Post top aesthetics. Also rate me if you want idc

Post top aesthetics. Also rate me if you want idc

Attached: german bias.jpg (578x931, 57K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>impairs vision.
>doesn't protect face.

nice user, only thing i would change is a different helmet

the only blind spot would if the enemy somehow ducked right in front of me.
I love the look of the sallet but I will probably switch it for the burgonet with a buffet when I unlock it

Easy breathing is important when doing strenuous activity


I personally think it looks pretty straight

How much do you have to grind for black tint again?

Not bleeding out in seconds from a gushing neck wound is also rather important imo

idk , this is some greyish tint everyone has

Damn this game is cheap as fuck. I'll probably get it soon. Why the low price? Not complaining.

pretty sure a hefty hit to the throat will kill you regardless of protection



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devs know better than to rip off their fan base

Because it's literally just a retextured Chivalry.

because it's a pile of shit

>Sallet with no bevor or aventail

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its because fur is peak fashion

what game?

>no bevor/gorget

1/10 go back to game of thrones

1 point for the messer

>tfw only 2 types of sabatons
>tfw have to be 30th level for the full gothic armor

Attached: knight.png (538x868, 630K)

generic soldier/10


What's wrong with that? It's a game where everyone rounds around dying every minute.

because it's the same amount your mother charges for others to have sex with her

fuck you sean connery

r8 my knigga

Attached: ss+(2019-05-12+at+08.55.00).png (406x871, 556K)

>pretty sure a hefty hit to the throat will kill you regardless of protection
Are you by any chance an anime fan?

Attached: decorated-gothic-bevor.jpg (275x275, 9K)

generic soldiers didn't get that much armor

Theres a reason that even modern military helmets are mostly based on the sallet. The visor can be raised and probably offered more vision than other contemporary helmets, it's lighter and easier to wear, and can be worn with a bevor for mouth/neck protection. Most soldiers through history have prefered easier to use and lighter gear because they spend considerably less time being stabbed/shot at while in their protective gear than they spend doing literally everything else.

For a knight like this guy though? Yeah, he should be on horseback, wearing a bevor, etc.

>losing to a fucking shitter because the game keeps fucking freezing every few seconds, not allowing me to either attack or parry properly
go fucking kill yourself, just fix the servers already

Nani? Eu servers are fine.

>wear t2 armour
>still get one shot by huntsmen

Fuck offffffff

>tfw the nordic skirt looks great but I'm not level 30 yet
Fucking hell I need to stop slacking

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How is your chest-cloth so fucked but waist-cloth completely okay. Nice boots

Attached: bestboi.png (509x877, 538K)

Stop carrying a bow then.

Why do perks suck so much? All I want to do is be a barbarian, but armor is far more valuable than any perk.

sure you wont bleed to death , you will just choke to death from your broken larynx

Thats the gothic armet, right?
How come the only one I've seen is the Raised one in medium armor?
does it have an option to lower it?

>visor down
>no neck protection
Gr8 armor 10/10 m8.

Uhhh no? Bloodlust and a big weapon allows you to beat the shit out of anyone. You just have to be gud.

Sadly there's no ruined long waist cloth, i've tried using the non ruined chest cloth but it doesnt look that good to me.

>throws firebombs and smoke bombs in your path

Attached: wut.png (462x945, 555K)

looking good but bastard sword with skin would look even better with this late medieval gear

Attached: 20190512210752_1.jpg (303x817, 72K)

its named close helmet its a low level unlock


absolutely stunning 10/10

jester colors but the wenches would still wet themselves

>broken larynx
Yes user, the breastplate-wedge shaped piece of solid metal that is a bevor is going to bend under the mighty blow of your katana

They were made to stop fucking pollaxes to the throat, you fucking WoW player.

unironically kino aesthetic

>Post top aesthetics. Also rate me if you want idc

Attached: 1552767042734.png (500x582, 84K)

It's been proven that a katana can damage plate armor. Imagine what it would do to the wearer.

uhm the steel will still push back against your throat breaking it in the process

Best in show

had the same problem in the morning , maybe its more of a hdd problem tho

I would style on literally any Yea Forums shitter with my maul

I mean besides the italian cuirass this could come of as a man at arms

> gets parried by literally anything because weight dosent mean shit in this game
Still love it tho

>dumb cunts in the enemy team acting all high and mighty
>crusher their entire fucking team and cap all the objective with the help of teammates
>thanks them for the easy game at the end of the match

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>this video
my fucking sides

Biased video poster at it again I see.


Your tastes in aesthetics are poor.

A shocking number of people get styled on with the wooden mallet, and hiding spikes in bushes is fun until you forget which bushes have them

Attached: Engineer.jpg (584x938, 105K)

Not an argument.

You better have team colors turned off.

Shit I'm clearly retarded then because I have that.
Must have been the angle, thanks bud.

I'd argue that you're a faggot.

