Now: Sekiro All Memories/Beads by Sayvi
Next: Revenant Saga any% by rinimt
Now: Sekiro All Memories/Beads by Sayvi
Next: Revenant Saga any% by rinimt
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why do incels hate it so much when women laugh?
>implying passing is a real thing
Not even a blind man will mistake such abomination for a woman
So is it actual women or just 8ers?
I have subscribed, thanks! I can't wait to see the cute females (males)!
they are trying to fulfill the look of what they think women are because they aren't women and don't actually know
Remember to dilate
hehehe x3
Is that girl who beat all of Dark Souls 3 with a DDR pad in there, her reaction to pulling it off was adorable
Luckily Saivy is a proper girl. Dont know who else is doing things in the event.
I hate it when anyone laughs without a reason, not just women, you retard
It combines two things they hate: women and happiness.
That's a myth. I had my surgery in 2001, and yes for the first year you have to dilate a lot and yes it sucks, but after that you don't need to. You vagina will never "heal closed;" that's a malicious myth spread by the same kind of anti-trans folk who think trans women transition just to rape lesbians. If you stop dilating, it gets tighter and you might lose an inch of depth (but in my experience, no man will ever use more than the first three inches or so)
I've had my vagina for 16 years, and there were stretches of YEARS where I didn't have a partner and didn't masturbate, so I essentially did nothing in the way of dilation, and I'm fine. It gets tighter--at my tightest, it was difficult to use two fingers to masturbate--but any vagina will tighten over time without play. You can stretch it back out with dilators if you want to use bigger toys or get a well-endowed partner, and it's uncomfortable at first to do so, but it goes quickly.
There are no medical consequences to stopping your dilation ONCE EVERYTHING FINISHES HEALING (so after the first year). If you don't dilate for the first year, I don't know what the side-effects would be; given that there's a lot of tissue knitting itself together, it would probably result in permanent tightness, but it's almost impossible for a vagina to heal shut.
A mixture.
phew thanks user almost forgot
where's the trannies at? real women are boring
>without a reason
Are you just pretending to be retarded?
Shut the fuck up tranny.
did you bonesmash yet today, fellow incel?
Reminds them when women would laugh at them.
>I had my surgery in 2001
>I've had my vagina for 16 years
based highschool dropout
>?girl?-only speedruning event
>no webcam of speedrunner
Something ain't right here...
There's no cam?
Have you ever asked yourself why there's so many MtF trannies but near to no FtM?
After this. They are starting with the euro import girls and moving to GDQ bread and butter trannies later.
this run is pretty comfy
How do I get a furry gf?
Does anyone have a list of all the trannies participating?
Silence, do not make the prophets of zion mad.
Do I have to ask?
are those cats fucking in the background?
Science has yet to develop furry gfs so don't ask that.
Imagine how fucking badly trannies are going to age.
You could treat the event as a normal person would and enjoy the speedruns. Or I guess you could sperg out with the rest of Yea Forums over what set of genitals the player was born with.
there are though
>girls laughing
Chasers please leave.
good to see you're on the same side as 'an-angry-lesbian', guess that's why you're also on the same side as mossad
So how many actual women are actually running this vs trannies?
Kind of wanted to watch for girls
Why did you do that you motherfucker
ftm trannies make less than 10% of total trannies out there
it's quite obvious failed males chase the "easy mode life" more when they give up
the enemy of my enemy is my friend (TERFS)
not sure why you randomly mentioned jews you stupid nazi fuck, go back into the trash can where you belong
The current schedule for the day is 4 girls, 2 "girls", and 1 ???????????? that looks like that one Russian "I hate myself and will date literally anyone" profile
Please don't make fun of user's Tumblr page. She and her fellow TERFs are fighting the good fight!
This pasta is getting old
All this giggling, supporting and complementing... FUCK WHY ARE WOMEN (female) SO CUTE?!
Its almost making me donate money...
