Monster hunter generations ultimate

Thinking bout picking up pic related, any good?

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It's enjoyable. You're definitely not going to be lacking content.

Wish I didn't miss that bestbuy sale though.

I got over 350 hours of entertainment out of it. I don't know what online is like these days. I never paid for it.

is it better than mhw?

No. Here's a review from trusted source:

More content at the cost of the QOL changes. Just generally feels clunkier and slower for better or worse. More like an alternative to world.

Yes, of course. Any MH game is better than world.

Too many easy and tedious quests, but the rest are great.

Seregios weapons are great.


Yes, not like that's really an accomplishment. GU is a decent game that has plenty of stuff to do, but it's not the peak of the franchise. Personally, 4U followed by FU are the peak. Honorable mention for Tri/3U, because the locales and visuals were pretty aesthetic and comfy, while having a nice weapon balance compared to other games.

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If you like variety, unique weapons and armors, a ton of quests, and challenge, absolutely.
If you want quick travel, forced cutscenes, and the inability to craft decorations, then no.

Two words: Fuck YES.
Only game i’ve dumped almost a 1000 hours into
>Playing GU like World
That’s like playing Saints row 4 and wondering where’s CJ, Big Smoke and Ryder

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There's no such thing,

Post Transmog fashion

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If you don't have the same kind of autism as me and can still enjoy the game despite knowing there is an objectively best style to most weapons that upgrades your dodge and lets parry most attacks while giving you an insane moveset on top of that go ahead.

graphics are so trash it's hard to get into the right mood to play it after 30 or so ours. get it on sale

Thanks, guess I'll grab it sometime soon.

Depends on what you want.
For a noob, World the the best choice. It is the easier game with quality of life improvement.
Generations has way more content. It has more monsters, more armor, and more weapons. Plus the armor and weapons actually look different. However, it lacks those QoL improvements and is way more challenging.

> more monsters
That's a good thing
> more armor
I haven't reached G rank and have like 30 pages of armor. That, in my opinion, is annoying as hell when you're trying to find something that's usefull.
> and more weapons
Same as with armors, at least almost all endgame weapons are viable.

It's different.

Anyone got any advice for fighting Dreadqueen Rathian? I'm at the start of G rank so I shouldn't be having trouble with the level 1 version right? Even my blue sharpness bounces off everything but the feet and its poison fucking hurts in my high rank gear.

Yeah, Have se... wait, that one not... Git gud, yeah, that one.

Use a gun lol

>It is way more challenging
It's the second easiest MH game in the entire series. I would argue that some weapon/style combos make the game even easier than world.

He said it was more challenging than world, you illiterate retard.
>even easier than world
Not possible.

>high rank gear.
Update that shit ASAP

>Not possible
Adept LBG, Valor HBG.

Playing it on the 3DS at 60fps was pure bliss, I played it until it broke down.

You have to know the monsters to know those styles effectively, though. In World you can just spam whatever.
t. World and GU player

>implying anyone can pick these up and use them effectively
They're good only if you know what the fuck you're doing. Aka, knowing what shot types are better on what monsters and where to aim at. You're still going to get fucked over by chip damage in Grank with Valor and Adept will leave you vulnerable after a dodge.

No you don't. Especially not adept.

t. actual world and GU player.

How is the game for a newcomer? Got it for 20 bucks second hand and haven't touched it.

> Especially not adept
> Actual GU player
Does not add up.

>Adept dodging

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Are you up for trying a few hunts? Open a room and we can set up a Yea Forums lobby for beginners. There's a learning curve for new players but it's not that bad, the hardest things for a new player are learning what items do and where to get specific materials.

No, get 4U instead. XX is a really bad version of 4U

Yeah, there's way more content but at the same time combat feels a lot more faster and fluid.

>It's the second easiest MH game in the entire series.
1, P3rd, World and 3U say hi.

If you like japanese games, play mhgu. If you like western games, play mhw

>second easiest
Actually the easiest. Even Deviants deal no damage until G3 modifiers and this was from keeping my defense at 500~ish which is what you get in High Rank from the LV6 Deviant armor

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>world is bad

this tired old meme

Not now, sorry for the delay.

No problem user, hope you enjoy whenever you get around to it. There's a ton of single player content for you to enjoy, but the majority of the game is scaled for multiplayer so it's best to find some randoms to chip in after you've finished the village quests unless you want a challenge. Classic MH has a pretty good community and a lot of the fun is jumping into rooms and helping each other progress. Yea Forums lobbies are laid back and most are willing to help, just let us know. The MH wiki is helpful too.

Pretty good but be careful when trying to get into a random lobby, yesterday i found a couple of hackers that were pretty much 1 hit KO all hunts i got a ton of mats but still

Unfortunately MHGU now has crossplay with citra so that'll be more common going forward. We need a new classic MH for switch, I hope it's not going to be downscaled world assets.

>but the majority of the game is scaled for multiplayer so it's best to find some randoms to chip in after you've finished the village quests unless you want a challenge
Although I do have the online service, I'm a bit reluctant to use online on ARPGs. For example, I systematically play offline on Demon's Souls or Bloodborne; is the challenge comparable or is it just "you really need to play multiplayer for this"?

You'll be fine playing solo for the whole game- it's how most people played for the first 15 years of the series in the west. The only issue is that monster HP is scaled for multiplayer (usually for around 2.5 people), so hunts will take longer than solo content. Content is divided up between solo "village" content, and "hunter hub/pub" content which is usually online but can be entered offline and played solo with felyne AI partners. Play through the solo content first and gear up before you head to the hunter's hub and you'll be okay.

