unique" artstyle, isn't appealing so what's the point
Art doesn't have to personally appeal to your shit taste to be good. Picasso wouldn't be the most famous painter ever if people didn't find his art appealing.
what an asshole
>if it's not appealing to me that means it's not appealing to anyone
It's not appealing to me so that means you have shit taste, faggot
Why’d you have to bring him up?!
Now i’m gonna be sad for the rest of the night!
Fuck you!
the true essence of Yea Forums
>Picasso wouldn't be the most famous painter ever if people didn't find his art appealing.
you are incredibly stupid and gullible
An AI does better, all you have to do is feed it with fish and unseemly body parts.
You can't argue with someone on a heady mixture of autism and solipsism. For half this fucking site, not liking something means nobody could possibly ever like it.
>Doesn't realize modern and post-modern art is a tax fraud scheme so that the very rich get out of paying taxes.
Never going to make it.
It literally looks like this pepe
The mark of a true intellectual is sitting in a darkened room, hating the last three hundred years of civilization and culture while idolizing a barely understood past.
hes right tho picasso fucking sucks, but its excuseable as most other people only did realism so he didnt have too much too look into from a stylized art standpoint
Dali was better.
Isn't he the Illuminati airport painter
Chill dude, I just expressed my opinion on a piece of art and that is my opinion that as it seems others share, didnt say no one should enjoy his work, just that his style isn't really attractive to me so why should I like him
>y-you're stupid
What a fucking worthless post
Some of it yeah. That doesn't really apply to the most important and famous works of art though. It's not like you can go to a museum and buy Guernica to tax evade.
googled his works. honestly, most of them are still pretty technical or artsy. the final black and white one is purely sick tho and the most real and innocent one personally.
>not breaking them into little cubes.
armchair art critics lmao
Africa - 1794
That's Leo Tanguman a chicano, Rivera was a real Mexican.
I see they were men of culture as well
and they still are :)
Damn, 18th century African art looked like THAT?
lmao he doesn't count, Mexico had and still has no good artists.
Western trash is a joke.
What could spur you to make shit like this? It's unsettling. What's the message?
I admit I'm somewhat jealous of artists because I cannot draw but then I see shit like this and reconsider
The tools don't make the artist.
by being over the age of 18. which you clearly aren't
Was garbage, is garbage.
Remember to brush your teeth and you will be fine.
That Snow White is about to get raped.
Was Picasso the first wojakposter?
Weeb cope.
You can't deny this art is at least somewhat disturbing user
Right is far better.
Now you've just made me think that wojakposting is corrupting potential future artists and destroying their sense of creativity, which is horrifying.
>western "reimagining"
if you've never seen much art then yeah I guess
looks like combine architecture
fucking 'ell m8
you're saying this doesn't look cool as fuck?
>You ______ ?
Nice reddit phrasing you got there partner.
You need to go back.
>that sameface
Hahahaha africans BTFO!
>H-he doesn't count.
Great argument
its to support organic gardens for the homeless
Da fuck desu desu YES OMG
>Boring realistic art style
>Brown and bloom filter on everything for no reason
>Often shoves politics down your throat
>Wacky, fun, and stylized designs
>No shitty filters
>Doesn't revolve around the artists political beliefs, and just tries to deliver an entertaining product
Some things never change.
Now this an artwork thread
Its one of the better concepts
we get it, you can stop samefagging now
Kill all weebs
reminder to accept Christ as your savior
better is relative term in modern architecture
>looking at their faces
Gay faggot detected
Its not so bad if you realized why posters liked them before they were used for shitposting. Wojak was never meant to be anything more than capturing the same depressive mode as the original. It brought anons together because they knew that feel.
Punished Jesus
It's in the West, but it's also in the Global South. Like how japan is in the east and in the north but thailand, indonesia, etc. are in the east and the south.
>western studios
Cultural Appropriation, 1887
This one is amazing.
I don't understand art. I don't look at Picasso or Da Vinci and feel anything special. Just looks like drawings to me. I guess some of them are interesting, but it's never the ones everyone rants and raves about. The Mona Lisa just looks like some ugly chick to me, but people cry when they see it.
