FUCK this card and everyone who uses it

FUCK this card and everyone who uses it.

Can't stand black/green meta

Attached: Ravenous+Chupacabra.jpg (223x311, 30K)

Other urls found in this thread:


t. mono red faggot that seethes at golgari chads
i drop wildgrowth walker on your grave

nice post from six months ago

I have not seen this card played in months

Can someone explain why my baby isn't getting played anymore

Attached: Arclight+Phoenix+%5BGRN%5D.jpg (223x311, 31K)

>black green meta
>when esper exists
BG ain't shit right now, OP.

no one tell him about the krasis

Hello user we're from six months in the future

Not beefy enough. 3/2 ain’t shit when you can pump creatures so quickly now.

>play Chupacabra
>play next card

Say bye bye to another card, user.

Attached: hostage-taker.jpg (672x936, 286K)