Really makes you think

really makes you think

Attached: wow.jpg (960x877, 62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>corporatism is bad
>said game that wouldn't exist without corporations and capitalism

Where did these "cool stuff = anti-x message" memes come from?

>dad rapes you


Attached: and yet you participate in society.jpg (700x503, 122K)


>you participate in society, yet you criticize society, how ironic!

FF7 is just cyberpunk Musashi vs Kojiro. Keep in mind that Nomura wrote the story outline. There's no subtext other than "cool shit".

Attached: ff707.jpg (536x632, 44K)

are you always this deliberately obtuse


>it's okie dokie when japan..

>you want to improve society, and yet you live in it. Peculiar!
You sound intelligent.

It started with Gundam with its message being how war is bad, but people only focus on the robots; and it just evolved from there.

Gundam are toy commercials first and foremost. So yes, looking at the cool robots was the intention.

Every user must be the same to you.

>You think society could be better, yet you live in one. Interesting!

You can always tell when someone hits the nail on the head here because it will have multiple replies instantly.
Thanks for saying what no one else has the balls to say user.

>Eco-terrorism is good

Attached: thinking.jpg (236x261, 12K)

I don't think it means what you think it means.

>radical eco-terrorists end up saving the world
>they also end up saving humanity FROM the world

really makes you think

Well I mean Shinra IS literally draining the lifeforce of the planet so...

/pol/ thinks that anything good for the environment is bad because it's what liberals want. They can't think for themselves.

>swords are corporate

And yet they still have electricity and materia in AC, even without Shinra.

>corporate doing represent the whole of society
>can't vote with your wallet and buy alternative things that support your ideology
Why are communists so dumb.

Hey, if Disney can make a shot for shot live action remake, to really drive home the fact that draftsmanship and animation is dead and gone, of their own movie, that they cobbed from someone else's book, then it's hard to scrutinize this form of inspiration for a story.

They mined coal before they used mako, so hurray for small victories I guess.

I am not scrutinizing anything, just saying that "corporatism is le bad" isn't the message.

The game makes it a point a few times that Barret and the others killed innocent people.

Who cares? Fuck the planet

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>Muh nature

FF7's anti-corporate theme isn't serious. It's just jumbled vaguely Hollywood/Western nonsense (anti-corporatism, religious themes, mutant monsters, etc etc) that sounds cool to nips. Every modern FF does that.

>everything I have, everything I am, every tool I use is a result of a capitalistic or mercantile system
>but capitalism is bad and we should try a system that has never worked in human history and whose man product is "mass starvation"

The only people in 2019 who are communists are sincere idiots and latte-swilling sociopaths who secretly believe they'll be members of the Inner Party. They're basically slightly less autistic Objectivists.

Your ideas don't work, you dumb fucks. If you promise to never come back, I'll gladly pay for your ticket to the socialist paradise of your choice. North Korea or Venezuela?

Attached: marcille please leave.jpg (331x318, 28K)

So Cloud's bike is coal powered?

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>applying themes to a game to real life 1:1

please don't be this stupid.

he said you are silly though

But they never actually get rid of Shinra.

corporations are legit cancer and the worst thing to ever happen to business and society

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If you cared about Chinese slave labor you'd buy one of the numerous phones that market to people who want to consume "thoughfully," but then you'd have to spend a little less on yourself so you won't.

>Everything is a false dichotomy between anarchy and total government centrally controlled economy.
Go read a book jimmy joe bob

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It's funny because these companies bought the Government.

I'll be as stupid as I want

whoever made this image has an iq of 60

/pol/ are actually Eco-Facists. They just hate that liberals only pretend to be environmentalists while doing nothing about it, or demanding white people to stop breeding.

You have no proof that draining the life-force damages the planet in anyway.
>B..but muh Bugenhagen
He was a fucking hack who dazzled you with visuals

>regulated corporation critizicing the effects of unregulated corporations
Not the same at all bruh

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Your pathetic snowflake forms of socialism got their asses kicked by actually rigorous economies and social systems. They don't work, either.

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Yea Forums always gives large amounts of Yous to retarded posts

>i'm a communist

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based, I hope you get more (you)s, friend.

