So Yea Forums, what am I in for?
So Yea Forums, what am I in for?
Broken translations and broken legs. Abd a pretty cool explosion katana.
I can't tell if you're telling me that this is gonna be a good game or not..
>source engine
it's the best game ever made, but you have to meet it more than half way and be eternally left wanting more
I've heard this game is pretty much Deus Ex and Warhammer 40k on acid.
Le legs meme
And broken translation makes it more unique and interesting
a diamond in the very rough
but a diamond nonetheless
first things to buy:
main thing to upgrade:
Any tips for beginners?
step 1 is to rebind the controls to something that doesn't need a vintage french AZERTY microsoft keyboard this agme was tested on
good advice otherwise
rebind controls, watch the tutorials, gain brozuouf, research shit and gain more brozuouf
Very accurate interpretation, the gameplay feels like someone took Deus Ex and said "but FUCK balance" so you can essentially become an unkillable god, and took the aesthetics of 40k but strained them through a low budget Source engine total conversion, and then dropped acid to actually write the story.
It's one of my favorite games of all time, but if I hadn't played it when I did (back when it first came out and I was still in high school) I don't think I'd ever remember it as fondly. It's so bad objectively speaking but god damn if it isn't one of the most memorable games I've ever played.
I like the Source engine.
How? I've spent 2000 hours in it and I don't like it.
Ok niggas is time to play EYE mp whos ready?
32 player team atrifact or fuck off
or host ghost/SBO/invasion co-op so we can laugh at the cyberweaks
Fucking Jians-
Heavy armour makes you immortal until your legs are strong enough that you become sanic. Also you will want to equip an anti-armour weapon at some point. The TRK A.D is my favourite.
haven't seen a full server in years
Literally nothing we say will adequately explain what playing this game is like.
Don't listen to this fag, heavy armor makes you WALK! you need light armor if you want to be sonic and kill everything with your double katanas until you unlock the bear killer.
>the quick and the dead
honestly if vitality converter wasn't an RNG drop, everyone would be invincible
When given the choice between Full Auto and Fuller Auto always for with Fuller Auto
This game literally made it onto mainstream TV, pic related.
Fuck RNG drops, just put 1 point on speed, one on HP and another whenever you want and you are done.
Headshots are nice but not necessary. Because EYE devs aren't retarded, shooting enemies in the chest kills them just as effectively as shooting them in the head. Shooting them in the limbs does less damage.
Very important to research the medkit first. Don't forget to equip it once you do.
What is the closest to playing a mage I can get in this game?
oh waith thats forbidden research lmao.
This game has such a good soundtrack for studying, probably next to Theif's.
you start with a healing spell that converts ammo boxes and guns on the ground into HP and creating clones of yourself
also having a gun equipped lets you do a shockwave attack which at high levels instagibs most things or otherwise sends em flying away from you and catch fire
blocking with a melee weapon also blocks boolits
not enough psionics for you?
next up are 1 fat psi clone which gets more HP and better gear with your psi stat, at high levels this guy can clear out an entire level on his own
madness spell makes biological targets go berserk, pretty typical, but unlike system shock 2 it lasts indefinitely
now the fun stuff, making people explode or implode with your mind
invocation instantly kills anything bilogical and not psi-immune and summons a werewolf in their place
dragon's breath is the same, but teleports you inside the target
and then there are 3 "hidden" gate spells, which are more dangerous to a low level character than the enemies
oh and you can pick up and throw cars at people if you psi is high enough
you will be disappointed at first because of how arcadey it feels. after that you just start enjoying the silly gameplay.
whats the best gene loadout if i dont want to reroll the meta gene for an hour?