I'm just here to shitpost and farm (you)'s. Never liked GDC and any other speedrunning events.
I only enjoy speedruns of obscure games, ran by literally who's on their youtube channels.
Transgenderism is extreme autogynephilia. They think they're a woman because they find the idea of being a woman extremely arousing and they can't tell the difference between their fetish and their actual gender.
Holy projection, batman.
Don't, you stupid fuck.
It won't fill the void.
>neve liked GDC
fml. Meant to say GDQ
If Sekiro is so difficult, why can a girl speedrun it?
If you're so sure there aren't any passable good-looking MtF transsexuals, then who's this?
is it a girl or "girl"
Good thing there won't be any more of them after this run.
> ask if this is the tranny speedrun
> banned
Yikes, mods are full time
Feminists are less cancerous than trannies
That's passable.
is this a chibi heterosexual lewd gif?
>make a huge deal about how it is women only
>just treat it like a normal event lmaoooo
wtf user, I just showered
>tfw subscribed to my favorite girl (male) streamers
I love it. It has been 7 or 8 years since I heard it though.
mods are on a dilate break right now, but they will be back soon
>good game being run by european qt3.14s
>Yea Forums can only shitpost about trannies
I hate trannies too but for fuck's sake
I want a Sayvi gf
ESA has a number of those obscure games that get ran for shits and giggles.
Go look them up yourself if you need it.
>type letter T in chat
feels good to live rent free in imploding tranny brains
Wait what
I just got here, I haven't spoken a word
would you get banned for the transgender pride emote?
Tell me lies tell me sweet little lies
Tell me tell me lies
Because men and women laugh at different things, so women giggling at stuff you don't perceive as funny is annoying.
>no face cam because she's an actual woman
based trannies
But there's no cam, do you pay for callgirls or something?
Stupid faggot. You aren't allowed questions, only support.
>Women only event.
>Half the contestants are men wearing a wig.
What is there to sperg about? Its just hilarious overall when women can't be the majority even in their own women-exclusive events anymore.
I bet she has a cute penis.
someone try it
caring about women
uhm, try again sweatie
are you based_and_redpilled? lel
I've made like 10 twitch accounts all to shitpost tranny streams and half of them are banned
You sneaky devil
remember that time this dude tried to run for congress and got fucking squashed?
No, that's one of mine, I was trying it for
i haven't posted i dont want to identify myself to tranny jannies
>no cameras
how do we know it’s really girls speedrunning?
did you get banned?
I member, and he blamed it on lack of funds.
We've seen Sayvi at both GDQ and ESA.
>no face cam
Is this 2009?
It's the girl playing rite now? Cute.
2 fucking hours and 30 minutes.
whats the current record? like 1:12?
You never will be a real woman
>no cam
What's the fucking point? I thought the only reason why people wanted to see this was to make fun of trannies
>its just a myth that you have to pry open your fake vagina/wound
>oh yeah my gaping wound healed up to the point where i literally had to open it up again painfully
Trannies can't even be consistent in their lies
>female has face cam
>no face cam
we all know that, but what about the rest of them?
they can't ban someone for posting a transpride flag, user
>giving them money
What the fuck is your problem?
I think she's doing something different than that run.
The man who defined it also defined an alternative type of tranny.
Anyone else getting a huge boner from all the giggling?
That's how you know she's a real woman. A tranny would have a low estimated time.
Not bad for a woman, a real woman I mean.
>implying facecams aren't attention whores.
Dont renounce your dignity
Its the only thing you really ever have
What's stopping them from just playing a run and commentating over it if there's no real-time cam?
imagine being this devoid of female attention
>female has face cam
Everyone facecams today, faggot
Referral links
Women don't lie
Believe all women.
I'd prefer to see her face so it makes this snorefest speedrun more interesting.
>in my experience, no man will ever use more than the first three inches or so
>Complaining about facecam in a GDQ event
You're an idiot
Where can I find a video game gf... she's good at speedrunning Sekiro...
