Why is homosexuality such a controversial thing to include in video games?

Why is homosexuality such a controversial thing to include in video games?

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Because it's fucking disgusting.

It's pretty disgusting to see or think about

Because it's pandering for the sake of attention, yet people still fall for it each time.

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>incels: “lgbtq characters are annoying and forced because all their personality revolves around their sexuality”
>devs: “Ok, here's a character that is no different from the rest but happens to be gay on his free time outside the game”
This why developers should stop pandering to incels. It's impossible to satisfy these people.

Because in 80% of the cases its forced for the sake of attention

because it isn't but the left needs to be offended by everything so they pretend gamers are homophobic and literally attacking them and I'm actually shaking right now omfg

I don't really need to know any character's sexuality in an arena shooter, unless it's a succubus class or something. That being said, what kind of retard follows the lore of an ActiBlizzard shooter?

You have mental problems. When you imagine the concept of two men loving each ofher, do you also simultaneously imagine them fucking it something?

>outside the game
Why should we know about what characters do in their free time?

Homosexuality is not okay




bumping to make you mad

>implying faggots can experience love and arent just degenerate mind broken husks with man butthole fetishes

I love my bf.

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Have sex

Its not.
No one cares or complains when the character in question is well written and well designed. OPs pic is just a case of a corporation pandering for brownie points.

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When it's something that's passively mentioned from the start, I don't give a shit
When it's something in-your-face from the start, it's obviously forced and it's very annoying/obnoxious
When it's not brought up until way down the line, it's obvious you're trying way too fucking hard to "fit in" and shows just how far you'll fall just to get brownie points for inclusion, while trying to hide the fact that it's total damage control gone horribly wrong

It’s a sin

because controversy is free marketing.

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>When it's not brought up until way down the line, it's obvious you're trying way too fucking hard to "fit in" and shows just how far you'll fall just to get brownie points for inclusion, while trying to hide the fact that it's total damage control gone horribly wrong
Does this apply to people IRL?

>here we have a character that wasn't hinted to be gay in any way but we made him that way to fill our quotas and be "progressive"

so which is the bottom?

Only 3-5% of the US population self-reports as homosexual. Despite that people assume, when polled, 15-30% of people are homosexual.

Regardless, shoehorning in homosexuality is strange considering it's only 3-5% of the population, meaning there really should be less than 1 character in the roster that is gay.

The lore in Overwatch is so slow what is even Micheal Chu doing?

Without jumping to paranoid conclusions, it's concisely explained by the phrase: "There is no such thing as bad publicity." In taking the minority position, and by that virtue alone, a company can't really be faulted. They're protecting the weak, which would almost universally be considered acceptable, only a few vocal outliers exist. With that said it's fairly easy to conclude that they're trying to leverage sympathies of the market and increase their share by catering to people in general by using diverse sexuality as a means to leverage it.

Effectively it's outrage media, the same methods that Vox, Fox, CNN and etc... employ to enforce ubiquity of their content in a given audience, and the assurance that it crosses boundaries. Example being CNN publishing an inflammatory article on conservatives, which is the shared by inflamed conservatives and hysterical liberals alike.

Now brave freedom-engendered sorts (ideally) rush in to support Overwatch, while inflamed homophobes (sorry, no better word) denounce it and spread the word free of charge. In the majority the middle don't care, at the middle-left you might even see a conversion to middle or even left-middle.

because 99% of the time it's done extremely poorly, adds absolutely nothing to the story and is shoehorned in for virtue points

Because the majority of people who were playing as that character were straight dudes and most people do not identify well with people who don't share their sexual orientation. I say were because most of those people have either stopped playing that character or stopped playing overwatch altogether by now.

Because we're going through the conservative wave right now, after years of a progressive political ideology it's just human nature for people to lean the other way until the progressive wave comes, and the cycle repeats itself.

It's been like this since modern societies formed, look closely at any period in modern history and you'll see it happening, anyone who tells you this movement is unique needs to get off their existential crisis and know that their generation isn't a special time in history, and that they're just one more gear in the grand design of nature.

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There is a difference between "including" and "forcing".

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Its only bad when its used to try and revive a dead game

Arcade/Veronica/Christine/New Vegas in general another example of SJWs forcing homosexuality down my throat while gripping the back of my head and forcing me to swallow

Can you give me an example of "correct" inclusion?

Because it is done in a way that doesn't try to explore homosexual relationships or give the consumer an opportunity to make a financial decision on buying the game or not. Just one day some retard comes in and retroactively makes a character gay even though they have absolutely no indication of it, and then makes no attempt to explore this fact any further. I don't think anyone would have cared if Soilders 76 actually made hints that he was gay in a voice line or something.

It is video game makers breaking the rule of "show don't tell".

Its not.
You just get people who make a big deal about it on both sides that make it obnoxious and they both need to stfu


Instead of being subtle about it, they used the sexuality of a character for free good PR and ez brownie points. If you think about it, it just shows that developers just use sexualities as a marketing tactic than an actual attribute to a character. Pretty fucking disgusting.

Also, fuck fags.

You have to go back

It shouldn't be, it's autistic incels throwing a tantrum for no real reason.
>WTF, stop including this shit in my games! Go make your own games and keep that shit there!
>They do exactly that
>N-N-NOOOOOO! You need to cater to me and me alone! F-fuck you!
Lowly curs, all of you. This is why absolutely no one should take this shit hole seriously.

And I don't even know how I got off the track

>Spaming to get the last post

It is when you are making characters gay just to try to impress social media. Blizzard is using character sexuality as poker chips to cash in when they need free publicity.

Nice politics thread I fucking hate all of you
stfu and play better games than OW

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Erica from Catherine.

Unfortunately, there are no longer any western devs that do gay inclusion correctly. It is always political in nature now.

It's bad when done retroactively and in the nominal sense only

The only reason why it's political is because there's always such a big backlash whenever it's done, gay characters should be allowed to be badly written, to be designed badly, to be included where they don't seemingly "fit" because that's just what the reality of life is.

But no, homophobes disguise their bigotry by crafting a high as fuck bar that no character can reach, while they let the straight characters be flawed from a design standpoint.

>game releases
>no one even wonders about that guys sexuality
>5 months later

If you ask me, it is always political in nature because that's how you and many others interpret it. When I see shit like Dream Daddy and other yaoi indie games, I just see people wanting to make niche games for a market that hasn't been given representation at all. That's all there is, people making stuff they would like to see because no one else would make it, yet many chimp out about it for no reason.
It aligns with Overwatch's nature, though. The game was designed to be constantly updated, whether through new characters, new comics, new lore, new CGI videos, etc.

As a bi-degenerate, I can tell you that the problem is that they're badly written and hamfisted.

If you want good gay characters go read Wilde. Don't search it in popular media.

They made 76 gay only to get heat off their back after being found out some "gamer girl" they invited to an e-sports tournament was really a guy that was denied going to the tournament multiple times for being a guy.

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>It aligns with Overwatch's nature, though. The game was designed to be constantly updated, whether through new characters, new comics, new lore, new CGI videos, etc.
fine, but why is his sexuality important? what does it add to anything? why does the player of a first person shooter have to know he likes men? do we know the sexuality of every single other character? why not?

love isnt real, no straight man truly loves a woman, they just want pussy. id assume you fags are no different.

its only okay if there are cute girls involved
the west refuses to understand this and that makes it unappealing

>game has been out for literally YEARS
>oh yeah btw he is gay says the "writer" on a fucking tweet

His usage literally dropped by 40% on PS4. Its almost like every move Blizzard makes is to shoot themselves in the foot

Nobody likes fags

Yes, we know the sexuality of MANY other characters, whether gay like Soldier 76, lesbian like Tracer, or straight like the vast majority of Overwatch's cast and fictional characters as a whole. It adds an extra layer of characterization. If you keep that perspective then why bother adding quirks and details to characters in any media whatsoever? Especially when we're talking about frivolous details. What does it matter if Pikachu likes ketchup? We don't need to know that, right? What does it matter if Mario's an Italian that likes spaghetti, we just play Mario because we like the platforming and level design. From that perspective, fleshing out characters in video games is pointless and everyone should just be a blank slate with no personality whatsoever. Besides, if it's not an important detail, why should anyone get so upset about it? He's gay, that's it, what does it matter, like you said.

