what are your fondest gaming memories?
What are your fondest gaming memories?
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Around the end of the PS1. When games that spent years in development finally started being released all at once.
In M2: Total War, I conquered the Holy Roman Empire as Denmark
when you bought a disc and it contained the whole game
Getting tired of games and looking for the absolute worst free to play games with a friend.
Planetside 2 when you find a good squad.
Playing spyro 3 on a tiny 4 inch car DVD player screen because I didn’t have my own tv yet.
Exploring Eryth Sea in Xenoblade 1 gave me such a wonderful feeling of pure happiness, and the search for a feeling like that again is the only thing that is preventing me from killing myself.
>Playing Mario Kart with my grandfather
>Playing Conker's Bad Fur Day and Mario Party with my cousin and sister
>Looking for a good online game with my best friend
Local multiplayer was fucking great bros. Now we just get ebin online loot box shooters.
Uther party with my bros in 2007
Never ever again, feels bad man
saving up allowance for months and getting a PSP
without telling my parents because they didn't want me to have video games for some reason
didn't even play that many games on it but I had so much fun following the homebrew community
Battle.net era. BW/D1/D2/WC3, very fond memories of all the friends I made through those games and staying up late swapping between them just fucking around having fun.
Also going fast with Yea Forums in Tribes:Ascend
I remember doing sleep overs with an old friend of mine. We used to play Smash, Street Fighter, MvC3, TF2 and LoL together.
popping nerds with my buddy in diablo 2 and watching them cry in game as we stole all their items
Back in overwatch's first Chinese new year event with the capture the flag game, I went as Sombra and placed the teleporter in the middle back room. I then went invisible and went to grab the flag. It was protected by a junk rat trap and a Bastion. The bastion was shooting at me and I teleported once the junk rat trap let me go. I had actually taken the flag. I then ran over to my team and got us a point. I forget if we won or not
Playing Tekken 3 tournaments with my mom and letting her win sometimes.
Rushing from school, playing games on Hamachi with friends.
Having 5 hour calls on skype conference call, effing amazing.
playing games and skipping school
When I wasn't a wagecuck and I could enjoy the sense of adventure of Baldur's Gate or Gorhic.
Played Bully with my gf at the time. I got into a minigame that made the controller vibrate real hard and so I tickled my girl's clit with it.
Seeing Megaman X6 for the first time
The ones I'm making with my friends now
Still go over to their house and play F-Zero and stuff
And we play online a lot
killing corporal beast with my friends, i used rune cbow with diamond bolts, i wasnt very smart, my friends had full karil and verac helm and zammy spear, god that was long ago.
"Uh, Twitch here! Hey, I'm taking heat!"
"Uh, Twitch here! Yeah, sure, you got it!"
"Palerider here. Woah. I got trouble!"
This game wasn't as good as the first one, but God, it had so much more soul. I love it.
I'm so fucked up
playing terrorist hunt in rainbow six with my bro from early evening until the next day non stop. Went hours before I even got up for piss
Hi Chris
Taking turns playing World of Warcraft with my sister, on the same character.
Playing halo 3 legendary coop campaign with my brother
he did reach legendary all by himself and got a monument to all your sins
My nigga
Morrowind is up there, I spent a whole summer playing through it.
This was me except with Runescape. My parents didn't want to pay for more than one subscription. We weren't poor or anything, they were just frugal, so we shared.
i remember doing this with my older cousin, and since i was so bad everytime he died i had to go someplace hidden so he would respawn
resident evil 4, one of my buddies ran out of ammo on all his guns except his pistol and a horde of monks and zombies appeared on the opposite end of a bridge, so he just started shooting his pistol like crazy, and by sheer luck shot a rocket that that just been fired by one of the monks, blowing everyone up.
if it was me I would have tried to ran away or tried to run around them, either way I would have died
playing Halo and CoD with my cousin with two tvs right next to each other
playing morrowind on mushrooms
Making my older brother so mad that he threatened to beat me senseless if I stopped playing when I trashed him completely on Soul Calibur 3. Final score was something like 40 something to 13 in my favor.