You could try cucking distortion2
If you click on a Twitch link, the page can be set up to read the domain where the user arrived from. I assume the chat detects the user came from Yea Forums or elsewhere they expect trolls, and this pre-emptively bans them
She (he ) probably bangs some top 20% quality male and not an incel from 4chins.
Female kike... meh
>Dies at the chickens in the beginning of the game
James if you kill yourself now you will be reborn as a real girl!
Does Umaru-chan support this event?
If you get in good with her you are set for life with that jewish dollars, there's no reason not to have a Jewish wife
I think she's up next
That's impossible.
Lesbians are the best bros out there faggot
Angry ones like that are the kind that hate men my guy. They’re arent your bros
>every time they giggle I think they are looking at my dick
>get hard anyways
To spawn subhumans, nah thx. I have enough non-jewish dollars myself.
Doesn't Adam Sessler have actual AIDS too.
God...her voice soothes me... her giggles are cute... Yea Forums.... I miss this feel... like I might sound like an incel... but I miss female contact and their cute voices... what is wrong with me...
No and don't listen to anyone who says he uses cocaine.
get pregnant
Everything is fine.
Dumb goy
>warframe tranny game player replies defending adam sessler
I know James has confirmed STD's and hopefully he got aids too
>kiss your sister
No matter how hard you try, you cannot fight biology
This is so sad
Your dna biological programming and imperative, which is literally to reproduce. Finding companionship is programmed into males and females alike, protecting and caring both for the wife and the child. It's subconscious and it's something you can't fight.
Nothing is wrong with you, it's nature taking place.
you will die alone.
So will you
the reason why it's a hyena is because they fucking laugh too fucking much for no reason!
Riddle of the 40%
So how many trannies are there?
Actually it's because they are matriarchal, and female hyenas have huge penis like clitoris.
I hate men too so we have something in common. They make for the best bros because there isn't the bullshit machismo or peacock crap. There's no illusion of a relationship like with a hetero girl because those relationships are impossible without physical antipathy. If you want someone you can be honest with and shoot the shit with as a guy a lesbian makes a great friend.
>laugh too fucking much for no reason!
the reason is because they are having fun
>Sims 4 exhibition
Find number of trannies and subract 2 from that number to find out.
is that sayv speedrunning sekiro? this bitch is actually one of the best souls players i've ever seen
girls are a fucking blessing and the only thing i like about humans
I love her more.
Wtf are you talking about how many guys have you even fucking met? I feel like you've only seen jocks and dudebros on the internet and think that's what every guy is like.
fuck off incels.
golem git ye gone
Get up and stretch those muscles anons!
suck my epeen lil bitch
Sushi?! SUSHI!
Well she does have facecam in her streams. Just hide the chat and it's all good
who else here locked in inceldom with no chance at breaking out
I've dealt with plenty and the archetypes fall into fairly straight lines. I make my own path and can't stand leading people so I don't get along with alpha archetypes and I despise beta archetypes. I have few friends that can actually hold down a conversation with me or maintain any interest outside of sports and drinking. I find them largely boring and when you meet an interesting intelligent guy they tend to have a complex or worse they turn out to be an engineer. Fuck engineers. Dykes make for good conversation.
I find this run very boring and the commentary boring. Am I an incel?
>parry spam
>go in expecting to hear trannies
>it's some chinese woman playing sekiro
Colour me suprised
me! cc and advice welcome!
Works on my machine tho. Well yeah it's a follower only chat but I'm not banned
just stop caring about girls man, take the niggapill
Japanese chick is commentating. Player is Euro.
>hates beta
>describes failed beta behavior
i have some bad news, son. you are a fag.
do you have actual proof of this or are you basing this off of Yea Forums's pathological obsession with mtf
where are my fellow inceloids at
it cant be that hard to fucking wear makeup even if you're ugly as shit, most girls get away with it what's this fags problem?