Becuase its usually so hamfisted, overdone, and done mainly to get brownie points from sjws instead of just being a character that's gay.

Is this how Blizzard is paying you shill this dead game now? That's pretty sad.

My position on this is the same as minority characters and women characters:

Is it in service of the medium or story, or in service of the authors ego?

If the former, there is no issue. Arcade Gannon, Revolver Ocelot, Vamp, Gay Tony are all fine gay charactes. The characters of San Andreas, Saints Row, Jax, Coach, Luis, are all fine black characters. Samus, the roster of Skullgirls, the Resident Evil girls, old Lara Croft, Faith, Alyx are all fine female characters.

If its the latter, like Soldier 76 or Tracer (done entirely to take advantage of twitter slactivism advertising when the game was weaning out of the public spotlight), America Chavez (Marvel), damn near every western female character from the past 3 or 4 years besides maybe a dozen stand out examples (instead of being or acting like people they've entirely become the 90s girl power stereotype that people used to actively mock for being a parody of a person, with no actual personality beyong 'im as strong as MEN!'), CoD black waffen SS troopers (which is retarded),etc, then thats a bad thing. And its a bad thing because its pure tokenism. Remember when tokenism was a bad thing?

Thats all it is. Is the diversity/inclusivity/""wokeness"" in service of the work of fiction, the story, the plot, or just in service of being an entertaining product? Or is it in service of woke twitter activists, the authors ego, and getting easy media brownie points?

Thats the problem, and that always been what the problem is, and i think i've finally nailed the exact explanation for this point of contention down. It isnt racism, it isnt sexism, it isnt homophobia, its just using race, sex, gender, and orientation to jerk yourself off or not and whether or not people actively notice that they're just there for you to jerk yourself off.

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except 99% don't care about the lore to that depth on a competitive video game with no real story like overwatch. this isn't a singleplayer game where the creator tries to bond you with the character, same with movies

>People who are mad because they think it was a blatant PR move to dodge heat for something unrelated
>People who are mad because they have internalized homophobia and assume he has to be some kind of sissy flamer now
Which one are you?


This wasn't even on the team at blizzard, but an esports organization that failed to confirm someone's identity before inviting them to an esports tournament.

Also you should realize that skill is only half of what counts when trying to join an esports org, you've never wondered why most esports teams are comprised of charismatic, online influencers with millions of followers? Because there's a celebrity aspect to it, introverts never make it big unless they're incredibly skilled.

So from a marketing standpoint, would you want ugly asian guy with bowl cut #5844821 or the only girl in the sausage fest that is the OWL? And you might blame the organizers and "sjws" for pushing for inclusion, but it wouldn't be such a big deal if people like YOU didn't make such a big fuzz about it. Of course people will root for marginalized underdogs.

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Just like you people say that straight white characters in media shouldn't prevent non white people from enjoying said media, a gay character shouldn't prevent you from enjoying a game.
Apply what you say to yourselves too.

Yeah, and 99% of people don't care about Mario's plot. It's Mario, a 2D platformer, for fucks sake. Despite being single player, you think people actively try to bond with fucking Mario of all things? No, they just play as him to run and jump through cool obstacles and courses, not because of some deep emotional connection with him. That didn't stop Nintendo from fleshing him out and giving him quirks. You're upset over someone's effort to actually flesh out their character instead of letting them be blank slates. Soldier 76 was never meant to be an avatar the same way Link was or the Miis are, so why are you surprised that he's his own person with his own traits, personality, and preferences?

>being this fragile

Oh I don't care one way or the other, I'm explaining the marketing tactic and how it works. I stopped playing OW after Y1 when they didn't have any new maps and all the characters sucked. Blizzard had already dug their graves by then.

>he's stereotypically gay
Complain about shoehorning
>he's not stereotypically gay
Still complain about shoehorning

>If its the latter, like Soldier 76 or Tracer (done entirely to take advantage of twitter slactivism advertising when the game was weaning out of the public spotlight),
I want to add onto this point from my post, but i dont think that its BAD that these are gay in concept, its simply the motivation and execution that i take issue with.

If Soldier 76 and Tracer were gay from the beginning instead of Blizzard waiting tactically to drop a gay bomb so they could trend and make some more money, that'd be perfectly fine. Its the fact that there were nothing prior hinting towards their orientation, then simply out of the blue "oh btw they're gay", clearly being used as a marketing tool thats the issue here. And even if you wanted to change them post-release, it could be done with more tact. Tracer is the better of the two, but even still they should have gone further with actually integrating that element into the character. As far as im aware, nothing beyond that one comic has ever touched on it or referenced it.

Why is Torbs sexuality important? Why do you people complain ONLY about the gay ones?

Dorian from DA:I. The guy was actually really charming. He also felt natural. Shame that the west doesn't know how to write gay characters for shit now

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Why aren't lgbt/minority/female characters allowed to be badly designed/written? Why can we have characters like Nathan Drake who can take on giant bosses against all rules of physics but a woman doing the same is "not realistic"?

Why is the bar so high for non-white/male characters? Niche audiences should be allowed to be pandered to without this amount of backlash. It's just ridiculous.

Because typically its a calculated marketing decision designed to take advantage of the socially progressive woke movement on new media to create easy marketing and act as a shield from criticism by playing the gay card.

How would you "correctly" write a gay character for a game?

Nothing wrong with faggots. Bisluts can die in a fire, tho.

>Ok, here's a character that is no different from the rest but happens to be gay on his free time outside the game

Wow what a great personality trait, excellent world building!

Because it doesn' t add or change anything.

It is just done for virtue signaling.

>This wasn't even on the team at blizzard
Overwatch was made from the ground up for e-sports garbage. Of course they will defend and draw heat away even if its another organization cause that means more money for blizzard. Plus it was done within less of 24 hours when this story broke out.

>Because there's a celebrity aspect to it
Don't watch shitty e-sports but I believe it. Most of what blizzard is doing is more for show because they have no substance. If you can make people love something sub par you can do a lot less work. That and people love celebrity garbage anyway.

>And you might blame the organizers and "sjws" for pushing for inclusion
That is their marketing stand point

>wouldn't be such a big deal if people like YOU didn't make such a big fuzz about it.
It wouldn't be such a big deal to us if YOU and them didn't make it like that shoving it down our throats and when we have a legitimate complaint about something you just yell bigots or something being useful idiots to said company's in question doesn't have to fix anything. So when we realize the pattern and call it out you just scream more.

>Anime poster
every time

>game about a superhero squad
>combat intensive
>no campaign
>no singleplayer
>narrative arc retroactively added in unnecessarily
>unnecessary romance arcs as a secondary point

It doesn't fit the concept, the stories should be almost exclusively about the character developing their skills and the shit they're capable of, not who they bumped genitals with. It's shoehorned.

Is this why there have been countless threads here and social media crying about Tracer and 76?

>Why aren't lgbt/minority/female characters allowed to be badly designed/written.
You just answered your own question

>Why can we have characters like Nathan Drake who can take on giant bosses against all rules of physics but a woman doing the same is "not realistic"?
Mother fucker i just listed Lara Croft as a fine female character and Nathan Drake is just a fucking Lara Croft ripoff.

>Why is the bar so high for non-white/male characters? Niche audiences should be allowed to be pandered to without this amount of backlash. It's just ridiculous.
It isnt high, its the same bar but with the extra caveat of "is this also just to jerk off the authors political boner and/or be used as a marketing tool to take advantage of dumb people" because that happens a lot. Its bad. Its poor form. Its not good. Its deserving of critique.