Since I'm old I have a bunch.
Getting a SNES from my grandmother (long since passed) which first got me into playing videogames, I keep it to remember her by
Playing door games on a local BBS (Legend of the Red Dragon was way too adult for a kid like me) and later making friends with the sysop's kids
Playing WWI flight sims and Blake Stone on my grandfather's PC
Playing with a 3DO, a Virtual Boy and seeing Command and Conquer on a PC on the same day
Experiencing VR for the first time at a local arcade
Playing Oregon Trail on an old Apple II for the first time
Playing Doom, Star Fox 64 and Ogre Battle with an awkward Polish kid who was probably my best friend
Making friends with a kid who had a T1 in his house thanks to his dad's job at an ISP and playing Duke Nukem 3D long before I was old enough to look at boobs. We later got into making games together and learning how to program while still in elementary school
Getting my first Game Boy Color and playing Pokemon in the woods and pretending I was a real Pokemon trainer. Also playing Final Fantasy Legend in a parked car using one of those tape deck aux adapters for sound while it rained
Renting FFVI, Earthbound, and Super Mario RPG, buying FFVII, Warcraft II online multiplayer
Staying up all night with my friends playing Halo and beating Brute Force, going to local Halo tournaments with them and (after not winning) getting to play Steel Battalion at one of them on a 30 foot projection screen in front of a crowd
Playing WoW with my roommates in college and taking the entire raid out to a bar after we beat Ragnaros
Minecraft multiplayer for the first time with friends
Yea Forums invading Wurm Online
QA testing a MMO and getting my name in the credits
playing lan with my brothers and friends
>unreal tournament
>dungeon siege
>neverwinter nights
>op flash
>aoe 2
playing DoAC and WoW for the first time at release
take me back
Being a kid and getting Spyro 3 and proceeding to play it for like 6 hours straight and clear the whole first world, until my brother whined to the babysitter that I was hogging the PS1 and made me stop
Beating my favorite game for the first time with a friend
Experiencing Monster Girl Quest at the same time as Yea Forums thanks to Rogue-sensei
Exploring Minecraft for the first time
Starting a guild in a shitty MMO
Beating FTL for the first time
unironically none
Playing CS 1.6 and other goldsrc mods after high school on my shitbox PC
Playing Super Paper Mario at dawn
The first year of Overwatch
Playing Brawl with my friends for pretty much an entire summer
playing any coop game with both my brothers. castle crushers, crash bash, operation winback, divinity 2 original sin, that game with a topdown view with mages and different combination of spells...
and also fighting against eachother in MK9, Tekken7 and so on
those are always happy times
As a child: carrying my gameboy everywhere while playing pokemon, and playing games like mario kart 64 with friends and brothers.
Teenager: getting into jrpgs, playing and replaying FF games.
Young adult: playing tf2 for thousands of hours on my favourite servers.
Recent years: played lots of good games, but no memories in particular are fond.
My friends and I got together to play some third gen pokemon together, link cables, wireless adapters and all. Sometimes I would bring my Gamecube over and we'd use my copy of Gale of Darkness to battle in 3d. Shit was so cash.
My brother and I playing Goof Troop together, watching my dad play Secret of Mana, and defeating my first endgame boss in my first mmorpg, with my friends.
Are the NGE games good? I don't want to be a secondary
I know that feeling. That's a good feeling.
exiting the udnerground facility in fallout 3 and seeing the landscape, it was beautiful
lol zoomer
All night smash parties with my friends in middle school.
that is really sweet. You seem like a good bro. Good sibling relations are invaluable
Playing BoF IV with my best friend who only wanted to watch me play for some reason.Discussing and having fun in general.
Playing Lineage 2 with a huge group of friends in LAN cafes and PvPing all day long.
