Left or right, which one Is truly the GOAT RPG?

Left or right, which one Is truly the GOAT RPG?

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As with everything else in life, left.

I prefer FF6 but Chrono Trigger made a lot of nice improvements off of that game

wrong again, faggot

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CT doesn't go to shit halfway through so I'm going with that

*blocks your path*

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Neither. The only way I can fathom anybody calling either of those the "GOAT JRPG" is if they don't play much JRPGs

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Both are boomer shit, only good because of nostalgia. In FF6 case, also because of contrarianism.

Your opinion is irrelevant, these will always be the highest rated games ever behind Zelda, Mario & Super Metroid

Exactly, user, thank you.

The left shakes things up and innovates--improving what the right has established by introducing new elements to the fray, making everything more interesting, exciting, and of course, /fun/ for everyone who plays.

That and also, Active Time Battle ver. 2. Do I need to say anything else?

Neither, they weren't even good for the time and platform they were in in the first place, the only thing they're good for is making plebs like you skin each other alive over which entry level game reeks the least.

Seething FF7 Babby

Real edgy dude but no one cares

Reminder Pleb is just a buzzword contrarians use when they are assmad that popular games get more praise then the niche garbage they like

>not joining forces with him

Chrono Trigger, because I still haven't played the other one.

only good post in this thread

Nobody in North America gives a single fuck about Dragon Quest

Tell us more about how great FFXIII is

God damn why did the SNES have such a fuckin’ PANTHEON of good RPGs.... I can probably name like 20 off the top of my head.

>Accuse people of using buzzword
>Use an actual buzzword as an argument
If you're so content with your shitty opinion being "validated" by the big industry then why make these threads to begin with?
To fellate over your garbage and pretending marketing makes it better than it actually is?

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Nobody gives a fuck about you or your opinion, so do us all a favour & fucking kill yourself

I bet you think FF2 and 13 are good

>NA didnt have dragonwarrior on the nes

user, you haven't spent enough time on this board to know that he won't say FFXIII, but instead FFXV. May the Light of Providence bless your soul.

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left is a great game
right is a shit game


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>Nobody gives a fuck about you or your opinion
This thread wouldn't be a thing if it were true.
FF2 is decent by virtue of being the only game that actually tried to amount to something, not to mention giving birth to an actually great series, not to mention that despite its own mistakes, people still don't get how it works on a basic level to this day, which isn't surprising given how most people around are drooling idiots.
FF13's only merit was trying to come up with a battle system that wasn't the absolute bare minimum and actually shake the primitive, barely existent core battle rules of the FF series, it's a shitty moviegame nonetheless, but I can respect it for what it tried to do, better than things like FF4 or 6 at the very least.

Seething contrarians

>games with only superficial role-playing elements

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t. butthurt brainlet with no argument
But enjoy your happy time with WRPG-Kun now, similia cum similibus.

it sounds like you just hate final fantasy games

couldn't get into Chrono.

FF6 was one of the most important games I played though.


>doesnt like turn based combat
>posts in a classic jrpg thread
Like clockwork

Yes, nobody gives a shit about anything in RPGs except Story, Characters & Soundtrack.

Hate is too strong a word, but I won't hide that I don't have a high opinion of it.
>>doesnt like turn based combat
Who are you quoting?
I'm not the FF series, that's something that hates turn based combat, neither of the games in the OP have turn based combat either.

Great game!
Without a doubt, this is the best Dragon Quest game and probably the best SNES RPG.
Chrono Trigger is a masterpiece, FF VI is garbage.

Dragon Quest

>Yes, nobody gives a shit about anything in RPGs except Story, Characters

Both FF6 and CT have middling stories and characters at best, so declaring them GOAT RPGs on that basis makes even less sense.

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All of you old faggots need to fuck off, turn based is a relic of the past and far to outdated to go back to. Stop pretending like these games aren't complete shit.

overrated nintentoddlers jrpgs just like ff7 was from snoys

Maybe in your garbage opinion that nobody in the entire world agrees with

Chrono Trigger > DQV > FF6

Fuck of bazztek

indeed,characters are shallow as fuck, the interaction between them are rare,good game though but extremely overrated

Not by jrpgs standards, which is like to say one of the most popular genres in videogames, which is like to say one of the most popular products in human history.

>Maybe in your garbage opinion that nobody in the entire world agrees with

>mindless appeal to popularity
That's like saying Harry Potter and Twilight are some of the best literature ever created because of how popular they are

JRPG & Action Adventure are by far the most popular genres in gaming history


Twilight has no critical acclaim, Harry Potter does but To Kill a Mockingbird is still considered the best book. FF7 is the most popular but FF6 is vastly more acclaimed than any other FF game

Kefka's brutality was unique to games at the time, but Chrono Trigger was beautiful and had awesome graphics effects for the SNES.