Except that fewer than 3-5% of video game characters overall are homosexual.

Gay Tony in GTAIV

>Why aren't lgbt/minority/female characters allowed to be badly designed/written?

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Arcade Gannon is a good example. Revolver Ocelot is another. Make them an actual character with being gay only one aspect of their character.

Its incredibly simple. Dont think of them as a gay character, just think of them as a character.

Why does this only come up when the character is gay?
It's wouldn't be in there. They jump through hoops and only care about integrity or ridiculous high bars for character depth when gays are involved.

But they did show and didn’t tell. They never outright stated that Soldier 76 is gay, they gave him a backstory which involved a male lover, thus leading you to the conclusion that he is gay. That’s the very definition of “show, don’t tell.”

Faggots are disgusting.

I mean doesn’t this apply to Morrison/76? Even if he’s gay he’s still 100% motivated by vengeance for what happened to Overwatch and nothing else matters

>>It's wouldn't be in there. They jump through hoops and only care about integrity or ridiculous high bars for character depth when gays are involved.
You're putting them at a high bar to begin with my dude. When gay characters have to be a representative, when they have to be a role model, then it severely limits what you can do with one for fear of backlash.

Because they try to shove it down our throats
Look at kung jin in mk 10, he's a dogshit character sure, but you do not notice he's gay untill Raiden gives a hint or untill Liu Kang shows clear disgust
Faggot 76 is just a pandering piece of shit who turned out to be gay because blizzard needed people to talk about the game they're killing

>Why aren't lgbt/minority/female characters allowed to be badly designed/written?
this has to be bait

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You just described Soldier 76. Literally the only gay thing about him is that we know he's gay. Only the faggots that hate him blow it out of proportion and make it seem like his whole character is being gay, which it clearly isn't. If you want to see one that actually is, look at something like Wallace from Scott Pilgrim, because Soldier has nothing to do with shit like that.

Except then Chu twitted “yeah he’s fully gay btw :)” which kind of nuked the whole show don’t tell thing out the window

It's usually shoe-horned in by assholes who just want SJW points.
I've known quite a few homosexuals in my time, several of them good friends, and the thing is they're just people who find the same-sex attractive. I've never had any of them shove it in my face, screaming about suppression or whatever else, nor have I ever had to deal with them constantly talking about how gay they are and how much they like to suck dick/eat pussy.
The fact that they even have to bring it up, that "so and so character is actually gay, guys!" shows how shallow they are, as well. No one brings up a heterosexual characters sexuality, so why do you make a homosexuals such a big deal?

Wallace was a bro though

>untill Liu Kang shows clear disgust
Based Liu Kang hating on fucking fags

Nice try fag. “Well written” faggot characters don’t exist.

No, because his being gay was entirely a Blizard marketing decision, its very obviously a cold corporate move because nobody was talking about the game, so they dropped that to get some quick attention back on them.

Also Overwatches writing is absolute dog shit because they dont have good writers so theres almost nothing to those characters beyond extremely superficial shit so it only further comes across as soulless and tokenistic.

Sure, but the game came out like 3 years ago with new information that he's all of the sudden gay? Why wasn't that a piece of information given at the start? Seems like they just shove that piece of useless information onto his character for brownie points. Especially in a game with no fucking story

>so why do you make a homosexuals such a big deal?
Hmm I wonder who are the people who do that and who's impotent puritan social media rage is used as free publicity

Male homosexuality maybe. There are many cultures that still consider it taboo. Female homosexuality is easier tho.

Certainly, a bro whose main trait is being gay. He's literally introduced as a "drunk homosexual," that's exactly the first thing the reader learns about him.

it's not when it isn't just a hamfisted pr move inserted after the fact to pander to demographics

With all the fucking characters to make gay in ow why soldier?
Why not a lesbian dva or a lesbian mercy, or maybe both?

Because most of the time its not fucking relevant to the VIDEO GAME, none of this shit matters at all but we still keep going what the fuck

Don't pretend you people wouldn't complain even more if he was gay from the beginning.

No one complained about the gay relationships in games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect or Sims because it wasn’t fucking forced like all games today are. Specifically Overwatch and Apex. No one really cared Tracer was a lesbian because it was already suggested and whatever but it’s pretty suspicious that as soon as the game starts dying blizzard is all “B-BUT SOLDIER IS GAY TOO PLAY OUR GAME LOL”. Apex did it for whatever reason like they needed lore in a fucking battle royale game.

Same with LoL. It was always a joke that Taric was gay and that was fine if he was. Then they started releasing heros and the main point of their lore was that they’re gay. They went to the press specifically to tell them these heros were gay.

If that’s not pandering, I don’t know what is

Because there's no middle ground. You're either a flaming fucking homo who sucks dicks for a living or identical to everyone else but the developers say you're gay. In either scenario it adds nothing to the character and, by extension the GAME

The problem with Soldier 76 isnt him being gay inherently, the issue is WHY. And the why is that it was an entirely creatively-void corporate decision to bring attention to the game, and nothing more. If he was gay from the beginning or at the very least they integrated him being gay more into the character itself and showed what thats like, that'd be different, but as of right now from what i understand its purely lip-service to get woke twitter people to do free marketing for the game.

I’m sorry, but where in Soldier 76’s backstory does it mention Twitter? Why are you judging the game’s writing based off of Twitter posts?

to be honest I don’t really have a problem with Apex because they were pretty upfront about it from the start

That Dirty Bomb game did the same thing with one of their female classes, Grenadier or something

>it's not when it isn't just a hamfisted pr move inserted after the fact to pander to demographics

Yeah you keep saying that but no matter how it is introduced you guys say the same thing. No matter how natural the story arc for the gay character is it's always "pandering". Literally anything pre-Goobergate gay characters were ok but since SJW's have shat on everything you guys jump to conclusions that every fag character is some sort of SJW message.

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>excellent world building!
It's not a story game

>No one complained about the gay relationships in games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect
Please go be underaged somewhere else

Bill from TLoU

>just to jerk off the authors political boner and/or be used as a marketing tool to take advantage of dumb people
this happens all the time with straight male characters though, you have characters like link who don't say a word for people who don't have an affinity for nuanced characters, and there have been games, books, movies, tv shows with political agendas since their inception, I don't understand why this is suddenly a hot topic when it includes female/minority/lgbt characters.

Straight characters are badly written/designed all the time because devs aren't beacons of intelligence/nuance, why are bad characters suddenly an issue when they are women/minorities/lgbt? Horribly written characters like Nathan Drake get a huge pass but nu-Lara is scrutinized to no end for being "strong and independent" like that doesn't apply to Drake too.

why is
>I (male) am in this journey because they killed the love of my life (female)
ok, but
>I (male) am in this journey because they killed the love of my life (male)
is not okay?

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Not him but user i've listed multiple gay characters people are fine with. Acting like any and all criticism of any gay character is just homophobia is extremely damaging to gay characters as a whole because without critique, without a critical eye, they cant improve and outside of some people actively trying, they'll just become tokens.

That Chu chink is the one who wrote that story for bli$$ard

The marketing is done by the reactionaries though. Look at Gillette and Nike.

I don't appreciate a character being made gay after-the-fact just to pander to some group that isn't going to start playing now that they're gay. Does Soldier 76 even have a love interest? Who is it? Do any of the gay characters in Overwatch have any meaningful interactions showing they're gay, or any dialogue at all?

If a character is gay I'd prefer it was known in some form other than outside resources practically unrelated to the game.

>Gays almost exclusively flock to arts
>games are almost exclusively combat related
I mean, probability would dictate that of that 3-5% 2-3% of those would be career combatants, multiplicative. 0.15%. What are the odds you have two career combatants out of a pool of (21?). There is a very small probability that you'll find more than one homosexual superhero tier warfighter. And actually there's a disproportionate representation of homosexuality in just about every form of media.

How does a character being gay improve or change the game?

