>10 million sold

How did they do it without tits and fanservice?

>B-but discounts

Every game gets discounted. You should be happy for discounts as a consumer. If you're mentally ill enough to applaud Nintendo for not discounting, you are seriously fucked in the head.

Attached: Aloy.jpg (2164x2140, 781K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What game is this

Because Horizon is a good game, period.

counted the expansion as single new sales. Also shipped numbers.

>Horizon Zero Awards

Nobody ever went broke underestimating the taste of the average moron. Also, marketing, lots and lots of it.

>Nintendo for not discounting
but those are on sale all the time. literally just don't buy shit from the first place you go into.

Wrong, and Sony reports Sold not shipped. Toddlers are the ones that report shipped.

52 GOTY awards, or is Yea Forums pretending to be retarded?

Was about to post, but this gentleman said it all.

Attached: 1529123824214.png (500x641, 154K)

>Game + DLC down to twenty bucks.
>Bundled with a PS4.
>Nothing else for PS4 owners to play except FIFA, GTA and Madden.
>Pushed as reason to upgrade to PS4 Pro.
>Still at ten million.
>No significant fanbase retained, most players probably couldn't remember three character names.

At best you'll get a sequel pushing P2W online multiplayer, but I wouldn't expect more than a PS5 remaster to pad out the launch period.

It was marked down to $20 and also kept getting bundled with the ps4 when it was on sale for $200.

Literally all the sales though m8

>Nothing else for PS4 owners

You're thinking about the Switch

This is gonna sound like shitposting but I'm not. But why do any threads involving Sony games sound like they're made by shills? It's always bragging about how many units a game sold. And theres always that one defensive person replying to anybody that has a different opinion on whatever game is being discussed.

>muh sales
Shit was bland and forgettable as fuck.
You'd think a game with mechanical dinosaurs would have people talking about their designs and how cool they are, like MH.
But all we get are threads complaining on how ugly Aloy is, and boy is she one ugly mother.
Only carried by it's decent, albeit repetitive gameplay.

I would've honestly bought it at launch if there were fanservice.

>he comes to threads he doesn't like to complain

>Game + DLC down to twenty bucks.
Yet that didn't help bloodborne sell well or hundreds of other games
>Bundled with a PS4.
There are dozens of bundles to choose with even more popular games like CoD and FIFA
>>Nothing else for PS4 owners to play except FIFA, GTA and Madden.
objectively wrong
>>Pushed as reason to upgrade to PS4 Pro.
Slight upgrade on ps4 pro didnt force people to buy the game
>>Still at ten million.
Which is a lot
>>No significant fanbase retained, most players probably couldn't remember three character names.
Baseless opinion

Now what's your next cope?

I don't have to cope about anything, it's not like I'm a PS4 owner after all.

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>But all we get are threads complaining on how ugly Aloy is, and boy is she one ugly mother.
Fuck you just mocked yourself and shows weeb virgins care about fapbait over anything else

Ooooohhhhhh so that's why this shit sold so well. Makes sense.

Because starving PSbros would buy literally anything if its exclusive.

Discounts and tons of marketing. Even shit games like Days Gone gets tons of it, I've seen DG ads on TV several times which can't be cheap

You don't own a ps4 yet enter a ps4 game thread and make a post trying to say the game failed for inane reasons

Cope more

How can an original IP have fan service?


>This is a 0/10 according to Yea Forums

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Dont talk to yourself coper

Söylent & Dinosaurs

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>game so forgettable it has to practically be given away
>"what a success! how do they do it???"
you people are fucking mental lmao

Her actual ingame face has nothing to do with this girl's photos.

It’s actually a decent game

>How did they do it without tits and fanservice?
Starving their user base of games and treating the expansion as full sales.

How angry does this game make the Xbro? It should remind them how awful Phil is at keeping Xbox afloat. This entire generation Xbox hasn't had a single successful New IP.

1/10 maybe

Attached: ugly horizon.jpg (1218x1080, 402K)

>still playing Nintendo

Has there been a mass retardation event or smthing?

I praised the gameplay though. And do you agree that she's ugly?
She could dress exactly the same, just have the same face she did in her concept art and shit would be immensely improved.
It's like they went out of their way to make everyone "realistically" ugly.
Just look at how people keep talking about 2B.
Aloy is a face most'd like to forget.

>Just look at how people keep talking about 2B.

That's not a good thing.

nice lod

Attached: horizon powa.jpg (1920x1080, 577K)

>we're not allowed to air negative opinions on a board dedicated to discussing video games
Back to the circle jerk known as reddit my faggy friend.

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That's nice. Where's Killzone V?

>Just look at how people keep talking about 2B.
Wow weebs praise a shit game only for its ass value WOW!

It's the same face, autismo.


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Stupid fuck, it sold less than 2m in the first two months. Go read the npd and uk reports.
It was bundled for years, that's how absolute turds like KZ2, Resistance and Motorstorm got well past 3m.

>its forgotten on NintendoGAF!!!!!


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Looked generic as fuck. Never played it.

i have never met anyone that played this game

>How did they do it without tits and fanservice
>without fanservice
and how would you call that tummy in your pic? owo

When did it sell that much?

Except it’s not.

2b is a tranny fantasy you fucking moron
literally a fucking gynoid, that's their fuckin fetish

>52 GOTY awards from places that didn’t matter
Everyone with a blog can hand out GOTY awards. HZD lost to the one game that mattered that year.