It made me question what art was. I came to the decision that art must be a piece of work that subliminally affects people. An artist conveys a message to the viewer or listener without saying it directly. Instead they merely inspire them to think that way themselves. In this way, the artist is a manipulator and a propagandist. Someone who draws art to illicit emotions that can be easily seen through, such as simple enjoyment, are not really artists.
However, then I heard Jordan Peterson somewhere say that art DOESN'T have a message; any piece of work meant to make the observer feel a specific way is merely propaganda, and propaganda is not art. True art is made by people who aren't sure what they're getting at, or he said something to that effect, which is strange because how do you quantify it, then? If I scribble on a piece of paper, is that art? If I draw a portrait of my family, is that not art? This was the opposite conclusion I came to, but he's had considerably more time to think about it than me, and is more interested in it, so perhaps he's right.
But, if that's the case, doesn't that mean most of the work we consider art is actually not? I'm pretty sure most of it is made with some sort of goal in mind.
That looks good though. Better than sucking the dick of some 13th century architect.
what area of sekiro is this? i thought i fought all the optional bosses
nigga started out as ramsay bolton
For me it will always be western art.
Now this is a robot.
>JBP fan
I can never remember this niggas name, but reverse search should do it. some depressed polish nut job. he was haunted by horrible, hellish dreams his whole life and painted what he saw, but he thought his pictures were "comedic"
Zdzisław Beksiński
>tfw you'll never see his burned paintings
I guess this represents that moment before Judas betrayed him.
>"Let this cup pass from me, Father"
>Even Jesus acknowledged that he was getting screwed
Is looking at a beautiful woman propaganda because it subliminally affects you? Ideas and feelings have to come from somewhere, they just don't spring into your mind from nothing.
>Jordan Peterson
Isnt this about 40 days in desert?
It's funny when classical paintings are deemed boring by weeaboos who spend their overweight acne-ridden lives hunched over a keyboard
>People unironically caring what Jordan Peterson has to say
>Gets BTFO by a coke snorting neo commie
Wow that Netherlands painting looks max comfy. What's it called?
>he will never be the creative consultant/art director for Bloodborne 2
The plebs in this thread holy fuck.
>This brainlet exclaiming his retarded opinion
If people honestly thinks that art is worse by merely having a realistic style, something is wrong with them.
hes right. same art teacher from previous thread. Art is defined by the inherent value we find something of interest whether that visual representation or idea is presenting a message or repsentation of a thing. The thing you have to understand is, art is abused and used by people for monetary purposes, to sell an idea or enrich someone's experience of the work. IN theory, anything and everything is art, but how we, as a culture or society see it, define's its inherent value. even the artist is part of that group. so, yes, even turds in modern art exhibits are art unforunately. but folks like Yea Forums and 8 chan have standards in art, cultural standards that must be upheld for the artwork to have any meaning, as modern art has a tendency to be somewhat plagarize-able. probably the only objective standard and universal one that artists hold worldwide. the shunning and outright disdaine for cookie cuttie calarts looking pieces of shit cartoon circle jerking nintendo loving onions warriors is actually helping the art community, as there is less appeal and less financial incentive to fuck over ur customers when they find out the art piece has no inherent value enough to sustain itself to continue existing.
Name some redpilled artists.
>the one on the right is a guy
my definition of art is something that evokes emotion. but the most celebrated works of art don't get much of a reaction out of me either. but paintings like this one is 1 of my favorites
Western =! Realism
Many western artist don't even attempt to be realistic and differ in various amounts of ways.
Look at the thread and tell me half of the western art here is non unique and realistic.
>Stabbed and killed by some brat for pocket change
Quite unbased.
the problem with that view is that there is an underlying notion that somehow art can be perfected in the first place. the goal in art was never to be satisfied with one's work, the journey to perfect is an illusion for the aritst to continue getting better at what they do do their works sells, stand the test of time and understanding the growth as part of the characteristic in art.
educate urself retard
Thanks, doc
Looks fuckin dumb compared to real art.
reading the wikipedia article on this one was pretty nice for the stuff the artist put in.
just imagine the despair of him when he knew the future of polish partition
>this thread again
>Jordan Peterson.