Just post an event quest to BTFO all the XX shitter hacker scumbags.

the bosses aren't hard by themselves, the gigantic health pool that deviants have will turn every battle into a time attack since it's common to finish them off really close to the time limit in solo play.

This. You'll have 50 minutes to complete most quests, plenty time. In multiplayer hunts will normally take 8-10 minutes on average, and soloing the same quest might take 15-20 unless you're really quick. Deviants have much bigger health bars and take 20-25 for a team, so expect 40ish minutes of playing efficiently to take one down. If you don't take advantage of your openings and play aggressively you'll run into some issues. Deviants can be saved until near endgame though so don't worry too much about them. You can wait until G rank and rush through the early versions with better gear so you still get to experience the fights comfortably.

If you have a PC just try the emulator. A decent rigs plays much better than the switch, though it only have fan-translated version for Gen-U.

After playing mhw any other mh game feels like I'm playing it with an n64 controller

>20-25 for a team
If you play with bad players maybe.

Wait how is that possible? I thought you need crapcom online server to do so?

I'm talking a team of two, most of my co-op time is with an IRL friend. It's obviously quicker if you have four players with constant para/stunlocks.

Two HBGs is enough to clear most Deviants within 5 minutes. EXs included.

I have no idea, I haven't tried it since I own the game. Some guy added a bunch of code to the game to adjust framerate and allow the crossplay.

I am at around HR 6 and have no clue what armour to make. They all seem to suck and no skills look good, I am still using low rank tetsu armour. I have just been helping my friend try to make HR gammoth armour.

a game that saw Adept style fit to release cannot possibly be better than anything

Yeah of course, but abusing meta builds has never been relevant for MH. Brave HBG is completely one dimensional.

>abusing meta builds has never been relevant for MH

Which weapon do you use? You're always safe going for generic attack or defense skills. Rathalos is reliable and will carry you through to G2.

user, the wiki says "doesn't work cause it uses 32-bit architecture".

Basically it's a """GLORIFIED PORT""" of the 3ds, so yeah, play on an emulator, but a 3ds one.

(The processor in the Switch, it's a 64bit one, and the processor on a 3ds is a 32bit one, emulation, emulates the switch, but needs instructions on how to translate some stuff in "PC LANGUAGE", basically it needs to translate 32bit ARM to 64bit x86, the same goes for mario kart, which was developed for Wii U, thus a 32bit architecture.
The devs took the codebase, and just added some gimmicks, in this, they probably haven't added a single things, and probably just UPSCALE THE TEXTURES)

Literally impossible who designed this shit

Adept LBG or Valor/Adept DBs
Valor HBG

>he uses adept or dodge arts

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I only play MH solo. You absolutely don't need multiplayer. Its not a mmo.

>shitter reccomending crutches
Guild Charge Blade and guard point until you get good, faggot.

>tfw prefer adept CB because of like perfect parrying mechanics but it's not as useful as the other styles

shit sucks

Literally any weapon and style combination and keep trying til you get good, no need to abuse guard points either. New players shouldn't be scared away by thinking they need to play in a specific way to progress. You can play any way you want in MH and still clear all content. Experiement, have fun, try new things. Build your own mixed sets, fuck up, improve from it.

I don't give a fuck. Go dilate tranny.

I'm at G3, and I've only used guild SNS. There are tons of gimmicks in GU but it's nice that they're all optional.

Monster Hunter is complete garbage, so it's never worth picking up.

>get carried by free, massive evasion windows and "hold Y to not die" trash mechanics
>never learn how to position well, properly avoid attacks, punish openings appropriately
>this is an acceptable way of "getting good"
Without proper fundamentals, shitters will never become anything more than shitters. Playing scrubby should never be encouraged.

What other phrases can you parrot when I pull your string?

>t.filtered by Maccao

I really didn't enjoy 4U very much. I started with FU so that will always be my favorite for nostalgia reasons but I enjoyed playing GU 100x more than 4U. I even imported the Japanese version of GU back when I thought that it wasn't coming to the west and learned enough Japanese to sort the charm skills. Then bought the game again when it did come over and played through the entire thing again without a save to transfer. Pure bliss playing GU.

Who the fuck cares about getting good in a game like GU. Kill yourself retard.

Stop playing Monster Hunter, it's not for you. I hate how there are so many meta shitters recently.

Oh so they finally patched 4U to get hunter styles? I must have missed that or you are just lying over the internet because styles are the best thing to happen to Monster Hunter.

I have like 600+ hours in 4U but I just can't get into GU, like only a few hours so far (HR4) and I've owned it for months. When do the village quests get better, I like to finish village before hub quests so I can just rush to high rank and pull my own weight in online.

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no its shit
mh was only good on psp

GU village takes you to the end of high rank. IMO they start getting interesting around 5-6* once you reach the flagships. LMK if you want to jump into some co-op, I'll start a room.

It's not a meme

>Finished all deviants
>Soloed Boltreaver and Bloodbath EX
>Finished all my sets
What do?

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Try soloing with each weapon for shits and gigs, you may as well.

I made an alt and got big crown on that after my main character hit 999.

I can't play Citra because I made the mistake of buying an AMD gpu and everything runs at sub 20 fps. The hacks making the emulator have never heard of Vulkan so fuck you for the bad suggestion.

I was thinking of doing that since I did Asta with GS and BB with LS. Trying to do Soulseer rn with striker SnS and the blue bubbles he throws out always fucks me up due to how slow they are.

