Nintendo Officially Arrives in Israel

Pretty ballsy move from Nintendo, didn't realise there were many onions to be farmed in the ME. Why did they skip over the UK, France and Germany though?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Good goy


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Era is triggered btw


the jews fear the samurai
it will always be empty

Jews control the Samurai too

Sopa de Macaco

What path Yea Forums goes when has to choose between trannies or kikes?

Imagine being the poor worker that has to travel to Israel and risk their life fulfilling orders. The only people that benefit are the delivery guys, since they can just walk to their destination.

a single jew can buy more games than 150 huehuehues, what did you expect.

brazils population: 210 million

israels population: 8 million

guess where they could make more profit

is Illhan Omar gonna call for a boycott?

>90% population lives in favellas

WAit you can't buy nintendo products in uk, france or germany? That's racists and you know it. Fuck you nintendo for bannind switch from the minorities.

The country where beans and soccer (sorry, “fuuutball”) jerseys aren’t the major currency?

Brazil has retarded protectionist policies that forces consoles to be made there



Based Hebrews infiltrating Ninty.

>Implying favela dwellers have money to buy video games

>Literally noone in store
sloppy job mossad!

but the ps4 is infinitely more woke

t. assblasted favela dweller Julio

don't Onions hate Israel?

Nintendo only cares for Mexico and they have a semi official presence there

Also, Mexico buys more videogames than Brazil despite Brazil having over 200 million people

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>Also, Mexico buys more videogames than Brazil despite Brazil having over 200 million people
Of course, Mexico actually kinda has money. Nobody has money in Brazil. All the video games in Brazil are F2P junk that runs on computers from 10 years ago and pirated, all the merch is bootleg.

The one that doesn't have 210 million piratefags

nice fake fuckin picture btw faggot

Get fucked, third-world scum.

BotW costs ~85 USD, I see Nintendo is truly embracing Jewish culture.

>charge exorbitant prices in a third world country
>geez, why arent they buying our games?

their own. hate everything

nitendo is going to crash israel with no surivors

Based and redpilled

>janitor gives me 15 minute ban for being racist
>half a dozen people call me a favela dweller third worlder
>none of them get banned

eat shit and die

>guess where they could make more profit

Israel of course.

There's a theory that Jews and Japanese people have a common lineage. It's bullshit, but I've met people who actually believe in it.

Stickung around for screencaps


The subject is already banned because they can't stop sperging out over the whole Palestine/Israel thing.

More like cucked and bluepilled. The Liberty attack has been known to be an accident since the time it happened. Israel even apologized for it.

He's in.

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The day of the gas is coming for you soon goldberg

>Wealthy modern country filled with rich people
>Impoverished third world country filled with poor people
Which do you think is the better market?

>WAit you can't buy nintendo products in uk, france or germany?
You can. I can only assume OP was a fag and thought the article meant a physical Nintendo store is opening in Israel rather than an online one.

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Israel. Brazil hates Nintendo.

>tfw video games are considered gambling here
this could fit with certain EA games, but fuck this shit man

what do they even do for fun in Israel?
theres no art or modern culture to speak of for a race that consistently pushes it in other countries

Maybe your country shouldn't be so poor.

>losing potential profit just because a country has and always will be fucked
Brazil literally deserves nothing.

...the alt-righter says increasingly nervously for the 948th time this month.

>Mustached European man fights to liberate his homeland from the greedy big-nosed menace who has bewitched the locals and stolen the kingdom's treasures

What did Nintendo mean by this?

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Of course you can you fucking moron.

Reminder that America betrayed Britain and France at Suez, the greatest betrayal of the 20th century

Why the FUCK is Nintendo collaborating with that Islamic terrorist state?

What is Israel?

Nintendo is practically unknown in Israel as well, the only consoles that were semi-relevant were NES, Gameboy, Wii and DS.
It's PS4 or PC for most people.

Wasn't a Nintendo spokesman referencing a hostile takeover a few days ago?

Based best ally.

Hebrews have twenty-five words for profit, but not one for morals.