>Horribly written characters like Nathan Drake get a huge pass but nu-Lara is scrutinized to no end for being "strong and independent" like that doesn't apply to Drake too.
Nu-Lara is scrutinized because they took what was previously a good character and made her shit you fucking idiot.

Not all of us have an autistic hivemind to care user. The game was shit and making a character gay doesn't change the fact that the game is still a mess since launch.

Honestly, I still don't understand what's so upsetting about it. What, do you feel sorry for Soldier 76 because he was used as a marketing ploy from Blizzard? Are you upset at Blizzard for doing marketing? Does it bother you that they want to bring attention to their game? Are you upset that said "woke Twitter people" are being pandered to? What exactly is the problem here?

>all these incels seething over this comment

Because Dva making out with Mercy would pander faggots

Why should fags be shoved in our video games is a better question

>this happens all the time with straight male characters though
Yeah and people bitch about those too, you dumbass.

If he actually mentioned anything to do with homosexuality or having a male lover in the game itself, even if he had done it from the start, the backlash would have been enormous. People would complain that it’s being “shoved down their throats” even more than they already do. You cannot ever have a gay character explicitly mention being gay in this day and age without angering a huge swath of people. That’s why if a writer wants to write a gay character, it has to be so subtle that it isn’t even part of the game itself.

Because they already have a lesbian rep, Tracer, so stop being so damn greedy.


>>why is
>>I (male) am in this journey because they killed the love of my life (female)
>ok, but
>>I (male) am in this journey because they killed the love of my life (male)
>is not okay?
I never said that, dont put words in my mouth. Theres nothing wrong with those two as an idea, but you're a fool if you dont think context and execution arent important factors as well.

>doesn’t remember the alistair spam threads

Rping zoomers need publicity executed

Just imagine the three of them making out being canon

>Gays almost exclusively flock to the arts
First of all, that’s a pretty bold claim, so I hope you have a source for it. Second of all, “gay soldier” is actually a pretty common trope.

Soldier 76 in Overwatch

Lesbians are basically the "acceptable" version of faggotry in mainstrem media.

The problem is that its not good writing and doesnt make for an interesting character.

No it wouldnt. Thats a bullshit excuse for lazy, BAD storytelling. There are characters who have been gay from the get go, like Arcade Gannon, and some who were only later shown to be gay, like Ocelot, that people are both perfectly fine with, and its because of execution and context.

Most homosexual couples are versatile, and a lot more than you think don't even practice buttfucking.

>The problem is that its not good writing and doesnt make for an interesting character.
Oh wow, a game cannot have a few doodoos, if it does then this shit is absolutely unplayable. Everything has to be absolutely perfect, heaven forbid they make a mediocre gay character. Gay representation has to be absolutely, 100% perfect, if not then don't bother with that shit, the standards have to be very, very high, lest we offend the left, right?

Those games are nearly a decade old. For some reason, the concept of gay characters in video games has become less acceptable than it used to be. I guarantee you that if New Vegas had been released in 2019, people would complain about Arcade Gannon.

herf derf feggitz get off my vidyer

why are boys so cute, lads?

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What the fuck

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She was a horribly conceptualized character before though, but that was ok in your eyes because it appealed to your niche, now that they took their property more seriously to bring her to current gen suddenly it doesn't appeal to you and that should be okay, but people like you just can't bear the thought of not being the target audience.

Uncharted before the 4th entry was just as dumb and campy as old-Lara, they overhauled his story and narrative to give it tone that could be taken more seriously and everyone praised his character development.

No they don't, can you name one straight, white male character that has gotten as much backlash for the way he was written/designed as S76 got for being retconed as gay?

>context and execution arent important factors as well
Not when it's a straight, white guy. You can have a guy pick up a sword and go on a mission to rescue a princess without a hint of good writing or nuance and you'll have people only talk about solely about gameplay. You do the same with a female/minority/gay character and you'll have discussions about agendas, shoehorning, forced diversity, etc.

Because you're a fag. It's that simple

Kung Jin is gay and was a new character from 2015 and besides a few retards on Yea Forums nobody complained about him because it was handled perfectly fine.

Not a particularly interesting character, but him being gay was fine.

because it adds absolutely nothing to the game and alienates most of your straight userbase


Imagine not finding yourself attractive. Why are straights so self-hating?

Is your sarcasm detector working, or did your well of arguments already dried up completely?

Because Western devs can't handle variety when it comes to ffag characters. Scruffy, masculine men only. No other type of hay men exist in the mind of western devs.

I'm not self hating because I'm not sexually attracted to myself. Cope harder you gay homosexual faggotron.

>tfw no bf to play video with

How much of a pansy do you have to be to run away from a game at the sight of a single homosexual dude?

>>She was a horribly conceptualized character before though, but that was ok in your eyes because it appealed to your niche, now that they took their property more seriously to bring her to current gen suddenly it doesn't appeal to you and that should be okay, but people like you just can't bear the thought of not being the target audience.
They stripped away everything that made Lara Croft even moderately interesting and instead replaced it with the generic sad crying girl character personality thats been prevalent for the past few years and tis fucking B O R I N G.

Have you considered the difference between Uncharted and Tomb Raider here isnt "MEN GOOD WOMEN BAD" but "Tomb Raider was shit and Uncharted wasnt"?

I mean finding yourself unfuckable yet expecting women to fuck you is pretty weird.

>he thinks most people are as sensitive as he is and won't play a game because of a gay.

too much time in the echo chamber, snowflake.

Naturally it's incomplete, in fact my original estimate was wrong, and it's even less likely. I'm not about to learn python to write a scraper to knock your dick in the dirt, but "C" is the first listing of a soldier out of hundreds of names.

>>No they don't, can you name one straight, white male character that has gotten as much backlash for the way he was written/designed as S76 got for being retconed as gay?
Hercules when they retconned him into being straight instead of being Bisexual during the Marvel Legacy relaunch.

Pretty much every TV drama. Literally every single one.

Actually yeah people would complain about Arcade, but because he has on average the worst endings, best case scenario is Freeside changes forever to something he can’t stand, worst case is you sell him to Caesar as his personal doctor and he guts himself with a scalpel the first chance he gets.

His (and probably Veronica’s) story and endings would get a bunch of people on Twitter and ResetEra pissed because if you don’t show a LGBT character in the most positive and correct light possible then you hate all the gays.

cuz nobody actually likes fags

This. I'm tired of people imagining two hairy old men fucking each other when you talk about gays when everyone I know is pretty much a twink and none of us are attracted to the shit they shoehorn in games.

>Not when it's a straight, white guy
Okay we were talking about orientating, why are you bringing up race?

>You can have a guy pick up a sword and go on a mission to rescue a princess without a hint of good writing or nuance and you'll have people only talk about solely about gameplay

>You do the same with a female/minority/gay character and you'll have discussions about agendas, shoehorning, forced diversity, etc.
For example?

It's just all so tiresome. I'm tired of the same lame gay drama and I'm tired of how homogeneous and inoffensive Western gay characters are.

user what are you even trying to say?

What's pretty weird is not being attracted to the sex you evolved 4 fucking billion years to be attracted to in order to reproduce. A literal faggot saying that straight people are weird is the very height of irony.

no, poorly written characters do not get a pass regardless of their sexuality. I dunno what bizarro land you live in but down here on Earth, most people with a brain hate poorly written characters. because, if it isn't obvious enough, they're POORLY WRITTEN. you gotta be pulling some of this shit from your ass or you assume that the opinions of some = everyone's viewpoint. because most people don't defend a poorly written character. and if they do then they're retarded.

also I don't know that much bout Nathan Drake. I haven't played any of the uncharted games. so I have no say in the matter.

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Post your favorite vidya fags, lads!

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>but "C" is the first listing of a soldier out of hundreds of names.


The problem is clearly Western developers. Switch to Japanese media then.
Your picture and post reminded me that Lillie was written like absolute dog shit, here's hoping she doesn't come to Galar, I dropped the anime because of that cunt.