I could make one I guess but fuck doing Crystalbeard again

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guild card 100%

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Valstrax is THE best Flagship monster in MH history this is an undeniable fact

very good

adept rewards you for rolling literally right into stuff with no timing, its absurd. who thought this was fine

>Crown farming
I only need a couple left but its so tedious

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I only have 72%progress

>tfw have every award except the level all palico biases to 99
Fuck that shit. I'll take crown hunting any day.

So monsters like Zinogre are too fast to use Adept roll and actually have attacks that can fuck you for using it willy nilly.

Anybody try out that patch for crossplay? how does it work exactly?
Guessing its local only right?
I would appreciate any input on this matter.

harder and (way) more content even with iceborne probably

if you care about these things you will probably like it more

I think NEXT could take some stuff from World. These QoL were not not bad
>in-game wiki
>no more consumable pickaxes/nets
>join mid quest
>back evade
>armor preview
>universal box for items and equipment

Village gets decent around 5-stars when you finally get to do the Fated Four quests, and then 6-star is the end of LR.

Some attacks feel legit impossible to dodge without Adept.

QoL is never bad, it's just that people keep applying the term QoL to things that aren't QoL at all like chug-and-run.

isnt there an armor skill let you evade in any direction? or is it superman dive in any direction I.e towards monster aswell

you literally only need some codexes for that one bro

What if they just combine both healing methods and remove sprinting while healing?

Mizu would be a better example, if you dodge the first hit of the double claw slam and the double tail whip you'll just be fucked over by the second.

What else do I do? I've literally only touched palico/prowler shit for village and hub quests.

Consumable pickaxes and nets were fine either way. They're a non-issue as soon as you get mega gear in high rank (or craft them), so it didn't ever bother me. Armor preview existed but only per piece, again not a huge problem. Joining mid quest was great, but it was one step forward two steps back since you needed to enter quests solo until you'd all viewed the cutscenes. I'd rather have no midquest joining than need to push through that shit again.

I did it the opposite way around. Blitzed hub, broke rank, farmed up equipment, went back and demolished village. I don't think I could've done quests like Guild Greatest Hit, or Out of Frying Pan without G-rank equipment. They were tough.

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You select special training, slap in a compendium then go back doing whatever you were doing.

Thank you brother.

collect all earrings / extras? Desire earring, Snowy Pokke, Verdant Kokoto, Hayabusa Feather, Candid Earring, Sword Saint, Barrage, et al

any room bros

Oh, I asking how to level palicoes up. I have every other award in the game. 130/131.

Yes, but sitting here in a high rank room for over 10 minutes and having no one join is depressing

Just solo it user. Most players are in G-rank. I believe in you.

gutting your moveset and leaving literal blank inputs for a shitty gimmick that ruins positioning is good? On top of monsters already not dealing any fucking damage compared to 4U and 3U, this is already fucking terrible and no "HURR HURR JUS USE GUILD STYLE MY BRO" isn't an argument because they went as far as to gut Guild Style Movesets as well, see Charge Blade which had so many inputs taken away for NO reason.

You want good styles? Play Frontier
You want the shittiest G rank game bar none? Play MHGU, where the G rank feels like Low Rank. Actually, scratch that, that is too generous. GU G Rank is easier than Tri Low rank to the point of how fucking pathetic it is that the first G rank Urgent is Barroth the same as the first Tri Low Rank Urgent. Oh, and it is slower and hits much weaker.

do you want some help friend

Citra can only play ad-hoc. The crossplay cheat is for actual 3DS.


Yes, but i don't want to get carried by people with endgame weapons

What's the framerate like?

you realise there's a bunch of hard quests alongside easier quests don't you? i'd say MHGU is pretty well distributed. If you want to chill there's quests for chill, if you want challenge it has u covered. A bit of everything for everyone.

stable 30 fps unfortunately

lock 30

why unfortunate? it means one can easily get 3 hrs battery life in airplane mode. If it was 60fps you'd get half that if lucky

except that one fucking area in Swamp with the grass, that place has dips out the ass

>why unfortunate
Because 30fps is eye cancer?

60fps is a meme

alright I'll use a high rank weapon then, search for a wycademy room under fishing, pass 7243

proof or stfu

They made it 30fps to have crossplay with 3DS. Kind of shitty but it's at least stable.
It'd be nice if MHW at least had that.

Am I a shitter if I use brave GS or adept DB?
I used brave GS when playing XX and it was real fun even though it felt overpowered/like a crutch. Never tried adept DB or any adept for that matter, but it looks fun as well. Mainly interested in playing solo as much as possible, so maybe as I climb in quest difficulty it would even out. I wanted to play guild longsword but I haven't played longsword since FU can't stand it in any other game.

The top swamp area struggled on PSP but is fine on switch, even fighting deviants there.

Either is fine really. Adept DB requires Mega Dash Juice though.

have you never played the game before? Area 8 lags like hell because of the dynamic shadows, try fighting a gravios in there

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I still don't buy that excuse. Has anyone tried the 60 fps cheat with the crossplay cheat yet?

the problem with this game is the multipler. Every fucking faggot creating rooms just want to hunt Deviants and these mission wont check on your list.

MHW doesn't need crossplay, it's active as fuck at all times

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isn't the framerate tied to the game speed like P3rd?

wer'e talking MHGU not MH2

Good enough that I played through it twice between the Japanese 3DS release and NA Switch release many months later. It's a bitch to solo some optional endgame stuff if you don't have online and I have no idea how active the online is now anyway but it's a really solid title that'll last you at the very least a good 70 hours or so just progressing through village and hub quests. Any retard telling you dozens of gathering quests are required is willfully spreading misinformation, there are literally like 3 key gathering quests in the entire game. So glad I skipped Generations and got to experience everything fresh with this one.

