these art show the typical difference between Western games and Japanese games
>the west
these art show the typical difference between Western games and Japanese games
>the west
Always loved that highly stylized japanese art from the 1800s and prior. It's so different to the rest of the world.
Japan was producing shitty art back then and they're still doing that today. Nothing's changed.
>it looks realistic so it's good
>Japanese aesthetics merging with Western aesthetics
souless | soul
Top became instantly obsoleted by photography
Bottom still fresh today
>So if two artists set up a canvas next to each other to paint the same mountain range and one does it as an exercise in technique while the other does it to portray beauty you'd argue the former is not art?
The former may become art the moment he has an artistic vision for it, AKA portraying beauty or transmitting other feelings. Merely drawing lines is not art, and so, as accurate as his mountain range rendition may be, it remains just an exercise in technique.
>Neither interpretation is less valid than the other and you can support either with passages from the text.
One interpretation is immediately more valid the moment an author reveals the intent of his writing.
West can chase photography all they want. People with taste want stylized fictional media
What are some photos that look like the images on top?
Japan 1787
Except artist realized in the west that chasing realism was fucking stupid the second cameras became popular and made insanely cool shit, unlike faggots who make video games.
From a technical point of view, the west was ahead of everyone else by a large margin.
And that's the issue actually, once you reached the top what else is there to do?
Now look at what western art schools are producing nowadays.
You have your answer.
I'll also add that technical skill is not everything which is the basis of the soul/souless meme and why anime artstyle is more popular in spite of being technically inferior to more "realistic" artstyle.
Non artist should stop posting. The right exhibits technical mastery, painting is not just fucking rendering. The right is used as an example of perfect composition. The lefts composition is much weaker in comparison.
literally soulless/soul
Realism is the epitome of soulless
We are talking about white people's art not amerigoblins
Eastern Art is not idealistic, it is symbolic. Important distinction.
I'm sorry but jrpgs are shite
>Chasing realism is stupid so we're going to abandon all technical ability
Art is dead.
This but unironically
And western art isn't? The greatest paintings and sculptures the west has ever produced all have allegoric meanings and hidden symbolism.
Western art is cluttered and too dark. Where are the weapons?
>why would anyone go to a movie?
Opinion discarded.
>And western art isn't?
It was.
>We know that in history
>perfect realism
Humanity has never achieved perfect realism in art even once.
All shit
He's not wrong, your average MCU movie will make more dosh than any movie depicting realistic situation released the same year.
>this but unironically
I don't think you understand what I'm bitching about. The rise of shit like Adventure Time is due to the fact that shit loads of people do not have technical ability any more. Your fundamental skills should be mastering human anatomy for example, so that you can then apply that towards your own style, regardless of whether it is realistic or not. So now we have this trash
Japanese artist tend to get flak for not being "realistic" but people don't realize it's their own style and they can actually draw "realistically" if they try.
See pic related by an infamous artist which look nothing like what he usually draw.
I can't wait for some artfag to crawl out of the woodwork and explain why is actually good
Japanese ukiyo-e is woodcut printing, though
very different genre
Came to post this
Yeah I'm really glad capeshit is keeping art and creativity alive
Imagine all the lifeless realistic shit like pic related we'd be getting instead
I love CGI
this and nearly every game from western countries is set in the us. yuros except for slavs are really fucking cucked and obsessed with america
I know what your want shraggy
Numbers don't lie.
I'm not saying that realism is bad, just that it's not a selling point to the average dude.
However not being realistic can hinder a movie at least in the west.
See Paprika and Inception, same thema but the former is heavily irrealistic while the latter is more "grounded in reality" and was more popular despite being heavily influenced by the former.
Blame the masses for being clueless.
>amerimutts think the right one is actually good or improved
no wonder anime is beating the shit out of american cartoons. keep making calarts cartoons trash outsourced to korea
Based Japan were making fun of the West centuries ago.
Modern Japanese art done in a traditional Japanese artstyle looks really cool too. I love this Artist's style.
If I wanted realism I'd go outside.
>is an asshole his entire life and thats literally all the movie is
>"wow fuck cgi i wanna watch this guy do mundane shit for two and a half hours"
get fucked, cgi isnt exclusive to capeshit and it is a better creative tool than anything present in your pretentious "muh capitalism bad" garbage
friendly reminder that in the very early 20th century, the imperial japanese navy personified their battleships with proto-anime girls and sold merchandise of them
pic related is a japanese battleship, say something nice about her
Why is it that faces and expressions are always the weakest point in Jap art?
Surprised you can breathe and type at the same time being this much of a brainlet
Because Japanese art is cartoony.
make sure you hang onto that high horse user, its a long fall if you slip
How can other countries compete?
The smoke is some Hanna-Barbera shit
I'll give you that one.
No, if anything they are often exaggerated, for the better and the worse.
Heve you ever heard the saying "Eyes are the mirror of the soul"? Soulless people can't draw natural faces of neither humans possessing soul nor their soulless bretheren
A reminder that realism is not a good excuses for ugliness.
i don't know right seems pretty comfy
didn't mean to reply
spandex tights aren't cool either
even if japan's might be fictional, it's more kino than the left. fuck outta here
>muh fallacious East vs West Dichotomy
Neither is realistic
we can't compete.
Retarded to the core
Teen titans
Have older Japanese artists even attempted to draw realistically? It's pretty obvious that their artstyle is stylized a specific way. Are there any older Japanese artists who at least try to portray people looking realistically?
Left is not even realistic, it's a shit armor for the same reason boob armor is: it's full of cavities that would retain/deflect projectile towards your body.