Doesn't matter, it's comfy and and not an awkward shitfest like I was expecting. This probably won't last though
Married gamma who doesn't put up with posturing. Not my fault most men have the emotional maturity of a potato.
Even the hug box has a limit
Oh yeah it’s comfy, I was just clarifying. I like how they’re giggling and jus started talking about their favorite foods at one point.
>m*owie finally posts a selfie
make up helps
You sound like the machismo shit you're complaining about. Most guys don't care about this alpha-beta shit and even then I'm sure the dykes should fall into one of the two categories so howcomes they don't get the boot. Is it because they are better conversationalists? If so then that's not a machismo or peacock problem. Funnily enough I happen to find the dykes I know boring but it could be that I got unlucky I guess.
Why aren't they reading any donations?!
Who's the nip
I think her name is Mika or Miku, not sure.
I'm a 31 year old wizard terrified of women. I had a chance to score last year at a bar my friend took me to with a random chick that was drunk enough to make out with my ugly ass. We went to the bathroom but before we got far I noticed she had a wedding ring and I pussied out.
I still am fucking furious with myself for not going for it, and it looks like 32 will be another wizard year for me
with a decent wig and actual makeup he would pass, as could just about anyone providing your face isnt fucked up too much
is there some sort of subreddit for people to embarrass themselves like this? I genuinly have never used reddit so I don't know
So are they actual women?
>no donations
No wonder this felt off, no meme donations
If you want more
r/transpassing click the controversial tab for the worst
>check out stream
>no facecam
>really simplistic generic HUD
>logo is just there
women, they can't do anything right
3D is PD
well prostitution always exists user.
However it might lead down a path of bad choices and regret, so personally I would advise against it.
I think you can get pussy without having to pay for it.
Don’t be mad at yourself. Truthfully, you should be getting out there and making mistakes, breaking hearts and getting your own broken, it helps to put sex/romance in perspective. Cumming is trite. Actual connections are what matters.
These ones right now, yh
How's the Wont-be Mother's Day event?
how do you fix a posture there is something so comfy about slouching
When was the last time you had sex?
I need to lick those thighs, bros, it's not even funny
you usually can tell by the ribbons
you know the one stock scream, the YEEEEAAAARRRGHHH
Feel paranoid 24/7
Dunno, I never tried getting out of the zone.
jesus christ you weren't kidding
i'm homosexual so it doesn't count but i'd actually fuck this guy
This one wasn't even that good mate, you gotta work on your material
Kinda cute desu.
Yes, the bow is too much.
Damn I want to listen to the asian explain the skips to me more but I also don't want to see the end of the game until I've played it (i know how it ends, just want to see it for myself first)
nigga you gay, that is a fella
October. I’m 29. But there was a 4-year sexless gap before I dated her. I’m pretty confident I could find a sexual partner if I wanted to. But since I’m an introverted gamer, who also works a lot and goes to school, it might just be more trouble than it’s worth.
>an hour off wr
That smirk, it is of someone who doesn't believe their own lies.
>are you winning son?
I just don't understand why NG+, what weird ass category is that?
You're kinda cute too desu
Okay, fair enough. I wanted to make sure you weren't one of these "dude sex is overrated bro" faggots who's had 20 girlfriends.
That's for NG this is NG+ which seems to be both. .
That's Dan Schneider NOW?!
I guess my fault is I only like extremely creative people and I have been fortunate to know a number of them.
She’s getting all the prayer beads, which upgrade your max HP and you get them from bosses. There are bosses locked to certain ending paths, so you have to beat the game twice to get them all.
>click the controversial tab
Getting all bosses, so they're doing NG+ to do Shura ending because of the two bosses locked there
hello laddit tranny
They're going through NG+ to get the Emma/Isshin memory. The WR is just for all memories in NG so this is basically that category with a shura run at the end.
>Massive man jaw and wide shoulders
Never passing
Somehow get dark brown skin and (s)He'd pass as a mexican down here.
