Pokemon Sword & Shield will be a massive commercial success after this

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normies don't play video games dumbass

Just like the last pokemon game after that mobile fad right?

Lmao, Pokémon was never good outside of the nostalgia factor and a few DS games.

Sun and Moon did do better thanks to the Go push.

No, this can't be, not while we were still in theaters...

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It did worse than XY.

>the next entry of the most successful franchise on earth will be a huge success
Wow, that's some real Nostradamus shit, OP

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Endgame outsold Pokemon this week retard.

I always thought those red spots were like lightning glands or something and exposed flesh but not just red fur.

Why spout bullshit when the answer is on wikipedia?


>This is a new record for the portable system — according to Nintendo — and represents a 150 percent increase over the previous entries, Pokémon X and Y.

XY only has 240k more lifetime sales, which is minuscule considering it was on the market for three years longer.

No it won’t. Genwunners already played their Pokemon game. They don’t give a shit about having to memorize new ones.

After a certain point Gamefreak should have started just making variants on their already existing characters and only introduce ~50 meaningful new monsters every generation, instead of 140 fillers and 20 mythicals no one cares about.

pokemon SS was going to be a success anyway.
its fucking pokemon. More kids can name a pic pikachu but can't name a pic jesus christ at last supper.

>10m sales
>150% increase of 240k sales
Something doesn't add up here

>After a certain point Gamefreak should have started just making variants on their already existing characters and only introduce ~50 meaningful new monsters every generation
Literally what gens 6 and 7 did.

>instead of 140 fillers and 20 mythicals no one cares about
Only applies to gens 3 through 5.

It's a miracle S&M sold at all after the abysmal quality of XY

Only npc play nu pokemon

Would you let your kid watch it after seeing what Pokemon fans grew up into here?

I don't have kids

>the largest media franchise in the world will be a massive commercial success
wow really blew my mind

>your kid

Attached: where do you think we are.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Nigga, Gen7 has 11 legendaries

Those points weren't related, sorry if I was unclear. SM opened at 10 million sales while XY opened at 4 (gamasutra.com/view/news/202366/Pokemon_X__Y_sell_4M_copies_in_first_weekend.php), thus the 150% increase, or 2.5 times.

The 240k difference is in the life-to-date sales of each game: nintendo.co.jp/ir/en/finance/software/3ds.html

XY went on to sell 16.39 millions while SM did 16.15. Of course, they're still selling so these aren't necessarily the final numbers, but XY is ahead by 240k. Aside from being on the market three years longer, there's also the fact that sales of SM got slightly curbed due to USUM coming out, while XY didn't have a third version or sequel at all.

>Literally what gens 6 and 7 did.
That’s my point, it’s a little bit late for that by now.
They were sort of on the right track, by introducing new battle mechanics, breeding, and new evolution mechanics early on, but things like regional variants should have happened a long, long time ago.
Now we’re stuck with a ton of evolution stages of useless birds/bugs across 7 generations, for example.

a hypothetical. I'll try to word it better next time as to not touch on any of the insecurities of being unable to reproduce. sorry anons.

>your kid
Dude, its not "insecurity" when its just not possible, don't be stupid.

No, I mean, it isn't an accident that I don't have kids. I've made good life decisions. If for some reason I was in charge of a child, I'd do everything I could to no longer be. I don't care what it watches at the movie theater.

Assuming word of mouth doesn't kill its sales due to normies expecting Pokemon of the Wild, that is

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If your first response to a hypothetical question that has nothing to do with your ability to reproduce is your ability to reproduce then it's a good indicator that it's an insecurity as it has nothing to do with the question yet it's still the first thing that comes to mind for you.
That's why it's important to think your response through thoroughly so you don't accidentally spill any extra information inadvertently.
Just trying to help.

You don't need Detective Pikachu to tell you that, it's Pokemon, of course it's going to be a success.

You can literally get the real answer on Nintendo's site and unlike Wikipedia it doesn't use shipped numbers.

Nintendumb can't read the box office.

As opposed to it's success largely being up in the air otherwise.

NVM, I'm retarded, I overlooked the
>XY only has 240k more lifetime sales

Why does Gamefreak treat their franchise that has sold millions upon millions like it's a single A game? They do the absolute bare minimum and remove more and more content every generation, I don't fucking understand.

Other than them being fucking lazy, that is.

>other than them being fucking lazy
No other reason. They'll make their millions either way.

Those aren't great numbers when you consider what they spent in marketing.

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This is what Digimon does and they are very nice games still, so this isn't the answer.