Right unironically does a better job at being armor on virtue of being smooth in spite of being flashy as fuck.
Yea, but what can you do if you only have spandex?
I remember seeing this picture on 9gag when I was like 14.
More than a decade later people repost it unironically on Yea Forums. weird times
A guess what, realism died the moment photography became widespread.
Artstyle is all that matters.
There is a fashion photography from my country who takes pictures similar to paintings
Is she giving the hand sign for cunnilingus
Why Faiz? Almost every Heisei Rider looks better.
Unironically fuck off.
9gag literally stole 90% of their content from the various imageboard of that time (mainly Yea Forums) and 9% from lelddit. Only 1% (probably less) was actually their creation.
Artfag here. Anyone who pretends realism is the peak of art is retarded. Realism is the fundamentals and should be added and improved upon with stylistic choices. This is why DeviantArt-tier rejects look so ugly, and why Western, realistic art is so unappealing. One tried to start off with the end and the other stopped trying to improve at the beginning.
even in realistic games western games suck fucking badly
they couldnt make games like silent hill or good b-movie shit like red seeds profile
stalker devs were somewhat good at it tho but they are slavs.
western devs only make cinematic experience/tech demo garbage full of souless shitty characters. none of the characters are impressive. they all are very forgettable.
Left unironically looks terrible and so so godawfully boring. It's the west that needs to catch up.
>entire continent
>one small island nation
And can anyone show a photo that's exactly the one in OP? Thought so you dumb brainlet weaboo
Semantics not allowed.
While western games look more "realistic" you could tell me 3-4 of those pics are from the same game and I would believe you
Which game is the top left?
fuck western video games and fuck western video gamers
What you showed isn't realistic vs. idealistic. What you showed is realistic vs. stylized.
In fact, that particular painting (Along with this famous one) is an example of the ukiyo-e period of Japanese art. To put it simply, that period is all about subverting expectations by making the subject appear as ugly as possible in an attempt to poke fun at the ruling class.
>realism bad
>"creativity" good
Uncharted MP is literally better than all of your weebshit game put together.
you can create art for recreation or to make a statement. the fact that the shitty pretentious art pieces have incited emotions not just out of you, but from hundreds of thousands of people speaks about their merit in making a statement of any kind. meanwhile thousands of boring realistic paintings have been forgotten by time because people find them boring and dull. You yourself don't own any of this boring paintings or have really spent any time appreciating them, you just feel the need to put them on a pedestal because they are old
America is to Japan as China is to America.
Japan is an ideologically freer culture that produces more inventive art and technology.
It's a fucking boat. Why does it need to be exact? All it does is show off that somebody can paint shit.
asscreed unity most likely
Ass creed. Unity I think.
dark souls
You can tell the butthurt of the brainlet weeb just by xer seething post.
You do realize the right painting was chosen by westerners to be popularized?
Beat me fucking to it.
brainless amerimutt
japanese games>>> slav games>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>absolutely trashy burger games
Really makes you think tho.
one of my favorite "artsy" things was when at a modern art museum somebody had dropped a glove on the floor and people where standing around discussing the fantastic art piece that it wasn't. Modern art is 99,9 times out of 10 completely retarded
>bringing gameplay in a discussion about art direction
name of the japanese art on the left??
you fucking retard are you actually comparing an oil painting to ukiyo-e?
Barry Lyndon is a movie but technically thousands of photos
>skill in depicting subtle every day situations is bad
>retarded sketch that could be done by anyone and throws the theme in your face is good
You can't possibly find a lower IQ group than weaboos
By god you weebs literally are brainlet at arguing. Why the fuck does a boat have to do with anything?
Okay, let me get this out of the way first so that there isn't any retarded bickering afterwards. Yes, I am a furry and yes I am gay. However that doesn't mean that I didn't just waste your time by making you read this shit, you dumb faggot.
it's not about which one was done first, it's about which one was done better
Garl's squid armour is pure class.
I see that they did nothing to fix their issues.
and people complain about anime sameface
Spoken like a true Chinese!
arr rook same
Why is it that people talking about art is so fucking cringe most of the time?
It's such a weird feeling, like it's so obvious that they are retards yet they seem so oblivious.
Especially when it comes to art you can just tell they don't express their own thoughts and opinions they just repeat the ideas they'd heard somewhere else and repeat it. I guess that happends in every field, but it's so weird because art itself stand against that.
I've never understood this argument. What makes paintings like that impressive is the technical mastery and skill needed to produce them, not the fact that they are "realistic".
It's not interesting. It's well made, takes skill, for a result that is boring.
>he doesn't know how to reverse image search
Artist is Itō Jakuchū. Here's some of his BBC paintings.
except the west didn't do it better either
That's admiring the artist rather than the art.
Realistic art is *imitative*.
Any monkey can scratch a recreation of what he sees.
Stylized art is *creative.* It's transformation. It's real art.
The one on the right isnt a painting though. It's a wood block print
> you have to like it because it takes “more effort”
no I don’t
I think you got them mixed up, Japan is the king of everyday situations
chinese would have said better and cheaper
Why did they draw this?
There are people who if they don't enjoy something they are unable to appreciate the craftsmanship of it. The skill it took to render it is inconsequential to them all because it doesn't suit their tastes. That's just how things are.
thank you
not for making a good point, because it wasn't, but for assisting in the making of mine
>This is what modern hack artists want to believe
What a fucking retard. None of what he said is verifiable by any margin.
People really do believe anything that is said as long as surrounded by enough pretentiousness.
Why did medieval artists draw thousands of depictions of knights fighting snails?