Rate the run /10
One way or another, my heart would burst.
what would you expect those are the ones that they wouldn't upboat
>This commentary
No. I’ve only ever had 2 sexual partners, both of whom were girlfriends, and the longest relationship was 2 years. I do think it’s worth it to experience dating just to understand it better and determine if it’s worth longing for. So I’m not going to tell you not to go for it. I’m just saying cumming itself is like eating at Five Guys. When you’re done you just feel basically like shit. It only doesn’t feel like that if afterward, you get to look into the eyes of someone you really enjoyed it with.
I thought it wasn't that bad.
Maybe I just got used to it
Giggle fest was the best part of it ya fag
my tranny sniffer is tingling
kill yourself
>too many real women at the event so Yea Forums has to compensate by searching out trannies that have absolutely nothing to do with the event
This is the actual textbook definition of obsession
who's up next?
No but I'm on a huge sekiro kick right now and listening to autistic girls playing it is really pleasing. I assume they're cute because most people outside america aren't lardasses.
You are faggot. Get in there and show what giggling really means.
Look don't bully us for our kinks
>event wasn't as funny as it was hyped up to be so Yea Forums is losing interest
big shock
Literally a fucking fetish.
>get to listen to cute girls for the most part, hopefully see decent runs while laughing at reddit dumps of trannies
>They list part of the schedule on stream
Honestly that's a good idea and I wish GDQ and ESA would do it. but at least also list GMT/UTC time so it's easier to work out local time
Like trannies know what "normal" people enjoy.
It would be the same in the normal gdq threads, but mods eventually started to remove trannyposters and it got better over time, but I don't think these threads get the same treatment
What the fuck happened to his lips
So does GDQ, just not as many games ahead.
>3 hours
>easy difficulty
>list GMT/UTC time
imagine being third worlder
I think it's pretty simple to tell by their voice.
Is this a t-
Just got here. Is there no audience cam or is it just down?
I think I finally understand why discord trannies are so mad all the time.
No camera at all apparently.
Not cutting off our genitals, for one.
I don't think it's an actual meetup.
it's not an event
*girl giggle*/10
No cameras allowed even though other gdq hotfixes had cameras
UTC is world time kid.
This game looks fucking horrible.
why the long face?
why don't you ever post FTM failures Ms Tranny Poster
So are real women actually a minority at this event?
>eventually started to remove trannyposters
What, people dumping unrelated trannies or people mocking what was on screen/in event?
>Revenant Saga
This is gay...
Nope real women are the majority so far according to the schedule
inverse, surprisingly
Online only + no set up of facecams
Where are my (You)’s?
>3 fucking hours of this
>3 hours of this
America is basically a third world country at this point
It's easier for trans men to pass
What's the point of speedrunning if I don't get to see the spergs?
Who even requested this "game"? Or is it just something a tranny made and they are trying to shill it?
>so far
Not that hard considering we're on the second game of the event.
She's trying really hard to make this shit plot sound interesting
trannies always pick obscure games so no one competes with them and they get the validation from getting a "world record"
this is objective fact
Until you hear this thing speak and it sounds like a woman imitating a stereotypical gay man
>Those fucking eyes
didn't know this, thanks police mouse
Thanks user. I just have a hard time with the making connections business with women, I guess. Guys are easy and direct, I can tell what's up and be quick with what needs said, girls though are impossible for me to read. I dunno.
the real shocker is that the stream chat isnt sub only
That's what vocal training is for
So... are the commentators girls but the actual runners guys?
top lel
>search up game
>these ratings
The pretty 3D battle screnes must not be worth it if you can just play EO instead and get a better quality game
getting second hand embarrassment from this commentary
I'm done watching...this is boring! I came here to laugh at these trans, not to get bored.
Dunno about current runner but last wasn't
There's not enough art of her
half these guys look like they'd break my jaw for laughing at them
I don't think they did anything about what was on screen, but everything else, including twitter posts, were purged. As it should be
Is this a porn game?
