Happy Mothers Day Yea Forums

Happy Mothers Day Yea Forums

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What is this gay shit

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>Japanese Shadman

This is the ending that emergence deserved

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NTR is literally the worst fetish on earth
If I was dictator of earth and had the power to wipe one group of people out it would be cucks without a doubt

wtf i love Josuke now

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How wholesome.

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Captain save a hoe

Emergence is garbage and the slut deserved everything she got for being a 50IQ retard

This truly was a Jojo's Bizarre Adventure...

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Happy Mother's Day.

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Absolutely wholesome.

He's american, silly

this is the best thing I've seen in my life

You wouldn't rape an innocent girl and leave her pregnant, would you Yea Forums?

I’ve been waiting on a good ending to this story for years.

Thanks for the closure.

Youre a good man OP, I'm sure you were raised by a great mother.

wtf is this gay ending
post the real one you fucking faggot

I can confidently say no, you weird fuck

I cry everytime.

He was born to two Japanese parents and now lives in japan. He's not like some random gaijin weeb who made it big.

What are you talking about? This IS the real ending.


The pain is finally over. I can finally move on. Thanks OP.

wow and i didnt believe people when they said josuke was the best jojo!

Wouldn't reverting her back to a pre-rape state also undo her pregnancy?

Needed Kira in the last panel

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>saving used goods

Thanks for reminding me to call my mom, OP. Her birthday is a week before so I always forget mother's day.

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>Having sex
What about no.

Is it really used goods if Crazy Diamond heals her hymen?

But that's not what blogspot articles told me.

I would absolutely not rape a girl, why would you even ask?

based retards

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Fuck off third worlder

You can’t undick yourself user, that’s bullshit like second virginity.

If you reverse time on her is she still used?
If you, while 25, fap to a memory you have of yourself fucking a 13 year old while you were also 13 is that pedophilia?

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Whoever made this is truly one of the only heroes left in man

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part 4 haters absolutely BTFO
also thanks OP, today you were not a fag

that's a BIG yike from me, way to out yourself bro

I'll never read this shit, but what's the true ending?


>saving whores
OP is a cuck, and this isn’t video games.

The idea that some people could actually think like this makes me sad. Please tell me you're just meming.

how would giorno have saved her

bump :)

She gets beaten up by a bunch of delinquents until she miscarries then immediately ODs and dies. The scene of her with her daughter years later are her final thoughts as she loses consciousness on the cold floor of the public restroom.

She died but some christiancuck raised her daughter and she turned ok.

created new parts for her body, then changed them with the used goods

Josuke is a better protagonist than Jotaro

she ODs on crack after a bunch of delinquents lynch her and rob her of the money she was saving for the baby

Dude you’re such a cuck, might as well marry a single mom and father the kids.

Holy fuck dude, do people actually get off to this?

pretty kino, junkies deserve the rpe

Wait did that a good end? Didn't read since despair porn is not my thing

Jotaro is a shit protagonist. That's why Polnareff existed, to be the actual protagonist while Jotaro could continue to be the cool posterboy.

Well, I think it has more to do with the fact that Josuke is more of a normal teenager than Jotaro ever did. The smaller stakes in Morioh Cho made the setting feel more relatable to me.

Post the real ending.

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Jotaro is a top tier supporting character, but shit tier main leading character

Based jojoes and based user

You are supossed to read it for the story and get mad.

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Nevermind saw the posts it's shit

Only the second part is true

Jesus I hate this doujin so much

Based Josuke. However, I really think we should hold the one who sold her the drugs accountable. Does anyone know his identity?

people don't, only monsters

I find this hilarious because he technically gave her an abortion when he reverted her back to her old self. Happy Mother's Day everyone.

Based Mother's Day user

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we might need old man joseph for this one. it couldn't have possibly been those gangsters saki panhandled in the park, they don't even have stands

based josuke...

Josuke best jojo and boy.