>Any monkey can scratch a recreation of what he sees
eh no not really
Don't take the 3DCG bluepill.
Because snails are a pest.
And you can't tell the difference between "realism" the cultural/artistic movement and "realistic" as in "aims to look as realistic as possible."
Photo-realism in painting technique had been achieved long before the "realism" movement that produced the painting in the OP. Realism as you should know was a reaction to the excessive feelsfagging of the romantic era.
If there was one thing that Miyazaki was right about, it was his opinion on technology and art.
Draw this for us, monkey. Chop chop.
I honestly appreciate and enjoy both. Same with videogames.
t. faggot with no appreciation of art
If you think any art is "realistic" then you just aren't looking hard enough to see where the artist takes liberties.
Nobody in the west gave a fuck about Japanese media in the 60's. That's the only reason they were able to get away with it.
Disney's Art was still better
Looks like a character from Baki.
Rebuild was a mistake. It’s nothing but trash.
Skill doesn't translate into enjoyment. Somebody could paint the most realistic pile of literal shit for example and it would take skill and craftsmanship but it's still shit.
Effort is not enough...
See pic related, his dragon certainly looks better than the piece of garbage he's comparing it with but it's still not what I would call "good" despite all of his efforts to make it.
Pretty much because they where bored being a monk and copying text was pretty boring so they doodled
its only ok when disney does it
but don't get caught copying them or you'll get in trouble with the kikes on top
>people where standing around discussing the fantastic art piece that it wasn't.
this never actually happened, at least the discussion part. even in the original tweet he doesn't mention this. he just saw people not wanting to step on it, which is a common reaction people have when they see so something laying on the ground that doesn't belong to them but too lazy to pick it up and bring it to the lost and found
Cool, how many of those paintings can be wood printed?
>Disney's Art was still better
A 2 hour movie looks better than a 2cour television series made 40 years earlier with a budget 300 (three-hundred) times lower? Really?
>Yea Forums discussing art
>Yea Forums discussing anything really
Japan vs. the west is console wars 2.0, you faggots finally got tired of that so now you need a new flavor of fanboy war
Why is not good again?
they probably just didn't want to step on somebody's glove
>Yea Forums suddenly pretending as if they know anything about art
It sure was buddy, maybe that has something to do with why nobody gives a fuck that it was stolen from some Japs in the 80s.
>Implying East vs West isn't as old as Console Wars
I never said it did. Appreciation and enjoyment are two separate things. If you want to come up with meaningful criticisms of anything you should learn the difference.
>creative people literally can't see a bird for what it is because they superimpose pop-culture over it
Looks more like they are slave to memes.
That's referencing a bunch of european paintings about a martyred saint tho, I've seen that same image referenced on several manga too
Ah yes, I remember all the lions, tigers and leopards in the tales of the Pilgrims and Native Americans.
Miyazaki was the guy who originally imported 3DCG cancer into anime.
As usual, he is a hypocrite on this subject.
please refute my art shit post, simply saying its bad doesn't make it so. As it stands, any other statement by you is a concession
I have lots of images of 1800s and early 1900s Japanese drawn porn ranging from traps, strap-ons, bestiality, interracial, BLACKED, yuri, gore/guro porn, tentacle porn, getting raped by a loli, and even fucking bodypillows and ejaculation x-rays that I can't post because it's a blue board
Literally nothing has changed over a century later.
>Yea Forums pretending to know anything at all
This board is full of literal brainlets and paint thinner chugging trodlodytes.
I only come here for the same reason I go to the zoo, see wild animals throw shit at each other
Disney literally moved away from 2D animation because 3D is cheaper and easier.
I'll never understand weebs that actually think anything on the right looks even remotely good
>he doesn't come to Yea Forums solely to make fun of the retards here
Some people are just redditors
Why is it when I see any of these ordinary vs creating its always just reality vs cookie cutter high fantasy. Even a Phoenix or something would have been more creative.
i used to be an artfag
western art actually went to absolute shit in 2007 or so. hipsters destroyed everything and then sjws happened. sns like myspace was the beginning i think
that's not the point of his analogy you retarded nigger monkey
>catch up and lose soul
Anyone have the old Japanese painting of the guys farting on each other?
You literally said there are people who can't appreciate because they don't enjoy.
>There are people who if they don't enjoy something they are unable to appreciate the craftsmanship of it.
Your actual words.
I wish more developers used cel shading, it makes games age like wine visually.
People here are retards. Welcome to Yea Forums, enjoy your stay.
If there's one thing Japs are amazing at it's woodwork
Already posted, scroll up.
Someone post Hitlers's art vs the art of people that graduated from the place he applied to.
It was already posted ITT
I suppose, but isn't that kind of the point of what makes something impressive? I mean, the story of the production of something is part of what makes it interesting, if I'm looking at a painting that's the culmination of hundreds of years of development of artistic techniques mastered by an individual, that's going to be more impressive than the same image but printed on a T-shirt in the gift store.
Finding something impressive doesn't mean you have to like it in the first place. You aren't obligated to like anything.
But it's not just "effort", someone digging a ditch and refilling it for 20 years would certainly require effort but it wouldn't necessarily be impressive because it doesn't really require much skill to do (well you know what I mean) and hasn't produced anything worthy of analysis that shows any meaningful capabilities of the person doing it.
