Thoughts on her design?

Thoughts on her design?

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she cute

Looks like my mother


She looks amazing. Tifa HAS to look hotter/better.

A health hazard. Heart keeps missing beats every time I see her.

I think she's missing something vital. Maybe they should try giving her a sword.

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Tifa's going to be Asian

I fapped like 7 times already. Can't get enough of these emerald eyes.

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Have sex.

She cute
He cute
He cute

The downblouse is great

Get a life

Out of all the characters she looks like the most faithful recreation so far.

They all cute



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As far as a realistic version of the character she looks pretty spot on how I thought she would look. Arguably better than AC or CC

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I'm so glad they didn't go with retarded "realistic" style like that FFXV movie or DMC5 and kept anime design.

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The downgrade will be real. That character model looks more detailed than the CG models in FFXV cutscenes, not to mention Advent Children.


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she's perfect
can't wait to see tifa


I can't wait to see vincent

All shitty weeb anime designs. Why can’t they look more human? The Japanese are really far behind when it comes to character modeling.


>have younger brother (10) who loves video games
>me and him watch the trailer
>he thinks shes pretty
>he's never played FF7

Boy he gon learn bout heartbrake

Good thing your brother is gonna be fucking 18 by the time this shit comes out

Have sex with a woman.

have him play FFVII first. You don't want his memory of FFVII to be some shitty episodic remake


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Aeris is not for lewd

I would have loved to see the meltdown if FFVII had gone for photo-scanned models like REmake2 and DMC5.

I wonder how they would have tackled stuff like Cloud's iconic hairstyle and such.

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Nah they don't, they look slightly less detailed/poly/texture wise than XVs game models which are 100k poly, 7R still obviously current gen so probably like 80k- 100k poly range per character model.
Look at Jessie model compared to Cindy, both Ferrari designs but Cindy model is way more detailed and higher fidelity.

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newfags don't know about fujo nosebleeds
there's a reason they won't show sephiroth

im gonna get it for switch for him on his birthday next month

Tifa > Aeris

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>I wonder how they would have tackled stuff like Cloud's iconic hairstyle and such.
Noctis lmao

I thought even kids knew she dies, the spoiler is pretty inescapable if you've been on the internet. I've never seen Star Wars but I know Darth Vader is Luke's father.

Nigga one of those says she looks like his mom. What is wrong with you?

They're going to nerf her tits

he knows nothing about FF beside watching me play the MMO some.

I try to keep him interested in older games and stuff, luckily he hasn't fallen to fortnite yet

and here jessie

Attached: ff7rjp.mp4_snapshot_00.17.060.jpg (1920x1080, 649K)

Here's your cloud, bro.

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>not having sex with your mom

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everyone in kg that is a game character still has their game hair design

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Nah, she'll end up being a hapa.

Compared to what, exactly, in the west? Because The Witcher is the only game series I can think of in the last ten years made in the west where the character models looked good.

lol no

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She looks like a real "flowergirl".

She got dick from Zack, dropped.

Niggers like you are going to make "have sex" replies filtered one of these days.

is she a virgin?

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she's quite literally a whore


Wanna impregnate her virgin womb

Looks like Aerith to me. No major changes, which is what I wanted.

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i want to cum on that face

Literally every single character in the trailer looks better than any character from a western game in the past 10 years lmao
It's the west that have regressed in character modeling


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Her dub voice is cute.

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Perfect blacked materia.

God I want to impregnate her. Every instinct in my body is screaming at me to bury myself deep inside of her and fill her with the seed of life. I want to feel the soft walls of her vagina squeeze each and every drop of semen out of my cock as she stares lovingly at me with tears in her beautiful emerald eyes. She is literally perfection incarnate, and I need her to be the mother my children.

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She honestly looks perfect, and sounds pure as fuck in both languages.

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I can hear the cigarettes in the dub.


cant wait for the sfm orgies

Then your ears are clearly fucked up.

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She has the voice of an angel in english, you're a moron

Can't wait to play as her in 2035. After 5 years of development Square has now perfectly recaptured the magic of the first 15 minutes of FF7. It's really happening bros.

she looks like scarlet johanson

ear is too big

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>added zippers and belts for no reason

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Tifafags will never understand true perfection

Decades of visual kei have proven that anime hair is real

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Can't wait for the porn

>sewer level
>first 15 mins

Tetsuya Nomura directly influenced who I consider attractive.

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The voice acting in the trailer was awful

A bit too modest for a prostitute.

it's going to be unironically hard to watch her get ghosted again now they've made her so cute

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Who cares? She's still gonna die

Ugly dogfucking white woman.

