Connecting dots for three hours

>connecting dots for three hours
>nothing is fucking happening
>no story whatsoever

What the fuck. How did this game win so many awards?

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Other urls found in this thread:

The world is the experience, user. If I could compare it to anything, it would be Myst.

>entire game is connecting dots
>game gets excellent reviews
It's almost like the people reviewing games would rather be playing mobileshit.

>line puzzle mobile game for granma in 3d world

much wow

It's def rough at first.
But this game fosters a great sense of discovery and exploration. There is no hand holding, so it's harder but more satisfying in the end.

They made it sound like it killed Portal when its just a halfbaked puzzle game without a narrative

You had to give it good reviews, or else you look like some kind if pleb

>all this brainlet cope

ViDeo GamEs aRe ArT

>connect the dots
>height of intellect

do you also pursue advanced intellectual material such as children's line coloring books?

>he's too stupid to solve maze puzzles from the back of a children's magazine

Stfu and go watch the true ending of the game before you defend this garbage.

Yeah, I never played this game, but I watched the Joseph Anderson video, so I think it's pretty safe to say that I'm an expert on it.

literally nobody in this thread said they ever have problems solving the benign shit in this boring game

It's Myst, without the interesting puzzles, story, characters or setting.
It's Uru or Myst 5.

i enjoyed it
100%ed it in fact
it's very well put together

it's better than myst

Great game but so pretentious it makes me hate it

Blow is an insufferable faggot

Not every game will be to your liking, user.

idc about the story desu
gameplay and exploration felt great and supported each other well, that's all i ask for.

>i enjoyed it
i got bored of it after an hour or so. the puzzles arent difficult until the last one in its series. but even then, it's just following the glowing cords until you find more of the same puzzles.
>100%ed it in fact
what happens, anything good?
>it's very well put together
i dont think it is. what makes it well put together?

>what happens, anything good?
nothing really. you can trigger a final environmental puzzle and that just resets the game.

>what makes it well put together?
the teach-by-doing approach to introductory puzzles is well through out and the difficulty curve as you progress is fairly linear for the most part.

the evironment's nicely constructed. nice balance of aesthetics while still enabling the environmental puzzles. i'm assuming getting all those environmental puzzles to work is probably a completely nightmare to deal with just from an environment design perspective.

Agree with everything except being better than Myst. The glaring lack of narrative and the fact all the puzzles are permutations of the basic "draw a line" rule render it worse. Not to say it isn't good, cause finding so many ways to draw a line is very neat, but it don't top Myst.

It's one of those game that takes more than one hour to enjoy. I also hated it the first time I played.
It definitely has challenging parts and clever moments. The first series are easy, of course. 100% is nice bc it requires you to figure out all those clever tricks.
It's well put together bc later on mechanics are combined together. The game gatekeeps content through your ignorance of mechanics, nothing else. You can finish the game in 10 minutes once you know everything.
Also has one major "holy shit" moment.

this game is so shit and a complete waste of time.

>dude it's just like the talos principle, give it a try
>load it up
>visuals are pretty nice
>first puzzles are pretty nice
then i realized every puzzle is literally the same screen and dropped it like hot garbage. which is a shame, because it really looks nice and you can tell they tried to make it good.

>assume since it's a 3D exploration game the environment is part of the puzzle
>connect the sun to a puzzle at the beginning
>get really confused by what happens and quit forever

>it's better than myst

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to each his own. narrative's never been particularly important to me and i suppose i place more value on the 'we're going to take this one idea and do it in as many was as we can' than others who don't enjoy the game. if you judge it on what it is, i think it's largely successful. the shoehorned philosophy lessons not so much, but i found them easy enough to ignore.

Why should a video game have a story? It is not a film. If you think the 'narrative' in Portal should be found in all puzzle type games then you would be better off watching a film than playing a game

its really pretentious and blow has his head way to far up his own ass to actually make a decent game
its one of thoses things where unironically staying you like it is a massive tell you're a psued

>Interesting story
>Interesting characters
>Interesting setting
Jon pls go

Then we are more or less in agreement that the game is good. I am glad to see you have some refined taste.

Have you tried making these kinds of puzzle man? Shit's difficult, thus the high praise

You're an idiot, and you deserve to not have any fub.