Either hunt with friends only (preferably those who have big crowns), or make "turns no devs" rooms.

You're not supposed to be 'dodging' attacks in Monster Hunter - you should already be out of the way.

are you blind? can you honestly not see the dips playing in both handheld and portable mode?

4U was unlocked so I'm pretty sure it's not. X added so many particle effects and shit they even had to lower the fov to save performance.

handheld and docked*

proof or stfu, again

What gems should I use with the S Black set for greatsword? Crit up? Also will max out black set help me get through G Rank?

I was talking about a not shit fps, not crossplay. Although it could also use crossplay too, splitting the player base 3 different ways is cancer.

I've been holding off on GU but I think since I'm burned out on World I might get it now. What weapon should I use bros

Does anyone else find bloodbath to be easier than regular diablos? Honestly g-rank silverwind feels like the greatest challenge in this game
Play the game you tard. Nobody did a frame rate analysis on that area

My preferred weapon > Your preferred weapon

Guild Dual blades

Not him but I haven't noticed any lag there even with gravios.

Aerial CB

World is just a high rank game and all high rank games are mediocre at best

Adept LBG feels too good to play once you get hang of no-scope controlling your vertical shot angle so you can directly fire at weak spots every time you evade.

Playing dressup like a total faggot and finally getting to keep your skills is the only reason I liked this game as much as I did. Only wish this head piece had a version without the chinstrap, makes you look like a proper tard but the anime ponytail is absolutely worth it.

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Good HBG builds in GU?

How are dual blades in this game? Also is boosting affinity the best way to get big lad damage

Pierce up, shot booster, crit boost and all the affinity you can get.

CE +2/3, PUp, SB, WE/RO, CB

It's great. ECECE for Elderfrost, Hyper Agnaktor, and Royal Ludroth DBs. With Dragon and Thunder (Valstrax and Lagiacrus DBs), since both don't need sharpness skills, you can go crazy with crit and ele crit skills.

Evade extender so you can actually move around, artless guild if you're a man

>Evade extender
>when Evasion +2 comes with Valor style
retard alert

I wish I could get into GenU but I hate what they did to charge blade and none of the other weapons are fun enough to make up for it.

Retard alert

>playing GU and complaining about other styles
retard alert, go back to fu

EE has its uses with Adept but with Valor it's absolutely pointless. Even with Adept it's possible to skip EE if you know the monster well.

I don't understand this mentality. Upping rank only means more stuff is unlocked for you to farm, its not a linear path to a finish line.

Not him but ranking up is a big part of the game the first time through. It's really boring to watch overgeared people stomp something you're meant to struggle against as somebody that wants to actually play. Some people do like being carried but I'm not sure why they play Monster Hunter then. That being said you can just ask people to wear rank-appropriate gear rather than refusing to play with them. Most people probably keep their old sets for occasions like that, or at least I know I do.

takes ages to rank up though, its not likely a person will be carrying you through anything more than one urgent especially as its such a pain in the ass carrying people

??? just do key quests

>such a pain in the ass carrying people
IMO co-op and helping randoms is the most fun part of monster hunter. It's great to jump into a turns room and have four people who all speak different languages communicating through emotes and sitting through difficult quests purely to help each other. You may as well stick to solo if you just want to climb and power through everything.

But user, my preferred weapon is your preferred weapon

"Yeah sure I'll take time out to do 10-20 quests I don't need for not much in return" is not something commonly said. I was glad to see heavely, mysterious Neset-bearers enter Bherna hub to help with occasional quests, personally. Most important urgents I did in groups of people of same rank in turns. Like the second Nakarkos. Very memorable.

Bro i'm hr999 I'm at the stage where people don't even powder me anymore because they think I'm a divine being or some shit

They probably assume you manipulated your save file.

Is insight noticeable? It sounds like it’d be really useful for valor switchaxe and ig since they both really rely on both the art and the mode being active.

>average gunlance killscreen

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What bug should I make for Elderfrost IG? I don't need affinity skills on my bugs anymore but I do want speed on them.

>hello darkness my old friend

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The best killscreens

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>not a meme
You're right, it's just terrible taste

Hell no.

We know. World is pretty bad.

I use sharpness to stay on that white sharpness

HR999s in GU are a dime a dozen.

pretty good so far, I started with world and playing this game with and its bigger monster variety is great, online can be a pain though as its not very populated pr easy to play with people as in world with the SOS mechanic.

mosnter wise, its great, though lots of the monsters arent as big as the ones in world (playing RANK 4 so far) but once you get a party going its a blast as always

>online can be a pain though as its not very populated
That's because you're not in G-rank yet.

when stacked on something like Astral X set using Alchemy style, hunter drinks and deviant weapons it can be fun. But not so much as a casual armor skill on its own; it's only like a 10% increase alone isnt it?

What is the current prowler meta? What configuration of skills and moves should i look for?

Which one is that? I don't want to fuck up and lose all the juice I have left.

15%. But yeah that really isn’t a huge upgrade now that I think about it. Maybe saves me 1 or 2 hits

Hell yes.

Where the fuck is it? Wouldnt be surprised if Crapcom is autistically scratching their heads on how to approach mh5

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B-B-But MHW is MH5...


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But World is far better than any other MH game

You mean MH5P? Who knows?