Isis HQ

>Nintendo is practically unknown in Israel as well
>as well
I don't think you get it, Brazil is well aware of Nintendo and they hate them with a burning passion.


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monkey here, Brazil is filled with sega boomers who think the console wars are still happening

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What onions?

shut up favela nigger

>jannies doing whatever they want
what's new, user?

The world isn't fair, is it, my fellow amigo?

>defends Israel FOR FREE
>calls others bluepilled

Not him ,but whats with those fucked double standards. Jannies are indeed trannies

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t.julio mendez favela nigger

They're likely from /pol/

you're likely from /lgbt/

Wanna take a guess why I'm defending Israel?

good goy nintendo does what sony dont

Because you're a kike?

A miserable little pile of a secrets.


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Why do they keep winning?


Emphasis on the ^

Palestinian clay?

incoming more predatory dlc practices

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Brazil has a pretty crazy piracy scene, or atleast had. The shops sold you cheaper pirated versions and a cracked PS2 and shit.

Also, there has been a gnarly economical crisis because of the oil prices in Brasil since 2012 (same reason Venezuela has gone the way it has gone).

nuke israel

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Guess there really is a silver lining in everything

I mean, there's a pretty obvious reason why it's illegal to deny in Germany and other formerly Nazi-occupied countries. Use your brain.

who is this guy, and why is Yea Forums so obsessed with him?

Daily reminder that there's nothing wrong with being Jewish.

Fuck off, you filthy monkey.

The most popular consoles in Brazil is the fucking Sega Genesis and Master System, Nintendo wont make shit in Brazil.

This. Jews are what /pol/ want to become anyway.

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Inb4 Israel corrupts Nintendo

Why become Jewish when you could become Mormon and still have your soul?

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>country that still plays the Master System in 20 fucking 19, PS2, and wouldn't know what an authentic NTSC game was if it slapped them in the face
>country in economic turmoil as usual, filled to the brim with political corruption, and where gaming is a considered a form of gambling and thus taxed to hell and back
>country filled with literal Jews and kikes that are rich as fuck
Gee, I wonder which is the more logical choice???

So that’s why people still buy master systems there

The prices of games in Brazil are a result of ridiculously astronomical taxes on them. Combine this with the Nintendo tax and you get games literally nobody could ever buy. It's no wonder Nintendo doesn't bother

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isn't that dangerous? Putting chemicals like ink up your ass?

found their new mascot for the jewish hq

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Don't you have a divegrass match to watch you BR monkey?

>Nobody has money in Brazil
I used to know a BR. He told me stories of how his dad used to literally ride a jackass to go places.

>Nintendo tax

Nintendo games are notorious for never going down in price, which is why people just buy them secondhand or pirate them. Fire Emblem Awakening for example is 6 years old but is still $40

About time. The Wii was popular here but outside of that no one gives a shit about Nintendo.
If you think Israel is filled with rich people you are a dumb. You think it's just some garden of eden where Jews go to retire?

>think no way those guys ban at even the slightest hint of anything right wing
>Check out nintendo isreal thread
>a bunch of people saying fuck isreal, shame on nintendo for doing business with isreal and that isreal goverbment should be torn down
W-what the hell i wasnt expecting that

>shitting out art is now an actual, literal, thing someone can do

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No, it's not. Words shouldn't be illegal. Jistorical revisionism should be protected, as any other speech. It's not like you'll face jail time in the US for claiming 9/11 was an inside job or that Pearl Harbor didn't happen/was justified was.

>Full blown Leftist shithole
>Surprised that being openly anti-Semitic isn't banworthy

לא רוצים את נינתינוק כאן

change the money bag for a malnourished palestine kid

>Nintendo Officially Arrives in Israel
RIP in peace Mario.

Yeah, that's because we have the First Amendment. European countries don't pretend to have unlimited free speech laws, meaning there are certain things which you can be prosecuted for, and honestly, I don't have a problem with Germany's Holocaust denial laws. They're remorseful of their past, and the fact that they admit what they did and are sorry shows maturity. Erdogan could learn a lot from them.