> jojo’s reddit adventures

Think it was a member from this gang named Passione or something who was vacationing

the horror the horror

jojofags are so autistic they edit a hardcore doujin because some fictional character dies

what about all those other doujins then huh? all the actual snuff and guro shit out there. don't you care about those poor victims?

>inb4 "just insert as the bull bro"

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Anyone who feels sorry for the slut is a redditor

Considering I can't even approach a girl to begin with without seeing myself as a weirdo, there's no way it will happen.

Fuck off mom.

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pretty sure its done for fun and not because they care about a fictional character

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Why wouldn't you insert as the bull?

Look, I'm gonna be 100% honest with you

If it had absolutely 0 repercussions, I think I would do it

I know, I'm a piece of shit

Two Japanese parents in Queens New York.

Celebrate mothers day with hyji doujins

shut the fuck up
this is pretty epic though

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Someone give me a rundown on this

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i prefer to self insert as the girl

Reminder: Women don't raise men, they raise criminals and needy-attention seeking men.

The best a mother can do is provide food and a roof for a child, and even then they do it poorly.



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My nigga

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Source on 1 and 3

video games

fuck off newfag

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Imagine being this desperate to learn the identity of someone who wants to stay anonymous. Maybe you should just respect the fact that I have a good reason for wanting to stay hidden.

it's a shit hentai manga

Joseph in part 2 is one of the best protagonists in the history of Manga and Anime.

Part 3 is the most boring Jojo part

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This fucking story is many things, but NTR is not one of them.

I unironically like these retarded ass memes

It's alright to ask for source on 1, but 3 is a pretty concrete fixture of Yea Forums knowledge.

>Joseph in part 2 is one of the best protagonists in the history of Manga and Anime.

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Mother's Day is a celebration honoring the mother of the family, as well as motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. It is celebrated on various days in many parts of the world, most commonly in the months of March or May.

no. 3 is waita uziga. you don't want it

If I absolutely would never see her again or get caught then I would.

Reddit loves Jotaro though

It’s a communist “holiday”

Who ever believes this should get hanged


FUCK DIO gently
And most of all...
*Dabs at 600 MPH*

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Reddit loves JJBA*

Alright guys I think I'm gonna try and track down whoever's in charge of the drug selling operation. Selling drugs to kids wrong, and my personality is just bland enough to stop him I think.

Fuck off edge lord. I bet you're a fag with a thing for mentally ill twinks.

Good thread

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Video games


my mom died of cancer in 2013, I needed this thread today

thank you wonderful anons

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What do you expect from newfags who sympathise with degenerate sluts?

He's quite fun as a character and at the time, the whole prediction thing really did get you hyped.
But it was a different time, reddit memes weren't even Yea Forums memes yet and ebaums world was some shitty idea thought up by a retard behind a schooldesk.

Joseph is at least very good.

Did they ever explain who the guy that saved Josuke was? Or why he was bloodied up?

>Exalting family
God, you are dumb

Not him, but I can't recognize every fucking black haired girl that shows up in the hundreds of rape doujins I've read. 2 panel is a meme so that gets a pass. I cant recognize 1 and 3 is the most random ass panel from concrete girl.

I want to know the ending desu


How do you not recognize one of the most iconic mangas of all time?

Joseph may not be THAT amazing, but he's definitely the best Jojo

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The ending we needed

I didn't wanna remember, fuck off

I remember hearing this story around about an artist who NTR’d one of his popular characters, backfired completely, tried to make up for it, failed and got his house burnt down. Bullshit or nah?

It’s not called Family Day though, leftist.

Pretty sure it was some rando, just like Josuke seemed like when he made the same impression on that kid after breaking the motorcycle apart to avoid hitting them in the crosswalk

who's Giorno?
who's Josuke?
who's Jonathan?


This crap is only a meme on Yea Forums and a bad one at that.
An iconic doujin is Bondage Fairies.