It really isn't, and you would know that if you had played any of them

Thanks senpai.

Is Artillery actually worth it, or is it better to get Razor sharp or something else?

Nigga you need G rank gear
You HR 7 shit ain’t gonna cut it
Start farm mecha Bug Dragon

>Monster Hunter
>Monster Hunter Dos
>Monster Hunter Tri
>Monster Hunter 4
>Monste Hunter World
>Monster Hunter 6
Now that would be retarded

I played all of them and the only flaw of World is the quantity of monsters. You should stop being such an elitist just because our beloved franchise went a little wider. Why don't you like the infinite QoL improvements World brought?

Just solod 3U G-rank Alatreon and I feel like I can take on anything

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>It's not overpowered and easy because a select few monsters have very specific attacks that counter it!

>smith being an entire loading screen away from the chef

>forgetting about the weapon variety
>and the armor
>and the dropped cats
>all for ruined movesets and no buffs
thanks nigga

>and the only flaw of World is the quantity of monsters.
And the size of the map making hunts tedious.
And the limited weapon designs.
And the way skills work.
And the overly huge hub
And how slow it is.

You get the picture.

>Join mid quest
Fuck no that shit killed lobbies.
Be patient you ignorant fuck that’s another human not some retard bot

>nigga you just started g rank but farm the endgame monster

Get new gear, negate poison will work until I believe 6, at which point it merely downgrades the poison to normal(which is still pretty big). Consider getting a negate status hunting horn if it bothers you that much. Just remember deviants were designed around multiplayer so even the low rank shit is kinda like low high rank.

QoL doesn't make up for the game being significantly easier and more boring

>Worldsperms actually believe this

>join mid quest
Fuck no. Pre-hunts are the second best part next to the victory.

I fucking hate what they did to gunning, that's my biggest complaint. We went from an admittedly broken but fun as fuck playstyle in brave to generic TPS gameplay with zero oomph behind your shots.

One trick for DQ is that the neck and tail are weakpoints for blademasters. Chop at the neck.

Its head is like a lump of muscle, it takes practically no damage.

HG earplugs, pierce up attack L

I fucking despise seeing some fucks wanting to join a quest when you're in the middle of fighting and that fucking notification pops up, bothering you during the hunt.

>Help some Random get his crown and when all celebrated
God damn is GU amazing

Barely. It was the shittiest game in the franchise before World was announced.

>with zero oomph behind your shots
Not that anything has oomph in World.

You can walk for literally two seconds a be there tho?
I have to recognize that you're right the weapon designs being mostly repetitive, but how does the map being open make it tedious? Some monsters in the previous game were a chore to find, even with "closed" maps. Having an open one and a literal light bringing you there after research just sounds far better and more interesting than "find the monter and throw a paint ball at them so they appear on a paper map"
Have you ever considered that being a long time player kinda makes you better at the game? I breezed through the game too, but I just thought that having spent 10 years+ playing this kind of games made me good at it

Dude get to G
Literally full rooms within minutes

no, the game is easier and more casual despite prior experience

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>Have you ever considered that being a long time player kinda makes you better at the game
I started with World, then went back and played other games when I got tired of farming the same three elder dragons over and over

Weapon design
Monster roster
Lack of Transmog
All say otherwise


gay and unbased

>Some monsters in the previous game were a chore to find,
Not really, especially since they had specific spawn areas so once you learned that you could immediately start the hunt. You can't do that in World and when they run away from you it takes much longer for the hunt to start up again.


The maps have too much unnecessary verticality and random elements to them that make hunts too fucking cluttered. Shit like Toads and Vigorwasps make them completely trivial and turf wars literally do a good portion of the hunt for you. Face it, the game is much too easy and the new revival feature the Palicoes get in Iceborne show it.

>and the new revival feature the Palicoes get
Wait what

I don't want SOS back, I just want to avoid stupid shit like this
>see room with 3 people
>have quest on stand by
>join room
>already left
There should be a 5 minute window to join a quest before getting locked out.

The trailer they dropped for Iceborne showcases a Palico reviving it's Hunter.

>Even Deviants deal no damage until G3 modifiers
>500 armor
What a newb

tail end of the iceborne trailer, it looks like an extension of the vigorwasp nest gear that revives you on the spot

In the Iceborne stream that happened recently, the hunter gets ko'd, and gets revived by his palico

Oh shit
Um... Start Farm Rojang I don’t really remember I used to use before I got my Transmog endgame gear

Doesn't gu tell you if they've left before you join?
That pretty much solves your problem without adding mid hunt join cancer.

That's just sad. The worst part is people will defend it.

Oh wow, I've never read this. I guess it's been casualized after all.
Turf wars are the coolest shit but yeah, they're retarded in terms of damage.
Do you guys think that this casualization makes the game unenjoyable?
You didn't have fun?
I'm asking seriously, it'd cool to understand your motives

you also can now use slingers with your weapon unsheathed and there's a slinger ammo that auto-mounts you
but hey, at least we get knockoff zamtrios and jade barroth

Standby means the quest is up but they're still in the lobby. by the time you join the room, they already left. There should be no reason why I can't join the quest right there.

That's in addition to them adding a new mounting mechanic where you grapple onto the monster and then shotgun your slinger ammo into it to stagger/knockdown

>There should be no reason why I can't join the quest right there.
Because they've gone, duh.

Christ, you can already keep a monster in a nigh constant state of paralysis and stun with an impact/stun CB. Did they really need to do this?