He mastered the insecure female high angle at least. Why the fuck do 99% of trannies want to be quirky extroverts with dyed hair?

Average vtard detected

She really ought to get a different pair of glasses and a professional haircut.


major cope, there are dozens of games that are bundled and why didnt KZ2 resistance and motor storm get 10m if they were bundled then?

But it literally sold 3m in the first month

>How did they do it without tits and fanservice?
They did it with her toned midriff
I just want to tie her up, force her to arch her back while she moans in pain and lick her precious navel until she passes out

nice cope

How can people have self awareness that guy is clearly a man. Fucking clown world.

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>They did it with her toned midriff
wait, you mean it isn't a male? that's gay

Traps aren't gay
Just degenerate as fuck

*no self awareness

Am I the only person who can't play this game due to how ugly an obnoxious I find the main character?

No most weebs are like you

If only she had bangs to cover her cheeks a bit, and not have a bird nest in her hair.

Game's definitely one of the best open world games with the best combat systems at least. Other open world games, you lose reason to interact with the world past mid-game or enemies just become too trivial, but Horizon kept the challenge up all throughout the story. The arrow and machine hitboxes are both ridiculously tight but it makes it very satisfying when you slide down and knock out components on the underbelly of some dumb robot.

Why would I cope?
If anything I brought this game new because BOTW was completely sold out
I still can’t believe I paid 60$ for this shit

Based navel poster
Just break her spine so she can't fight back

Go away flaseflagger
Post ps4 and hzd

Sony exclusives heavy marketing
Days Gone, white cis hetero hero redneck game

Apparently it's a good game but the real reason is it had the advertising budget of a multi-million dollar movie with televised adverts, posters, billboards, even advertised across the sides of buses.

Fucking how?
2B is a robot

Hey you would have wasted $60 either way if you bought BOTW too :)

La goblina..

When does this game get good? I'm a few hours in and it's all a bunch of shitty robotic conversations with NPCs and mindless waypoint following.

Jesus what an ugly woman

Every time I see that imagine, I want to go back in time and save that man from himself

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SJW grade female

That's fucked up
And I had a boner by just thinking about Aloy getting dominated so hard

>When does this game get good?
It doesn't.

Imagine doing that with a tentacle in her mouth
I love the sounds she does when she's drowning

It's a good game. Not incredible, not terrible. Just a genuinely solid open-world to explore with fun combat mechanics.

Looking forward to the inevitable sequel.

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I’m not home right now so I only have this bait image of my physical game collection
That cool?

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The game was super nice and the girl is actually good looking, no idea what Yea Forums is about. I'm pretty sure we'll get a sequel, the sales were pretty damn good.

>bald at 36
>bald mtf
lmao @ his lyfe


you certainly got that right

Horizon is just another reason why people continue to abandon Xbox in favor of PlayStation.

It was a financial success and they ended the first game on a massive sequel hook. So I'd say it's a pretty safe bet.

I'm just here for the potential for aloy porn

Yea Forums only sees the main character and latches onto it as the big issue because they haven't played the game and can't offer an actual opinion outside of what the hivemind tells them to think.


In a world where everyone loves to argue over pointless bullshit I still haven't seen anyone bother to defend Xbox over anything in ages.

Seems to happen a lot. I still have no idea what nier automata is about because everything Yea Forums told me is the main character has a nice ass

a lot of trannies only switched because they sarted to get bald and freaked out before learning oestrogens give you hair back.

>Yea Forums is still mad about this

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KZ is never coming after this sold better than 4 of their KZ games combined

Xbox has done some good things though. The X is a great console with a lot of power. Enhanced backwards compatibility with Xbox games, and saying fuck it to exclusive games.
Consoles are great as long as I don't have to buy them. Xbox is great because all great Xbox games are on PC. PS4 sucks because they have some exclusives that I want to play.

I loved the flying machines. I lost my shit when I was first dive-bombed by one of the Shadow of the Colossus tier ones.

On the left looks like a fat bill hader.

i could deal with the ugly mc
but the 24 fps framerate i can not
fuck you

I don't even know what Horizon is about. Everytime a Horizon thread is made it's "GOTY, BOTW AND TENDIES BTFO".

But competition has its merits because it forces everyone to actually try and innovate and make something that stands up above the rest of the market. But I don't think there's one game that makes me want to buy an Xbox One.


Because robot dinosaurs. Yea Forums has a pretty twisted sense of what is and what isn't "cool".
For example normal people don't consider chicks with dicks to be sexy. Most people on Yea Forums do.
Most people think piss bottles are an internet myth, while most people on Yea Forums have some around them right now.

Robot dinosaurs are like space nazis or zombie pirates. You can't fucking lose with this stuff until too many others also do it.

Because it's super easy to sell games that could've been great or have good concepts/potential but turned out to be bland and/or unfinished in the end.

>You will never get a mouthful of Aloys red pussy hairs

bad feel

Games fine. Looks amazing in HDR.

The problem is even with the twists on the open world formula, it's still the open world formula. Craft the shit, climb the tower, all good for the first 40 hours and then after that you just want to fuckin die. Also not a fan of WRPG robotalking loredumps.

I feel the game could have been more if it wasn't shackled to the Ubi formula.