Woah, why such a stark difference between critics and fans?

woah, why such a stark difference between critics and fans?

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Fans aren't paid shills.

>paying someone to rate your stuff lower than necessary

maybe it's not "woke" enough

Sorry, I should have specified better that other films tend to do better, despite being utter shit, because critics are paid off. I doubt anyone involved with DP cared enough since it'd make bank on nostalgia and kids alone.

Critics look at films objectively

Nintendo fans are toddlers that get easily entertained with jiggling keys

critics always give 10/10 to every superhero movie Im sure Pikachu movie isnt that bad compared to them

Because critics should be more conscious of bias and are viewing the film through a critical lens.

Detective Pikachu was hella fun as a casual Pokemon fan, but it isn't an amazing movie on its own. There are ton of thing to nitpick but I got to see Ludicolo work at a coffee shop so I was happy. If I had to write a critical review of the film though there is no way to overlook some of its issues.

pokemon fans will buy anything

>how much money the production has sent me to write this review?
yeah sure, objectively

gamers are by and large low intelligence and easy to please. couple that with normies and brand loyalty and you got yourself a 75%+ fan rating

Because hot busty Pikachu action all day all night long

Why does Yea Forums hate Journalists so much

They ruined Michael Jackson’s life & continually shit on him today. All journalists should be lynched

Because most people under 40 don't play real games anymore so a Journalist's opinions seem to matter more and they're all fucking casuals.

Stop making this thread.

because clicks/ratings matter more than reporting the truth

You can't trust Rotten Tomatoes for anything anymore until months after a thing comes out.

They pay the reviewers so you can't trust the professionals, and the first two weeks of audience scores are going to be bots so those don't mean anything either.

It's this way a lot, critics are soulless people who look for emotion and experience in film to replace the lack of both in their lives, while the general audience is just looking to be entertained for 2 hours. It's like sonyfags vs everyone else, Sonyfags want experiences and lesbian relationships that aren't sexy but meaningful and no big gross titties to distract them from the EXPERIENCE. Everyone else just wants fun games.

>fans want to see pikachu
>critics want a good movie

I liked the movie but 6/10 is a pretty fair score.

still the movie is shit

>>critics want a good movie
dunno, considering how high they rate those baffling capeshit movies.


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This. For fans, just seeing the pokemon walk around in the city is a joy, as well as all the background details and references they really enhances how much you'll enjoy the movie. Without that, it is a pretty mediocre film and I say that as someone absolutely loved the movie.

Weren't half of the issues reviewers had "I have to like Pokémon to enjoy this movie and that suuuuucks!!"

I don't know about half but there's certainly more than one review that's basically "I'm over 35 and I don't understand Pokemon at all, it's so confusing".

It's just an okay movie, but it's also the best video game adaption.

Any movie without a big name that pulled the Hodo plot would have been rightfully picked apart, shameful.

It's almost like journos can't be trusted.

It's a by the books pretty standard family movie. Inoffensive, but nothing to write home about. But it's got a shit ton of love for the franchise in it too.

Fans of the franchise will be happy with it since they get a decent movie and a lot of cool reference. Non-fans get just a decent movie.

professional opining on any medium has been on the decline for a long while

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Because the part where the bad guy merges the humans and pokemons is fucking stupid.

This pretty much. Its a childrens movie

This essentially. Used to eating shit.


The fans don't care if Avengers makes a few hundred million dollars less than what Disney promised their investors.

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>This pretty much. Its a childrens movie
>game that is aimed at children makes a movie that is aimed at children
because most of t the critics are stupid oldfarts, who don´t know anything about pokemon and be like pookeeymeen. So they don´t wanna admit they know nothing and only write in irony.
I really don´t know what people expected in watching this. Lighthearted story for kids, cool worldbuilding and realistic pokemon. That´s what I expect nothing else.

why do you faggots care so much that one children's franchise made more money than another?

Fans have an emotional attachment to the characters, story and motifs, critics are supposed to look at movies with an objective, critical eye and spot objective flaws and strenghts........

Its a pretty good movie. Its not going to be the best this year most likely but its good still.
If you are a fan of Pokemon you are going to be blown away by the little world building details. Signs and pokemon everywhere and its all relevant to the plot and it hints a little at more to come here and there. The Pokemon designs I think are overall pretty great. A good mix of cute and realistically a little unsettling or slimy or scaly or rough. Its a film that has a lot of fun with the different textures. Really good animation too.
The acting is pretty decent. Reynolds steals the show as Detective Pikachu. Superbly comical and sincere and distinctive enough from Deadpool I feel. Ironically its a very human performance, and Jaden, he doesn't do a bad job either. The girl is good too. Everyone else is kind of either hammy or underplayed.
The film doesn't have a huge amount to the plot. Its a pretty typical gumshoe affair but its a nice homage to the noir genre. Its not taking huge risks with the plot and as others have said it kinds of rushes near the end but its good.
Its definitely in the handful of good videogame movies. I'd definitely watch it again. And if they can make future live action adaptions as good or better then that I'd be happy as a fan.