The psx

what kind of emotions this console brings up in you?

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I guess the same emotions that got me to nail mine to the wall after it borked.

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>was old enough to have known older kids who had PS1s, but was too young to have owned one when they were actually relevant
I dunno, really. It's certainly not nostalgia.


Why didn't you just fix it/have it fixed?

The concentrated fear caused by watching the starup logo while alone and in the dark at 3:00 a.m.

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Only console I ever had that fucking broke. I own every other console from my childhood except PS1 because it just shit itself in 1999.

Best is yet to come

that isn't a psx

it will never be a psx

I got a PS2

Better times. Several good games every year. Cool weird B-Games. Going on holidays more often (the Euro did not fuck everyone over and stuff was still kind of affordable) and then coming home to continue the current-year Final Fantasy.

Will do the same I think.

jealousy because I never had one but some faggy kid with rich parents got one and kept bringing it to kindergarten

Huh, even the poorest fucker in my school got one. Especially because it was easy to mod it and play pirated copies. We even had several stores here advertising PS1 modding in their display window

my first console so the nostalgia for it is pretty heavy.
>parappa the rapper
>vib ribbon
>twisted metal
>ghost in the shell
the list literally goes on.
I also have a fondness for mid/late 90s 3d graphics, developers were starting to grasp how a 3d game should play.

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That's just mentall illness son.

Perhaps the greatest console of all time?
Ps2, snes, and n64 come close though.

The happiest days of my life

The impending doom sensation of looking at the logo begging for it to go through and the insane relief when the disc actually loaded.

>Parents divorced
>Custody went to neglecting father
>They pooled and bought me a PS1 for a collective Birthday and Christmas present
>Father had his friend chip it
>Got a game once a fortnight instead of pocket money.
It was kind of cool at the time but I know how much it sucks being poor.

Mysterious,I was a kid when ps2 launched but had an older brother which had bought tons of ps1 titles over the years,I kept playing ps1 until the ps3 era,the games had a mythical aura for me I just needed to come back to Medievil 1/2 Klonoa 1,Crime Killer,etc there were no such experiences on the ps2,So I played ps1 and ps2 the same amount

Why did they paint it with "factory plastic" gray?


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The beginning of the end. Brought gaming to the casuals and the normies.

Spaniard here is that an american meme or something?
People refered to it both as ps1 and psx whats the big deal here I dont get it

not him but where did the x come from? I remember it being called psx by lots of people. was it more of that 90s edgy sony branding? x sounds pretty hardcore.

>Brought gaming to the casuals and the normies.
>to adults
gaming stopped being kids only with ps1

maybe if xbox didnt exist people would have refered to ps2,3,etc as psx2,psx3 also hahaha


Mild anger over the thing never working properly