Definite improvement.
yes I get what he was implying, that imagination is where it matters, but guess what retard, just like the ability to draw realistically, just being creative is not enough, creativity needs to be expressed somehow and if you can't actually draw well and don't apply technique in your art you're going to end up making shitty modern art garbage.
nice reading comprehension
God bless Japan
>everyone steals from Italy: the picture
>the west
>made with delicate care, even though nobody will remember it
>just do whatever the fuck you want and some hipster faggot will obsess over it
Fun fact: he's only popular in America and has himself stated he doesn't know why he's popular there because he's seen as a below-average artist in Japan.
why is it good? its hard to judge cause we only see the unfinished tail, but even judging by the finished scale part it doesn't seem particularly impressive. a cheap decorative dragon you can buy from amazon seems to be better produced. the only difference is that it probably took the artist in the art show longer cause he was making it from larger parts. if the guy who made the jacking off statue 2x bigger would we consider it more valuable as a piece of art?
>stole all their shit from the East
Hi Greece, and Rome. Egypt and Mesopotamia say hell you theives.
Have you watched anime? It's literally entertainment for kids and retards
Two art mediums vs a completely different one. Nice.
Thanks, dont know how I missed it.
>Meanwhile on /wg/
user are you alright?
Don't try to back out now just because you screwed up.
Don't you guys forget the reading directions. The wave is inheritably more intimidating for someone who looks at the ships first and then 'sees' the wave.
>Using the Faiz Gear as reference even though it kills the user and nukes the local area if a chunk of it gets broken
>Not using the G3-X system which is meant to evoke the image of armor and let a regular policeman beat the shit out of angels with nothing but a knife
art went to shit when it became less about expression and more about meeting a public consumerist demand for a specific kind of art, in a specific kind of style for a specific set of people
Can we talk about my nigga Kim Jung Gi
this guy is sick as fuck
>using the fucking Mona Lisa as an example of great art
This is the laziest bait image i've ever seen,your understanding of classical art is shallower than a fucking puddle
Tan lines > all
>Yea Forums is one person
what a horribly shitty post
>weeb shit
Technical perfection is nothing without ideas
The reason we make art with any given media is for the sake of conveying those ideas, giving power to them
While technical skill and knowledge is essential in effectively conveying what is necessary, focus on it alone shows a lack of appreciation for the ideas behind the art, or what its all about.
This pic is just common sense really but decadence is the only right word
I was clearly refering to the ugly, brown and gray realism of modern, western video games and not any of the art movements of the 1700-1800s. Stop being a fag.
>Art is only good when popular stuff isn't popular
Lol. Get fucked communist fag
Not him but please explain what flaw your post was trying to illustrate
>it’s not art because I say so
Video games aren't art.
ok kamiya why the fuck are you even here if you hate english so much
>porn is art
even worse, its waifu bait
>Has soul and identity. A unique style that you can instantly tell where it came from
>Everything is literally the same. Despite being a continent with hundreds of millions and being the birthplace of civilization, all art lacks any unique or defining traits. Art becomes a dime a dozen.
if the bulk of five decades of a culture's high art uniformly inspires disgust and contempt maybe it's not good art
This dude has class demonstrations where he's just casually freehanding perfect anatomy from whack perspectives, without any construction. He's definitely talented.
art was always like that. it was nothing but circlejerking in academia and pretentious critics communities.
it actually became absolutely shitty when it lost its standards. it happened in 07-09. same goes for indie/underground music.
Ironically the Japanese one represents the value of the Western beauty more than the Western art today does.
Your mom isn't art.
If it's sole purpose is to just be consumed (jacking off to it), then it isn't art.
> a cheap decorative dragon you can buy from amazon seems to be better produced
So what if it's cheap? What difference does that make?
If it's cheap less effort went into it.
Art requires effort
>Freer culture
Nigger you retarded?
He says there are people who can't appreciate something if they don't enjoy it. Logically that makes the two related. I point out they are different things. He says they are different things and that he never implied they are related.
Huge fucking improvement. Imagine having to spank it to the left.
it started as an insult directed at Lombards, but over time became a meme with origin, defeated and landless Lombards spreading into Europe, mostly forgotten
imagine getting all of the western worlds art btfo by a single technological invention
Dude's an absolute beast, a photographic memory is one hell of a drug. Can't call myself a fan of his subject matter though.
As much as i like Japanese art. Classical western art also never aimed for true realism.
>Just take a picture bro
Realism isn't the only western art movement.
This is why Dark Souls 1 is great. It’s western aesthetic with Japanese philosophy
>all of these are celebrating beauty and youth
How can modern and post-modern "art" even compete?
Aesthetic culture ranking
Top: Japan, France
Mid: UK, Scandinavia, Korea
Low: Germany, US, China etc..
The market sets the price for anything and doesn't give two shits about how much effort it took to make. That should be lesson #1 for any artfags out there.
On the other hand someone curating an art display for a school should theoretically have and exercise some taste.
>western video games will never be anything besides realisting and/or violent because western gamers need constant validation for their hobby
ironic thing is, in past porn was often made/ordered officially as illustrations of biblical or mythological events
so argumentum ad populum?
a lot of great music and novels that we consider classics today were seen as trashy content for their time. and your statement is flawed to begin with as if they were uniformly found disgusting there would't be museums showcasing this art.
>be samurai in the 1700s
>kill people
>retire and draw tons and tons of art and prints
>claim to fame is apparently drawing the most art of any other human in the 1700s
>literally 90% of it is fucking bizarre fetish porn
Isoda Koryūsai was ahead of his time
off topic but Yea Forums mods are really trying hard to delete threads like this. it was always allowed to some extent but isnt anymore. they literally delete every thread japan related.
amerimutts especially wannabe critic faggots and sjw artists are really in denial now.
I prefer Chink landscapes to Jap seascapes.
Wtf I love art!
cute belly
no skill
is there a "proofs?" version?
right is unironically better.
