ITT. Games you would like to be ported to the Switch

I'll start.

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It would be perfect on Switch.

persona 5

This or Muramasa.

Speaking of, why has Vanillaware been so MIA lately? Like all we got was that teaser for Aegis Rim and that was it.

Dammit, SEGA. You have the rights to the real-life planes back, you put the game out on mobile again. Put Climax out on current consoles and/or PC. Switch is fine, it's great for arcade titles you can do quick runs of.

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Never played Muramasa but if they brought the Vita version with all the extra content over I'd probably get it.

>hating and mocking to everything that comes to vita on 3ds/vita era
>now wants to have everything on switch because starvation of games

Aren't they doing that 13 something game? I think it got a 10$ prologue thing on the Japanese psn store

>Rushing art full of SOUL

You don't deserve to appreciate Kamitani's masterful brush.

lol, just buy a vita

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I played the original on the Wii. Loved it.

I'd imagine I'd love Rebirth too, but never did get a Vita. So it'd be a nice addition to the Switch.

Have been playing this recently on vita and it's awesome, but yeah as a switch owner as well i would rather play it on the switch for several reasons. Would definitely purchase if they ported it

I want it on my bing bing wahoo toy

karma is real, I see

Atlus and Vanillaware are greedy bastards. You seriously do not want that. Dragon's Crown is merely being discounted at the moment due to the fancy steelcase being a storage hazard for stores like Best Buy and Amazon.

This so much. Atlus are actually retarded for not wanting free money, I would gladly buy Persona 5 if it was on switch.

muramasa rebirth was so fucking good

>Only On PlayStation®
as clear as water

Ace combat series

Oh no, I'm not saying rush it by all means, I want devs to take their time -- I just haven't heard an update in a while.

Also you think Sony's new censorship policies might fuck them over?

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why the fuck would you pick 5 over literally any of the others? Bring 3 FES

The switch could not run the can't even run Dragons Dogma a game from 2012

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What's with all of the Nintendo shitposting threads today?
Did something happen?

Do it to me Square. Make me buy these games again. And put the multiplayer back in Mirage Arena you fucking cunts.

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No games to play

Compile Heart games are leaving Sony, as far as recent news goes.

>Impying dragons crown is harder to run than dragons dogma

Gravity Rush 1
Also what is that one vita game with a samurai guy that marries a big thicc demon?

Yeah but this is more than the usual anti-nintendo posting.

That would explain it. I suppose Detective Pikachu doing well would set them off too come to think of it.


The only game I wanted ported to the Switch has already been ported, even if it's not the best port. Just get new games made

I just want Rebirth with a not dogshit resolution. I don't care what system it's on.

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Jak and Daxter

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Enjoying the drought, Switchbros?

>Azur Lane PS4 exclusive
>Arc of Alchemist PS4 exclusive

the switch is not actually portable. the vita is tho

Vita has OLED screen if that's not good resolution you're a blind asshole

Just do it already, god damn it.

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joker in smash

PC first I've been waiting this game on Steam for such a long time

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nothing to play on the switch

No games. Nintendumbs need to shitpost

But Vita had no games. remember?
When did these no-games turned into games?

I play it on my PSTV.

All of them.

>Switch gets a PS4 port
>hurr durr is Compile Heart not making games for Snoy?
You post like a clickbait article.

They have the prologue of 13 sentinels out on YouTube if you wanna watch that. No gameplay outside of dialogue. I think it's supposed to be a visual novel of sorts.

All of them. There's no reason for them not to do it. You've got Mario, you've got Luigi, bright colors, it'd sell like hotcakes. Make it happen. Please.

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I was considering the switch but im going to get the 3DS for now. Ill get the switch next year maybe. Thoughts? Also no nintendo support in my country. Thanks for opening my eyes

Your money, I don't care.

>When did these no-games turned into games?
bout the time ninteniggers started getting them ported to their console