Will we ever be able to upload our minds into a computer and live inside Skyrim forever?

Will we ever be able to upload our minds into a computer and live inside Skyrim forever?

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that sounds horrible
skyrim is shit lmao

Or any game of your preference

i'd rather live in oblivion.

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Lmao you cannot "upload" your mind, that will be just a copy. The real you won't be able to experience what's your digital AI controlled copy would. And it will go retarded without soul as well.

t. catherine

>Implying there's any evidence of a soul
Our physical body would die and we'd live as the digital copy

>Will we ever be able to upload our minds into a computer and live inside Skyrim forever?
No, because
1. Nothing last forever, not even time itself
2. Uploading your mind will just create a clone of you it won't really be you.

Consider the following: one you upload your mind, its digital data right? That means you can copy it. That means you can make two copies, send them to both sides of the galaxy and give them no way to communicate - so how can they both still be "you"? Unless there's a mysterious unknown "soul" or "conscious " material we haven't discovered yet, the logical conclusion is that your conscious linked to the physical matter that compose your brain. But who knows maybe we do have a soul, I'd like to believe that desu

>will we be able to put our mind in a jar where it will decay reallly really really slow and connect machine to all of our senses emulating virtual reality perfectly and by skewing the perception of time living for effectively billions of years
Maybe. Why skyrim though?

But it's so comfy

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>get into a car crash
>feel how you’re bleeding from everywhere, feel the darkness coming over you...

>hear horse hooves clopping on the ground
>light fills your vision
>notice that you’re on a horse cart with 3 other guys
>“Hey, you. You’re finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right?”