Gonna be on a submarine soon, what are some relevant and good submarine games that aren't too simulator like?
Submarine games
cold waters is pretty good, if you're looking for a light-ish modern sub combat game
Enjoy dying because the newest guy forgets to close a vent.
Better pack thin clothing, because subs are ridiculously hot and stuffy.
There's a new game called uboat, i thought giving it try tomorrow but im more busy with kiwami 2 atm
Don't forget your KY jelly because it'll get very lonely out there and other sailors might want to make use of your anus.
Im looking for a really old submarine game where iirc you never see your sub but only the enemy ships passing by and you have to choose ammo types etc. i remember playing it in the old ass apple laptop
I'm pretty stoked about this game
This is the video I watched on it
Silent hunter?
Silent Hunter was vino back in the day. Not sure how it has aged though.
like miracle if you can hit anything with a weapon in this game, it's pretty autistic
>Gonna be on a deathtrap soon
rip user.
Are submarines exclusive to the military?
Are there civilian uses for a submarine?
>that aren't too simulator like
I guess Aquanox 1/2 and Sub Culture.
Yeah, research in the great depths.
I also remember Silent Hunter 3 being really good.
>when you use the ASW nuclear depth charge to kill ships
Subnautica has a nice submarine. Takes a while to get but feels great to hop in the first time
Submariner here. I hate this shit. It's better than the surface, but it's still god awful. I wish I was working on airplanes
>Are there civilian uses for a submarine?
Modern military subs cost in the 100 billion dollar range to build, plus cost of operation and maintenance, plus a large specialized crew to operate. Nothing outside of a modern nation's defense budget has the means or reason to blow that much cash. Also as mentioned in thread, going under the ocean is a death trap and not very cool. No reason to have that miserable an experience outside of war purpose.
>its usually the opposite
>tdu breaks for a month
This only happens to indian nuclear submarines, not human ones.
>Das Boot: the game
I didn't know I wanted that in my life but now I do
For being deathtraps, not a lot of people die on them.
Only when something goes wrong, and then you are guaranteed to die, but when everything is fine you are also fine.
why are you still a nub?
I miss this rts
I still can't fathom how that happened. Besides the series of fuckups to lead to FUCKING FORGETTING TO CLOSE THE HATCH as what would be a normal checklist protocol before diving.
Especially since the hatch would need to be open for a long time to flood the compartment with out anyone noticing which would be an instant emergency surface.
shit, the old DOS one where you have like four torpedoes to choose from, and your map room starts flooding as you take damage? Silent Hunter like said
Just move on some aircraft carrier bro
Submarines are obsolete
>it's a patrol gets extended and you eat nothing but pudding for a month episode
No as much as tanks and planes
>Be put on comf Night Shift Watch
>Section enacts an all wake period during the day.
is there anything (new) that simulates passive Sonar at least the basic theory of it (because the actual stuff is hush hush).
I mean like detecting contacts and shit.
Iron Wolf VR. Roomscale sub VR is something else, lacking some of the complexity of silent hunter and the like currently, but getting increasingly complex and it's both immersive and stressful. There's truly something horrifying about gradually losing control of the situation, diving to try and buy time, with water pouring in, pumping as you can, watching your compressed air run out and wondering if you can even resurface.
Submarine is future-proof. They have lot of potential with advancement of technology. If anything, it's Carrier that will become obsolete.
steel diver sub wars was fun when it was new
They'll be converted to drone/heli carrier.
Can't you like put the trash in the escape/dive airlock or something?
You get in submarines from the top so you still have to hoist dripping shitcans above you head and pass them
greentexts of soldiers suffering because of the military is one of the most comfiest things
not because of schadenfreude its like this sort of raw pain and suffering I can feel through the monitor and it's quite genuine yet funny
tfw no decent naval combat games. Speaking of Naval combat, its just who can throw the most missiles these days.
buggy mess
will need a long time to be playable
Don't play video games.
Get qualified.
I get what you mean.
It's funny because it is only through absolute necessity that we do these things, and only the military tasks you with them
Imagine being locked in a closed tin can with month old, liquefied trash, combining with decades old engine smells and diesel fumes,vomit everywhere from people who cant handle it. All while the ship is rocking to each side because of the waves