I'm impressed to see this reply on Yea Forums
Nice to see that we have non retarded people on here.
literally soul vs soulless
>real art
my favorite series of paintings and one of my favorite artists. something about this eats me up from the inside.
thats not who I meant to reply to. fucking shitposters. meant to reply to this guy
HIV infected blood
>Jordan Pet
>ye olde sekiro.jpg
Fucking sweet
ure all underaged faggots lmaoo
You dont seem to grasp the point. Realism is inherently boring because you're seeking to imitate reality rather than expressing a thought or idea. Beauty comes from expression, not reproduction.
Modernist artistry, Kafka, Borges, that sort of thing, ABSOLUTELY DOES have a point, that CAN be ultimately conveyed through words. And it's not even propaganda, it's more like a tool to levelup your common sense a single, but definite notch.
There are plenty modernist works in videogames, both old and new, even in fucking j2mes, in writing, soundtracks, specific combinations of ingame rules leading to seemingly insane exploits, even individual maps and sequences of maps. Problem is, you HAVE tobhave an eye for this sort of thing. It always is about going meta in a non-evident way, and about WHAT is discussed pr shown commenting on HOW it is discussed or shown.
Tell you what. Read something from Kafka (I'd recommend Penal Colony and restored version of Castle), The Garden of Branching Paths by Borges (get in by going to diGiovanni's website, then go to the web-archived version of it, there is a full English translation of that book) and, lastly, Ring and Rasen/Spiral by Koji Suzuki (Ring is there only as a necessary preparation before tackling Rasen, which is the point). Reading those three and looking for similarities in basically what and how they do, should give you a vague idea as to what this is really all about.
Being a contrarian faggot holds you back in more aspects of life than just understanding art, user.
Rivera was Jewish. His art reflects his own personal Jewish culture.
the final redpill is that art doesn't exist
Embarrassed to see this reply.
>Thinking knowing Dali is uncommon and makes you intelligent
>muh realism
How's it like to be a brainlet with no sense of imagination?
illustrative art is the walking simulator of art
>less defined facial wrinkles
>less highlights
>blood is just a stroke of red
>those animu uguu eyes
>that lack of texture in the metal
>2 tone shadow versus multiple shades
Don't even know the anime but wow, Japan is in creative bankruptcy.
>picasso is good because he does unrealistic shit
>japan is bad because it does unrealistic shit
I'm sure that the bums will totally keep this area beautiful and fit for tourists.
I follow a simple set of rules when i judge if something is good art (even if i dont particularly like) from money laundering/pretentious art.
1 - I, being a shitty artist, cannot replicate the current piece with at least 90% accuracy
2 - The object of reference must have at least one thing represented in it that i can actually name it
Its not a perfect set of rules but it at least separates those bullshit blank canvas from anything that has any effort in it.
Ask Zoomers who Dali is. Garanteed they wont know unless they google him. Like most people in Yea Forums.
uhhh pic rel is you? niqqa its ez to see the difference you mongoloid weeb
I'm a Jordan Peterson fan because I sloppily quoted him?
Does that mean the sounds of a child being raped is art? Are pop songs art? What about movie trailers? The former will make you feel something, I assure you; the latter two are designed to make you feel a specific emotion and you will whether you want to or not.
If Peterson's right, then isn't the Creation of Adam not truly art? There's a pretty obvious message in that painting.
>falling for the double bait
this image btfo all those retards who think "realistic" style can't be expressive
>falling for the triple bait
>replying to an image macro
It's not so easy. I know we all enjoy our easily digestible sentence-long facts, but the truth is more complicated. Art has to straddle a fine line between realism and expression - art needs some sort of grounding in physicality. Even Beksiński used figures and representations from a knowable reality for the basis of his works.
