What do you expect to see from the Nintendo-Microsoft partnership at E3 this year?

What do you expect to see from the Nintendo-Microsoft partnership at E3 this year?

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>new Battletoads on Switch
>Killer Instinct ONE port on Switch
>RareReplay port on Switch
>Banjo in Smash
>Custom Switch based on Xbox

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Nintendo should strike a deal with Microsoft to use xbox live infrastructure for switch online. Win-win, MS gets more money from selling live like they so much enjoy doing, Nintendo fixes their online which their president seems so worried about

>>Killer Instinct ONE port on Switch
Haven't thought of that, would be cool.

What do Xbox One users get back in return?

Halo X Metroid

What is xbox losing by helping with the online? I was thinking strictly between the companies and not the players

What I want to see from Microsoft is something related to this microsoft.com/en-us/research/blog/introducing-torc-a-rigid-haptic-controller-that-renders-elastic-objects/

Every second they spend with Nintendo is a wasted second though.

they're already doing this. mobile games like asphalt are now using xbl for their online service. microsoft is trying to get as many people using xbl on as many devices as possible because it's part of nadella's business plan.

A NES Classics Collection for PC and XBONE, with luck.


This joint venture won't last long once PS5 starts ass raping the competition. It's cute that Xniggies need one another to survive.

Nothing but Microsoft software stuff coming to Nintendo and viceversa (sorta).
I don't really expect to see some Smash rep from Microsoft, however.

This. Absolutely fucking nothing.

both of them begging for P5 and FF7R

More people to play with?

Nothing. The console is the dead but the brand will live on.

Rare Replay on Switch. I dont expect the xbox live thing to happen at ALL. That is some major wishful thinking.
As for Smash Bros, since we can't have nice things then nothing. Instead we get 2 more swordies just because.

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You expect too much from Phil.


Master Chief in Smash Bros at the MS conference

I expect, Banjo to still be dead, and only Master Chief to be playable in Smash.

XBL is pretty much confirmed to coming to the Switch. Cuphead devs talked about it already.

No, it will be Steve with Master Chief and Banjo skins.

>Microsoft will show a trailer for a game not on Xbox in front of an audience of Xbox fans.
Are Smash fans fucking stupid?

Rare Replay on switch
Banjo in smash
Battle Toads on switch
Some other developer making a new Banjo for switch and Xbox One. Rares too deep into roleplaying pirates now to do it.

MCC on switch possibly. I think it could handle it graphically up to reach.

How would that even work? Would it only work on certain games? And would Switch owners have to buy two online services?


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keep that garbage out of Metroid, trying to be like halo is what caused other M and the shit parts of prime 3

literally nothing you retards. There is no partnership. Microsoft willingly decided to start porting stuff over expecting nothing but money from Nintendo fans in return. I swear, everyone is fucking stupid for trying to make this seem like more than it actually is

My guess is that it works for multiplat games for better crossplay, and I doubt switch owners would need to pay, it will probably work like Minecraft where all you need is a gamertag.

>trying to be like halo is what caused other M
Halo is nothing like other M

nothing. anyone who thinks nintendo, the disney of gaming, is going to provide their IPs to any other company is a massive idiot. MS will continue to release everything as multiplats minus the ps4

neither MS, Nintendo or Sony are providing their IP's to other companies. all PS games are only on Sony platforms, all Nintendo games are only on Nintendo platforms (pokemon go garbage doesn't count it's not even a full game) and Microsoft games are only on Microsoft platforms (unless they made Linux OGL/Vulkan ports i never heard about)

nah in a year or two you'll start seeing MS games on PS5 most likely. MS is slowly starting the process of making Xbox everywhere and available to everyone.
>Xbox games on PC
>Xbox games coming to Switch
>Heavy Streaming Focus next gen
>controllers for retarded kids and blind people being made
>selling multiple options at different prices to cater to as many groups as possible
>(eventually) Xbox games on Playstation
>Xbox Live service added to all to enable crossplay between each.

Steam is not a Microsoft platform, Minecraft is on everything

>neither MS, Nintendo or Sony are providing their IP's to other companies
Halo is offered to Valve

They only released an ip they don't own on the Switch, not something like Halo.

>Ori is rumored
MS is slowly testing the waters with everything... honestly Playstation might've gotten Cuphead if Hellblade hadn't flopped on there.

only on windows and it uses xbox live exclusively for multiplayer and achievements. it's also on MS store.

sony is literally letting david cage games of IP's they own allowed on windows and epic store of all things. if it was some sony store on a sony operating system using a sony made api and exclusively using PSN for online interaction and trophies then it wouldn't be as bad but that's way worse than what MS has done.

Microsoft won't be putting anything on Playstation because they're still a competitor. Microsoft's goal is to get as many people into their ecosystem as possible, making the decision to pick them over PS5 an easy one.

>only on windows
source? I'm pretty sure any steam game is available on any OS


you need an xbl account to play and xbl isn't allowed on linux.

Minecraft is different, it was too big to let stay exclusive to one console, Hellblade was made before Ninja Theory was bought out, their next game will be exclusive to Xbox (this doesn't just mean the console), they don't own the Cuphead ip, we don't know about Ori, that would a surprise if it came to Switch because Microsoft owns that ip.

Quantic Dream games are Epic Store only

it was Microsoft who went to Nintendo to put Cuphead on there... but if they really had 0 ownership over the IP then that's even more proof that there is no partnership at all.

no microsoft has no control over the IP. they had some marketing rights over it but apparently the cuphead devs had been wanting to make a switch version for ages and they asked MS to let them do that.

if MS didn't own the IP then they wouldn't need to ask them to let them port it over

>and they asked MS to let them do that.
But it was MS that asked them to do it in the first place.

because microsoft owned the marketing rights in the same way sony owned the marketing rights for destiny and why we couldn't get cross progression.


we don't actually know that and they've never confirmed it. some guy tweeted that he spoke to a guy who spoke to another guy who said that. neither MS nor anyone from that studio has publicly confirmed that.