>argumentum ad populum
>shakespeare was trashy!
So are you an elitist or a populist?
It's okay to admit that everything since Clement Greenberg was a mistake. Everyone knows it except the people who are actually invested in the art scene.
>East will NEVER be able to make such high quality art
Kek, imagine being this pathetic.
boobies exposed
Those threads are garbage though
to think that we still have those people on deviantart and patreon
without the samurai part and killing people though
china may have had good art but we will never know
West can't make that art either, since that's Classical art
How gay
Za goburino...
>there are posted here who unironically defend modern art and prefer cartoony nintendo kiddy autism friendly aesthetics.
I flunk you snowflakes out of my class all the time.. Art teacher here. you bet im pissed. if sega took a whopping shit,you idiots will be first in line to eat it up. those who are mature enough to understand and accept reality for its cold embrace often study the foundation and are able to break the rules for the sake of creativity or fantasy. but u idiots wouldnt know that, so u have dipshit posters like this here absolute mong.
pretty nice desu
Don't you dare fucking cherry pick. Rebuild is one of the most gorgeous works of art I have ever seen.
Original Eva was a masterpiece for it's time in both animation and art style, but Rebuild still improved on it overall.
This reminds me of the still image of Pain from Naruto with the goofy face and how it's laughed at, but that actual scene was amazing to watch.
No one judges animation by their worst still images.
>cherry picking the worst nanosuit
here's your proper advanced combat armor
Just look at the overwhelming-ness of this
China probably would have had top tier culture in many respects but they chose to throw it all in the bin
>I flunk you snowflakes out of my class all the time.
Since when does anyone flunk art class
Western sculptures are the peak of art. Any eastern artistic expression don't even come close to these masterpieces.
>Art teacher
let him larp
whatever nerd, don't you have naked fat rolls to draw or something
no that not creative.
that just goes for modern american art/animation schools tho
they encourage students to make broken cartoon characters like calarts trash and ban every kind of anime.
this shit went viral.
This isn't real, is it?
trump voter 100%
We need more japanese horror games
I hate how you left-brained autists express disdain for the arts when you probably consume art all the time.
Anime and video games could be considered an art by lesser lifeforms and you're literally posting anime pictures on a vidya board.
Now go wear some knee socks and shove your STEM degree up your shaven asshole, faggot.
エル ゴブリノ。。。
Left was impressive for its time but won't age well, the stylized graphics on the right will always look good.
Not really
Tezuka copied the style of the early works of Disney when he was young.
In Japan, the controversy over The Lion King settled down because Tezuka Productions made a statement like “Tezuka would be proud if he knows his work inspire Disney” in the 90s
Why does 3D coloring always look washed out anyway? It's something I've always noticed
Japan is changing to more Western ideals though.
someone post the edit. you know the one
This guy litterally stormed japan.
> based french arts
Weird how Yea Forums is bitching about anime more than literally any other board.
3DCG already looks extremely unnatural, so they use more "realistic" palates to compensate.
I am posting anime on an anime website, yes
That's not creativity, that's schizophrenia.
>random faggot on a forum
Oh no
It's legit worse in every aspect.
yall retards
>meanwhile, Japanese sculptures were:
Guess it's easy to figure out the superior art.
The visual (sh)arts are just for laughs, though. What's really embarrassing is Japan's dearth of even halfway decent writers.
it's computer generated and lacks the human touch
This mentality was literally made up after the fact to try to justify competing with photographs, art was always just meant to look good regardless of technique.
Bruh he's been in Japan for FIVE months. He's practically a native.
These are both pretty good. Just like both kinds of games.
fuck you user, while is true that the new movies are garbage, the animation in them are fucking amazing, and that scene is 100% better in the movies than in the anime series
>literal NPCs
I am pointing out that saying modern art is bad cause its "uniformly disgusted" is argumentum ad populum, which is a fallacy. People in Clement's time were saying the same thing about his art. Guess I am just a positive person, even if art students make pretentious art we are still advancing. people speak as if classic art has disappeared but no, if you search tumblr or deviant art or your local art scene you can still find people making realistic classic art or what ever. its just that it feels like this is all gone cause no one, even the people who put it on a pedestal care for it or gain, they would have a frame in their house.
Americans cant make 2D animations anyway and their comic sales have gone fucking down.
They outsource every single one of their cartoon to Korea and some other 3rd world countries.
Where can I buy authentic ukiyo-e and other art in Tokyo?
I'm going there next month and I don't want to leave with some chink shit.
The funny thing about this thread is how the majority of posters are Americans who claim cultural lineage to old Europe when all they really had was second-rate painters who copied European trends in the 19th century.
Because animefags shit up Yea Forums the most of any other board because of your weeb games.
>11 or so (including porn boards) out of 66 are anime related
>anime website
fucken retard
I think you're missing his point, its not art he has disdain for but art teachers. I can confirm, art teachers are broadly speaking shit at art, they have nothing valuable to add to any discussion but memes they failed to even fully understand let alone utilize.
I like how a lot of you can't even fathom that there are people that just like looking at drawings of cute girls and don't jack off to them at all
That also looks unbearably hideous. I don't know how people look at a design like that and think anything but disgust. It's painfully unrealistic AND hard to look at. At least Kamen Rider armor is simply flashy and showy rather than attempting to be believable.
Lurk more and retard post less.
People who study art degrees are just brainwashed to like garbage
>look how intelligent I am because I memorized what a jew told be some random black dots on a paper mean!
The perfect example of the brainlet post made by a brainlet who wasn't even taught basic art and history in school or maybe he was, but remember he was a brainlet so he didn't pay attention.