I like this
But mid quest joining is cancer

not the user you replied to but turf wars are the biggest drawback of the game for me. I want to hunt the monsters, not have the other monsters hunt themselves for me and wait until they fuck off. they lose all the charm after you see them a few times.

>Aka, knowing what shot types are better on what monsters
Pierce 1 is optimal on every monster

Because you load the room some time before it could show them being in the lobby but actually in the quest. I also can’t tell you the number of times I start a quest and the first thing I see when the area loads is “x has joined the room” followed shortly by “x has left the room”

I have to admit, it was already bad enough when monsters attacked each other accidentally. Doing it on purpose is a whole new level of trash.

good luck with that on EX bloodbath

>I also can’t tell you the number of times I start a quest and the first thing I see when the area loads is “x has joined the room” followed shortly by “x has left the room”
Very little?
In my experience it almost never happens until a ways into the hunt itself.

>make a deviant turns room
>clownsuiting faggot with zero active skills runs in and posts his quests
>it's not even deviant, and it's even just HR
>"plz help, it's quick, I'll help you later"
He even started the quest by himself and some other hunter that joined him (ofc I kicked that retard). How can they be so fucking stupid, you should be able to solo pretty much all HR by then, and they always say "i will help". Like fucker you are as useless as it gets, even a dumb ai palico is more usefull than you.

4U G rank feels like low rank too, except the monsters die even faster because lol IG.

I can understand your point. I know it may sound childish but I still smile a bit when I see one or can cause one with shit throwing shenanigans. I guess working a lot just makes me want some funny, cool thing when I have some time to rest and enjoy games

It happens all the time for me

Untrue for a handful of larger targets. Gravios is one I'm sure of, JP speedrunners use 2 and 3 on him.

Normal is better for Garuga. Gravios is weak to water.

There definitely other moves in the game those are just the big ones a lot of monsters have double attacks

GU's weapons are all so fucking repetitive in playstyle compared to 4U. GS is now a retarded facetank weapon. LS is just parry into finisher spam. SnS just spams round force every 5 seconds to ignore everything the monster does. DB's entire moveset except spin2win and demon dance is worthless now. Hammer turned into upswing charge spam. Lance is charge spam. GL is counter spam. CB is a shittier GS that relies entirely on evasion arts as a crutch to compensate for its clunkiness. Bowguns now have only 1 worthwhile ammo type.

Can't wait to see how this guy is going to shit up Iceborne next.


You could always just not do those things. The only one making anything repetitive is you.

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Well, we already know every weapon can use the slinger while unsheathed.

*unzips pierce bowgun*
heh, nuttin personnel

That's not really what I'm worried about, but seeing shit like grappling hook mounts or GS being able to combo flashbombs into TCS is already telling me enough.

I don't dislike the game. It was decent. There are good aspects to it that I'd would love to keep for future titles.
>materials don't clutter the item pouch anymore
>combinations don't require books
>gathering is quicker, but you get less stuff sometimes
>actual sharpness indicator
>you can eat during the quest
>the radial menu and shortcuts
>no need to make 2 completely different sets for gunner and blademaster (though the design changes will be missed)
>having better mouvement in general, like rolling backwards
>being able to try out multiple armour pieces at the same time
>seeing what upgrades to what
These were good QoL changes, but the game devs also decided to make the rest not match at all. The monsters are too slow for the mobility you have. The weapons just look like ass and are lacking in variety. Monster designs just seem dull. Ranged weapons are actually unfun to play with. Maps make reaching the objective a pain, but somehow make the hunts easier at the same time. Limited time events is pretty fucking stupid. The fucking story is also very intrusive and you can't skip the long cutscenes or those parts where your progress is halted to look for some stupid tracks. There's just a lot of inconveniences and aspects that I want to see them remove, but it doesn't look like that will be the case for a long time

>Can’t handle the hip checks

But the quality of the monsters is like 95% of the game's worth. That's the game play.

The devs must really love the idea of the slinger because they keep trying to convince people to use it like something other than a glorified flashbomb conveyance device

I especially love the joke about the admiral adamantly refusing to use one because "I can throw things myself, damn it" since it shows even they're aware of it

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the multiplayer in this game is quite annoying
>make a lobby to farm one monster
>random faggot joins and puts his key quest or whatever irrelevant shit up
>can’t farm for high rank stuff unless you know people in real life because everyone just does fucking key quest to skip to G-Rank
>stuck with shitty gear because no one farms
I can’t be bothered to play solo, it’s depressing and boring

join a turns room or get some friends

you should be able finish any HR quest by yourself in less than 5min, maybe more if it's a multiple hunt quest.
also this

I’ve tried, but I’ve had no luck. Voice chat is a must in this day and age. Sure messages in-game are pretty dope, but they’re less effective.

The fuck you even need voice chat for in Monhun?

Unironically use the monster hunter discord. I've managed to find people that are happy to help me grind shit out multiple times.

To make friends that want to farm

to woo cute huntresses in world of course

just literally join a turns room

horn bros give me a tier list, all of them seem so versatile yet idk which ones are the strongest overall

>perfect the IG art of X>X>A>X>X>A>X...
>switch to other weapons
>online hunts finish faster when I use a different weapon
>but solo monsters push my shit in
>confidence destroyed and return to IG
I'm not going to make it bros

HH is garbage, get a God's Archipelago if you want to support

I join and help people but people skip what I want to do so I lost interest

manits one is of course really good and versatile, it also makes dreadqueen hunts easy as hell

>tfw when you like IG's moveset but can't stand the bug minigame and aerial combat
Naginata when?

