Will you guys buy this game if she has small boobies?

will you guys buy this game if she has small boobies?

Attached: download.jpg (93x210, 5K)

That XV style combat is the real deal breaker.

They should make her thighs fatter honestly

No, because they'll censor boobs, remove Honeybee Inn and XV shitty combat system

Disgusting, the best thing about Tifa are her long skinny legs



i have mixed feelings

on one hand, it would be great to see tifa bust size being reduced because every incel and horny teenager here would get butthurt until the ends of time, its literally meaningless shit
but it would be kinda badly since tifa tits are part of some jokes in ffvii, so we would lose those (they dont have to be that big, just big enough for people to notice)

But on the other, it would to SJW and i hate more the SJW than incels

>This is the combat people want

Attached: Final Fantasy VII hold X to win.webm (640x360, 2.29M)

I don't want that, I want classic turn based combat not this zoomer ATB shit

I'll just wait for it to come out on PC then.

I dunno what the fuck y'all are worried about. The same person who designed her to begin with is in charge of the entire fuckin remake.

and fortunaly, japan doesnt care about the rest of the world

BTW would you buy the remake if it has the Asian Tifa again?

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>dumb niggas don't realize that Tifa won't have small tits because they can't make cowgirl jokes anymore and it would overlap with Yuffie's archetype
Japanese designers don't fuck with archetypes man.

Cloud and Aeris already went full chink mode, you can bet Tifa is next

If its coming to PC, and they make Tifa like that, then Tifa will be the first thing to get modded.
In fact Tifa will be the first thing modded anyway.


Fuck no.
I'm not buying it because it's gonna be a cash grab piece of shit cut up to make people pay three times. Not counting the DLC they're gonna jam in it.

Midriff's more important.

I mean characterization.

They could delete her from the story for all I care.

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>FF7 becomes Yuffie centric
I'm very okay with this.

Yeah i dont pay for vaccines too, i prefer to let my son die than pay a few bucks to fight the power! too bad doctors thought i would some bucks to keep my child alive

Yeah I doubt anyone would care if Aerith were just gone. Hell most people were happy about her death.

I won't buy it no matter what.

I want Tifa to be flat chested entirely AND then Square Enix via DLC gives you the option of paying to return to her her big breasts and they do this PER episode.

Why do I want to see this? Because I know you beta loser gamers WILL pay through the cock to see your precious fictional female character be given her breasts. You pay extra and SE also gets extra cash. Everyone wins.

I'm going to buy a PS4 just for this game, though I'm afraid they'll release it for PC like 2 years later.

No because it shows that they're completely ball-less and if they can't even stand up for themselves then God knows what other things they've changed.