What the fuck are you talking about? Even america has regulations on corporations.

People continue helping the living, even after death. What a tragedy. Organ donors are literally hitler.

>why yes, I am a communist. how could you tell?

Attached: xeauHYeV.jpg (1432x1432, 222K)

>Even america has regulations on corporations.
read a book, holy shit

>google it and it's real
I'm glad I don't pay attention to this shit

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No one here is arguing that there should be no regulations on anything.

/pol/ is a board dedicated to making more shitty neocons

>the opposite of wanting to live in a totally corrupt and polluted shit hole is communism.
Trigger the libs. Own the libs.

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This but 100% unironically.

Have sex

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>libertarians invented the don't tread on me flag
whoever posted this has an iq of 60

>things should just be FREE man, rich people can pay for it

I don't need an anime to tell me that Human Interaction is hard

The planet was clearly a sickly sensitive bitch in the FF7 universe. It had Shinra siphoning the real world equivalent of its magnetic core, but it was actually the magical life and reincarnation juice in the context of the game. Also, it was infected with Jenovas space aids. Basically the message I received from the game was hollowing out your planet = bad, and aliens = bad. Pretty reasonable things really.

neocons are probably the most hated grourp on /pol/, but keep talking out of your ass

>Boy I just can't get enough big black cock.

i genuinely cant tell if you are being serious

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The message I got was that they should take a lesson from Jenova. Get that space program working again and go parasitize other planets.

Aerith literally drains the whole planets life force to stop meteor and it looks OK afterwards apart from a bit of magic cancer

>cars wouldn't exist if we added seatbelts to them

Retarded cuck

Nah, look at all the shill threads that want the US to get into yet another fucking war. The place has been compromised for years.

I don't need a book to tell me that war is bad. Yet they exist. I am intelligent.

i wanna FUCK that brat

i dont see them

I like that some of the people opposing OP's point are basically saying, "Look, people don't put any thought into the themes they choose for their projects. Also, nobody really believes in anything anyway."

That sucks to assume that everyone is constantly being disingenuous with you for the fuck of it.

His shirt say's he's a wizard, not a communist. Can you not fucking read?

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>Seatbelts one
But the car should have seatbelts when you buy it, so it's not even making the strawman he's trying for.

Yeah but if something is telling you something that is so fucking obviously then you start looking for other cool shit in it to keep it interesting.
NGE has a retarded point, the only redeeming feature is finding all the christian references.
Your image is shit.


She was a soul floating in that lifestream. That's basically what the lifestream was. Souls. It was supposed to be more like white blood cells rushing to an infection. That energy probably just dispersed back into the planet after the meteor.

Literally doesn't match that comic at all.

Communism is essentially magic so he might as well be.

Look at the people seething at this post. Take my (You) and increase your power.

>Barret hates that Mako Reactors are draining life from the planet and killing it
>becomes CEO of a petrol company after the Meteor crash

I hate Advent Children so much.

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>She was a soul floating in that lifestream
She summoned Holy which made it happen in the first place.
So you have no proof? You're just going off what that retard Bugenhagen said?

I'll repeat ShinRa wasn't killing the planet, AVALANCHE fell for manufactured outrage.

Old cars didn't have seat belts because motor companies didn't want to pay the extra (if very marginal) cost.

you are wrong

>Look at me I'm covered in shit and eating it too.
>wow you're a huge fucking retard

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>Uncontrolled corporatism is bad, yo.
>*le comic that points out the non-argument in that argument*

The hmm'est of hmm

Do you like it or not, make up your mind.
There's nothing disingenous about it. A JRPG needs a story (usually). Nomura took some popular topics and wrote a story around it, with magic and cool swords attached to it.
The big focus of the story is the fight between Cloud and Sephiroth, that is the priority. Everything else just serves as the background elements of the story.

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I thought it matched it pretty good.

Exactly, so everybody agreed with op, and the silly user was being silly all along.

christ, what are you even saying

>Fictional Media
>Has evil megacorporation
>Said Corporation is a resource/energy company with no references to real energy companies
>Never an entertainment megacorporation (Like Disney)
This is my only issue with this trope

>we need to uproot the entire economic foundation of the western world and rebuild it in the image of karl marx!
>nah, that's fucking retarded and so are you
>wtf bro all i'm saying is maybe society can be improved a little

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You don't get a (You).