I like raging brachydio's HH more if i'm going to use those songs

Go with the Astalos one. It looks clean and it's one of the best in the game. While HH may not be the best weapon, it's still ridiculously fun. Don't listen to

What's a good HBG tree to work on? I have enough mats to make the Silverwind narga one

>aerial combat
Only the bug combat is worth it. And using it just means gitting gud.

Whenever we get a new game, hopefully. Naginata was my favourite thing to use in Toukiden 1 and 2 followed by the fists, and I've always wanted them to be in MonHun.

>Orcus quarkus by ziggy
>Kushala daora
The first two are your best options for hame and TA stuff. The other two are just solid.
Everything else is fun time and not super serious.

Make the Silverwind LBG instead and make some of these

Astalos has a good song list, black fatalis horn is pretty good too. Mantis is pretty decent but lacks aul. The nargacugas are ok as well. I remember liking teostra’s too.

There are several worthwhile ones.

>Pierce1 Valor
Zin, Daora, Narga (more or less equal)
>P2 Valor
>P3 Valor
Gravios and C.Fatty are good but they need recoil down+1

For longer hunts Diablos and Gravios can siege two different shots (P1+P2 and P2+P3 respectively), but again they both need recoil down+1.

If you don't like to siege or the monster is better handled by Adept the three best options are Nakarkos (three slots), Mizu (two slots) and Silverwind (zero slots).

For normal shots, valor or otherwise, the best option is Shagaru. If you'd rather siege N3 over N2 you can use Mantis but you'll have to waste a skill on 'Use Any Normal S'.

Isn't the best playstyle to whack ankles with your baguette while triple buffed?

I still get 3 pages during peak hours. Turns rooms are still active and everyone sends back guild cards if you send them. Pretty comfy overall.

Solo yes, online you definitely want to mount once or twice, sometimes even thrice.

>turns room
>need red bear mohawks
>figure it would be worth sleepbombing it to make it easier
>put it to sleep
>faggot immediately wakes it up
>'whatever maybe he was mid-combo, let's try again' I think
>put it to sleep again
>same thing happens
>abandon quest, leave the room and blacklist everyone in it
I fucking swear

Pretty based opinion you got there

>set up a turns room
>we've done super elders already
>post elderfrost g4
>two shitters insta-cart and leave
>one chad stays and we fuck up the mammoth bitch and her hyper monkey fucktoy together in decent time
Deviants are the best.

This would be an acceptable change and would be a really good mix of the two.
Additionally, let them sprint while healing but add a flex at the end that "confirms" the healed damage, if you can't get the flex off the healing doesn't apply.

What's a super elder?

Spiral Rend is hilarious

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It's like hunting ex deviants but with elder dragons instead.
More hp, more def, big monster damage but you get better mats in the rewards if you succeed. Or just a better chance at a g rank gem.

How the fuck does MHGU(Switch game) have crossplay with Citra(3ds emulator). Unless you mean MHXX(3ds version) has crossplay with citra which would make sense.


mhgu being able to play with the 3DS was the entire reason we got fpscucked

It's worth dropping 20 bucks for the online ?

To be crystal clear MHXX on Switch was able to play online with MHXX on 3ds. MHGU(Western release) on Switch cannot play with MHGU on 3ds because there is no MHGU on 3ds, there is no MHGU anywhere in the world other than Switch. MHGU is also not able to interact with MHXX therefore MHGU does not have crossplay of any kind other than transfering save files from 3ds MHGen to GU on Switch.

But yes part of the reason we got screwed on 30fps is to keep compatibility between 3ds MHXX and Switch MHXX.

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MHGU, Splatoon, Smash are all still very active. Maybe Mario Kart too I don't know.

How come we can't play with nips but chinks are fucking everywhere?

If you play online games sure. Although frankly it might not be worth buying an entire year in one go. Don’t forget family shit is an option so maybe you can lessen the cost by working with some other people

Probably because XX is the unlocalized version and GU was localized not just for the west but parts of asia as well.

Again, I ask:

Based opinions. People like you are real MH bros.

I got an instant ban.

MHXX can't play online with GU? I have a bunch of japanese people in my friends list, did they double dip?

I guess it's possible, I found videos showing 60fps gameplay but some people online say it speeds up the game in certain areas, this shows some 60fps stuff but I'm not sure if its interlaced

Redhelm Ragehair? I need exactly 1 (one) and the fucker is too tall/doesn't get low enough for me to break the head most of the time.

Aren't you getting them confused with chinese players?

I just really doubt the switch version is locked because of crossplay. 4U was capped at 60 and worked just fine even though it rarely ever hit that and fluctuated a ton.

Tell people to aim for the head. Then switch to status gunning or the Para IG. Bring traps and bombs to make sure.

mhw is my first monster Hunter and I like it very much

you should play the previous games in the series, they can all be emulated if you have a decent computer

Obsidian Horn (default horn levelled up all the way) is really good. Redhelm Horn is good because it shits out damage and also has Attack Up L.

No. I can't write japanese too well but I can read basic stuff.

>The fucking story is also very intrusive and you can't skip the long cutscenes or those parts where your progress is halted to look for some stupid tracks

I made a new character so I could hunt with a friend that was just getting in to the game, and jesus fuck that intro sequence is terrible and takes way too long. Just the option to go from character creator to Astera would be greatly beneficial. And for the cutscenes, they look nice and I appreciate the work that probably went into them, but I just don't care when I've already seen them.

Needing to get tracks before you can progress needs to fuck right off though.

It isn't much of a monster hunter so that explains it.

I have a Para SnS, will that do? it's the Gendrome one.

