>you hear it you lose
You hear it you lose
I always typed my pass as quick as possible to not hear that screaming bitch
I never played wow
wow is for no skill pussies
Fuck that dinosaur.
The beginning of the end for WoW
garbage expac which killed WoW forever
One day I went looking for that vantage point in Icecrown and it doesn't actually exist.
played bc for like a week and got bored
remember hearing about cataclysm and thinking that the game just went to complete shit
was i right?
>*fwop fwop*
that would be BC
Yes, but northrend and dalaran are peak comfy
>m-muh world exploration
>m-muh world pvp
>b-but the world is so empty
vanillacucks need executed
Weird, i always typed it fast but then waited until after she flies off to press enter
northrend sucked balls tho
>playing WoW on Saturday in the winter
>radiators up high
>wearing a nice warm sweater
>questing in dragonblight
maximum comfy
God I miss this, god.
Vanilla-WotLK is one of the greatest video games of all time.
That's about right
Your opinion is objectively wrong faggot
Man I'm glad I wasn't addicted to WoW and was able to enjoy all the great single players games that came out over the years.
Vanilla>BC>>>>WOTLK>[POWERGAP]>MoP>[POWERGAP]>Every other expansion pack (Yes Cata was this shit)
I did both, niggerfaggot.
Might as well have posted this one you fucking zoomer
Images can emit any tipe of sound.
not bad, maybe legion belongs on D
Legion was just BC but insanely forgettable and over in an hour
MoP>WotLK>BC>Cata>>WoD (didn't play the other expansions)
Contrarian opinion but you clearly missed out or were too young to get BC at it's peak, which was legendary, arguably the best conclusion for WoW made.
>Sound Thread
>Homefags ruin it.
We get it, you're excited for your game.
>not muting wow
i was too busy talking on vent
>You hear it you lose
>Actually a homefag thread
Who cares. Let this hit page 10 so I can push it off the board with a proper sound thread.