Then make a movie about Disney trafficking prostitutes.

They didn't have seat belts because they went 7 mph lmao

He's referring back to the 60's when seatbelts in cars were still uncommon at least in the US, they weren't required by Federal law until 1968

Labor created our wealth, not capitalism, idiot.

Attached: war is cool.png (557x413, 17K)

but dude

they'd totally have video games if the entire planet was communist

>Actually, stories don't contain themes at all. They are just series of events with no context outside the story itself.

Ah, shit. My bad.

Its funny because he was from a coal mining town too.

So coal ending up being replaced by Petrol.

There's a very clear class and environmental message in FF7. It might not be super well thought out but there's no denying the game has those themes.

Sorry if I upset you user. It wasn't my intention.

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>This shitty comic.
Ya, she said that from an Iphone, knowing that their corporation are the ones doing it, she could have bought ANYTHING else or nothing at all, yet she directly contributed to the profit margin that allows the trend to continue.

Much like people who live in an apartment in NY bitching at people who own land to stop polluting the environment.

>socialist morons are hypocrites and lack self-control
What else is new?

>japanese devs
>makes game referencing concept of politics and war by not going too far from their original plot
>western devs
>whine 24/7 about politics on twitter instead and make obvious non-subtle references to war and politics in their games

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>World full of magic, spirits, demons, gods, wizards.
>Materialistic reasoning is approved of

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Do people actually like Halo's story? The lore and art designs are great but the actual narratives of the good games are about as bare bones as you can get while still having cutscenes

>conflating the dead liquefied remains of ancient beasts with the gestalt life energy of every being that his lived on the planet

>its not your soapbox

We talk about how shitty big businesses are every fucking day of our lives. Do we really need to go into discussion of it when a video game brings it up for the millionth time?

Attached: kaz_mad_transparent.png (142x310, 28K)

>shirt says he's a wizard
>pin says he's a pirate
>post says he's a communist
>fedora says he's an atheist
a fag of many talents

Corporatism IS bad. Capitalism isn't, since it's just the nature of trade (exchanging goods and services). Anything in excess is bad, and the only really "good" thing is freedom to choose what you want to do, for better or for worse.

why are you covered in shit??

nigga even if aerith used up a part of the lifestream to stop holy it would be a preferable outcome to sephiroth instead using that energy to become a god and then moving onto destroy other planets like lavos

evangelion was more about people dealing with depression, each one had different ways to cope with it but in the end they all wanted some connection with someone

stop meteor i mean

Did you miss the part where Reeve calls out Barret for simply lashing out because of his grief, and hiding behind a good cause so he didn't have to face up to the collateral damage he was doing?


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is not about whose soapbox belongs to, is how well you can be subtle about your message without being too cringey, i rather have a good plot that have similarities about trump either bieng a positive or negative criticism than putting a character say LETS MAKE [x] GREAT AGAIN

instead they misinterpret the message about human relationship into "let's make more escapsim series and let's put our own version of Rei"

>corporations hurting the planet bad
>mother nature good
>mother nature nukes you in the end

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The Japanese didn't buy big pharmas Depression Myth until very recently in the 2010s though so I doubt it.

Evangelion was actually about giant robots and shit

You're right but the OP image didn't specify unregulated corporatism


yes, and the christian imagery had no meaning except because the director find it cool, we all know that, he admits it

>if soulless materialistics goods are not what defines you, you are a communist
Spoke like a true bugman.

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>Something is shit
>but you still offer your being to it, so it can keep going on being a shit
Workers go on a strike if their employers is being a greedy little shit.
So, isn't it logical that people who fail to actively seek and implement an alternative, do nothing but complain and demand of their overlords to better their living conditions when their masters are making big bank on their suffering, kind of their faults for still putting in hours to making this system work?
This creator of this comic is probably some dumb normieshit who gets called out by everyone for being a dumb shit.