Oh, will you look at that...
I am correct!

Hey, I know you're just baiting at this point but I'm curious about what you would say about this video.

no problem faggot

based and highly intelligent player

I'm not a fan of unrealistic designs.

Attached: Mordhau-Win64-Shipping_2019_05_10_22_20_56_615.jpg (1920x1080, 705K)

>chainmail with a tabard needs high level

why tf are you impersonating other people faggot?

>put spikes in camp entrance and they get broken
>put a 'temporary' spike behind that first row and go fix them
>turn around and sprint, forgetting about the one I just put 20 seconds ago

Attached: me.png (645x729, 50K)

Fuck off Norse Frenchie. Go suck off more French cock


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that's a question that's simply too profound to answer

i bet your avatar is pepe

The Redditor fears the clover.

Low budget maulman

Attached: Wrecker.jpg (718x919, 94K)

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looking solid, maybe ditch the shield for proper chausses

you don't need a high budget to fuck people with the maul

Attached: d41ea291cdf5476b042cf2e8b0aac114.png (413x892, 607K)

>another shill thread
>295 replies
>not a single comment
>look at my doll Yea Forums


loincloth doesnt really fit with the armor or something, not sure

Has anyone managed to make a proper varangian guard build?

brigandine would look better if you want to go that way


Attached: sir.jpg (5000x2600, 746K)

Not an argument
>some random faggot talking for 15 minutes is supposed to disapprove an actual physical demonstration
I want my 15 minutes back.
Seeing is believing, user. Pausing the video every minute to laugh and say "no that's not how it works lol" is not debunking anything. Now if he went on to create his own little experiment with the mentioned criteria, that would be a different story.

>tfw managing to get 35+ kills every match by mindlessly swinging battle axe like a madman and occasionally riposting
thats not gonna last forever is it?

who /walkingtree/ here?

Attached: treebro.jpg (376x885, 76K)

Time to die you messer shits.

Attached: 9cbbc5f85fb043e040ed9be8fbe468d2.png (515x855, 656K)

This game is so dumb, literally the best way to play is to not fucking look at your opponent and swing wildily, so if you look to your left and swing from your right it will him him as soon as the swing starts because swings have no fucking momentum applied to their damage.

Fucking mount and blade has momentum to their swings, how the fuck do you let a bunch of turks in a garage outdo your combat system.

>walking tree
What did he mean by this? No legit, what is that supposed to mean. Also nice colours, I think it complements his armour well

Multiplayer only trash that will be dead in a year.

Redpill me on Dodge

based and jesterpilled

because devs tought it was such a good idea it became a feature in this game. At first I also tought it made sense , it threw people out of balance switching up timings whenever you want but it became mindless flailing .
Fixing this slashes would start to make things right

retard. hitting people like that doesn't do any damage. the game solves the exact problem you're bitching about faggot.

Hi user, hows your mother's day? Did you tell her you love her?

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fuck you

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Shields are for the weak

Attached: the boy.png (596x1197, 1.08M)

I like it

1st attempt

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based sallet and aventail combo

Attached: executioner.png (704x901, 752K)

why would you willingly use that skin on the messer ?

Attached: ss+(2019-05-13+at+04.01.18).jpg (456x868, 99K)

The blacksmith hammer builds/repairs 3 times faster though

I would imagine it should look better with the high level medium helmets

Explain to me why a Messer is better than a longsword when in reality it was just created to circumvent laws forbidding civilians from carrying longswords.

I was the same shit in Chivalry, why.

What, the spangenhelm? I haven't bought it yet since I'm not some viking shitter

who else /genericafcrusader/ here?

Attached: moderncrusadersalive.png (549x892, 631K)

>What did he mean by this?
the emblem is called walking tree

>domed helmet w/ hood
Is this a backer reward

Was trying to go for the "Knight / Crusader" look while using nothing but light armor / a heavy chest piece.

How'd I do folks?

Attached: Crusaderbro.jpg (882x1201, 190K)

>using plate armor


It looks awesome, fellow knight. Although I think the chailmail hood looks odd and not cool as a helmet but since you went for the realistic look, I can't blame you.

Does armor do much in this game? Based on some youtube vids it seems really easy to kill a nigga in full plate with just a longsword.


>Imagine what it would do to the wearer

Um, nothing. Even in that video, it slightly dents the armor with a slash, and penetrates only a bit with a direct stab which IIRC katanas are never used for anyway. You do know that there's several more layers of protective armor / clothing underneath the outer plate armor, right?

Bought the game last week, got a solid 60fps at 1080p on medium settings.
Today I'm getting around 47 with drops down into 38. What the fuck is going on?

it's meant to give resistance to bladed weapons, but is weaker against percussion weapons. It really depends because as good as it is, it can be very inconsistent.

It's mostly only necessary for head and chest, if you're melee fighting with a one or two handed weapon then you need it, but if you're going to be a spearbitch, use bows, or one handed with shield, you can go light or no armor.