B-but Yea Forums told me gameplay was the only thing that mattered

The user you are replying to agrees with you, user.

play the talos principle instead. great story and better puzzles. the shitness is trash.


>connecting dots

>Why should a video game have a story?
why shouldn't it? it's not a football game

How is doing random shit for most of the puzzle until you guess what an unexplained mechanic does fun?

>Dev makes connecting dots into engaging puzzles
>Mixes it up with ingenious use of nodes, hints from the environments, lighting
>This brainlet thinks making those didn't take effort at all

I feel sorry for your parents.

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I played through the entire game using a walkthrough. Fuck the devs and fuck indieshit.

Some of the hidden puzzle locations are more impressive than the actual puzzles themselves.


You seem to have trouble reading, I'm suprised you didn't enjoy The Witness.

The final challenge is the best shit in this game, the cutscenes are garbage though

>still connecting stupid dots for 5 hours


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> “Want to make the difference, be the difference! T.Shithead

I REALLY wish this game had some sort of music.

People who give awards away

They don't play games

Plenty award-winning games are utter dog shit

Her Story, fuck you

Bioshock infinite, fuck you

Wolfenstein 2, ultra fuck you

>rebbit spacing
fuck you

>it's not a sports sim therefore it should have a story
>i need muh vidya to have a story because I don't get post modernism

Because those things aren't the only things that can make a game great, apparently.

Things were fine without stories even before post modernism, dude.

who are you quoting?

This game gave me PTSD for Hall of the Mountain king

glorified mobile game with walking sim attached to it. no clue how it won anything at all.

It's a puzzle game. Of course nothing is happening, you idiot.

I have no idea what you retards were expecting from The Witness, but it's the coolest fucking puzzle game I've ever played.

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Who the fuck plays The Witness for the story?

Are you retarded or something? It's like complaining about the story of Tetris

connecting dots for puzzles was one thing,
but being able to click anywhere in the word you saw a sphere or circle changed the way you explore as soon as you realized that mechanic existed and it was this amazing "...ah ha....HOLY SHIT" moment
the side of the temple had like 10 built into the cracks, the refection of the sewer pipe along the water,
that one cloud that let me click and it was obvious, but I wasnt in the right pixel perfect spot AAAAAAAAAAAAA
it was just a cool experience that btfo'd storyfags, and every single part of the world had to be analyzed. Maybe people wouldn't feel disappointed if there weren't human statues everywhere and a D grade attempt "ending".

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Portal set the gold standard. I was expecting this game 8 years after would blow it away. Apparently not.

I stopped at a little bit in the marsh area with yellow dots. fuck this game.


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its a video game. all video games are benign. did you just buy a dictionary?

Portal is a funny walking sim with great writing and a few fun little physics puzzles along the way. I love Portal, but it seems pretty dumb to compare it to a straight-up puzzle game.

>Joseph Anderson
Back to circlejerk with you.

The puzzles in Portal were extremely easy, even the extra advanced ones.
It's just a justification to develop le wacky Valve story.

this is the only valid complaint that ever deserves to be spoken
atleast the trailer theme was god tier

>le wacky

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This is still the funniest article ever written about this game.
>This game is dumb, the puzzles don't even work
>look at this puzzle, there's no solution, you just have to guess
>every comment explains the solution

Any problem nerd?

yes, learn to form a sentence without buzzwords.

>The witness

>the king of the edgelords Thomas Pynchon

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>Uses fucking Pepe
>Complains about buzzwords
Lmaoing at your life.

>The game gatekeeps content through your ignorance of mechanics, nothing else. You can finish the game in 10 minutes once you know everything.
That's bullshit though. Each area forces you to do its puzzles in a predetermined sequence, even if you've figured out the mechanic early and could solve the final one from the get-go you have to go through all the simple and boring ones. This completely kills the replayability.
>100% is nice bc it requires you to figure out all those clever tricks
Bullshit again, 100% is mostly hidden object game with all the enviromental puzzles, which doesn't require any logic at all.

I accept your concession

I got about half way through the game. I think some of the puzzles are great, but some of the later ones are too hard. Many of the puzzles simply don't have obvious clues that could realistically be expected to be picked up by the player. The progression of the puzzles is uneven making it nearly impossible for the player to complete later puzzles.