I miss you bros,I really do.
>playing tibia with my brother
>playing quake 3 arena with my dad on ps2
>playing league when it was in season 1-3
>playing anything with my brother
holy fuck i wanna get back i really shed a tear naow
saying the n word
Css zombie mode servers were the SHIT let me tell you
>Not Zombie Escape
>zombie escape
that was the SHIT too fren
>this map
oh my god YAAAAAAAAAAAAS, and also lila panic just fucking kill me i wanna get back
coming out from the sewer in Oblivion, being impressed by its graphics at the time, deciding to test the bow on a tree to see if the arrow would stick there and if i could take it back. man...
Leading my gang of niggers in a SAMP server taking over the hoods and killing cops, amazing how no game could even get close to what CnR/RP servers did
I made lots of friends in GTAIV free mode. Since I'm mexican, I would usually be fond to speaking with those who talked in spanish, then it would often end up in me befriending that feller. I made lots of friends, not only latin americans, but also people from the US. We would have lots of fun griefing, doing shootouts, taking turns at the swingset glitch...
It would even get as ridiculous as having fun by making our character land on his balls on a railing near some stairs at the airport.
It was all fun because the game was wired for everyone to have the same posibilities of winning or losing, because weapons were scattered all over the map and quality vehicles would spawn randomly (with the exception of the helicopter or the tank). Unlike GTAO, you didn't have to spend a jarring amount of time on having an advantage over other players.
Thus, online was a blast. I remember going from one area to another in a buzzard in order to save a friend from half the server ganging up on him and cornering him by a pier, only for another friend, who was piloting another buzzard, to rain missiles at pinpoint accuaracy upon the chasers and blowing them up. The friend that was being chased thanked my other friend at the buzzard, and since the second one was a total jackass (in a good way) he sent him flying by tilting the helicopter and hitting him with the propeller. He obviously ragequited.
It lasted 3 years, more or less, until GTAV arrived and the whole gang joined once more, hoping to have those same moments to occur once again. Turns out we were all dissapointed, as the loading screens were mind-numbingly long and boring. Those weapons and vehicles we once had at reach now were locked at a paywall, which hinted that we would have to use real money to have the same amount of fun we had back then, but turns out that latin americans are statistically prone to have less income, and thus we refused to pay for all that malarkey. It wasn't the same, and the fun didn't last.
>4 or 5 years old
>playing SMB for the first time
>Mom making sum chocolate muffins(for the first time too)
>The smell of burning plastic oozing from consoles back then.
Playing Halo 3 with friends. Shit was cash, especially when XBLive came around
Playing games before YouTube and internet spoilers and trailers where you don't know what to expect and unveil the plot as you play. Same with movies, it's rare to see a movie without knowing spoilers or the general plot line
getting a sega genesis and spiderman: separation anxiety for xmas
playing columns for days on end
getting a ps1 and spyro because my dad got
money from being hit by a truck, and saying i really wanted another game, so we went back and got parappa
getting mgs2 for xmas
skipping school with my parents approval to go buy mgs3 the morning it came out
getting really drunk and high and playing rockband with a full setup and friends
generally playing vidya with people i will never see again
playing persona 4 with my gf, your affection blasting while we cuddle and decide who to sleep with
i could go on. very few from the most recent gen, now that i think about it.
being able to feel joy
Do tell, please
Halo 1 LAN parties at my buddies place back in 01, would have other guys from school gaming with us. 4 guys on one tv, 4 on the other. Also 4 player Crash Team Racing with my friends.