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>I'm not like you materialistic drones, I'm a philosopher

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i hate normies who are now acting as gatekeepers claiming what games and anime should not exist and misinterpreting the messages people already figured out years ago before they jumped in

>It's not fair bro, like, the boomers are hogging all the good jobs, I mean I got Cs in my feminist anal flute playing major, why can't I find a job? What? Work in labor? I'm COLLEGE EDUCATED, dude, I'm too good for that

>Getting uppity over message in a game where you trick a dude into trying to fuck you so you can save your friends and then drive a motorcycle through a window

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Maybe he is religious and you posted a fedora, being so retarded.

The planet uses the lifeforce to stop Meteor. So, what's the big deal with people doing it for mundane things?

That was a message about traps being gay.

Yes, I have a spiritual life, or soul, if you prefer.
That's a bad thing now for the goys?

Bors is a fucking retard, basically a leftist Ben Garrison.

>Maybe he is religious

I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt.

>I convince myself I'll be happy in the next dimension, not this one

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one is to stop a cataclysmic event while the other is just to scratch jim's balls. You wouldn't use a shotgun to kill a bug would you

now that i think about it? will they remove that scene about cloud corssdressing to fool a man? isn't that what trans complain so much about traps and crossdressers?

>venezuelan government gets turned into a dictatorship because their president abuses loopholes to essentially overthrow all government regulations on him
>it collapses the nation
>retards like you blame it on "muh socialism" so it doesnt contradict their narrative even though Venezuela was socialist years before this and doing fine

Fuck off

The muttette and the nigger are both hypocrites because they could have elected to support companies that represent their interests. The serf on the other hand was beholden to his lord.

>tu quoque

Why do brainlets think hypocrisy is the end-all be-all of any discussion? Fuck evidence, fuck results, fuck improving society, it's all about holding people to an impossibly high standard so nothing ever gets done ever.

Human beings are inherently hypocritical. Absolute consistency is impossible. Is it worth acknowledging how people contribute to problems? Absolutely. But the whole "lol you're part of the system so you can't complain about it" is pure defeatism designed to suppress legitimate criticism.

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It's called /ptg/

>gaining, gaining, gaining and only gaining
You really think like a beast.
Luckly, we humans have ratiocination and we not think like beasts only about immediate gain.
And spiritual life has nothing to do with having a better after life anyway.

Your socialist paradise was a second rate joke even under your hero Hugo. I sincerely, genuinely wish we could convince people like you to go to your communist dreamlands, that way you'd starve and be massacred by your government. We could improve the gene pool AND start curbing overpopulation.

Never mind that he only had all this power to abuse because of stupid statist socialists. It's ok because it stopped being real socialism when everything went wrong (again).

This. People would argue this since they're little corporate shills.

At what point does Halo's narrative say war is cool

>spiritual life has nothing to do with having a better after life anyway
What religion are you?

You're welcome to your fairy tales, guy, if they make you feel somehow smart and superior. I know there's lots of id-err, people like you in places like northern Pakistan or Syria if you're looking for your fellow spiritualists.

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>comparing something that makes life more comfortable to something that you need to do to live
what a retard

just because you like something doesn't mean you consider it flawless, acknowledging the flaws doesn't mean you can't enjoy it or you want to fix it. this is why i hate leftist nowadays, you have to like it or hate it there is no in-between. no wonder why they are so bitter in social media, they can't seem to enjoy anything unless is under their program

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Your reading comprehension is horrible.
Please pay more attention in your English classes.

cry me a river you fag

>When I was starting as an anime director I wanted to be known for great things. I wanted to be known as the man who crafted thought provoking tales like Xabungle, Ideon, or Daitarn 3. When people look at me they don’t think “Look it’s the director of Aura Battler Dunbine!”, instead they see my bald head and say “Oh it’s that Gundam guy”. I never wanted to be known for some overblown toy commercial. When Gundam got big, I thought that this might be my chance to finally fulfill my dreams. But each series after the first just got worse and worse. Don’t get me started on Victory.

>it's another "communism and socialism is the same thing" episode

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>one corporation does a bad thing in a video game
>somehow retards conflate this to mean that the game is anti-corporatism

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You retarded ESL fuckers have ruined the site.