Wow this girl is really good at mashing the button
Wait this is mobileshit
>the fucking keyboard hammering
Have sex
god...he's fucking disgusting...
Why would you buy this piece of shit multiple times?
I'm an incel tho.
Why are there no webcams?
>m*owie posts a selfie
>no claris
>no proto
>no ben franklin
wtf wheres the tranny mafia
What the fuck is FRAMES FETALES?
u guys got me so excited for an agdq and instead i got this shit
>views dropping constantly
oh no no
I don't see how speedrunning a game nobody knows is interesting. By this logic I could make any shitty game and just add a glitch that only I (or a friend) know about that skips to the end of the game so I could claim that I'm (or my friend is) the best speedrunner at this shitty game that nobody will ever play anyway
>no camera
wonder why
80% of the game being text doesnt really help.
>I don't see how speedrunning a game nobody knows is interesting.
A record's a record, stupid.
Okay then, I'm the world record holder for most time spent on this specific PC or most time spent touching specifically my penis
Is that worth anything?
t. ranny
>turn back in after Sekiro run was finished
>no clue what this game even is
>looks like some random indie trash game
>game is apprently on current consoles and was also on Vita
>mostly has bad reviews, barely above 50% on Metacritic too
>game audio is extremely quiet
>runner is mashing buttons so loud you can hear it on stream
Holy fug I am not going to watch that. No wonder that views are dropping.
>bunch of trannies
>if we make the first 2 runs actual women maybe we'll fool everyone
>sjw central, never any trannies with a brain, always the same cookie cutter reddit spouting msm parroting ones
no thanks cunts. even the finale of rpglb left a sour taste in my mouth, giving so much time to someone who constantly advocates taking away of others platforms if they do or say anything they don't like, fuck all these people i ain't giving them the view count
Women are better at being trannies,
whats that
>i ain't giving them the view count
So is no one else apparently since they dropped 1/3 of their viewers compared to Sekiro already
If you get it certified by Guinness World Records, yes.
>or most time spent touching specifically my penis
lmao incel have sex XD
I'm not condoning it, but I get the logic.
You always see some guy who has the only WR or is the only runner on some obscure and/or shitty game.
>open event with a fast paced and currently popular game
>next game is random slow paced shit no one ever played for 3 hours
Why would you speedrun a JRPG that is 3 hours long? It isn't that interresting to see since most of the run will be auto-attack speed up battle. At least that Dragon Quest run last year was really fast and full of RNG manipulation.
>can't see tranny faces on stream
this is poor man's gdq
dropped, see you fags on sgdq
>Manlets and dicklets lol
>Like corny 2D JRPGs
>Kemco makes a lot of generic ones, but some are decent
>Anons hate Kemco games
I'm sorry alright, I wish they made better JRPGs but they're among the rare companies that consistently make 2D JRPGs these days. Any anons here that unironically like these? Even though they are pretty bad they have a certain charm. Recently finished Antiquia Lost, it's one of the better ones that even has 2D combat.
I just want more 2D JRPGs, FUCK
It isn't a GDQ without shitty long JRPGs
Because no one else plays this game so you can finally have a record in something and feel important and accomplished. Truly you are on the same level as people like ZFG now.
>Why would you speedrun a JRPG that is 3 hours long?
>forgetting shit like FF runs or Limit break with their 5+
The issue with this is that it's some cheap and obscure fucking game that looks like shit, and the commentary, which normally is the saving grace of these RPG runs, is dead as fuck. No one's going to watch this shit for 3hrs straight
That's cause sayvi is an actually not lunatic person afaik
Mainstream media faggot. The reason these retards repeat "deplatforming is not censorship" and all that bullshit about how people shouldn't be allowed platforms if they dare to say anything that one specific ideology doesn't like is because it's the same kind of idiots who are in msm writing positions currently, saying the same shit.
