Was he right, Yea Forums?
Was he right, Yea Forums?
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TGB is evidence that "hot takes" aren't opinions, just "cool sounding" quotes and catchphrases so the context doesn't fucking matter.
Why is No More Heroes 1 so high?
And why is NMH 2 so low?
Is this list based on the overall quality of the games or the quality of the games' individual combat systems?
Regardless, it fucking sucks
>Yakuza 2 above Yakzua 5
He clearly isn't being objective so the whole thing is worthless.
>hasn't played Shinobi
Why would you take anyone like this seriously?
I'm not taking this seriously when fucking NMH is in S Tier
>KH2 that high
>NMH that high
>DMC3-5 all together
>RE6 that high
>KH3 that high
What the fuck is this? This must be judging purely on a combat system perspective.
Bloodborne is in SSS teirni assume?
>not pinned anymore
heh imagine being such a loser you screencap a sticky
>NMH 1 so high but 2 is nearly dead bottom
>DMC 4 in S tier with 3 and 5
>Bayonetta not in S tier, with 2 sitting in B tier
>Believing that KH2 is somehow on par with every other game in S tier
This list is all kinds of fucky.
Clemps should be in D though
>NMH1 so high
>NMH2 so low
How am I supposed to feel about this?
RE6 is a garbage RE game but its mechanics and gameplay as an action game are great
No, this is pretty fucking awful and lacks any real consistency.
>Kingdom Farts that high
>re6 that high
>yakuza 2 higher than games with objectively better gameplay in the same series
>hasn't played vj, shinobi, zoe2, nier
literal pleb
Bayonetta is DMC as it should be.
I've played 1-4 and don't think they deserve anything more than a B. They should be judged based on how good they are overall, not on how sick you can make moves look in practice mode.
It's a garbage game period. It being fun in mercenaries doesnt make up for all the scenarios being filled with terrible qtes and driving sections.
If u want to make ur own tiermaker.com
>god of war 1 over rising
>god of war 1 over yakuza 4
>god of war 1 ove zone of enders
>didnt played onimisha 3
>prince of persia WW not even on that list
this brit is dead to me
where is the ps2 ghost rider game?
where is folklore?