i never really had much fun with gta4 online, but me and my friends used to go street diving. you take a chopper and fly down long, straight streets, then jump out when you're at a certain angle and distance from the ground. if you're good, you can bounce 4 blocks and fly through the air without dying
>8 years old
>Parents won't get me gameboy and pokemon because semi-poor (Military salary, always had to watch money)
>All my friends are having fun with the biggest cultural phenomenon of the dacade
>Dad has basic ass computer
>Downloads archaic emulator and pokemon roms for me
>Literally almost cry
>Spend almost every second I can on the computer
>Never forget how that game used to make me feel
>remember having trouble orienting myself after playing for a whole day because not used to RPG controls
>Looking back, my dad always tried to make me happy, even if we didn't have much money.
i'll give you one specific one.
my cousin and i have always and still play games together, pic rel is us in GTAO. but we still somehow always find new ways to entertain ourselves in SA. one day years ago, we were fucking around in the 2 player mode on ps2, which lets you do virtually nothing, and i just said, "fuck it, lets sail around the map". so we did, and it was magical for some reason. we took our time, stopped in a bunch of places we never saw, and eventually circled back to the hood. we were smoking and shit while we did it (nothing new there), but i still dont understand why such a simple little waste of time stands out so much in my memory
I never played them because I could never find a good ROM
good taste, all of them
Going on 24/7 hightower servers and making new steam friends on them, just old tf2 in generall I guess
Anytime my sis would introduce me to a new game. There was this special period of her showing me the ropes, then me trying it out on my own to get better, and then us working together or competing. First example that comes to mind was this Incredibles beat em up thing on the ps2(?) that had a 2 person co-op campaign with the titular character and frozone. Playing through that game with her was such a fun blast, trying to not fail on taiko drum master or rock band, and messing around in the sound menu for smash... I want to go back
When I saw that the pcs for that game snipperclips were an older sis and a younger bro, I immediately purchased it out of nostalgia.
Playing King's Field (JP) for the first time comes to mind. When I played open world RPG games I would usually ignore the story since it wasn't why I wanted to play, I just wanted to explore dungeons or whatever. King's Field was the first game that made me feel like I got what I was craving in that regard.
Playing the Syphon Filter demo for the first time and lighting a nigga on the roof on fire with the long tazer line
Me and my cousin playing couch coop twisted metal ps3 shortly after it came out. One of my fondest memories was we were playing on that map with the storm drains, I was playing as Juggernaut and he was playing as reaper. I remember I was getting ducked in the drain, couldn't really escape cuz I'm slow and bulky. I remember saying "BRO, I'M DYING HELP!" He goes "I got this". He pops the wheelie to charge up the chainsaw attack, boosts over top of me, throws the thing mid air and kills the guy fucking me.
Man. Good times.
Dark Souls II PvP
playing 360 with the bros and fighting over whether to play gears, cod, or halo
>ze_lost world redux
>ze_space stationzz
Damn..... endless memories on these fucking maps. I'm still impressed with how much map makers were able to do with the old source SDK.
Best girl
Still being able to enjoy them.
Fuckin Col. Renard and shit.
Raiding Karazhan for the first time. I was 13 and my guild snubbed me despite the fact I was the first to sign up on the forums. So I started a pug and led the thing with a world of warcraft guide book in my lap. Stayed up till 2am because I had to go to six flags the next day for a school trip.
Honestly would have rather stayed up till 6am than go.
>playing through super metroid for the first time with my best bro
>finally get to last area
>green day playing on the stereo
>get to the end
>bro about to die on mother brain
>pops the e-tanks and passes me the controller
>manage to beat the fight
>right as the metroid shows up to save samus from mother brain hear the stereo pumping "WHEN I COME AROUND"
>Hype levels have reached critical as I do the escape sequence
Probably my best gaming memory. Chris, I hope you're doing well these days.
I want to hug Asuka
Split screen timesplitters with the girl next door when I was a kid. Sometimes we’d play gears of war. Also really enjoyed dynasty warriors 3.
Oh and playing jak and daxter
The golden COD years. Get home from school, boost on mw2 with buds, talk shit in lobbies, watch the usual COD youtubers. It was a good time looking back. Now everything is lonely for me, nobody else to play with