>You see *sniffs glass of farts*
>The world is actually *wraps lips around glass and inhales*
>The experience *licks the rim of the glass*

>The Witness, a puzzle game, full of puzzles, includes puzzles that, logically, have more than one correct solution, but only the one the developers have decided is the proper correct solution works. So the puzzle in the puzzle-game isn’t really a puzzle, which means the puzzle-game is only kind of a puzzle-game, and you’re still puzzled but, like, not in the way you expected. But that’s the point, I think.
I don't have a brainlet picture grotesque enough to accurately convey this man's retardation

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>puzzle game
>concerned about replayability

Can someone explain this to me? Didn't you figure everything out the first time? What would you get out of replaying a game like this?

>Played a game about connecting dots
>Took 3 hours to connect the dots that it is shit

I guess you weren't very good.

i never heard it being compared to portal user and if anyone said that is a dumb fuck

i'm sorry you couldn't finish the game, next time we'll throw an easy mode for you

t. pic related

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Wow this game is pretty goo-
>Sound puzzles

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This game is the ultimate pleb filter

>implying this game can be difficult for anyone

lmao you pseudo intellectuals just out yourself as brainlets

>get to the color section of the island
>i'm colorblind

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it's not that hard user, just watch a youtube video if you need it

>The Witness absolutely does not respect the player’s time in any way, even though it emphatically claims that it does.
I mean, he's not wrong.

Yeah 95% of the puzzles make sense and the rules are obvious, then you get to that 5% and nothing makes sense even with a walkthrough.
Especially when very different rules get mixed together, such as stars with blocks, or stars with black-and-white blocks, or stars with stars

brainlet who needs youtube

How?! It's the easier part of the game

The fucking movement of everything that is animated is so fucking slow - like just let me cross the fucking bridge for fuck sake

I don't necessarily disagree but it is telling a story but it does it through level design and gameplay. It's no Moby Dick but it's there.

Sekiro threads
>lmao at these babby journalists asking for an easy mode
>fucking git gud retards you should have to EARN your victory in vidya

>The Witness threads
In all seriousness, this is definitely the root cause of a huge portion of the debate over this game. I fucking loved the fact that it pulled no punches, offered no hints, and forced you to reason your way through some really difficult stuff. But I also know that I happen to be good at the sort of reasoning demanded by the puzzles in the game. Everyone's brain works in different ways, and if you happen to not be as good at that sort of reasoning the game just sorta shuts you out.

>no story
how to spot a pleb

this part took the longest for me
I just couldn't fucking get it even though it was kinda obvious
I expected more sound pitches if it were based on sound

>i need muh vidya to have a story because I don't get post modernism
Do I have a game for you

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Solving the convoluted puzzles that constantly change the rules makes people feel smart and the story is pretentious 2deep4u crap.

>that constantly change the rules
The rules literally never change. That's the whole fucking point of the puzzles. You learn new rules and they never change.

They make no fucking sense
You hear 5 random noises, then have three pegs, and am I supposed to be able to tell which are low and high pitched apart?
Also the panel disabling after every wrong attempt was infuriating

I found the game to be really fun.
The idea of getting to understand different puzzle mechanics through exploration was fresh and well executed

What impressed me was that it managed to take one simple connect the dot concept and explore it in a variety of different ways. I was getting bored by the end but props for keeping each new block of puzzles feel unique.

It's crazy the pitchs are obvious. Maybe it's because i play intruments?

>am I supposed to be able to tell which are low and high pitched apart?
...yeah? Do you have some kind of issue with audio perception? The aural equivalent of colorblindess or something?

It was good enough I enjoyed it. If you want a real puzzle game though play Baba is You. The endgame gets absolutely crazy.

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Probably, I was always awful at anything audio related

>am I supposed to be able to tell which are low and high pitched apart
Yes, but it's not a good idea for a puzzle, since apparently some people simply can't tell different pitches apart. It's definitely the weakest part of the game

her story is genius tho

>Some people can't see, how can you explore the island?!

I've been meaning to play this. It seems to have a similar structure to the Witness, where it takes a simple concept and does all kinds of crazy shit with it.

Bioshock Infinite and Wolfenstein 2 are absolute ass, but have you actually played Her Story?
I thought it was pretty amazing

More like The Witless

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For me, it's the Talos Principle
>better lore
>better puzzles
>better secret areas

t. brainlet

This game makes me feel like a baby with ADHD. I know I can solve the puzzles if I commit the time to them, but it feels like such a grind, so I just end up switching back over to picross

Key Is You, open the door, then use the Is as a bridge?

