Thoughts on Bungie's pre-Halo games? No zoomers allowed

Thoughts on Bungie's pre-Halo games? No zoomers allowed.

Attached: Myth_II_Soulblighter_cover.jpg (446x500, 61K)

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Is Myth 3 worth playing?

this game looks like shit

played the first one a long time ago, found it on a small store in my hometown, pretty good stuff


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Pretty sure I got that game on rebate at CompUSA. It came with Green Berets and it was fucking hard

Attached: 22711-green-berets-macintosh-front-cover.jpg (800x977, 155K)
awesome cutscenes


Attached: TheRose_0002.png (1920x1080, 1011K)

I just finished marathon a week ago, it was ok

did you play marathon 2? it's better

Not yet but I'm planning on it

this game looks like shit too

zum zum

It looked great for its time, better than doom in my opinion. The over sized obnoxious ui definitely doesn't help it at all though

Played Myth 2. Great game. The music during the cutscenes was pretty nice too.
Are the other Myth games worth playing?
Also will Bungie redeem themselves and return to the old formula or will they stick with dumbed down spectacle shooter garbage?

>Are the other Myth games worth playing?
Yes. Here's a guide for setting up Myth 1 in Myth 2's engine. Just turn on "TFL gameplay" so you can get the original in all its slow glory.
>Also will Bungie redeem themselves and return to the old formula or will they stick with dumbed down spectacle shooter garbage?

Marathon is fantastic, other shit who cares

While Marathon is a pretty good FPS, Myth is a one of a kind RTT that has yet to be copied and still gets played online to this day.

They opted to keep Destiny, you know they're not going to redeem themselves.

They fired Marty too. Bungie will never be the same.

How do you deal with these niggers?

Attached: M2_Fetch.jpg (800x600, 43K)

Pathways into darkness was a ride.


The original Myth was fun as hell online.