All art starts with the craft of the figure. Without purposeful, exacting craft in the object it's hard for people to understand the expressive purpose. That said, art doesn't need a 'point' to be art - it doesn't need to have a "message". Art merely seeks to temporarily capture the sublimity of nature and experience and replicate something that is typically not able to be replicated.
It's absolutely correct to say that just painting a perfectly realistic depiction of a mountain range is boring. It becomes art when you try to capture the awe you felt when you first saw it.
Never a big fan of his art but I like that its always very expressive.
>When your studio runs out of budget mid episode
>comparing a portrait to sceneries
This is a really bad example. Anyway the picture is probably more famous than some of the western examples.
>he doesn't know about cubism
>my dude
Says more about your newness and redditor inclinations than anything.
I had classes in school about Dali and I live in a third world shithole
I'm pretty sure zoomers know about dali
don't forget to eat Lion's Mane mushroom
That's just modern media in general. Just look at what manga and anime did to post war japan. I'm not saying that it's all bad but it's the loss of individual creativity in favor of mainstream entertainment (e.g. capitalism).
Yay we found a new meme thread to spam 15 times a day!!!!!!!!!!!
For me, it's Goya
That's not how ribs or a chin works. come on man, it isn't hard to get a skeleton model. Especially with how Japan ''conducted'' itself in history.
It's not supposed to be photo-realistic, brainlet.
Art has many interpretations, don't prescribe to one man's idea of it
>Art has many interpretations
Ah, so it's meaningless. Got it.
name one thing with meaning
based european skeletons
yes, I do realize these are different time periods
this looks like a Doom wall texture
if it isn't, then why add anatomically wrong detail instead leaving it stylised like the faces?
Benadryl. Makes my allergies go away.
family, nation, honor
Because art.
Azula losing it?
this scene was done like this on purpose.
He's intentionally being super serious and then quickly changes his tone because he doesn't want to end up like the rest of the monsters who just got fucked up. it was entirely for comedic effect.
based nihilist kikepainting endorser
Fuck all these gay art
post Haunted art
i actually like both even though i generally prefer older anime
Reminds me of this
yet benadryl is also an agent of death if consumed in excess. benadryl therefore has plural interpretations
relative to different cultures
>Does that mean the sounds of a child being raped is art? Are pop songs art? What about movie trailers? The former will make you feel something,
I wouldn't call it art, but that's more my subjective (even if agreed upon) take on things. just because art is so broad doesn't mean art can't be tasteless, ugly, lazy, bad, immoral, or just straight up garbage
What you're describing is mere representation in art. Not realism.
Subjectivity is the only true meaning humans can achieve
you'd probably like phil hale or jenny saville
Realism is representation, you absolute sophist.
I love looking at old art of demons and such. I wish movies used stuff like, this is far scarier then like 95% of movie monsters.
i remember being 15 too
Which one? I mean yours of course but have you thought why?
Amakusa Shirou Tokisada?
artist name?
How am I supposed to believe you that art is quantifiable when you can't even do it yourself? It sounds like complete horse shit to me.
No, that's called just giving up. It's really nice thinking that way, because it means you don't have to think. Nihilists and postmodernists aren't enlightened, they're idiots.
I assume you meant to reply to me.
>yet benadryl is also an agent of death if consumed in excess. benadryl therefore has plural interpretations
They aren't mutually exclusive.
holy shit, these are great
You reach motherfucking nirvana?
Now seriously, I guess some mental illnesses don't affect much of the right side of the brain (or whatever part artist skills are located at) and that's why so many famous artists are crazy, as you focus in what you are good at, and if that's only painting you end doing stuff like this or Van Gogh's.
I'm 31. You still type like you're 15, by the way.
It would be hard as fuck to translate something like that to a movie.
>They aren't mutually exclusive
not all interpretations are mutually exclusive
brb converting to Catholicism
No it isn't. Representation merely refers to art that represents something. "Realism" is an art movement that rejects expressionism.