I like the puzzles in Witness more.
But if you care about any kind of story, Talos Principle is obviously hugely better in that regard

Keys disappear when they open something, so you'd die

>it's another autistic savant programmer gamedev codes a slick and innovative game engine but can't make a good game with it episode

reminder that autistic programmers are technically retards and need to be wrangled by alphas such as John Romero in order for the game to turn out well

Every other challenge in the game requires 1. being able to see, colors included 2. Being able to handle a control peripheral 3. Basic logic.
One single puzzle type that requires an ear for music is bad design in the same way that suddenly having a minigame that uses entirely different mechanics from the rest of the game is

>That headless kamikaze moment
>The Serious Sam voice pack
I need to replay it.

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Did you post the wrong thread?

Smart puzzles on a eye hurting puke inducing background
God the release build of this was a mess

The Witness is a good game if you like the sort of puzzles it has. It also looks really good

It's comfy. And feels metroidvaniaish.

>turn on podcast or asmr music
>just run around doing puzzzles and shit

Is that why this game took so long? They were making their own game engine?

>Don't add new mechanics it's bad game design, just do the first puzzle type all game!

It's really strange to me how the game doesn't have any music. It doesn't have very prominent environmental sounds either.
The Myst style where every puzzle area has its own relaxing but mysterious theme would've worked really well

it was programmed/designed mostly by one guy, Jonathan Blow, who also made Braid. he's a genius but like most geniuses his process is borderline wankery

He has a team and at least 2 prog tho

Yes. And while I love the game, I don't think it was worth it. Only thing they really needed it for were the puzzles that used the lighting and shadows as hints, but nobody but Blow cares how they're simulated in real time

I hated the sound puzzles around the bamboo forest, fuck that place.

They did make their own engine, but I think the better reason for why it took so long is explained here:
There was a lot of fucking thought that went into just about every aspect of the game's design, even about stuff most people will never consciously notice.

Ambient noise would ruin all of the sound puzzles, since those are supposed to stand out enough to give you a clue to the puzzle. Imagine if there were ambient bird noises all over the island, you wouldn't even notice what the sound puzzle in the jungle is trying to tell you. Also I think the island being completely lifeless and still is a pretty nice aesthetic.

You're misunderstanding what I mean, and most likely on purpose

every game needs 50 different songs and flashy graphics and wacky characters and waifus and gay dudes and animals that talk and magic fantasy abilities and confusing as fuck story and complete garbage HUD with a talent tree system that literally makes no difference and more silly weeb shit that only kills the good feeling of a good simple well executed concept like thw witness has managed to capture

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I wish those had subtitles, as a deaf person it's hard to hear that stuff.

There's some good stuff here. Thanks.

And only one (1) mechanics because it's good game design

It has only one method of interaction, but learning its many mechanics is the main challenge of the game

Reminder that if you disliked the witness / thought it was boring / thought it was confusing / wanted some sort of tutorial / wanted a story / had almost any other conceivable complaint, you are just a moron plain and simple. This is a game for people with brains and a willingness to use them. Honestly, it's utterly pathetic listening to you people cry about how butthurt you are that you couldn't survive this game, which is at best a medium difficulty puzzle game in the later parts. Everything is perfectly clear in its tactile explanations, it's obvious where you are not supposed to go yet, it's obvious what the meaning and story are meant to be by the end, and the whole thing is positively enthralling all the way through.
If you want to bother disagreeing with this post, I will only take a word you say seriously if you have beaten the final challenge OR have at least a bachelors degree in pure mathematics. Otherwise your ramblings aren't worth my time.

I'm at the part with Tetris pieces.

The tutorial teaches you to draw the line on a shape of one Tetris piece and make sure said Tetris piece is within the border.

At some point the rules completely change and stop making sense.

Fuck this shit.

>literally a line puzzle mobileshit game in a walking swimulator
>so genius xD

I bet you think olive garden is classy

I liked the game enough to beat every single puzzle in it, and I understand perfectly well how it just isn't for everyone.
I hope your dumb rant is pasta

The witness has perfect sound design for the game. Imagine being stranded alone on the island, the only animal on the entire mass. Is there random fucking music playing? Is there a bunch of shit happening? No, every sound is either due to your interaction with the world or some kind of electric hum.
The whole fucking point is that you're the only moving living thing on the island.
This makes the noise in the bamboo forest, the interior of the mountain, the river, the windmill, etc that much more noticeable and important.