Fuck it was a long time but i think it was the third last one, or maybe the second last one.
focus on agility, endurance, psi force
high accuracy doesn't hurt, but only really useful as stat requirements for buying guns
you need ~30 medicine and ~30 hacking for most implants
How would you make a sequel to this game? Does anyone know if Streum is working on one?
seems like streumon is gonna be doing 40k games from now on. which im sure they're happy about.
just make an expansion pack with 10 more maps and some new enemies
charge $40 bucks for it, I'll buy it
Add more crazy Psi powers too. While the ones we have are a lot of fun, I feel they are very fairly limited.
eat shit, then
Man i haven;t played EYE in years. whatever happened to the group that played every sunday? or was it friday?
fucked off to 2^Yea Forums/died
what a shame. should just start a new group
We can always play user, just make a thread.
this board is so fucking shit you really gotta make the planets align for an EYE thread not to slide off with no replies
and who's gonna bump it while everyone's busy playing
I've played for 30 hours and I still haven't found Zhaar's eye, does anyone have any idea how to find it? i don't want to farm endlessly until it drops.
>i don't want to farm endlessly until it drops.
that's how you find it :^)
download sermons custom map from the sermonmancy server
What the fuck even is the point of this game? Like what's the basis for this world.
My legs are ok...
server where?
How do you say brouzouf? I've always pronounced it like "broseph," and I refuse to change my Jian ways.
Just download the cheat farming map, the drop rates are fucking bullshit
it's french so you really gotta cough out that R
you're moms vagene
a server for US
The game is undercooked. Gameplay part is fun and all, but if you want to finish the game without troubles - run side missions. A lot.
host it faggot
You faggots had better not be making waves.
The most painfully mediocre Source shooter
Is there a single more autistic fanbase than EYEfags?
>Katawa Soujofags
bruu souuf, like soup but with an f at the end
I don't think any of them even come close. You faggots aren't even conversing, about the game or otherwise. You're just in-character memeing and that's all that ever happens in these threads.
>EYE more alive than Space Hulk: Death Wing
The Fed cops control like....9 galaxies? and the secreta are trying to destroy their power over all these planets because?
>You're just in-character memeing
>You faggots aren't even conversing, about the game or otherwise.
meanwhile in reality people have been trying to find a server, asking questions about the game, and arguing about the pronunciation of one of the games terms
which one of these is in-character memeing, exactly?
It's not even a bad thing, it's just a rare form of turbo autism even around these parts but this game gets it every time.
You mean the guy who was getting shit on for 3-4 posts for daring to ask about the game instead of joining the circle jerk roleplay?
Found the map and got Zhaar'ss eye, thanks. I'll leave a link in case anyone else has trouble finding research objects:
>I don't think any of them even come close.
look at this, the general of an old visual novel
>3k editions, meaning at least 3k threads after they started to count them
>lost count twice and started from 0 after they were in the thousands, so the number is at least 2k higher
>IP count of 41, they are the same ones that have been posting in those threads for years
Now check the undertale thread, I don't even need to explain why they are autistic this time around
Your fanbase.
can I have sauce with that
for "research" purposes
In domes PAREI
better retract that statement boi
I'm stuck in my cycles of guilt
Help me
I retract it and apologise.
good man
is there actually a way to escape the cycles of guilt or do i just loop until i dont want to play anymore?
don't have source but the bitch on top is called Jada Stevens.
There is a way
is like a Vn where you desire a harem ending since the very start user, just 100% the game (unlock the 3 major endings) and then you get your harem ending with your wife you tortured for 1 week because you told her to break the rules.
i've never played this game and threads about it are some of the funniest shit i've ever seen
>CJ isn't yellow and full black
i bet the jians did this.
A lesson on wildly fucking different French is from English.
wow look at this messiah of rodents here
>farm alpha
you realize sermons has actual gameplay right
that ancient doghsit farming map isn't even named properly by its creator (custom missions need cm_cu prefix) so it can't be launched by talking to Roht in temple HQ
>3 endings
whats the third? i assume the first two are for killing/siding with your mentor when you're asked to kill him, but what leads to a different ending?