/pol/guys are eco-fascists.


Physician, heal thyself.

>saying anything is hated more than DA JOOS on /pol/


Japan has environmentalism ingrained into their predominant religious culture.

I mean the entire game paints big industrial businesses as bad. Both Shinra and The Gold Saucer. Nobody has ever disputed that Sakaguchi is a huge hippie and fills his games with a bunch of environmentalism right down to the planet talking to people.

Attached: you.png (600x600, 40K)

Spoken like a true leftist faggot.
Also the people in the slums have always been able to climb up but never did. So it's okay that they died, they missed their chance

Not even sure what the fuck this means.

Here's your (You)

I'm a sick fuck, I like a quick fuck
I like my dick sucked, I'll buy you a sick truck
I'll buy you some new tits, I'll get you that nip-tuck
How you start a family? The condom slipped up
I'm a sick fuck, I'm inappropriate
I like hearin' stories, I like that ho shit
I wanna hear mo' shit, I like the ho shit
Send me some mo' shit, you triflin' ho bitch (bitch, bitch, bitch)

Attached: morrowind.png (720x715, 472K)

I thought Trump supporters opposed war?


>every night at the same time the same political bait threads get posted without fail
>these threads last until the morning when a certain group of people finally go to sleep
>the worst you see is tweens trying to share dick pics of their favorite streamer when said group is asleep
>they don't even live in the country that they start the political arguments about
>they bring nothing to Yea Forums but making it worse for everyone else
It's not just /pol/tards anymore. It /pol/ and the retards that come to argue with them. I'll let you guys draw your own conclusions on who that might be.

He doesn't really know what he's talking about, just lashing out angrily against the /pol/ boogeyman.

You're such a fuckin hoe

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/pol/ is where all the cross site traffic comes from though.

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Said the Yea Forumsermin. Reminder that Yea Forums is the most popular board now.

>rich people shouldn't pay taxes

Are there any games that condemn the act of creation?

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>People build overtop of where you're living
>Don't band together and stop them
>Continue living in their literal shadow after all business in your area has died out minus a few shitty bars and a brothel
>Instead of leaving to go work on the nearby ranch, or relocating to the nearby town, or even going to the coast and becoming a fisherman or farmer on all that green, unused land just outside the city

Yeah I'm thinking the Midgar slums citizens deserved to die

Nobody wants to abolish all corporations you drooling retard.

Attached: fullretard.gif (518x400, 19K)

eurocucks are fucking hilarious to listen to though, I'll give them that.

So you're a dumbass who doesn't know the origin of the Gadsden flag, then?

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>It's another "retarded faggot sees the world as simple and black and white, where if you don't agree with him, that means you are part of another defined group" episode
You people sound genuinely autistic.

So basically it comes down to whether you want to lick the government's boots or the corporation's boots

We get this low effort bait every other fucking day.
Stop replying to it

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I miss /gif/

I dam somewhat critical of Trump (not bashing on him 24/7 either) but I've seen some weird shit coming from some Trump cocksuckers (not from /ptg/, I don't even visit that general no idea what they talk about).
Then again what am I surprised about? Lunatics saying some stupid/crazy shit? That's nothing new and all sides have that

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read a book, retard

That gets to the bottom of something that distinguishes the left from the right -- or it might be more accurate to say it's a difference between women and men. Women, or the left, see society as a group that existed before them and will exist after them, and them being born into it was out of their control. Society is a game, and in order for the game to be fair, it must take responsibility for its players, or in other words, its children. They are weak and helpless, and if the state wants to prove its legitimacy, it must act as husband or parent to them and protect them. Likewise, like one big happy family, everyone engaged in the game must treat each other selflessly, with a slave morality; a collectivist or socialist perspective which people typically save for their family. Men, or the right, disagree. To them, the game of society is a business deal. They cooperate to further their own means. Society isn't a group of people stuck in a building together, forced to get along, forced to make sacrifices for others. It's a tenuous alliance of individuals who shouldn't be held responsible for anyone other than themselves. It's every man for himself, at the end of the day, as the entire construct is an illusion. Nor do they care how long its existed. Society can fall tomorrow if they so wish it to. Men made it and men can break it. They are not reliant on the state and refuse to let it hold them down. Naturally, these two groups come into conflict. One only wants it around so long as it benefits them and the other only ever benefits from it because they'd be lost without it.