No, it's not for everyone, as I agreed in my post. In fact, I said who it's not for. It's not for fucking idiots.
It's probably also not for some other people too, but most of them are still stupid I bet.
It IS for math people, and those are the only people I respect.

>no story
is this true? I always thought it was a firewatch/vanishing of ethan cartor type game. If so that's pretty disappointing

Don't get frustrated. The tetris is probably the toughest puzzle type, but it's entirely logical when you get it.
The idea is that you often need to combine the shapes and draw around said combination, not the singular pieces.
Did you look behind the initial tutorial panels? There's some that try to teach the combination thing, but I didnt' get it right away either

You're just a moron. Sorry.
Make sure the pattern of the piece contains that piece.
Are there more than one piece? You can combine them in your line pattern. Is the piece tilted? You can put it in any orientation. Is the piece blue? You have to subtract it from a yellow piece.
All of these rules are perfectly consistent and introduced at a slow pace. Let me know if there's something that doesn't make sense with these. It's possible I've forgotten a rule.

I quit the game when I had to emulate the pattern of rocks in the sea but starting the puzzle triggered a forced perspective that didn't line the rocks up the way you were supposed to put them.

It's a fucking puzzle game. With puzzles. Why the fuck do you absolute troglodytes need everything to have a god damn fairy tale in it?!
>im too stupid to recognize sophisticated art
>must be the other guy that's classless!!
I bet you're one of those tools who hates all modern art because of a few bad eggs.

Yes, there is no story.
The games you mentioned are pretty much interactive stories, but Witness is a pure gameplay thing. It's just entirely different

Yes, that's on purpose. It's meant to show people who click on the puzzle right away that sometimes the solution to a puzzle isn't directly on it.
Did you just not understand this somehow?
The witness is impeccably crafted. Everything is intentional.

Okay I'll try

What about those hedge labyrinths in the castle?
The first one had some gates that blocked your way so that you only had one route to reproduce on the panel at the end, but from the second one the routes are free.
I tried projecting the gates from the first labyrinth to the second, I tried looking at the shadows. What am I missing?

A lot of games can be considered art. This faux intellectual attempt isn't one of them.

I'm not a math person, but I loved the game
Math is just one way to look at the world, and other perspectives are just as valuable

>all this hate for a genuinely good and challenging puzzle game

I see the brainlets are out in full force ITT.

Listen carefully


Overall I dug the game but I am not a fan of the environmental puzzles, as they are essentially "pixel hunting" exercises where standing in the right place is more important than any sort of figuring out of the puzzle.

One guy calling people who don't like the game morons is pretty obnoxious though.
I thought people who liked this peaceful and relaxing game would be more chill

I consider them a bonus feature, since they don't even unlock anything. Doing a few when I happened to notice them was fun, but hunting down every single one is just a chore

the only reason someone wont like this is because they cannot figure out how to play it , so therefore they are morons

Or perhaps you are just a tasteless idiot who thinks garbage like overwatch and the last of us is art?

It's a good game with a nice atmosphere but the developer is an idiot and put a bunch of pretentious sound clips into the game because he wants people to think he's very smart but he doesn't actually give off that impression.
Also he was quite mean to that one Japanese guy at a convention one time.

Fuck you, "chill" people are a blight on the world.
Based, taking up the moron mantle. Good to know there's someone else in this thread who isn't a bend-over-and-fuck-me shiteater.

It's fine if it's not you're kinda game, and it doesn't make you a moron if you just can't get into it and find it enjoyable. But it's pretty suspicious when you have all of these posters sperging out over stupid shit like it being light on the story side of things or that it's all just line puzzles (ignoring the sheer amount of complexity and variety they get out of this simple game game mechanic). Anyone criticising the game from that point of view is a born and bred brainlet.

Also probably look all around you.

I've personally observed people who were able to solve the puzzles just fine, but didn't find them fun or rewarding enough to play through the whole game

Nah, you're wrong. People who can't get into the game are objectively stupid. The witness is essentially a big IQ test.