Here we go again. Yea Forums is /pol/ 2.0 the majority of the time but all the ethno nationalism vanishes away when nips are the subject. Then you self flagellate.
I will never understand this pathology.
>When you cant get any pussy so you have to vent your bitterness with art
if you're 31 and you can't discern what art is for yourself because you absolutely must prescribe some arbitrary meaning or significance to it then you've wasted a lot of your life in the trappings of 20th century positivist society
but go ahead, flame me for how i type, when you're the one citing jordan peterson as an apparent source of authority
>How am I supposed to believe you that art is quantifiable when you can't even do it yourself? It sounds like complete horse shit to me.
well you can always just disagree with my take on something as ambiguous as art then
its funny cuz its true
soul vs soulless
>single handedly laid the groundworks for whole movements in drawing, painting and visual arts
>learnt about classical technique so much to end up dabbing on it, universally praised and taught afterwards
>made fun of pseuds richfags by overinflating his prices, plebs still accuse him of money laundering to this day
Picasso is unironically based and you're a fag wor disagreeing
This too is a carving.
I actually posted tbe wrong illustration there, I meant to post whatever the fuck this thing is. I guess I nust wish more horror monsters captured the deranged absurdity of shit lime this.
Just read the Book of Revelations, that has all the good stuff.
Western cartoons in 1943, 1970 and 2019.
Art is stupid.
What's the point of painting something realistic when cameras exist?
Right. So, my interpretation that art is meaningless is completely fine, then, because it's just my interpretation of it; and if a majority of people agree on something having merit or not having any merit, well, that's just like their opinion, man.
This FFVII remake is so soulless.
And my absolute favorite from that collection.
If this isn't art, I don't know what is.
Or completely made up of souls.
Looks lile the dude that got cat lile implants
You do realise photography uses composition, lightning, color in specific ways for it to become art right? >>>/instagram/
>Sunow howaito kawaii!! ^_^
Dont meme my Goya.
It's not about realism, it's about beauty.
The thing is, people don't see beauty in reality nowadays, which highlights the downfall of out civilization.
Nice deflect. I hope you can cope with the fact that a dslr can replicate this.
It's a church, its mission should be to feed the needy like the bible teaches.
Left is superior
>worried about the future of drawings
Lol who the fuck cares shits boring lmao
>too dumb for vidya so you watch tv
>too dumb for tv so you listen to music
>too dumb for music so you look at pretty pictures
It's just an example of past paradigms. Yea Forums's opinion of art is just Romanticism (XIX century paradigm).
They don't understand foreign cartoons because they have the mentallity of a prussian soldier.
Just because you can spot a retard doesn't mean he's intelligent. Picasso's drawing at 18 is far more interesting and conveys a lot more mood/emotion IMO.
Mi negro
This, the place is so flooded with normalfags that 50 IQ secondhand awareness of the world's most famous artists ever, ever is considered intelligent
>not dumb
Japanese art
>Picasso's drawing at 18 is far more interesting and conveys a lot more mood/emotion IMO
no it doesn't
picasso in the late periods of his life painted people for "who they were", not what they looked like
that's how he saw himself
it's far more expressive than the left
>shit like this that has nothing to do with videogames regularly gets hundreds of posts
>anything about projared is removed right away
no wonder he doesn't pay them
Its funny, because a you're neurotypical being with a miniscule view of art. Its kinda hilarious of how most of the users here act like they are some Supreme entity but in its entirely, apart of a hivemind.
Weebs are actually happy about this somehow
bro it's blacks and white and gloomy he's an epic moody doomer like me
At least this is cool shit, no one cares about projared.
I miss 80s anime so much. Not just the style but the shows themselves weren't solely for otaku and pedophiles
>it's far more expressive than the left
No it isn't. Random cubes and scribbles does not convey emotion. The far left image shows you a person with a specific mood.
>human perception is objective
top kek brainlet
My country has never produced a good work of art.