Good job brainlet, we all need a reminder once in a while that people like you exist.
>ever putting star wars in it
Name a topic that has 11 boards on this website
Go on
>art teacher
post your art
>ugly sculpture, but it's very big!
You're delusional if you think it comes even close of the beauty of and
And nobody will ever make art like that again because we are too busy min/maxing niggers.
>american claiming lineage to ancient rome or greece while bragging about how they're 1/4 Irish or german and call those countries not whites
Post more soul.
virgin woodcarver vs chad sculptor
>Big therefore good
>ITT: fags make up a nonexistent distinction with cherrypicking
Art is self-expression.
Art isn't something that's just there to be consumed to get your high or whatever, you absolute fucking mong.
Art isn't a product. Art is art.
Kill yourself.
Dragons Dogma.
>I like modern ""art""
Read the manga.
B-but it took more work didn't it? Things that big are hard to measure accurately!
It's not just art teachers these autists wrongfully feel superior over, it's everything art related.
I can pretty much guarantee I've been here longer than you. Now suck my sweet sweaty balls.
That still doesn't mean this is an anime website when the majority of topics have nothing to do with anime.
>I am pointing out that saying modern art is bad cause its "uniformly disgusted" is argumentum ad populum
More like it fails at its stated goal, which is to "make a statement" or be avant-garde. If everyone hates what you make and prefers kitsch, as Greenberg said, generated from earlier styles of art, then you've fundamentally failed in your purpose as an avant-garde artist. High art moved from being something that people reacted negatively against and then came around to appreciating, toward being something that people instinctively hate and continue to hate even decades after its creation. That's why it's bad art.
Futurism, Cubism, Dada, Art Deco- people still love that shit. Nobody fucking likes anything after that- Abstract Expressionism, the fuck is that? It doesn't trickle down into the culture, and it's become at best a way for rich faggots to launder money and at worst a way for rich faggots to jerk themselves off.
What's the best art period and why is it the Dutch golden age period?
>west never went idealistic
>what is classical, neoclassical or romantic
>comparing an oil painting to a painting made out of carved wood
i'm not even a fan of weebshit, but this argument just takes a shit on art history
looks like what i shat out this morning
Concession accepted.
Looks like Newport Aquarium. One of the best aquariums in KY and the US
I love petting the sharks there.
the mona lisa is shit
Western art has two extremes, either soulless realism or bright, cartoony shapes and blobs that only appeals to artists.
The Hellboy comics are like the only western IP that manages to balance them.
The memes Jack!
>Any monkey can scratch a recreation of what he sees.
Lol no. Fuck off you talentless hack.
Verisimilitude is one of the greatest challenges in art and it's what makes a piece of art compelling. If a work has no bearing on reality, it's postmodern wankery.
Translation: I got paid a big fat check to settle the issue
>yfw this is considered "art" in the modern day west
Not an argument and also you're a faggot.
that is the whole point of modern art, but people are still too dumb to get it
It is. Brainlet and kuso post.
>all these weaboo contrarian apologizers.
So pathetic defending the tiny wee wee niponese
Rebuild was pretty damn good in terms of art/visuals, though. It's not old school levels of visuals which are goddamn perfect, but the Rebuild was pretty acceptable.
Also, that scene where EVA 01 fucking sprints across the city is fucking amazing, especially when you see the EVA running in the background.
that looks so funny yet strangely beautiful
>posts anime pic where the art is literally just copy pasted from other anime
If you look at the ground, it's actually a satanic version of Newport Aquarium.
>weaboo contrarian
You need to return to reddit.
If it inspires anything in anyone, it is good art.
Ah yes, a teenager probably from Denmark or some shit who is about as self aware as a bale of hay who doesn't understand what eurocentric nationalism is or how it's catapulting the world into an ideologic war zone.
Why do you fags keep jerking off to a cultural heritage that most of you aren't part of?
And what's the use if you really are Greek? (Post-)Modernity has killed beauty. Art is now literal wank. And by that I don't just mean art schools, I mean society's general idea of "what is beautiful".
Architecture is now the science of calculating how much money you can save for the developers, design is now a subset of advertising and propaganda, music is now purely consumerist.
Art is dead. Beauty is dead. No body even cares about technique any more, let alone ideals and glimpses of the perfect, portrayed via art.
Then how comes it looks so much worse in that frame when they had millions in budget and modern tools to help them?
Sorry friend, you got irrevocably BTFO by facts and logic. Better luck next time.
>Weebs immediately jumping to Japan's defense
>It's superior, it was folded 1,000 times on wood
>this entire thread
>especially that one freak defending the rebuilds
see Further, the fact that it all inspires the same thing in everyone is an indicator of its worthlessness.
Rebuild prioritizes movement and animation over direction and cinematography though, there's no images that stick in your head.
It's important but not everything. Venus vs. The Thinker for example. You can make an accurate body but what the body is doing is also a factor. This is why I'm not big on Just a Boat paintings. Even perfect replicas can lack execution and vision.
>yu nid 2 weturn to webbit.
Contrarian weaboo cant defend his shitty taste.
That doesn't answer my question.
Don't reply to me, faggot.
Reddit sounds more your speed.
>it's not realistic it's shitty
Culturelets, when will they learn?
see and cope
I love me my stylized art but cmon man look at that italy example, thats a cool ass angel painting that youre not gonna recreate with a photo
Hitler's color palette is washed out, no definition on features, looks mostly uncompleted.