See, you're a brainlet too if you don't see how the video and sound clips synchronise with the gameplay itself.


Part of being intelligent is having a curiosity for things which are interesting and deep. E.g. "Smart but lazy" is not smart.

Imagine if Fifa had soundclips over it talking about philosophy 101.
>Do we ever stop to think about why we kick a ball across a field?
Really activated my almonds.

Oh yeah, look at the ground on the second maze. If I remember correctly

You do realise that difficulty isn't the only reason you might not like a particular style of gameplay right? You can be good at this type of game but not particularly enjoy doing the puzzles. I played plenty of games that I was good at but didn't really enjoy and so never finished.

>"Smart but lazy" is not smart.

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thought the tapes were cool until that one bitch started going off on how there are no borders from space. bitch what are oceans and mountains like nigga do u even geography

I'm lazy as fuck and I beat the game. Because it was actually fun, unlike work.

The puzzles are not inherently interesting. Some people like solving them, some people don't. It comes down to taste, not intelligence

>people comparing it to Myst
That reminds me, is Obduction any good? I used to love Riven back in the day and would love something similar.

It's pretty good, but there's far too few puzzles. And the last world is obnoxious, because you constantly need to go into loading screens.
And one repeating puzzle type is too easy to bruteforce.
But it's still pretty good, 7/10

>"Smart but lazy" is not smart.

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In good puzzle games puzzles it's enough to forget the exact solutions to have fun figuring them out a second time. They also need one puzzle tops to introduce a new mechanic and then combine it with other mechanics in creative ways.
In Witness you have to solve a clear sequence of puzzles for each given type. And half the puzzles are just there to "explain through parctice" what the basic rules of the puzzle are instead of just telling them.
All redditors creamed themselves over this because its ebin game design when you're explaining it, perfect for a GMTK youtube video or some shit. Such teaching, much learning. In practice it's just annoying if you're any smarter than the intended audience or playing a second time.

It's clearly unfinished and relies too much on one specific puzzle type. They nailed the atmosphere of visiting Age-like worlds though.
There's nothing else like Riven really.

I'm saying that people who claim they are smart but lazy are usually actually dumb. Just look at /sci/. Intelligence comes with being curious and motivated. If you aren't these things then you may be booksmart, but you're not intelligent and will not hold up in, say, graduate level mathematics.

Nah, as the smartest person in this thread I think I can safely assert that you're just a seething idiot who doesn't understand how to replay the game.

You don't need to solve the tutorial puzzles to progress.
Also, you can access many areas earlier if you know all the symbols from a previous playthrough. I think the game takes replayability into account as well as it can

okay but you can be smart and not feel motivated by something that doesn't interest you. Like the Witness, it could just not appeal to someone, that doesn't make them an idiot.
not everything is "interesting and deep" to everyone to the same degree.

I unironically agree with that user.
"Smart but can't apply himself" shouldn't even be a think, just call the kid a dumbfuck.
That's what he's equivalent to anyway, in results. No need to sugarcoat it.

Actually, "Not the smartest, but a hard worker" would be a hundred times preferrable to the poisonous "Smart but lazy" trap.

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You may be right to some degree, but not enjoying something is not laziness

Those stupid fucking recordings under the lighthouse were all the proof I needed that the devs created this game from up their own arses.

It's way 2deep4ur right wing brain OP

>Smart doesn't mean smart

>don't you realize that the bad game is INTEnTIoNAL you pleb???

The idea is that for solving an extra challenge, you get to see a clip that the dev thought was interesting.
I think that's a nice approach. It's definitely more interesting than just getting an achievement or something

I think you just ran into a bug or an oversight. None of the environmental puzzles should have forced perspectives from what I remember, and I solved them all

>hold down your mousebutton while you waste over and hour watching a movie from behind some wall
Really need a brain for that one.

It's a dumb gimmick that Blow likes for some reason, there was a similar "puzzle" in Braid too.
In both games they're bonus challenges that don't really give you anything though, so I don't think it's too bad

>I beat the whole game without ever realising that line puzzles were also hidden in the scenery

I was using smart but lazy as an analogy, not saying that its directly related to the witness.
Of course, it is.