It was great in both languages, stop finding something to bitch about.

she almost looks ganguro on the right

That's cause you are Inferior.

Left was so pretty.
Right looks retarded.

Right look like ugly methhead white woman.


Didn't play the game but right is the final version isn't it? Way to ruin a perfect design for the manchildren otaku audience.

neck yourself retard

her design wouldn't have mattered. She's in the game for 15 minutes at most. Don't ever play FFXV

Its Nomura in charge. What did you expect

Generic anime waifu #435395

t. zoomer

Missing a hole on her chest

In the TGS 2014 trailer she looked way more Asian, but people complained so they took a 180 and made her look like left for Kingsglaive. But then Japanese gamers complained because they're not really into that, so they made her look hapa in the final game.

I'm more interested in the monster re-designs.

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>that tiny wheel

Enjoy wobbling at 30+mph

>tfw girls rarely have emerald eyes

No hope bros...

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Best girl by far.


Cope harder weeb.

how is Visual Works so damn good?

why the long face

I hope they keep the scene of her getting knotted in the remake.

Worse. Same as Barrett.

hey look
a retard

Oh you're right. I rewatched it now and see the sewer boss section. It is 99% the first reactor to be fair

There's also the train tracks.

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Her jaw is HUGE.

No it isn't. You're just a jawlet/chinlet who watches far too much anime.

Don't care.
She dies.

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he is for sure better here than AC. CC ending fmv looked pretty good too, but not as realistic as remake.

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I like how she looks though..

Cute enough that I'll give a shit that she dies this time.

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sucks you didn't care the first time

she's pretty much the only one I was excited to see with the redesign in the Remake. Of course that was back in 2015 though. But we've already seen Cloud, Barrett, and Aeris in hyper realistic 3D models before. I wanna see the literal whos

Absolutely amazing. They did a phenomenal job with her design in the remake.

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It will very likely be cross-generational.

That's okay I don't want to have sex with vaginas anymore. Penises are better.

I have literally never seen a good looking character in a western video game. They all look like fucking shit.

Best girl

The characters in The Witcher 3 look good.

Give me a second and I'm sure I can think of some others

She's actually what we deserve, and she looks so cute...

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Left is from the movie. Right is from the game.

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Which one is the left? Top or down?

top looks so much better

Oh sorry. I meant the picture he replied to. The one I posted are just changes in Luna's in-game design.

Can someone please photoshop to fix her manjaw and mannose?

Women are supposed to have soft rounded non pronounced chins and less elongated, cute noses.
The bridge of her noses is too long and flat, and her jaw is too defined.

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She is pretty but her face needs a least a little bit of skin texture to it, it looks like rubber sometimes when she makes expressions. Also I think her eyes look a bit inhuman (though I guess they're supposed to since she isn't) and her lower eyelids have too much skin between the between the eyeball and the eyelashes

don't imagine it as a perfectly real person

Earisu is cute. CUTE!

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Looks like my high school sweetheart, right down to her big honkin’ jew-nose-on-Christian-chick. I used to put my mouth around it and blow, making air come out her mouth. She hated that so much, haha.

good bait

that's not a jew nose user
try googling a bit

Fuck, I actually heard it just from watching her lips. I'd say this is a sign I've watched too much anime but I knew that decades ago.

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I can't help it when they make the lighting and hair and almost everything else but the style of it so realistic

would fuck

>tfw animators move from sfm to better engines
>imagine all the upcoming Aeris and Tifa porn with new models

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not bad

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why'd they make my wife look ugly?
at least her demise won't hurt so much

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She looked good in the first trailer.. her new design looks odd.

I am about to gf a cutie I knew for a long time and she also has blowjob lips like Aerith in this trailer.

Wish me luck Yea Forumsros

She looks like she fucks lions.

I like it. Some say the jaw is too big, I’d like to see someone’s edit before agreeing.

>Pink clothes
>Goes up real close to strangers
>Gives her flowers away
AKA a metaphore for "getting deflowered"

The fuck do you think.
She probably took all cocks under the rotting metal pizza.

i dont know if you agree with me but she looks different here from and i dont know, its not consistent

Different camera angles and lighting

fellow tifa bros, what if aerith looks better than our girl?
i'd kill myself i couldn't handle it

>her first and her last phrase to Cloud is "Daijoubu?"

i can't fucking wait.

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>Emerald weapon fight
>you swim around

>ruby weapon fight
>you have to climb his arms and avoid sudden tentacles coming from the ground

>ultima weapon fight
>literally pic related on the high wind, with ultima coming close and away regularly

>Diamon weapon fight
>long range battle, avoiding his shots from the shoulders and center of the body

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I hate you for that comment
I love you for that pun