Asshole guy's attention to detail is impeccable, his color choices are equal to life, and you can almost smell the shit coming out of that thing
Why do contrarian faggots who hate anything Japanese come to this site? It's like complaining about Chinese food in a Chinese restaurant.
the beauty is just becoming old or too extreme. many capeshit comics are still very "realistic" and technically detailed. but everything looks fucking boring and the same. nobody is buying them anymore.
This looks bland as shit.
Where's the colour?
>webbit sunds mur hur spid.
Contrarian weaboo cant defend his shitty taste.
I would guess it's because CGI is sort of a new technique into anime. Yeah, maybe I'm saying bullshit, but the entire scene vs. Sahaquiel was fucking amazing. However, animating by hand and paper must be extremely frustrating compared to CGI where you have a ton of freedom.
As says, CGI focuses on camera work and animation. It doesn't give the same vibe of emotion like with drawings, but it does a good job on action.
I obviously think animating by hand and paper is perfection, but CGI isn't all that disappointing. It also delivers on visuals very well but it may also give a 'cheap' look due to limitation on graphics since anime is all about that 'cartoon' style.
>drawing photo-realistic anuses wins you 30 million dollars
Modern art is a fucking joke. Truly a clown world.
Go back to red.dit and stay there.
>play japanese vidya
>startup screen
Well most western comics are worked on by like 3 different artists, they look technically impressive sure but they have no personal touch.
Fun anecdote, i was in my college towns museum just to kill time and found one of rothkos works. But I never knew what a rothko was, i barely knew about any artists. I just walked in and saw this giant fucking painting as big as a bedroom wall, with such deep colors painted onto it. And i just stared at it in amazement for like a half hour.
I think everyone had the same impression with rothko. Theyre huge, and they just make you feel something very important was in front of you.
I'm glad that people enjoying the things that they enjoy makes you assmad, mister teacher user.
What was that tweet responding to?
>there are 0 board with as many related topics as anime therefor I am right
God you're stupid. Thanks for reminding me to never reply to animefags.
It doesn't inspire the same thing in everyone, you silly nit.
>smellfag prefers assholes because it makes him fantasize about eating shit
Every time.
Thanks for admitting I’m right
Sauce on right?
Find me a normalfag that likes Pollock, let alone
>If everyone hates what you make and prefers kitsch
> Nobody fucking likes anything after that- Abstract Expressionism
again, this entire premise is false or otherwise there wouldn't be museums filled with people who appreciate this art. simply stomping your feet and saying so doesn't make it so. one of the major influences on Abstract Expressionism was Wassily Kandinsky, whose work showed the transition from Expressionism to Abstraction. If we spent time searching it I am sure we could find musicians that directly tie AE as a major influence.
rich fags will do rich fags things, just don't be lazy and become a richfag yourself and fund "the good art"
it generates more provoking thoughts than Hitler's art
so arguably it has a stronger impact on people than most other artistic subjects, and that's what makes it valuable
miyazaki the lolicon LMAO tumblr feminists seething.
Every male is a lolicon.
Faiz is one of the coolest base forms even if the show itself is bad
Take your mental illness elsewhere faggot.
>again, this entire premise is false or otherwise there wouldn't be museums filled with people who appreciate this art.
>rich fags will do rich fags things
You don't think pretending to enjoy bad things because they're high-status is a richfag thing to do?
its not pedophilia if its a boy
i bet he even liked it
Since we're talking about art and visuals, is someone here actually offended with how fucking retarded Apex Legends' character designs are? Holy shit, it's actually gore to my eyes.
>generates more provoking thoughts
because it shits?
What's the name of the statue on the left?
Asking for a friend.
Anime was only art in the 90s.
There are more puzzle aspects in Skyrim than RTS aspects, does that mean Skyrim is a fucking puzzle game?
Don't bother replying back as this will be my last reply to you, but I just wanted you to blow you the fuck out with this final post.
>museums filled with people who appreciate this art
You mean art degree npcs and retards who want to look like they are intellectuals
If you need a degree to appreciate art, be taught "this is art and you should like it", then it's not art but scam
come on, right takes almost no skill at all, and if you're really honest, anime style faces mostly look horrible
the curator clearly knows his medial inspired art as seen the annoying twat trying to showcase his stupid GoT dragon needs to fuck off
Imagine if Hitler would draw anuses back in his days haha
The painting to the right depicts a phenomenon known as "rogue wave".
I love how you got so assblasted about the image on the left that you had to create this image instead.
Who's the artist of the pedo scum pic, of course it's for research purposes?
>talentless hack
Everyone is talentless user, talent does not exist
I don't understand your complaints, I genuinely love crysis nano suit and have never even thought about comparing it to campy tokusatsu.
You have to be a genuine retard to even want to put them against each other
Hey man, drawing two lines for a nose and mouth takes skill so shut your mouth.
It has more RPG elements than puzzle elements though
Every critical review of a postmodern and the term is actually relevant here for once art piece reads exactly the same. Imputing meaning to a formless mess that even the artist may not have imputed meaning to until he had to do so for the caption at the gallery.
kingdom hearts is a fucking perfect example but nobody believes me
the one of the left, fucking based shota right there.
>That one in the middle on the left is just fucking Bruce Timm
How can the west compete?
I have a better comparison
You can't polarize things into sides like that or else you'll never understand shit in life.
>being a weaboo.
>not knowing good nipponese artists who can draw realistic.
I hate how many weaboo newfriends are flocking in this god damn board. Defending bad japcuc.k games with bad aesthetics while turning a blind eye to any good games and art/artists out there just to be contrarian.
And no. I hope no one spoonfeeds you.