Nope, I know exactly what he's talking about and it's totally intentional. One of those puzzles on the symmetry island where you draw the stone pillars and their reflections in the water makes you look a few feet away to see the proper pattern before going to the display and putting it in. Totally intentional.
Right, because you're definitely not the stupid one.

it really helps the case of this game when you call everyone who didn't like it stupid

Not what we mean. "Smart but lazy" is something people call themselves to feel good about themselves. The idea is that "smart but lazy" doesn't exist.
Or, if you'd like, one must differentiate between "booksmart" and "intelligent."
One is worth way less than the other.

"Worth" is subjective, brainlet.
IQ is not.
You can be incredibly smart without applying that knowledge in any useful directions.

No one's making a "case." There is no way to make people like the witness who already dislike it. They're just too dumb to enjoy it.
We're just hoping that you'll recognize how idiotic you all are and stop... sharing your opinions.

>t. /pol/tard who lives in his mom's basement
face it, if you're not motivated to learn and discover, you're no smarter than your average construction worker. It's pointless to call yourself smart if you don't actually do anything.

ah so you're "smart" because you dedicate time to arguing with shitposters.
I get it now.

Bear with me here. Imagine you're a Godlike being with complete knowledge of everything in the universe and nothing left to learn. Are you suggesting that because this being isn't striving to learn more, because it already knows everything, it must therefore be the stupidest entity in existence?
Smart has nothing to do with striving.

>They're just too dumb to enjoy it
Please stop, you're giving both The Witness and the concept of intelligence a bad name

>What the fuck. How did this game win so many awards?
people like games that make them feel smart for solving problems that are trivial relative to the most basic work done by actual scientists and engineers every day

>too dumb to enjoy it.
this is what I've been trying to explain to people who don't like touhou

Such a being would then know how to forget things that it has learned, and would immediately do so, for that being would have no drive to exist without any mystery to elude it.
Or maybe it wouldn't do that, in which case yes it's a fucking idiot.
No, I don't dedicate time to arguing with shitposters. I do it while I'm procrastinating about studying for exams, like I'm doing right now.
Of course, I've almost done all the work I need to. A little break can't hurt anyone.

>tfw I only had to look up the answer to one puzzle out the entire game.
>It was the puzzle where you had to listen to the water drops in the shipwreck

I just couldn't be bothered anymore. Everytime I'd spend like 2 hours listening to the water drops then give up and walk around the island.
I feel ashamed.

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Having information and knowledge doesn't have very much to do with being intelligent.
I'd say being smart is about applying your knowledge well, so the "smart and lazy doesn't exist" thing probably has some point to it

>If someone was really smart they would kts
Now that's jogging my nogging

i had this issue too when i played this for free on PS4. one of the rock formations didn't line up at all like all the others and i sat there inputting all kinds of different patterns in hopes to just bruteforce it and i never managed to do it, so i skipped that whole area because "hurr, you can't activate the other puzzles unless you finish these ones" so i ended up doing the Tree puzzles with the apples/broken branches pretty easily but the reward was just a fucking room with concept arts/anatomy drawings iirc. and then i took a quick look around much of the island and uninstalled. i was already bored after the intro puzzles. what a fucking bore.

That is exactly how I feel about Touhou as well, lmao
It's not my job to give your video game a good name, Blow. Nor is it my job to model the concept of intelligence. I'm trying to school fuckers on their stupidity.

You can be able to apply knowledge without being willing to apply it.
This is really simple.

Yes, but an unwillingness to apply it indicates a lack of drive and curiosity, which are essential parts of intelligence. Again, knowing things / knowing how to apply things does not make you intelligent. A cookbook isn't a good fucking chef.

Oh NOW I know the rock formation puzzle you guys keep talking about. The rock formation is a red herring, you actually need to look at something else for that puzzle. How it doesn't line up is a hint that you're thinking about it wrong.
Anyway, if you didn't have fun just doing the puzzles the game isn't for you. The reward for solving puzzles is always just more puzzles, which for me was just fine

>drive and curiosity, which are essential parts of intelligence.

>drive and curiosity, which are essential parts of intelligence
not really. they're essential parts of motivation, maybe.

He's making up his own definitions, just to prove that everyone who doesn't like The Witness is dumb.
It's probably autism

Oh man, I remember looking at that one and thinking, what the fuck? I have nothing to go on. But then I realized this is one of those games where you have to expand your mind, think outside the box.