>Within the first 30 seconds
>"Wow if only the game looked like this"
Yeah real good source you got there.

>Layered armor system confirmed still kept despite all criticisms
>In fact, they're doubling down on it
Fucking depressing

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If they're truly Japanese then yes they did. You can google it GU cannot at all interact with XX.


IG just makes mounting easier. Don't worry about mats since the best Para IG evolves from the bone one. You just need lots of ore.


of course they're not going to skip out on milking as many people as they can with mtx, shit, I bet they would charge for individual monsters if they could get away with it

No its naff. World has less content but that content is far better.

cringe irl

I just need a Ragehair so I can make the damn Strange Helmet for my HH set. I just got the Basarios guitar and I want to rock

Seriously, why doesn't the game just have a gear slot and a visual slot that you can change freely? No need to have layered premade sets or transmog/tie your equipment together. Just have a glamour slot, and if nothing's in the glamour slot you see your real equipment. Think Terraria. Even most MMOs fail to achieve this.

It may look prettier but that's pretty much it.

Gendrome SNS is OP, I love it. Get status attack+2 and enjoy hitting paralysis procs every 30 seconds. Everyone else will appreciate it too.

Sucks. It looks like you'll need to build a set to build a set.
Don't worry. Anybody can play like a Frenchman if they have three guys backing them up.

Wasn't both 4 and 4U capped at 60 fps? Gen was 30fps from the start and so was GU. I'd imagine part of the reason they didn't increase the cap is because it's more work and the GU port to Switch likely didn't have a lot time invested into it. Remember capcom did not have faith on the Switch, 3U(on Wii U) unlike Tri(on Wii) bombed so Capcom avoided investing into it, it wasn't until after the Switch sold that they issued a statement on their previous lack of support and actual future investment into the platform.

Kinda like the grind of that. Time to get into IG I guess lol

Dreadqueen Rath is objectively the best set for SnS right?

I enjoyed MHGU way more than world but i think its because i hadn't played an old school MH game since portable 3rd so i had a ton of new monsters to fight.

I wish i cleared all the deviant monsters but after farming a full armor set of silver nargacuga my friend was so burned out of the game we stopped playing. Having to kill a monster 40+ times to get an armor set was just plain retarded.

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A clownsuit would likely be better, wide area is a meme.

Is Brachydios in World yet? I want my goopy punch boi drops.

Pretty much, but it takes a while to get. Well worth it. There are some mixed sets that also get status+2 and crit status while swapping out wide range+herbology for attack, but you'll have to check athena for the specifics. They'll be more useful than dreadqueen if you trust your team and don't need to play support. I always use dreadqueen when helping people in turns rooms though.

sorry user, too anime for World

>a literal light bringing you there after research just sounds far better and more interesting

Or maybe you could learn the monsters patterns on your own. I don't need the game to patronize me right as I enter the map. Scoutflies were the absolute worst addition

Sadly fucking no

My biggest problem is with the fights themselves. Monster stats are all nerfed, monster aggressiveness is nerfed as well and monsters deal substantial damage to each other meanwhile hunters got massively buffed with stuff like gear having inflated stats(as if nerfing the monsters was not enough), the environment can heal you, feed you, trap the monster etc. the game introduced OP tools like mantles that make the experience even more brain dead. Basically it's like the year is 2009 and the MH team is doing what every big publisher was doing then trying to appeal to the call of duty(casual) audience and they succeeded 12 million sales is the big leagues for AAA games. Unfortunately that means older fans don't matter anymore.

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It'll be easy. The para ig caps quickly with some simple Tigrex mats and has three slots.
Just put on mantis set and a status attack charm and you'll be the man.
>mount it
>proc para
>set traps
>attack the head with bombs while it's helpless
>repeat as much as you can
>this continues for 10 minutes
>become deadweight after but the monster finally dies with everything broken
Braindead flowchart. There's a reason why Stratosphere IG is one of the most recommended IGs next to the Time Attack ones.

in terms of content yes
mh world has spoiled me tho, all the gripes from old mh are gone from world

Well that's just plain rude. At least Tigrex is maybe happening in Iceborne.

get a girlfriend

The funny thing is, you can hack XX to have crossplay with GU. The real reason why they can't play together is legal reasons because of collaboration licensing.

>switch's hacked because nintendo games' price in third world shitholes are 30% of someone's minimum wage
>can't play Gens U online
>can't go back to XX on the 3DS after playing with a pro controller
>buy world
>bow, favorite weapon, is now horribly OP and gunner armor offers far more protection. shunned for using weaponfu.
>sneeze at a monster and it flops over
>friend who never played MH before buys world, calls me to play
it hurts real bad sometimes

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X/XX ran at 30fps to have better graphics on the base 3DS, people complained a lot about how awful MH4/4G looked on a regular 3DS to get that 60 fps.

I hear the game's have different game IDs. I guess you maybe you can hack that so they share the same ID.

At least MH had a good run...

Ugh this is disgusting. I got a New 3ds to not have to deal with that shit and 4U and Xenoblade were the only games to take full advantage of the hardware. This is something that MS and Sony do well, when they launched a beefed up console they maximize the shit out of that hardware in their games when nintendo does it you get nothing(new nintendo games not even using the new buttons on N3ds) or disappointing shit like only faster loadtimes.

Switch pro better be fucking maxed by Nintendo otherwise Im done with this shit.

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You want to use the finisher for the IG tbqh

Did you tell him you're sleep bombing?


Sorry user, the necks of leviathans are too complex for the world engine.