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It's because people think all gays are twinks. It's very clear that 76 is a well adjusted top.

I clearly haven't evolved to be attracted to roasties, I've evolved to pick up the slack when they abandon their children. Too bad society is too retarded to understand that.

oh yeah Lillie is a poorly written character. but the reaction image is good.

i can't see Reyes being a bottom.

because homosexuals are child molesters, they have HIV orgies and bug parties, and theyre turning kids into trannies and drag queens. they also have single handedly revived tons of STDs that were all but extinct.

Mate, we've foregone everything we've been evolved to do. We don't live as hunters and gatherers anymore, we don't kill our food, we don't do physical activity, we just spend our whole day sitting on our asses whether commuting, working on an office, attending college, and such. What does it matter anymore what we were evolved to do since we already fucked all of it up?
Man, they're very strong individuals to be able to single-handedly fuck the world up that much.

you have a very weird definition of strong, probably because youre a deranged homo yourself. you probably try to argue that blacks are strong because they rob innocent people all the time and make dysfunctional societies of everywhere they step foot in.

>International Law Department
>various senior positions in the Military Advocate General


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Speaking of which, we need more incel representation in video games

>if you get mad you lose

Cuz it's a mental illness, the fact that they're allowed to publicly endorse it is sickening

If homosexuals, which make up a very small percent of the population, are able to destroy civilizations all by themselves then you really have to question just how strong and well-built those civilizations were to begin with.
Look up the definition of what a mental illness is, it may surprise you.

The whole reason you even find Veronica at the 188 is because she’s been ostracized by the rest of the Brotherhood after they found out what team she bats for. Something like that would make ResetERA/tumblr/most of Twitter absolutely seethe.

>replaced it with the generic sad crying girl character personality
More like replaced her with a Katniss Everdeen doppelganger, one of the most popular fictional characters of the past decade. It's no brainer marketing

I'm not talking about the left complaining about characters being straight, I'm talking about the general consensus like people on here being outraged that a straight, white guy was written badly.

>poorly written characters do not get a pass regardless of their sexuality
name one straight, white male character that has gotten as much backlash as S76 for their badly written backstory/development, and I don't mean liberals complaining about space marines.

are you projecting? because all of what you've said is done by straight guys x100

>>More like replaced her with a Katniss Everdeen doppelganger, one of the most popular fictional characters of the past decade. It's no brainer marketing



>because all of what you've said is done by straight guys x100
nice fake statistic you got there homo, ill give you a real one cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/images/2012/thumb_incidence-fact-sheet-figure2.jpg

The way blizzard actually revealed it was fine but they knew their fans are fucking retarded and will need to ask for a confirmation and blow it up the way they did. If blizz didn't want the obvious attention they could have refused to confirm and then hundreds of retards would have a mental breakdown because god forbid something about a character is only ever hinted at

>>I'm not talking about the left complaining about characters being straight, I'm talking about the general consensus like people on here being outraged that a straight, white guy was written badly.
Yes you fucking retard i know thats why i mentioned Hercules, because Yea Forums was in fact very mad about that.

Niles from Fire Emblem Fates is a sadist and a pervert, but Twitter loves him.

>Why is homosexuality such a controversial thing to include in video games?
The best funniest part about this question is that in 10 years you will be asking the same thing about pedophilia.

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gay men make up 18% of the people with HIV, there are 37m people living with HIV, that means there are 30.4m straight people infected with HIV right now

avert.org/sites/default/files/styles/responsive_articlecustom_user_desktop_1x/public/Distribution of new HIV infections among population groups - Global (FINAL 2018)_0.png?itok=F4zoY9YF×tamp=1538144945

Just because it was removed from the list of mental illnesses it doesn't mean it isn't a mental illness anymore, is was the faggots themselves who got their way into the government that did it

>character is stated to be gay like it is something exceptional (soldier 76)
>character is gay because he's gay (arcade gannon)
It is literally a matter of making the character a character and letting the character's character dictate their character.

Projecting much?

so in other words fags are 18 times more likely to have hiv than a normal person? and that changes the CDC.gov's statistic about fags spreading HIV at much higher rates how exactly?

Way to miss the point.
Why do gay people gotta be such gags all the time?

Because when its simply just SLAPPED on a character for no reason other then to be checklisted people dont like it.

>gay men make up 18% of the people with HIV
Making up almost 20% of all people with HIV when you're less than 3% of the population isnt a good look my friend

Holy shit, you're a narcissist.
A purely mentally ill narcissist. You just outed yourself with this post.

I think people hate that S76 specifically is gay. No one really cared that Tracer was shown to be gay. S76 is like the straight man (only in comedic terms now) to a cast of a bunch of wacky tokenisms. Everyone has silly gimmicks and bombastic personalities while S76 was a gruff old guy without much flair.

So, naturally, to be simultaneously as boring and as inoffensive as possible while offending a lot of people, Blizzard made him gay. Another issue a lot of people have is how clearly retroactive the change is. The OW writing team is already a huge joke to people because of insubstantial and pointless every "story" update is, but it's clear that this shit changes on the fly. Brigitte is a prime example of this. First shown in the tiny Reinhardt comic and then later in the Christmas comic, she's a waifish pragmatic mechanic to the massive and flamboyantly chivalric Reinhardt. But because people wanted more female characters that were "strong" (and for some reason this always means physically), Brigitte got swoled up out of nowhere and dropped into the game as Reinhardt-lite. Also, they made her more culturally exotic by changing the pronunciation of her name. Reinhardt referred to her as "Brij-eht" way back in pre-match flavor dialogue with Mercy.

So it's a combination of a lot of stuff: Retroactive strategic pandering by changing the "normal white male" character.

I personally don't have any investment in this and there are other straight white males in the game (Reinhardt, Torbjorn, and McCree - Yes, McCree is as white as most Americans who are about to bitch about him "clearly being of mixed descent" or something), but I think I understand where a lot of the frustration surrounding it.

Fucking this
When Tracer restraining Dva while Mercy does a check up on her body blizzard?

it isn't, only people with fragile masculinity (closeted gays) get mad at LGBT representation

as a straight guy, i don't care, but i prefer when they put attractive gay males like pic related in the game instead of ugly ones

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Sure, gay people are more at risk of contracting/spreading HIV, that doesn't stop 82% of people infected with HIV from being straight, there are more straight people with HIV than there are gay people.

Yeah but I'm not talking about likelihoods or comparing percentages, I'm talking about the raw numbers. People come out of the woodwork to condemn gays when most of the people with HIV out there are straight, and there's no chance of a gay guy giving birth to a baby with HIV.

>Use the same bait with the same image every day
>Yea Forums falls for it every single time

Are you retarded? Do you not understand how statistics work?

Because despite the whole acceptance movement being about treating these things as normal, they instead turn them into marketing events

>dude AIDS
Are we in the 80s? Education has helped a lot with this issue. If you're under 25 and don't fuck randos and use protection or PREP the chances of getting HIV are pretty slim.
Very important issue and education is how we fix it, but I guess you people would be opposed to sex ed too

Your spectrum is showing rofllll

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If you get mad I win XD XD Epicccc

Devs don't know how to implement them and end up making their sexuality into their identify which makes for a boring character

>I didn't read the thread: the post

I thought it was to get the heat off their back from the diablo mobile fiasco. Did you ever notice that when they made soldier 76 gay people stopped talking about Diablo mobile?

Because its rarely 'included'
Its mostly 'injected'

that's usually how trolling works.

>muh hiv muh chances muh 80s
fuck off you bug party having queer

user you're taking what i said into a wildly different direction. I was just telling that guy that it was a bad look when it came to that argument, i wasnt going "GAYS AIDS FUCK FUCK FUCK REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Deus Ex MD ALMOST managed to make a gay character well. They fucked up by making his apartments mandatory to break in to continue the plot.
Without that it's impossible to learn about his orientation and he's a pretty chill guy.