Siding with your mentor
Siding with Rimanah
Siding with the Federation
>got gifted this game like 7-8 years ago but never played
man i really ought to get to it
Dont try to understand
Just follow orders
3rd one is siding with feds
After you play all 3 paths and get all 3 gates you meet your waifu and get true "ending"
When the fed cops ask you to side with them for the lulz you can actually join them, you get a powerfull artifact for that ending cuz is a major one.
A game that could've been really good if it was a little more polished, but it just aimless fun the way it is
shit gameplay
The silenced sniper rifle is mad OP but kinda boring
>play MP with a bunch of Yea Forumstards once
>one of them run down on the tunnel complex of mars while everyone else is hacking the turrets and failing everytime
>he shoots my 3 waifuhs in the tunnel and cause us all to die
I don't remember your name but i bet it was a Jian name you bastard.
invest in your legs
nothing else matters
To avoid an avoidable death!
cool post
cool poster
What are the best/most fun guns to use for a first playthrough?
the depezador shotgun is way better than everything else until you come across enemies with armor
just bee yourself bro
>asshole with a Gatling gun keeps firing at everyone else and breaking their legs and pushing people off cliffs even though FF is disabled
>he doesn't know hammer and can't recompile it so it has cm_cu in its name
>he didn't cut down on the size to improve efficiency and convenience
>he didn't make his own custom textures of R34 synicles and plaster them on the walls so he can cycle his guilt while guilting his cycle
babylegs, not even once
32 shot shotgun or silenced sniper rifle until you get to Noctis Labyrinth
TRK AD afterwards
Research Bear Killer to delete Deus Exes
Vs humanoid enemies and metastreumons just use something that feels good to shoot
Why the fuck did we do this?
>cm_minos with an HS010
>Killing Machine has higher stats than the Bear Killer in the UI
>Bear Killer deals significantly more damage in the actual game
>that guy who was too fucking weak on every stat and everyone tough he was using a new profile
>told us to waith because he was setting up his keyboard and stuff on the game
>he fucking hacked us all in seconds
>that guy with 1 endurance that died in one hit to anything even with 99% friendly fire
>Still here
How many of you sided with the Feds only to betray them and kill every Fed on the spaceship?
>2014 was 1914 years before
>what am I in for?
I've had this game for years and I still don't know how to answer this question
This game will forever look interesting to me but I will never play it
thanks for reading my thesis
>broken translation
Even in the native French it's fucking incomprehensible as fuck, you Jian.
EYE and EYE threads are fun user, you just private yourself from it
Not gonna lie. Deathwing was a game I was super hyped for. I enjoyed it, but..
.. not the same as EYE. And I played EYE to "prepare" for Deathwing.
>Premiere: The Slap
Those menu screens were absolute kino
that was literally me fuck your wives a bunch of fucking whores
Also most of humanity has been killed in an apocalyptic war against a psychic manifestation called the Meta-streumonic Force.
>it's a "door hacks you back" episode
Fuck you, how dare you speak of my whores like that?! you fucking went and did it 3 times after the restart!
Because the Secreta are actually an elite group funded by megacorporations that actively undercut one another and you're playing the FSA stooge to their NATO.
>tfw no halberd weapon in EYE
>go to mars or phobos for a story mission
>get dispatched with 3 other guys
>I must hack a door to proceed
>haven't put any points into hacking
>I get cyber-stomped every time
>my cyber friends just sit there watching me get beaten by a fucking door
that has to be one of my favorite moments of EYE
it's hilarious
you wanna know how I know it was me I had max legs and only a sword so I got there instantly
>Get EYE and enjoy it a lot even though some parts of the game are a slog
>Get to the level where you go to the slum building to kill the one leader or whatever
>Die a bunch of times and just lose interest
Are you supposed to never have enough brouzouf? I felt like the rate at which I get brouzouf is nowhere near proportionate to the cost of upgrades and new equipment.
Jian Master Race>culter shits
just go do other missions and put some points in hacking
always put the number of scientists to 0. The increase in cost isn't worth it.