PS: Actual historical revisionists think Holocaust deniers are retards.

Used copies can go for 50.

Why do people get so triggered by that anyway? This kind of conflict happen all the time in Africa yet no one give a shit.

>man can literally shit out better art than most of /ic/.
You can't make this shit up.

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they're all semites

That's because they sell, dumbo. Even second-hand shops sell them at full price because they know they'll make the sale. Contrast notoriously shit Nintendo games like Amiibo Festival that barely sell for a fiver.

Not supporting Israel doesn't make you an antisemite
Not supporting Israel is a leftie thing. They don't understand the complexity of the situation and buy into propaganda. All lefties see is an oppressed Gaza, and people dying in riots, without understanding how the situation came to be, or why people die in the riots. Doesn't help that Hamas propaganda targets Uni kids specifically and feeds them misinformation. So young leftists jump on the fuck Israel train because that's what is easy.

wanna know something worse? here in hueland, people got paid (with public money, mind you) in order to finger each other's assholes. google it "macaquinhos performance"

because the jews get away with it because they call opposition antisemetic.

>15 minute ban
Wow it's fucking nothing.

cause its africa you retarded kike, they kill each other with machetes not with tanks and chemical weapons

I hate trannies more than kikes and I absolutely fucking hate kikes
My scale from least hated to most
>Inb4 you like niggers
I just hate them the least everyone else I hate much much more

jews don't buy vidya

All these people moaning about "Palestinian oppression" when just a few days ago Hamas sent missiles towards Israeli civilians.
The Palestinian propaganda is super effective.

yet judaism is literally a religion which claims all jews are superior human beings to everyone else and the talmud literally describes non jews in the same manner as fucking cattle. it even says every jew will have 7 non jew slaves when the messiah comes.

I think tge refugee shit and the so(y) belong in that more than nintendo does. Their products are mostly for kids with the odd M rated game now and then. But I guess if soiboys like it so much it makes sense.

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post more mommy brapps

>kike refuses to name all the christian palestinians murdered
wow kikey you never fail to underestimate

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Didn’t Nintendo tell Mexico to fuck off after releasing Smash ultimate early?

No one denies that Haredim are shit but you're a fool if you think the average jew honestly believes this.
When was the last time Eurovision happened in Palestine (:

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don't you guys have like an organization dedicated to specifically, erasing all traces of your soldiers "accidentally" shooting kids and women and using anti riot equipment on civilians for no reason at all?

I do remember when Brunei made homosexuality illegal, they were mad about that too. They can be an odd bunch, you know? I mean, being gay is a cause for a death penalty in Gaza.

Why are Jewish males so hideous and rat-like, but their women have khazar milkers?

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Die nigger
Stop sucking so much cock

they are as surgically butchered as asian women

All the genealogy of the women they raped coming to surface

lol shut up faggot


Fucking kikes man

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Yeah my sister was on a bus right next to where one fell, you can find it online. They're just trying to scare people away from the Eurovision though, won't work..
I'm in the IDF rn and never heard of this.
Ashaknazi Jews (the rat like ones he is talking about) were the ones cowering like rats and letting their woman get raped in Europe for hundreds of years.

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jews tried to force all the political parties in the UK to sign some agreement deal about the definition of antisemitism and these include

"Criticism of Isreal at all"

"Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust."

"Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis."

and the funniest one

"Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel."
>hurr you can't criticise isreal it can do no wrong
>*israel does something cancerous again*
>b-b-but we have nothing to do with them, goy!

He's probably a kikefaggot who secretly lusts for niggers

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>European countries don't pretend to have unlimited free speech laws

And they think they're free.
It's funny to see so many support Venezuelans but wonder why unarmed civilians can't defend themselves against an armed military.

I want to touch her legs.

>I'm in the IDF rn and never heard of this.
makes sense

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real jews are black africans. these white russian/northern african ones aren't real jews and hence they have no claim to the land of israel. moses was literally a black guy go and read history.