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>that pic.

I'll bite, whats the source?

It’s not a personality trait, and it’s not treated like one. He had a relationship that didn’t work out. Most of the side comics try to flesh out some of the characters and world.

Hmmm... Who should people believe? The biased opinion of an autistic nobody who posts on a Chinese basket weaving forum, or the government and health professionals? Kind of a hard choice...

An excellent argument user, bravo bravo

Why would a happy family man not hang up pictures of his family on the wall? Like I don’t get what you people want. Some people are gay and don’t try to hide it, because so many people don’t actually care enough to even say anything.


>Almost made a good gay character, but they fucked up by letting me know he's gay. Not in an overt way where he loudly proclaimed he was a homosexual as his only line of dialogue, but in that you can find pictures of his partner in his home as one-off environmental details

Every time.

have you ever met a gay IRL Yea Forums? how did they act?

why is
>Me (male) and my significant other (female) just took couple's pictures! let's hang them around the house like couples do!
okay, but
>Me (male) and my significant other (male) just took couple's pictures! let's hang them around the house like couples do!
isn't okay?

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I'll do you one better
Gay dude here
Ask me anything

Because one of them is natural and another is gross and is only related to 3% of the entire population.

It's not.

>A good gay character is one that I never know is gay

Top or bottom? And why?

How long until God kills every single nigger, retard and enslave women?

I haven't heard of this before. What was the guy's name?

Was there more than 3% of gay people in Deus Ex?

My best friend is gay and so I am introduced to a lot of gays. Most of them are effeminate and talk about dudes they have sucked off in the shower room, it's fucking gross and degenerate.

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Better yet, I'm a gay dude. Absolutely none of my friends even guessed until we had the "user, do you have a girlfriend?" talk.
This user's asking the real questions.

Feels good

I like being man handled

But your best friend is gay? I assume he’s actually cool?

>240 replies

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Well yeah, no shit. I don't want to hear about a straight dudes conquests or desires either because who gives a shit (we get it, homos give a shit).

My best friend is also gay, im introduced to a lot gays, effeminates and not effeminates, they talk about things like would any other normal person though.

>conquests or desires either because who gives a shit
how is a few pictures of a gay couple an example of this?

He's fun good with games and such, but when he started down the path of "So I met a guy in the steamroom and we just kind of knew we were into eachother, so we gave eachother handjobs and splooged where others will have to sit HAHA" I became suspect and concerned about what the gay community promotes.

has he ever tried to blow you? just know that all gays are sluts and he probably would if you asked.

But relationships or talking about relationships are often a big part of a person’s life. If there was a straight character and he casually mentioned his girlfriend, no one would bat an eye. It’s not about conquests, it’s about talking about shit that’s actually meaningful.

oh did you think your "we need education! you bigot from the 80s" was an actual argument? shitty propaganda catch phrase, kys.

I don't like to picture a male character having his fudge packed.

I am gay and have never had sex in public or been to some kind of bathhouse. Your friend’s gross bud.

literal brainlet

no inclusion would be the correct inclusion

this basically

idk user

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>there are more straight people than there are gay people.
fixed that for you

literal spam thread, do not answer

It's never done in a natural way. It's always some in your face faggot or just done for brownie points like 76

Honestly there isn't really almost any representation of well functioning families in video games

>straight guys don't talk about the girls they've fucked

it's not. Sure as hell triggers Yea Forumstards though.

You got me again!
Truly a king of debate! I especially love the use of 'kys'. Really shows your maturity.

No he hasnt. Weve been friends ever since before he even knew he was gay.

>just know that all gays are sluts and he probably would if you asked.

I mean, isnt that just like us heteros? Like, i would get laid/blow with every woman that i had attraction and they asked, no questions about it.

It's not, per se. But when you make a press release about "THIS CHARACTER CONFIRMED GAY!" when sexuality has nothing to do with anything is sure to raise a few annoyed eyebrows.
I'm pro gay, but flaming faggots that push shit like that deserve the rope. I don't go around holding parades to show how proud I am of my fondness of skull fucking.

>i would get laid/blow with every woman that i had attraction and they asked, no questions about it.
>every woman that i had attraction
Lets be real user, if a landwhale offered you sex you'd probably take it as well.

>be gay
>don't even pound sphincter
What's the point? I'm a straight man and destroying women's assholes is beyond satisfying.

Imagine being so youtube-conservatism-addled that you're 20 years old but buy into actual 80 year old boomer propaganda about "degeneracy"

It isn't controversial. If it was, no way big ass companies like Blizzard would put it in video games. 4channel is just filled with contrarians, so naturally they hate shit like homosexuality.

>le incel
Might as well have a reddit signature.

There was no press release. They released the comic and that’s when people found out. Then a tweet clarified he was gay when people were asking if he was gay or bi.

>gays make EVERYTHING about their sexuality! us straights NEVER do tha-

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I wonder how many people complained at the time that this naked woman on the page seems a bit forced?

>that vid of him strip teasing for his friend
hnnnnggggg does he still do porn? i vaguely remember him retiring to go legit, but then doing more porn afterwards

Because when it doesn't have anything to do with the narrative/story/lore, it's forced to score points with the faggots and due to the current timeline being the clown world that it is, criticizing fictional character that are canonically homos, will probably get you in trouble.
You can suck dick or fuck girls all day for all i care, but holy shit people need to start keeping it to themselves.

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>Why is homosexuality such a controversial thing to include in video games?
Homosexuality is a product of being molested as a child, the brain in an attempt to cope with being sexually abused, decides to embrace male to male relationships as normal. They seek to either dominate or be dominated by another man, but subconsciously it always feels wrong.
Including a horrible mental illness in your game is not something that should be encouraged.

>40 simultaneous articles on how soldier 76 is gay
Yeah, that's a de facto press release.

In a nutshell:

>Leftists want a cause to fight for
>Righties hate anything that deviates from their norm
>Companies want to appease one or both camps where possible in the cheapest fucking way
>Characters end up being super token, either having Gay as their one character trait or someone tacking on a rainbow asterisk where they're only gay in a footnote

>Meanwhile what gay people actually want is a well-written character

Sexuality isn’t a hobby or matter of taste.
Additional questions come up when you represent someone’s sexuality.
Who are they in a relationship with? What’s their history with this person?
This isn’t even homosexual specific.
You ever wonder why peach’s relationship with Mario is left vague?
It’s because focusing on a characters sexualities and relationships takes away from the main point of a game, which is the mechanics and narrative.
Narrative is not character building, and although character building is fine, it takes time away from the most important aspects of your product.

Finally, to make it clear, Mario was a spaghetti loving Italian from the beginning. It’s like if Nintendo randomly told us Mario was actually Greek.
1. It brings up a bunch of questions
2. There’s no fucking reason to reveal that information.

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if you had maturity you wouldnt chase a virus for sexual gratification
thats a magazine for hetero men though, no one is stopping you from having your poz semen drink bars, even though they should since its a safety hazard.

Because Yea Forums rped too hard as retards and attracted actual retards.

Enough that it gets censored while scantily clad males aren't.
I don't have a problem with innocuous eye candy for women and fags. False equivalence.

Too late. At this rate it will hit bump limit and OP will just make another in the following hour

You guys have claimed OW is dead for like 2 years now and yet you keep talking about it.

Well, its like i said, if at some point of my life i had an attraction on a landwhale, why not? As of now, im not that desperate though, i still have standards to whom i have sex with.

I'm gay and have met 3 other gay people in my life so far. I have been thinking about joining some dating site to find a partner tho. I want something long term.

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At least you're honest about your deficiency. An uncommon trait in newfaggots.

>thats a magazine for hetero men though
Says who? It's a magazine for gamers. Is Yea Forums a forum for hetero men?

I'm gay and I've been on Yea Forums for 13 years, dude.

N-no, this doesn't count because my double standards say so!