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Just cause the story falls off in the World of Ruin doesn’t mean it sucks.
>dungeons you can visit in any order you want
>if you don’t wanna go back and recruit all your party members you can just get the airship and take on Kefka’s Tower but it’ll be much more challenging
Gameplay-wise, I enjoyed FF6 much more than Chrono Trigger.


Seiken Densetsu 3 is the GOAT SNES RPG.
Multiple classes with different mechanics
Story changes based on which characters you pick
Gorgeous sprite work

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1. Dragon Quest V
2. Chrono Trigger
3. Final Fantasy V
4. Dragon Quest III
5. Tales of Phantasia

>muh moe high school waifu simulator is a REAL jrpg
fuck off dweeb

both are pedestrian entry level garbage.

>mana trash

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that's a pity, user
you'll never experience the masterpiece that is seiken densetsu 3

>Multiple classes with different mechanics

>different ways to deal damage
>different mechanics

The only character with a unique mechanic is the werewolf, and that's not tied to class

>Story changes based on which characters you pick
Not really. The stuff you do and areas you visit is the same, you just the same way, you just get different dialogue and a few different bosses.

More of an RPG than any games mentioned so far, and more competent at that too.

Liked CT more. It's just feelgood and soul-touching from beginning to end. FF6 is great for its own reasons but I personally just think CT is the more cohesive experience.

No kid/teenager that grew up in the early 90's would ever say that.

They completely ripped off the Dragon Ball Z artstyle for this shit. Why not just play a DBZ game?

It's the SAME artist fool.

And Chrono Trigger copied DQ


Atlus rpg's say otherwise. They are getting more and more popular every year.

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Of these 2 its FFIII. Chrono Trigger has a lit art style and story, but the combat is poopoo. The DS remake of FFIII is god tier

CT has the benefit of a perfect cast. Half of VI's cast is a bore, including the main character.

That's a retarded claim.

I grew up in the early 90's

that guy is wrong about CT but not FFVI

Persona 5 literally has a button that picks the best move for you.
That game is 100% casual shit.

>CT has the benefit of a perfect cast.

>silent anime swordswoman
>tomboy princess
>quirky scientist nerd girl
>noble knight that's been cursed
>robot questioning his existence
>edgy dark wizard
>sexy cavewoman

They're caricatures.

why do you think it got popular? go play persona 2 and don't use a guide, you'll get buttfucked so hard so fast

So the same artist drew and animated every single episode of DBZ? No, that is not how animation works, It's done by a TEAM. Get your fucking head out of your ass.

Fine then I'll point you to mainline SMT. Great, high quality games with turn based mechanics that are faced paced (smt4/4A) and don't feel slow. Pokemon is casual as well, but a good chuck of the fambase is adults who love the turn based mechanics. It's not outdated fully, you just need to find games that expand on it in the right way

Why does Sabin’s scenario have so much soul?

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cause when you can suplex an undead train you probably can take life pretty easy

Neither, we already decided this yesterday after 110,000 votes. These are Yea Forums‘s best RPGs
> 1. NieR Autometa
> 2. Chrono Trigger
> 3. Castlevania SOTN
> 4. Dark Souls
> 5. Final Fantasy VI
> 6. EarthBound
> 7. Pokemon HG/SS
> 8. Deus Ex
> 9. MOTHER 3
> 10. Bloodborne

not like it had much competition
>terra/edgar/banon branch is literally nothing
what was even the point

>FFXIV has a doom train raid
>Cant phoenix down or suplex it
Still was a pretty nostalgic moment for me though.

The suplex should have been an active time event with everyone involved

doom train =/= the phantom train.

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for real? i always thought they were the same, following similar situations where bosses become summons and summons become bosses

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Between those two, Chrono Trigger and it's not even close.

Absolutely based

The phantom train just looks like a normal train, doomtrain looks all weird and demonic and has a face.

From ancient times, until the distant future! In eras of peace, and eras of war! In all places and all times! The impetus of all conflict! The eternal sentiment that will not die as long as there are humans to perpetuate it... It is hatred... It is Odio!!

great taste

But you jump on top and smack its whistle for a minute. Then you have to fight a ghost in a train car. It may not be a direct correlation, but it is definitely a homage. Also, the final boss of the raid tier is Kefka

As someone with virtually zero experience with SNES RPGs who couldn't get into FF6, would Chrono Trigger or FF4 be better places to start? I haven't played any Final Fantasy games at all.

you should play both, though CT has very little in common with the FF series. So if you want to get into FF play an FF game.

is there a single good ATB combat system on this earth

baten kaitos origins, grandia series