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at what age do jews start going schizo?
asking for a friend

Brits stole land from Arabs and placed Jews instead
Now Jews and Arabs mix like matter and anti matter

או שיט לא ידעתי אפילו

Most of /pol/ are jews.

it can happen at anytime

What are you talking about? I can't talk about the other two countries but I know that Nintendo UK has an online store for quite a while

How's that? Everyone goes to the IDF, and we have the internet. If it's a unit in the army it wouldn't make sense that a foreigner knows about it but every 19 year old in Israel doesn't.
This doesn't include chad sephardic tho
ולא אכפת לי האמת

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Centuries of rape user

But they don't.
I don't see what they're doing so bad anyway, they're just asserting their dominance. We do it too, we just don't live near angry suckers.

How is it any better

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בתכלס הכל שם יותר יקר מכל חנות גיימינג ממוצעת, ואין שם כמעט משחקים חוץ מ-LGPE

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>Jews think they can take Nintendo
>The only internet presence more powerful than JIDF shills are Nintenbros

Good luck

>I don't see what they're doing so bad anyway

Mate, the kikes installed themselves into israel even though the palestines were living there

>but muh jews have the rights to israel

Not these jews, they stole the jewish identity, they are carthiginians

sheer projecting
wonder if it how much of those posts are the same "person"

How the fuck do you have the time of day to do anything when you hate so much people?

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tranny janny keeps banning me for being brazilian

am i seriously going to have to change my ip to stop being harassed by this racist psycho?

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and yet they are still much more expensive than 3rd party resellers, buying digital is the only way to out-jew the jews.

>colonizers of occupied lands are "civilians" and instantly delegitimizes any attempt at armed resistance
Well that sure is convenient.

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So if Native Americans were to burn your house down, you'd say "well, can't blame 'em. We're just colonizers."

>Why did they skip over the UK, France and Germany though?
Because they are stupid. No joke.
>hey guise we need a new shop
>how about one in europe, where most of our customers are
>nah what about israel?

Same shit with pokemon center, japan has 100, america has 1, europe has 0

Aside from the fact that you're now deflecting, jidf shill, I'm not an amerimutt.

The problem isn't that israel are assholes against palestine, it's that they are the only fucking first world people to get away with it.

The west all had to de colonise and give up shittons of power bit muh jews can just continue to steal land.

Wordfilter for s o y

Jews immigrated (with permission by the UK who owned the land) to Israel since the early 1900s. The settlers built their own cities and kibbutzim. Eventually the UK withdrew and made a partition plan for the Palestinians and Jews both living there. It gave Palestine most of the good land and Israel basically the desert. Jerusalem was neutral.

The day Israel declared statehood (after UN voted ok), all surrounding Arab countries attacked. Israel fought them all off, and took some of the Palestinian land. It continued like this, and through many wars in Israel's history its been gangbanged by Arab states and fought back, taking some land and eventually Jerusalem.

Israel secured the modern day borders (established West Bank Zones with Rabin and Clinton), and the Golan Heights (which it keeps because Syria uses it to take shots at Israel and cut off water otherwise). Took Sianai but gave it back in the interest of peace.

And that's the story of Israel's land gain. I dunno why I bothered typing this since no one will read it but whatever.
The real issue right now is the settlements which need to stop. Let them keep the west bank. Bibi is spineless and will never put a stop to them. Maybe next election cycle we can get him out of office and change the unfortunate status quo. Came close this year.

yep. if we're at war it's to be expected. why does every kike pretend their country isn't actively at war? your government holds a fucking trade blockade on the palestinians and they aren't even allowed basic healthcare or water supplies (which are limited). israel is literally an apartheid state and it will literally never change because it isn't like white people suddenly warming up to blacks in africa and seeing each other as equals because judaism LITERALLY teaches you everyone that isn't muh masterrace chose people are equivalent to fucking cattle. if you're a religious jew you HAVE to believe this BS.

Ah yes, calling people shills. The ace in the hole for brainlets.

What do you mean? Literally all of both North and South America are dominated by the groups who colonized them. Australia and New Zealand as well. Guess what? All are first world countries.