Typical virgin vs chad scenario
>muh feels and realism
>drawing the same dude from all angles at once and even different times to reveal what he truly is
>Random cubes and scribbles does not convey emotion.
according to you? lol
what a simple view of what "art" should be. you're free to have your opinion, but bear in mind it is what i just called it: simple
this post parodies you perfectly and it's somewhat sad how right he is
False accusation. Find a ditch,Fuck your dead bitch
Of course. Those bums will also surely respect this and maintain the area as the beautiful garden that it is. The shit, piss and used needles will be disintegrated by the divine light that shines through the glass that will totally not be spray painted on.
You are defending an objectively simple drawing. Literally flat perspective and random scribbles.
>far more emotion
thanks I tried real hard to get into his mind and defend art epic style
>Does that mean the sounds of a child being raped is art?
Yes, high art even.
Fuck off with your conspiracy shit.
wait beksinski did that painting?
you've a very immature understanding of art if you think all that matters is technical mastery and prowess (which picasso evidently achieved early in his life)
again, you have a very simple understanding of art. that's fine, but don't pretend your opinion is worth a shit if you're uneducated and continue to embarrass yourself
>he thinks thats realistic
Fucking brainlets
You could take shelter from a storm under that forehead
What the fuck is going on here
>completely missed the quotation marks used to imply that it isn't
>reddit spacing
Fucking brainlets
No, he was saying that creating something with the message already intended, the outcome already determined and defined, differentiates propaganda from purely artistic endeavors that go in directions that the creator often didn't plan until it developed itself in the process of creative intent, something along those lines, it's been a while since I heard his argument.
It's kind of like a filmmaker shooting a film trying to tell a story vs say making a commercial for a car company.
> Red pill > Blue pill > MK Ultra Jew Pill.
>you've a
What a pretentious asshat you are.
>also soul
Someone calling out "reddit spacing" is how I can immediately tell they're a no-shit, fully retarded human being. My vision of you is hunched over your keyboard with black XXXL sports shorts bulging at the seams from your gelatinous thighs. A plain white T-shirt covered in various grease stains drapes over your massive man-tits. Crumbs and debris litter your desk. As you read this, your mom knocks on your door and delivers your McDonald's bag to you for supper. a 2 for $5 quarter pounder deal, large fry, and a large chocolate shake. Mmm. Your favorite.
Stop talking about that hack.
Damn this is good. Who is the author?
No, why would you think that?
It must really suck to boil your "critiques" down the lowest of the spectrum
>Projecting this hard
Wait, so youre using something that ISN'T realistic style as proof that people who criticize realistic style are dumb?
Fucking brainlet
This guy...
>Uses reddit spacing at firest
>Replies using no spacing
This thread is so god damn beautiful
Just asking
>says that while posting the most underaged thing possible
Honor is a buzzword. Nations are intangible at best and families range from good to horrendous.
is that a legit ye-old Jap art?
the style shift was intentional as part of a joke you dumb faggot
Can we just agree that art is a lens through which you can look at things, rather than a property of a thing itself?
Zizek isn't a commie, he has said many times he calls himself so, so he can troll.
I'm not the original guy, you oxygen hijacker.
Shit, thanks for reminding me of this album, it's been a while since I've heard it. Also this is the first time I'm actually looking at the art up close, I like the illustrations of all the guys lol
Art is just a label people ascribe to things they feel meet certain criteria, the criteria are different for everyone. it's just a subjective label. Calling something art just means it's your personal idea of art. That doesn't mean it's meaningless, it just means the meaning varies based on the labeler. That means if someone says them taking a shit is art, I can simultaneously accept that they're within their right to say that, while saying they're wrong and it's not art. It's called an opinion
No, it's modern
No. Art is a drawing, statue, etc. Nothing more. Anyone who tries to give it a deeper meaning just has their head up their own ass and is unable to see things as they are.
Yeah, and the letters you just arranged in that little message box are just symbols, nothing more. Anyone who tries to give it a deeper meaning just has their head up their own ass and is unable to see things as they are.
>"If you don't suck Japan's dick and fap to loli 24/7 you're an anti-Japanese racist bigot"
It seems you clicked on Yea Forums instead of tumblr you fucking drone
Man I like these a lot, those eyes look fucking wicked.