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>no one posting the "Guts" build

The great sword isn't big enough

the gutso modo build is gay as fuck

hell yeah

Attached: tree4me.png (473x814, 586K)

I want that helmet goddamnit

being a monk is fucking fun, just too bad you die in 1 hit from fucking everything

yea its great, domed armet with hood neck slot

Oh hey it's malik

You can't have mine, okay?


ye, knowing what you meant is one of thing I can think of

who /peasant/ here?

>not based monk

Attached: Mordhau-Win64-Shipping_2019-05-12_22-30-57.jpg (704x997, 245K)

Where is your Pavise?

no. i kill them with my sweet rapier and shield combo.

you also could say i "rapier"

Attached: odin.png (588x908, 495K)

would Odin wear a hat?

Anyone? Was there a patch recently?

>They were made to stop fucking pollaxes to the throat
Do you think all that energy behind the strike just disappears or something? Yes the armor helps protect you, but you're still going to get fucking rocked because ate god knows how many pounds of force directly onto your neck. Same reason why a quarterstaff, a literal STICK, can effortlessly body fully armored knights.

>Wooden Mallet
An embarrassment to Engies everywhere. Blacksmith Hammer is a million times more effective in every capacity.

>have problem with multiple enemies, gauging attacks distances and animation timings
>switch to third person camera
>everything fixed

why is the 1st person camera so bad bros?

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How do I improve my skills even further?
I can only take on a average of 4 dudes, anymore than that and I get destroyed.

because having the option is always a mistake in pvp games, especially when 3rd person gives you an advantage on seeing people behind you. I found 3rd person helped for a bit, but ultimately 1st person was more comfortable, also all those issues I found still happened in 3rd person, they were just less noticeable.


Does it repair things?

Aye, and at like three times the speed of a Mallet.

I made a monk with a spear and the dodge perk. Game just isn't built for monks unfortunately.

No, it just breaks things.

I'll give it a try then


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>Game just isn't built for monks
You just lack the necessary skill to survive.

You're fucking shit, kid.

Some old Norse texts described Odin in his wandering gear wearing a broad hat, so yeah.

Attached: 220px-Georg_von_Rosen_-_Oden_som_vandringsman,_1886_(Odin,_the_Wanderer).jpg (220x323, 23K)

>no full length capes
What gives

don't Believe everything thing you read, kid

He has often been depicted with a hat.

who here /bastardsword/

Attached: hedge knight.jpg (696x922, 96K)

I was trying to go for more of a shaolin monk feel.

You're definately not wrong

Attached: 036-1shaolin-master-yuan-shi-xing-wu-vancouver-tai-chi-qigong-kung-fu.jpg (3008x2000, 1.95M)


fine as long as youre not wearing armor

What is the purpose of 1.5h swords in this game. Outside of historical accuracy , what is thier function in the meta game?

I tried and it does almost no damage. Was really disappointed.

Only a hood for aesthetics


Including this post?

>>Try using big weapons
>Get rekt
>>Try using small weapons
>Get rekt
>>Try running around with 3 firebombs and picking up whatever shit's on the floor
>People are dying left and right
Well now.

Attached: 1547468158484.gif (754x370, 2.68M)

shield niggers use them if they wanna ditch the shield and go balls to the wall on the fly

stab is the best function against plate wielders, and it can be quick to interrupt their swings if you time it right

*saves your push*

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the real unsung heroes

>entire video talks about why everything they did in the vid was bullshit and stilted in favor of a pre-determined result
>hurr durr doesn't prove anything

Attached: CARL.png (600x403, 228K)

Even though I carry bandages I love healerbros. Whenever I'm hurt I always prioritize using the medkit instead of my own bandages.

Just seems like a wasted slot to me considering there is no damage difference between 1h and 2h mode (from what I can find).

what game?

Even official sources?
Alrighty, then I won't believe your "holier-than-thou" bullshit

Is there any objective based game mode in this game?

This is how I felt about the warhammer, it's essentially a weaker and slower axe. A real bummer, since I love warhammers in real life


I seen it has controller support, has anyone tried it? I was also looking at their Twitter and the devs said they'd like to do a console port after the PC version is ironed out.

How do I git gud? The most success I've had is short spear + fire bombs which is cheesy as fuck. I also have dodge which rarely seems to work. Anyone with a fuckhuge weapon like a Zwei will still catch me after a dodge.

Attached: shia-lebeouf-1.jpg (500x625, 137K)


Dodge is great for people with long range weapons like spears but it wont save you from shit like a zweihander.

Get a bladed weapon, jump into a crowd and use riposts to attack everyone but the person that hit you.

Attached: file.png (300x401, 193K)

Step aside babies

Attached: big boi.jpg (594x820, 228K)

>he doesn't top the frontline scoreboard by dropping three trillion medkits at the back of every fight his team is in

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>executioner sword

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