Kikes are literally the ones behind all of the rest you retard

Hey better chance than Jews and Native Americans being related.


The Jews got so mad that people kept calling the Holocaust a hoax that they named their nation "is real"

Keep in mind the majority of Jews living in Israel aren't religious. I personally very much dislike Haredim. My commander in the IDF is actually a man who gave up the lifestyle and as a result got cut off from his parents and ostracized by his village.

West Bank is allowed health and water. Gaza is in a very poor situation and something needs to be done, because the solution of "do nothing" isnt a solution at all. I would like to point out to you though that Israel does allow healthcare and supplies into Gaza from Jordan.
Most the people I know in Israel think trannies are gross, and I run with young crowds (I'm 20.) Just a thought.

You underestimate the number of weebs here

Don’t know, but a micro economics professor I’ve been talking to said that Israel is the start of new business.
I don’t know enough so don’t quote me on that

Same i won't even bother buying this shit unless it's price go under the base PS4 because i have no use for it then just having a portable emulator

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according to the talmud even those religious jews who are living in israel shouldn't even be there

תדמיין שאתה מגיעה לבסיס צבאי עם נינטנדו... מביך

There are no paypigs in Brasilia

Maybe, if they can sober up and find their way off their reservations, which we gave them.

At least i could play something then having the entire fucking base going hell unleashed on a ps4 it and playing fifa like brain dead normies

>be jew
>play scathshit

I don't think this is kosher.

Yes, I'm aware. There are organizations of shitty American religious Jews who protest Israel. Why are you telling me I don't understand?
Bing bing wahoo yes I play Mario in the מגורים why no I don't have any friends why do you ask

pfft, tekken is where it's at, nerd.

Africa has more people.

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fuck people, companies go after money, not population.

Reminder Britain and France are the remnants of two failed empires

according to your own book you shouldn't be there. are you denying your book?

>people here like tekken
The last time tekken was popular here was with the ps2 title, i really doubt anyone here can even play properly without mashing the buttons

a physical Nintendo store is opening in Israel though

I don't think you read my post? I just told you the majority of Jews aren't religious. I think its 25 religous vs 75% not. I hardly believe in God. For the young people of Israel Judiasm is an ethnicity and a cultural identity.

I find it weird that after I shit on the Haredim and say we are mostly secular, you quote something in the Talmud to me as if it is supposed to be a groundbreaking arguement. My English is still not good so maybe I missed something?
Where in Israel

Supporting Israel would be redpilled, wouldn't it?
redpilled = loving Trump
And Trump LOVES Israel
Come on, r/The_Donald, you can do better than this

buddy your whole countries existence is propped up by the claims your rabbi's say you have over the land. you'd have no authority over it if it wasn't because of that. it doesn't matter if you aren't religious or any other serf as long as your rabbi's continue saying that. if you also have a problem against them then why don't you do something about it.

Israel's existence isn't entirely based on what rabbis say. Some may claim this, but the original idea of Zionism wasn't about religion. Hertzl (father of Zionism since I assume you don't know much about this) was secular himself. The point was for the Jews to have a state of their own because of rampant antisemitism. Not because of a divine right to the land.
And that was then. Today, Israel is so much more complex than that, and if you think that religious reasons are the only reason Israel still exists you are very badly out of the loop.

Also, I voted for a PM who I believed wouldn't be bought by religious groups and who isn't known to support such groups. Not sure what more you'd like me to do, besides go penguin hunting, or do a rampage in Bnei Brak lol

>The year is 2108, with the great Anthropocene extinction and global warming long since under way
>Droughts begin stretching in the decades for the desert lands
>Nintendo Middle East drops so much on failed R&D into trying to find a way to make their Labo cardboard out of something other than trees that it bankrupts and sinks the whole company.

The darkest day for the Japanese videogames industry.

>Where in Israel
Dizengoff Center in Tel Aviv

Yeah, this is the Year of Wario now.

In which a dude thinks he knows history because he fell for propganda on /pol/ kek

>when kikes are despised so much both left and right political spectrums are pissed off at this