>oh caleb showed discord on stream one time and it had stuff i didn't like so permaban forever please he shouldn't be allowed to do what he does
>what? no of course i'm allowed to express whatever opinions i like and make mistakes because i'm the right kind of person with the correct views so i am entitled to a platform
this user gets it, often even during the middle of sex you might think "fuck this is weird what am I even doing" but laying back and having someone you love rest her head on your chest is top tier. I doubt you can get that with an escort unless you keep requesting her.
man sex man
>i am entitled to a platform
stopped reading right there nazi
Wait was it not posted itt yet?
100 years ago:
Jew A: "It was so easy to take over the western world's government!"
Jew B: "Indeed. White people are very pathetic!"
Jew A: "They're so pathetic, I bet I can make the men wear dresses and think they are women, and the women applaud it!"
Jew B: "Oh yeah? Well I bet I can make white people actually afraid of naked children"
*both laugh*
You're getting worked up again /pol/.
stop promoting this shit
discord tranny leave
The highlight is going to be that random 1 hour art stream anyway. Why is that even a thing during a speedrun event?
>people in this thread are so interested in trannies that they're literally saving images of them from reddit and reposting them here
I'm getting the pictures from my tranny folder.
me and my gf
You're a beautiful man, user. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
>No cameras
new republicans are so weird
I thought face cams were bad
Remember that this is just their coping tactic. Women are more toxic than men, they just do all the dirty shit behind the scenes.
t. worked in a female environment
user, are you implying that you are only watching this event to look at female bodies? This is supposed to be an event that shows female speedrunning skills and not a strip club. Please stop making sexist posts like that.
thanks, that's me on the right. do i pass?
>assumes that everyone on Yea Forums is republican
>posts on Yea Forums
this is fucking boring
where's the freak show
where's that greasy little man who touches all the giveaway prizes
>this game
Why is this shit even allowed at the event? No one wants to watch 3 hours of a fucking RPGMaker turn based rpg
oh we know they're not real girls
Can someone tell me what a Sims 4 speedrun entails?
Because it's funny, user. It's fun to laugh at people's misfortune when they brought it upon themselves.
maybe completing all life goals
Just dropping in to ask if anyone can provide me with a list of the participants divided into XX and XY chromosomes, thanks. Need it for research.
wtf you guys told me there are no girls on the internet
I would assume just bugs and glitches being shown.
because they know we will laugh at them.
Is this you?
It's an exhibition, not a speedrun.
Probably how to break the game or something idk
fuck you its me on the left
What about when men laugh as a defence mechanism? That shit is annoying as fuck. Grow a pair and ask me out.
Oh, I thought the exhibition thing referred to some DLC or something. Hard to care about glitches in a game like this
>twitch is full of cam-whores
>make a girls-only GDQ, an event which has always used cameras in the past
>no cameras
What? Are they secretly using pre-recorded gameplay or something?
Is there any good games being run after this?
Will you be my date to prom?
look at this d00d
Fuck no you dweeb
Kirby 64 is next but the speedruns of it are honestly not all that great. It's mostly just spamming fire or fire + fire.
I'd fuck his gf if she had different eyebrows and longer bangs.
he cute
aight bitch well now i'm aint askin get in the car
>no charity event
Why the fuck would I watch a stream of uninteresting >women doing casual runs of games? There's not even tits on the screen to distract like twitch whores
why the hell do women treat everything like its some sort of fucking fan club?
theyre always cheering and making a big deal about nothing.
cant you just enjoy something by yourself?
of course you can type in chat tranny swede
This is shit
I've got shota/furry porn to fap to
See you later losers
>Women are social to the point of madness
No way, you just discovered this?
>Kemko shovelware
>Three fucking hours
imagine the outlash if there was a male only speedrun event
so GDQ?
I just showed this to my bf and he said it's totally like him.
>not fapping to sfur
I think you moght be a loser yourself, user.
GDQ has trannies and attention female whores as well. Rent Free.