Oh come on. You know exactly what kind of people game journalists are. They didn’t need a press release and they knew it.

All three were annoying, flaming queens, though one was still a cool dude overall.
The best gays are the ones you'll never even notice, because they keep their sexual preferences to themselves like decent human beings.

If you're the same person as the post I first replied to, I highly doubt it. Oldfagfags are used to it and ignore it instead of bitching.

Do you tardrage when you see people holding hands?

Because it repulses straight people.

>Is Yea Forums a forum for hetero men?
I've been here calling traps gay for over a decade, so maybe?
Probably not, but a man can dream.

>Is Yea Forums a forum for hetero men?
yes it is a forum for heterosexual people. thats why you have your quarantine board on

It isn't, but when it exists solely for the purpose of making a political point and the game stops to draw attention to 'yes fags exist,' you're going to aggravate your customer who paid to play a video game, not be proselytized to.

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No. Why would I? Effection is not sexuality, unless all those mom's are raping their children.

I mean you're wrong and full of shit dude. I was here for Japan Time, erepublik, japanese bug fighting - all that fun shit.

And 2007-09 is newfag territory, 06 is oldfag. You'd know that if you were here on Yea Forums for any real length of time, cancer.

lgbt is for trannies. r9k is for gays.

Lol maybe if you hang out with mongoloids, grow the fuck up.

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Affection. Sorry, beer made me do it.

Effection is not a word.

the creator of this site is a fag.

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When did OW stop and tell you to clap for 76.

>arrived on Yea Forums in 2006
Haha, jokes on you cocksucker jizz pump. Though I'll be honest, I didn't know what Japan time was until I looked it up just know. I stopped caring about smash after 64.

yes he became a fag due to developing mental disorder. everyone knows that. we should feel sorry for these people, not encourage them.

This. It's not artistically driven in the slightest if your doing it for "points".

>didnt know what japan time was
Then you came on Yea Forums in like 2008 or something, newfag

What’s the political point? Can a gay character not exist in a story without it being political?

Too slow.

This is why I give every gay a chance. Most of the time they just spew their faggotry whenever possible, but on the rare occasion they'll act like a human being who isn't constantly finding ways to embrace debauchery.

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I'm still happy to have pointed it out. Guy was dumb as shit.

>Why is homosexuality such a controversial thing to include in video games?
No one wants fucking degenerates in video games.
Stay with that degenerate shit away and keep your SJW subhumans somewhere else instead of infesting my hobby.

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I was too busy smashing freshman pussy and smoking DUDE WEED as a senior to care about video games at that time.

Don't be a faggot, faggot.

Yeah too busy smoking to play video games, that sounds likely. I'll smoke a bowl in your virginity's honor dude.

I'll take virginity over the herpes I got. Beats AIDS, though.

what is so degenerate about two boys liking each other

Because gamers are cynical and try to sniff out SJW shit to the point of where they claim Californians somehow need to be coerced into making a gay character and they actually don't want to. Some believe that execs force them, others think the industry was infiltrated and people are tricked. There's a variety of reasons people make up, all to rationalize why someone would put a gay character in their game. We're used to video games being heavily marketed products and we suddenly have a problem with marketing decision when it's something like this. People don't like gay people and can't outright say it so they instead pretend to suddenly care about pandering.


stay mad

Because it’s often handled in a way that brings to mind exploitation rather than a genuine desire for representation.

It's not really
The only problem I have is that when it's hamfisted in there it detracts from a character. Characters who are gay as part of their character but actually have a character outside of that (like Veronica in New Vegas) are fine, but turning a pre-existing character like Tracer or Soldier 76 gay just for publicity only comes across as desperate. It's not that they're gay that bothers me, it's that Blizzard is exploiting gays to try and revive their shitty, dying FPS.

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The ones you'll generally see in day to day life are normalfags who make their personality their sexuality.

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Herpes, ew. I'm STD free because I practice safe sex.

We should all wear pink stars on our clothes.

A lot of developers use homosexuality to make a point about their own beliefs rather than to tell a story. I totally believe that when Bioware wrote Dragon Age, they created Zevran and Leliana because they wanted to have gay options in their games, even though they hedged their bets by making them bisexual. I totally believe that when Veronica and Arcade were written for New Vegas that Obsidian considered their sexuality and wanted to create characters that broke the mold to spice up the setting and tell different stories with your companions. That's why I think the "forced" argument is fucking stupid because of course you have to force yourself to write out of your comfort zone, just like when you write a character but realize your game is full of white guys you need to force yourself to reconsider and make them Hispanic or black or anything else instead.

But when Blizzard comes in sounding the trumpets to drop their quarterly piece of Overwatch lore that reveals 76 sucks dicks for fun all while patting themselves on the back and felating themselves over how normal their gay character is, then I have some issues and I start questioning motivations.

I went through the whole list comprehensively:
There are 12 listed for notoriety as soldiers. There are 4849 listings. Of the homosexual population (3-5%) .25% are notorious for their soldiering endeavors. Assuming homosexuality was homogenous across all cultures, the population would be about 375m, of that 375m about 1m could be notorious for their soldiering.

2 of those 12 are women, and had no combat roles. 6 of the 10 remaining had active combat duty. Ultimately you can then .12% of homosexuals have made themselves notorious for their accolades in war.

You mean the ones you notice.

And it's odd that you frame it as them making their sexuality their personality. People don't do that with thots or stacies or chads, it's only gays for some reason. It's like you wouldn't go up to a preppy pink wearing sorority normie chick and say she's making her femininity her personality. Why?

if youre a homo youre not std free at all. studies show homos are all diseased and most dont even know it. muh safe sex isnt bulletproof, especially when youre degenerate queer.

Blizzard has been denying the lore of Overwatch since forever, everything is non-canon.
Soldier 76 being gay for some pointless reason is to appeal to a group of people that will probably change their sexual preferences once they had actual sex with homosexuals and stop being virgins.

That kind of logic coming from a renowned company speaks for itself.

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But I am STD free and I'm gay as fuck. Never taken it up the butt from a dude though.

People just don't like it, and they will come up with all manner of excuses so they don't have to face that fact and lose too many friends.

what do "normal" people think of gays?

everyone hates them, they just pretend to tolerate them not to lose their jobs n stuff

Selecting from the general population at random, there is a .006% chance. That's 1/16666 chance. Pretty bad odds that you select two gay characters that are exceptional at fighting. Mind you these 'accolades' I've described aren't particularly impressive, mostly just being enlisted and evidence of combat, not necessarily exceptional performance in the line of duty, but given the quality of articles offered I'll give the benefit of the doubt.


This and people like to be cynical. It makes people feel smart.

You're a fucking idiot.

>he unironically still thinks "straight" people are a thing that exist
>or "gay" people
>or "bi" people

guys... you don't seriously believe sexuality can be so easily sectioned off into neat little categories do you...

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Didn't they only make him gay in order to get positive PR after a controversy involving Overwatch league though? Sounds to me like gays are fucking subhumans that companies exploit at whim.

>company does thing
>other people who did not do thing get called subhuman
Really makes you think.

>gays don't like thing
>"Wait guys, one of our characters is a gay!"
>gays like thing and now support it as a righteous, progressive product

Really makes you think.

>That's why I think the "forced" argument is fucking stupid
Why? Characters can be forced to fit a certain mold not due to the feelings of the writer or the story, but for the marketing aspect as well. These devs then turn around to people who criticize them for such shallow diversity and say things like "if my game doesn't sell because there is a women in it then your sexist." Intentions matter and the fact of the matter is most devs add diversity into their games to either shit on white people or as a cheap marketing gimmick.
>just like when you write a character but realize your game is full of white guys you need to force yourself to reconsider and make them Hispanic or black or anything else instead
Why? What is wrong with a game filled with only white characters? What is wrong with on only filled with blacks or hispanics? Let creators create what they want, society should not restrict creators or artists to the whims of the masses.