So women/the left think, "That baker has to make the gay cake because gays are part of our community and he is OUR baker; we let him be THE baker." However, men/the right think, "That guy's a baker of his own free will and he can do whatever he wants. No one is or isn't THE or OUR baker, they're just people doing what they want. Go bake some gay cakes yourself if you care so much."

isn't pol still the most traffic or is that old news?

Attached: foiled again.jpg (312x341, 28K)
Old news

Corporatism in the most accurate sense is really just the belief that societies should be structured into a variety of groups of common interests that function together to create a whole rather than as a large number of individuals (the main difference being what each value system considers the "base" unit of society, the group or the individual). The way that I think you're trying to use it is the belief that a private enterprise's whims should control society, which isn't exactly wrong since that type of power structure is one of many that could hold corporatist beliefs but that could probably be more accurately described as corporatocracy.

>this thread and others
>pedo spam
>tranny spam
I've been here so long I just don't know if it's even worse or just a different taste of the same.

Yes I'm sure the devs are social activists, and that their prority in making this game was to spread a political message, and not just to make something they thought was really cool, that would make a lot of money.

Story is like the absolute least imporant part of game design. The guy looking at the sword in OP's comic is doing it right.

>dad rapes you
Got something to tell us, user? But yeah, pretty much this

Yeah, too bad all the big wigs up top are literally sleeping on money but want even more.
>literal robots with no empathy
but i mean, hard work and you'll get there too, right?
>no mention of the corruption and scum practices you'll have to do just to stay as a fucking leader in your OWN CORP

>ITT: libertardians taking anything less than unchecked corporatism as full-blown communism.
Regulated capitalism is still capitalism. Stop drinking the Kool-Aid™.

>Story is like the absolute least imporant part of game design
Factually incorrect for the majority of RPGs. If your story isn't front and center in that specific genre, you just get terrible garbage like the Star Ocean games. Solid gameplay, vapid everything else, so no one buys it.

Here's one for Night in the Woods.

Attached: wow cool robot.png (2039x1153, 87K)

>comparing invention and civics to consumerism


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You're thinking of Transformers faggot

No, it applies to both.

This is the worst comic strip ever created.

I love how the person who made this comic didn't even bother with refuting the silly man's points.
Almost like they didn't have a counter-argument or something.

Attached: i-need-communism-for-vbucks.jpg (1466x2157, 385K)

it is
fuck the planet; we should have assimilated it by now

I'm sure there's a stonetoss one that can compete.

there are far worse than either of those

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The point is that you take these luxuries for granted. Without capitalism none of the technology you relly on every day would exist. Yet you are eager to throw it all away, and try any other option, because your life feels like it is missing something. The only reason you are a communist, or socialist or whatever is because it presents an easy sokution to all of lifes problems. You're the same type of person who would have become a nazi in 1930s Germany. You will literally join in any revolution that has significant public support, simply because the idea of a revolution is more exciting than your every day life. You won't actually think through it. You don't think about how dire the consequences could be. It's easier to just pretend that there is some great conspiracy making your life suck. You're not sure exactly who they are, or how they're doing it, but you know that once they're gone, everything will change. That emptiness in your life will finally be filled.

You are a useful idiot.

You do not recognize how luxurious your life is, because this luxury is all you have ever known. Don't be so quick to throw everything away for the sake of an idea that you really don't even understand. You have more to lose than you know.

what game?

Lefties too dumb to read a Wikipedia article

asscreed something

>You're the same type of person who would have become a nazi in 1930s Germany

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absolutely based, seething replies

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stfu nerd

I made a political comic edit.

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It really doesn't matter as much as gameplay, visuals, and soundtrack. Videogame stories are always a fucking joke.


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Assassin's Creed: British

Because they are brainlets who think they are "logical".


>"Corporations are responsible for all my problems. If we just start a horrible bloody revolution, and destroy everything, I will lose weight and be able to get a girlfriend."

Clean your penis, nigger.

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