There's plenty of "women" at GDQs
Am I passing, Yea Forums?
i wish i hadn't looked
Damn, Benjamin Franklin got some curves
FTM is growing, 8000% more cases last year than before.
its just retardation though because they want to be part of the woke club and most of them are too stupid to see it's just a phase and have sterilized themselves
>Not that hard considering we're on the second game of the event.
Do you know what a schedule is you mongoloid?
>speed-running turn-based games
Fucking why? Wish I didn't miss the Sekiro run.
There is no difference between Being A Girl and Wanting To Be A Girl
You can still transition user, there is still time.
Bruh imagine being a decently handsome guy and wanting to be a tranny
who cares
it's a fucking discord tranny running it
I thought this one was female (female)
I'm kind of boyish but I think I'm starting to pass, Yea Forums.
nope, tranny
>train pictures
>Decently handsome
this is the creature speedrunning now
>Yea Forums is so starved for trannies that they just pretend that runners are trannies now
What's the point of speedrunning this game Are there even any tricks happening? She's not even doing the battles, they've got it on autobattle, she doesn't even do any inputs unless she runs away.
Speaking of running away, there's not even a run animation, the characters literally just slide off screen. Christ this is awful.
>Funkos in the background
Autism is one hell of a degenerative disease
I'm going to bombard them with pictures of real beautiful Aryan women just to make them feel shittier
real shit i hope that isnt a tranny
looks like a sad guy already he will probably be a statistic
Don't know about you guys, but I think I finally passed
>Runners are actually trannies.
Cry harder faggot.
prove me wrong
hun u look beautiful here xxx
I took these only days apart, Yea Forums. Still think gender is real?
>GDQ featuring women
>all Yea Forums can talk about is trannies
This obsession is weird.
none of them are women
Who thought it'd ever be a good idea to make the second game a three hour RPG maker game?
Don't lie user. It's rude.
a woman
Does this goblin drop any good loot?
Yes, you look disgusting in both pictures.
Rent Free.
Do I pass?
this will stream wai wai world
cope harder tranny
what part of "gender" involves obsessing over tricking people into thinking you're the opposite sex?
just got here, anything COOL happen?
Have these people ever even interacted with a real woman
Probably better to call them PRs until someone competes with you. But that might just fuck up with databases.
It'd be funny if some bored speedrunner decides to blow away all these 1 person WRs on their first playthrough.
Just remember that these are the faces behind all animeposters on Yea Forums
Didn't know Ted Cruz was a gamer
Yes, on the internet :^)
So anons, if you're dating a girl for a few months, you both decide you want to have sex, then realize she has a dick, what would you honestly do?
How do I get pony gf
anime website
Why there are so many men in a female event?
im not gay but I'd fuck a guys boypussy if he is slim, has a cute girly butt, doesnt make a sound, keeps his head covered by a plastic bag, and only takes it from behind doggy
I like dick but I'd still leave anyway because I don't do trannies and a tranny not letting you know ahead of time is selfish and deceptive
call it a fag and leave
You mean moeshit, not real anime.
Never date a faggot with a dick. Pretty easy.
Not anymore.
>trans women are ug-
I respect your struggle user. Have you tried playing classics with hard mode mods?
so 3 out of 8 are real women. even in their own field they lose to men
No webcam?
I look like a more attractive female than that fartpacker
>wanting to see the tranny
He married some fat Asian. How can you even get hard at the thought of the hole?
>"Cunny" is a banned word in twitch chat
What the fucka hahahaha
>trans women are ug-
As with normal people, there's ugly ones and less ugly ones, wow
She's beautiful.
isn't that the fun of it
its not like we're here to watch video games
this is an unattractive individual
girls are commentating, guys are doing the actual speed runs
Im here for the biological puss ya ding dong diddly.
Bro that's a man
>you will never pass
>enter stream
>first chat comment that shows up is about ZFG's feet
Is this run that uninteresting?
you're looking in the wrong place