This game really has a habit of making you feel dumb sometimes. I remember I was stuck at the colored glass house because I didn't once think to look through both the yellow and blue glasses.

You people define intelligence in a stupid way then. What's the point of being intelligent if you don't put it into practice?
Apparently I can run a 4 minute mile because I decided I could, and as long as I never try to no one is allowed to tell me I can't.

>be in 2nd grade
>learn how to mix paint colors

>What's the point of being intelligent if you don't put it into practice?
What's the point of intelligence if you do put it into practice?

>Apparently I can run a 4 minute mile because I decided I could,
it would be more like you training and having the physical capability to run a 4 minute mile, but not doing so. with your logic, that would make you out of shape.

What's wrong with Joseph Anderson?

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>200+ replies
What's the point of replying further I always wonder.
It's a great puzzle game, with an undeniable hint of pretentiousness since it's a Blow game. I played Braid before and went in fully expecting some dumb stuff and that's what I got.
Loved the movies and checked their sources, though.

That glass puzzle was so good. It's such a simple and logical idea, but I was stuck there for a while too

>with an undeniable hint of pretentiousness since it's a Blow game.

That's why I literally can't stomach playing/enjoying his games. That smugness bleeds through too much

But you're not training shit. Just pretending you could.

He makes extremely long videos that often fail to see the bigger picture and just nitpick about details

If you were smarter maybe it would make more sense to you. Oh well. It takes all kinds.

They're not in your face except for the ending and those scattered tapes, though. It's very easy to ignore and only focus on the puzzle and world.

Because unlike most games today this one doesn't insult your problem solving skills by giving hints or skips.

It would be considered shit if they added in normie shit like objective highlighting and easy mode.

It was still a pretentious as fuck game, but mixing in puzzles with the videos was pretty nuts.

I find it kinda charming. Also, it doesn't affect the genuinely well designed gameplay, just the optional reading/listening material

that movie reviewer who fucks dogs loves this game for some reason

As far as Blow games go The Witness isn't really pretentious at all. There is no story at all, and all statues/recordings are just there to spice up the map and look nice. Same with the videos under the windmill, it just seems like Blow's youtube playlist of liked videos. There's no real deeper meaning for anything in the game as it's all window dressing for the puzzles and that's pretty much as unpretentious as you can get.

I always like discussing the game, but it will never be as fun as the early threads where people shared tips and helped those who got stuck. They're one of my best Yea Forums memories

Blow just puts random quotes and clips of stuff he likes without an actual underlying theme between them. Again, there's some really nice stuff to watch with the hidden theater but the ending is stupid and the hidden ending is almost hilarious if you see it as some sort of parody.
But it probably has some 2deep meaning in his brain.
Still, great puzzles that use simple mechanics and go crazy with them, great mechanics that blend with the actual exploration and the pretentious stuff is out of the way except for the ending. I'd recommend this game to anyone who likes puzzles because it is great.

I liked how depending on the lighting you could get different answers for the elevator puzzle in that area, and they expected you to learn which colors change to what so you can skip the floor that was inaccessible.

The only problem with that area was that the lighting fucking destroyed my eyes, now im blind.

Heh, sounds like you thoroughly enjoyed that Blow job.

I enjoyed most of the videos and recordings, but they do have an air of "look how smart I am" to them, since they're obviously Blow sharing some of his faves with you.
I think some of the tapes kind of allude to the theme of the puzzles nearby to them (same with the statues). Like the space travel thing about seeing the world from a different perspective, that's next to a puzzle where you need to look at it from many different angles. I can't make that connection with all of them though

You had to listen to the drops, and the hollow bellowing sounds.
They both make a pattern. Try to determine when the pattern starts, which might not be obvious at first, so try different starting points.

Yeah, literally anyone with a brain got that.

Comfy af
simple as

This game is really good

The sunken ship was a little spooky

I had to listen for those too? I just thought I was listening for two different sets of water drops. Because it sure as shit did have different sets of water drops.

Shut up, the puzzle is tricky. No one cares how smart you are, faggot.
I figured it out myself. But it still took me a long time. I sympathize for those who looked it up.

Yep, there were only one set of drops.

oh, and I think they made the sounds slightly irregular in timing, just to throw you off. So even the the tones are the same, the time between them are different. That's probably why you think you heard two drip patterns.

Oh yeah can't wait for the next.

It's the video game version of installation art.

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