Claude Weisbuch, a true master of conveying dynamism and movement in his art. Love him to death.
Nah, look up Takato Yamamoto
pic unrelated, just one of my favorite paintings
>Jordan Peterson
lmao, retard
Jesus Christ, artfags are such snowflakes. Can't have anyone expressing an opinion contrary to theirs that their butts start catching on fire. Kek.
>based Renoir was painting smug anime girl faces before anime was even a thing
why haven't you taken the impressionism pill?
They are symbols with a cultural attached meaning. Any meaning you give a piece of art is either personal or cultural. It is not an inherent quality. It's completely subjective. Don't confuse the emotions to project onto something as being a real quality. You can project emotions onto anything. For example, some can feel sadness from watching some kids play baseball because they are projecting nostalgia onto the act. Likewise, you can project feelings onto a drawing. Come back to reality, you pseudo intellectual slime.
Art has two definitions depending on the context which is used. One is to denote something that had a remarkable amount of skill poured into its making. The other is something which was given non-utilitarian value by its maker. An example of the latter is that of two unconnected villages who happen to produce identical clay pots; in village A they're used as containers for food and such, but in village B they're used to house the remains of the deceased and carry them onto the afterlife. The pots from village A aren't art, yet the pots from village B are, despite otherwise looking identical.
>No u
I'm not the Original Guy™ either, I was just pretending to be him.
its too flat
This, but historically. They go out and create whole artisic movements just because some people tell them maybe the leg shouldn't go where arm should be
>that tumblr nose
Schizophrenia is one hell of a drug
Is that the time machine from Ecco?
>Annihilation the movie
nice alt-right ideal. nationalism is a disease in this day and age. the only meaning it ever has is negative
>mona lisa
>this is 1700's art
Fucking brainlet.
>interior temperatures reaching 45°C
Your e-celeb e-friend was wrong, case closed.
>>too dumb for vidya so you watch tv
Imagine being so retarded that you think playing video games makes you an intellectual.
The members of the church would be in charge of the upkeep, and you'd be surprised how well they act around gibs.
I unironically prefer this over this
fuck you guys, i like it
for me, it's Sir Peter Paul Rubens
modern art is good and makes me feel good
You live in a fantasy world.
yeah, modern art can be good, post-modern in the other hand.... yikes
What city is this?
>post-modern in the other hand
can also be good
: - )
>hurr durr fat people
grow up
The only differance i see is that the west was pretentious and japan wasn't.
>Degas isn't it a bit weird that you only draw underage ballet dancers?
>n-no you just don't understand le art
>not learning the rules so thoroughly that you can break them in the best ways
Underages, please get off this website
Why did they make it so KAWAII?
how butthurt do you have be to post all this historical shit for some fat girl enjoying the painting
Lose weight.
It seems clear from this image that Picasso had a degenerative mental illness.
>Growing up in all directions
Y I K E S.
>western "art"
search japonism
70 iq post, my dude
>Japanese art
>reaction images
face it, the nips were ahead of everyone else at the time
This looks more like dark souls to me
Reminds me of this
I mean, fat men and women are pretty much indistinguishable so it was a good call.
this one always gets a crack out of me
>tfw your skills are so hot the paint melts off the copper
This is art.
Art is merely the act of working on your respective craft. It's a practice. You might get a feeling from it, you might not. Art is not necessarily dependent upon the one beholding it. The biggest lie about art, is that it's in the eye of the beholder. No, in fact, the idea of art got hijacked by a bunch of haughty wackos, who want to feel like their feelings are more special than other feeling.
Based and snailpilled.
10/10 would succ
>implying pre raphaelites didn't paint the best waifus
Picasso was a "muh style" fag but it helped him gain overwhealming popularity.
Embrace art and philosophy, anons
The best art is a combination of proficiency and expression.
where are my Wyeth bros at
this painting always hits me
>he doesn't set fire to tyres in a room so he can 'paint' his curtains with ash