Someone finally said it, thank you. I realized this when I noticed that despite being gay, I have a huge crush on Bayonetta. I don't feel that way for any other woman, fictional or real.

>despite being gay

You don't have to be this way, bro. YOU DOn'T HAVE TO DO IT

If you're born a nigger, can you just wish away your black skin? Don't be stupid, user. If I had any choice on the matter I would've been straight, why would I complicate my life on purpose, huh?

>born gay

Nobody is born gay you dumb fag. You've got a psychological disorder.

It's not, you stupid niggers just make the exact same thread over and over.
Nobody else cares. Nobody who actually plays video games cares. Only you peanut gallery secondary sub-humans obsess over this identity politics nonsense.

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Where does autism come from, genius? Have you ever heard of genetic and hereditary disorders, including psychological ones? Educate yourself before speaking. Funny how you think you know me better than I do.


Please name the gene that contains the gay for me then.

I'm pretty sure you and that gene share names, so chances are you know it already.
I already got help, it's called having good sexual education. Straightfags are the only idiots that don't seem to be aware of the existence of this magical thing called condom.

What about incontinence? I doubt insurance is gonna cover the surgery to close your leaky anus back up in 20 years.

This is not how it works my AIDS-ridden friend.

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fucking kek

is though?

What, haven't you heard? It's been proven that straight people are bigger faggots than homosexuals. Thought it was common sense, but you don't seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed at any rate.
Funny how you have such an obtuse, biased, and clouded perspective that you believe the only way to have sexual intimacy with your partner is through anal penetration, but it makes sense coming from a straight idiot. All you ever think about is putting your dick inside holes.

Dude you're talking with third-world shitposters, it's a fool's errand.

Lol says the actual faggot

People knew that 76 was giving blowjobs to Reaper already.

>It's been proven that straight people are bigger faggots than homosexuals
Yeah you're right, fucking women is pretty gay. Thanks for reminding me.

>What, haven't you heard? It's been proven that straight people are bigger faggots than homosexuals
There's more faggotry in this sentence of your alone than in the entire heterosexual population on the planet, including your dear parents who unfortunately gave birth to the mistake of nature.

Dafuq would you need a condom for otherwise you crazy gayboi?

>but it wouldn't be such a big deal if people like YOU didn't make such a big fuzz about it
>Lol just ignore the hypocrisy of Blizzard being about inclusion when they actually aren't.

Reminder that faggots can't write a single good love story.

Blatant social justice agenda. Forcefeed anything to me I eventually start disliking it.

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Brokeback mountain. Was written by a faghag though.

because i had a very large folder of 76/mercy and it's no longer canon and im not happy about it

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Not that guy but it really is pathetic watching you girly boys cope. Real men like real men.

Some of the worst and most cringeworthy shit i've ever seen.

Not surprised that a faggot does incredible mental gymnastics.

Nope, fucking women is gay as fuck. What seems like a greater conquest to you? Fucking a frail, dumb, and fickle woman or dominating a masculine dude oozing testosterone? Actually, don't reply, your skinny twink ass couldn't handle a real man, you have to settle for womanlets instead.

What specifically didn’t you like

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No, it's just gay, lol

Because it's unnecessary. Also this inclusive SJW shit seems to have become the focus while making actually fun gameplay has taken a backseat.
I don't give a fuck about whether my character is a gay tranny, just give me a good and fun game to play.

Greentext, fallacy, "incel".
It's strike three, hombre.

Why are gays like this?

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Blizzard retconning for the worst.
Imagine my shock.

You're talking as if making a tweet revealing that a character is gay takes away hours and days of actual game development.

You can't name a sigle one gay character that does not fit in that description.

Apparently it does since I can't think of a single SJW "progressive" game that I've enjoyed.

>It's been proven that straight people are bigger faggots than homosexuals.

The lengths you sad, broken people will go to just to cry "no YOU'RE the problem" is sad to watch. Thanks for inventing AIDS.

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I mean I would but I fucking hate pineapples

That's a fine joke, actually

>It's been proven that straight people who fuck women are bigger faggots than homosexuals who suck literal dick and fuck men in the ass

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>implying it's hard to have sex with men

You are truly a riot, my queer friend. As if your absurd sexual preferences aren't enough, you've also managed to convince yourself that having sex with a man is somehow more valuable than having sex with a woman.

11/10, never change user.

>It's been proven that straight people are bigger faggots than homosexuals.

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I doubt it was actually proven, but it sounds true according to my experience.
I know a single gay person and he is not a faggot, but a drama queen bitch. I also happen to know a bunch of faggots that are not gay.

its not a joke, they do this all the time and even have gay bars that serve cum filled drinks and foods. look it up.

That was a joke, user.

He's right. That tweet is a joke.

>All of those retarded anons making serious replies to this
Good job, you got them good

>Real men like real men
Keep telling yourself that while you bite into the pillow

And pray tell which "SJW progressive" games have you tried that you didn't enjoy?

Real men impregnate a woman and support their family. You are a hedonist parading as an idealist and a revolutionary. There's a very good reason your kind have been shunned and outright killed throughout history, and I hope that time rolls around again very soon.

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I love gay porn but I don't want it in my fucking vidya
t. bifag

>Sacrificing your life for a rostie that will cheat on you and leave you paying child support
Such a noble ideal, user. I bet Jamal will appreciate your help.

wheres your proof proof that he didnt actually have real cum on that pineapple?

The kike programming that turned you gay is clearly in full-effect even now. You're a broken person by every definition of the word. I'm going to enjoy raising a family while you wither away in a hospital from HIV.

Because God unironically hates fags.

Where's your proof he wasn't joking. You can't always believe everything you see on the internet

I don’t think there’s anything more noble than adopting orphaned kids and giving them a good life. Anyways, that’s what I say when people spew the /pol/ rant you just did, not sure I could though.

>I don’t think there’s anything more noble than adopting orphaned kids and giving them a good life

It's much more noble than being a gay and raping them.

Yikes, this post sure reeks of /pol/! Good for you though, you'll make your wife and her boyfriend proud.

I know you’re just being a cunt but you know that’s been discredited for some time now.

People like you are the reason more people are starting to sound like /pol/. Keep waging that war against the straights though, I'm sure your cause won't get you strung up from a lamp post.

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>Muh rape
>That Reddit spacing
It sure is summer around here.

If it was my decision I'd put a preemptive bullet in you right now for being a likely child rapist, along with every other fag in the world.

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Okay sweetie, keep on waiting until that time comes. Meanwhile you can shitpost on Yea Forums to feel better about yourself.
>He keeps on spacing like shit
Anger clouds your vision and judgement, user.

why would i assume a homo is joking when they literally have HIV parties? the burden of proof is on you to show hes lying.

It's difficult to show that S76 is a faggot outside of doing some "badass flirting" for any other faggots, which would only translate into being a fucking creep in the Left's views unless any other homo in the cast accepts the flirt.

>muh reddit spacing

Stop trying to pose as an oldfag. You're just a militant homosexual doing it for free in "enemy territory." The only positive to any of this is you're going to get yourself in a Liveleak video once you realize your propaganda doesn't work on anybody but self-flagellatory city whites.

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>nuclear families are richer and therefore suffer less
No shit sherlock not a whole lot of wealth passed down by the gays that were getting lynched 30 years ago. Glad you're wasting your time making this instead of getting a job

Go on and put the preemptive bullet then. All you ever do is talk and talk but you never do shit. All bark, no bite.
>He's STILL spacing like shit
Ononononononono this dude cannot take a hint! Sad!
>Enemy territory
This "territory" was created by a literal homosexual, fucking lmao. You're very clearly the newfag, stop projecting.

Okay. Give me your home address.

>literally have HIV parties
I have literally never heard of any gays having HIV parties. I have, however, met several gays who take PrEP to prevent infection from HIV. So that right there tells me even if gays who want HIV do exist, there are those who do not.