After you beat the game you can just play Mars and destroy Deus Exes/Interceptors in the hardest difficulty to swim in brouzouf. For rare research, you're shit out of luck unless you go on one of these farming maps.
more like Jian ASSter Race
You can never have enough brouzouf, and yes you will always run short.
Jian med and heavy are cool as fuck, I will give you that
But nothing can compare to Glorious Culter Dei Light Sonic
this is fantastic
This weird thread again...
keep rollin' rollin' rollin'
I enjoyed Deathwing for what it was so I'll probably like that one too, I just hope GW lets streum go a bit off the rails
Deathwing is a 100% accurate adaptation of the board game and source material. Any fun deficiency(besides bad companion A.I) it has is due to the source material not game design. Also Deathwing is the best 1st company of any space marine chapter. The same creators should now do a Ravenwing or Dreadwing game. These guys could do a KINO Ravenwing adaptation,.
ive been in this place before
Well, ackshually...
The game suffered from frequent crashes and the crappiest p2p MP I've ever played on. As much as Streum On worked to salvage the game and not charge people that had played since the beta for it, it was too little too late. There were definitely some kino moments in Deathwing, but .. there was zero soundtrack, some of the sound effects were iffy, the menus were FUCKING BLUE and looked like a cheap 90s wannabe futuristic thing. There was a massive missed opportunity to have a really gothic feel to the game by the things it tossed into the sidelines indefinitely until it released with the bare minimums to function. You'd think, after the Mariachiwing trailer, Streum On or Cyanide or Focus or whomever would've had the idea of commissioning a soundtrack.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is The Cycle of Guilt Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From E.Y.E Like Nigga Go To A PTSD Therapy
Fuck feds, fuck jian, but most importantly fuck bandits
dude holy weed
>the menus were FUCKING BLUE
You realize you are in a thread dedicated to a game that has dingy ORANGE menus and a ORANGE tint over everything?
I laughed out loud
If I was playing a game about Ultramarines, I wouldn't mind the blue everywhere.
But these were Dark Angels. The game should conform to a stylistic palette according to the chapter's own. It's not jarring to MLP colors in Diablo 2 menus, but it's still a missed opportunity.
Don't make waves
I bought it a long time ago and I try to every now and then. I usually give up when I get hacked by a door knob or some shit. The fuck do I do with all this brouzouf?
>ORANGE tint over everything
Looks like somebody didn't play the game
Every time I played campaing with Yea Forums we never got farther than temple HQ because some jokester thought it would be good idea to start shooting at mentor. For the 5th time
>lost it
buy weapons and abilities at HQ or spend it on cybertech implants
French for cash money
alright faggots since nobody else want to do it i guess ill try hosting
what settings do we want?
reinforcements to the max, everything else in normal unless you want everyone to die at level 1.
I recognize that montage
ip is
pass is rage
i don't actually know if my pc is good enough to host this but i guess we'll find out lmao
>Dermal Armor while using Power Conversion to maintain PSI energy
>when you get low on health use sub gate to get all of your health back
>become nearly invincible
are there E.Y.E. abilities you like to combine?
>Bullshit! Ultra-Failed Attack!
Gets me every fucking time
triangular gate -> use medkit -> perform cybermancy -> have full medkit again for infinite triangular gates
if i've never played can i join or will i get btfo?
its co-op campaign so i doubt it
god damn it's been so long since I played
we're gaming
i can't tell if that's a yes or no
Guys, we have a situation
youll be fine dude
i'm pretty sure that was just series of edits
>This game literally made it onto mainstream TV, pic related.
omniverse brain-tier post
>Streum On has been recruiting new people a lot for the past 6 months
Are they finally free from Space Hulk?
reminder to FUCKING JOIN
What's a good way to deal with loss of mental balance in a mission
press v nigga
Stop making waves.
this but irronically
lel nerds go play PUBG
no thanks