>it's bad so it's good
Hey guys, how about: art is completely subjective, and the only art that has quality or relevance is the art that people assign quality or relevance to themselves, as individuals. People who get mad at others for liking things they don't are mental children. Why can't we just all get along and accept that not everyone views, percieves, or experiences everything in the same way, and all art is meaningless and without a drop of quality or creativity until individuals perceive it as having meaning or originality or whatever other qualifiers of "good" art people pull out of their assholes. All art is just subgenres of expression in the greater and grander medium of life, so why not try to appreciate all of it for what it is, for ourselves?
What's with that japanese wave picture? I see it everywhere. For god's sake, there was a puzzle version of it at my college.
You know what I find funny? is that if this was posted like 11-12 years ago, people would be mocking how bad Japanese shit is (ironically) and people would post those Fatlus memes from way back in the day. Now, everyone would hate on everything western, I mean i understand some western shit sucks nowadays, you can say the same for Japanese shit too. Just goes to show on how the times have changed.
>but that actual scene was amazing to watch.
holy shit
these people exist
and have opinions
and I argue with them
alphonse (white datura)
but that's a 100 year old angel
>dat convenient reflection cover.
I just looked him up, and I'm a normalfag, so there you go, one who likes him.
You have a VERY broad definition of rich fags if you are counting all the people who attend those museums and art showings
same as above, you really think all those people have art degrees.
I don't like country music but I wouldn't say people are pretending to like it or some grand social conspiracy
Fuck you faggot I found it thanks to your picture, I can't be damned remembering all these artists.
What the fuck mods
Very moé picture
>art is completely subjective
if your art isn't pretty and you can't derive meaning from it without a critic making up some bullshit for you then it's trash
That's where you're wrong kiddo
West spent 150 years to overtake.
>if its not popular its not good
it burns
not really one of shinkawa’s best, is it?
both are shit but western shit is shitter
at least this goes for cartoons and comics. they actually sell like shit. only tumblrinas watch american cartoons and furthermore those looks like really bad anime rip offs
Post your art, faggot. I bet it's so good.
Is that Sasuke?
my biggest problem with this is the faces. Compare it to for example and you see that it's not realistic at all
The right is more indicative of the late 90s and early 00s.
The left is more indicative of the 90s in general, spanning from the early 90s to late 90s. No anime from the 80s resembled the left.
hey dorkposter, what is the point of this site if I can't say someone else's taste in art is shit and they are a masssive fucking faggot for liking it?
Dont forget this one.
Oh shit someone with a brain
We're talking about the artstyle the artist has, and the artstyle he has is definitely inspired by traditional jap art albeit with some western influence
What's the Folklore with the big ass skeleton again? Keep seeing come up in jap games but only as a random creature or reference, no explaning
I don't like industrial music. It's a niche genre that doesn't appeal to my aesthetic sensibilities. But it is comprehensible, and it does have a certain beauty even if it isn't a beauty that I can sit back and enjoy. I can also appreciate the technical skill that goes into making good industrial music.
The same cannot be said for contemporary art. It's not beautiful, it's not meaningful, and it's skillful. It is garbage by any measure, and the point of the exercise is indeed for it to be garbage.
>Kubrick's most visually arresting work
>takes "every frame a photo" literally
>no one ever watches or talks about it
Really makes you wonder how valuable cinematography actually is.
as someone who used to play baseball, this pic kinda makes me feel nostalgic like when i thought as a kid i would grow up and play professionally, heh
I wish this was a troll. Artlets should leave
it's not* skillful
Important distinction there.
The west can't make art like that anymore either. And since they're dead set on destroying their own heritage, who knows how long the old and good art will be around either.
The west lost its sense of aesthetics and art a long time ago.
well keked
>it's alright when the """center of the world's culture""" doe it
based chink woman
people still make this type of sculpture but they are showcase because faggots like you only pretend to care and not actually support this type of art
>and you can almost smell the shit coming out of that thing
Imagine the smell....
middle eastern peoples were already doing this hundreds of years before the greeks. imagine if islam never regressed their art.
I really liked Urizens finals form in DMC5. Keeping the realistic tone of the game but going with a blue oni kind of look was a unique contrast from the rest of the demons in the game
Gayseball is trash
>Art from an age where pussy was basically free, all you had to do was be male and fresh virgin pussy was guaranteed reserved for you because women had no power in society and had to marry.
>Art from an age where 90% of women are roasties, and population is experiencing the lowest amount of people getting married or having meaningful relations because women have enough power to be sluts and only settle for chad
Really makes you think why anime girl art became a thing.
This is poorly done.
nice feet.png
>High Lord Wolnir.jpg
Allāh is the greatest artist anyway
The west isn't one continent
Holy shit, do not slander such glorious works by posting them on a cite as rancid as this one!
print it out, take a shit on it, and you've got high art
damn didn't knew this. Guess even in shitty off-topic threads there are something useful and new to discover. Thanks user
I kinda feel like this lion's dong should be visible
I apologize for using the word 'realistic' to refer to his art, but Alphon's style has a good and healthy mix of both west and east in style. The body proportions are good and the colors are top notch - which he stylized with an eastern mias you can see with the idealized faces. You can clearly tell that he studies anatomy of not only grown up but that of the young two, and I really like it if an artist knows his anatomy. How else can he draw such aesthetic girl bodies?
Islamic art is very beautiful imo, and the Babylonian civilization is a different one from the Magian one anyway
>chink making sculptures based on western theories of proportion and harmony
Based West?
This sculpture sadly isn't a source glorious as the Laoconte one. Pretty good though
>weebs thinking anime style is difficult to draw
>thinks an aquarium is creative
Kanye really likes him
Thanks for proving my point.