What's her name?

What's her name?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fosil Fighters I've seen it I just want to chat

Cultist Simulator
Unflinching Order is best cult

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>Never zeen Yea Forums to talk about.
Learn to English retard.
Also, cook serve delicious 2.

nice trips

NBA or NFL street

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not sure I've seen Disaster Report get discussed here

This masterpiece from 95
(Gladiator )

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This and Mankind divided

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True Crime Streets of LA and New York. Their really fun but full of glitches, which I think it makes is better

Test Drive 6 was a fun as hell racing game

Valdis Story

I played the shit out of this game. It's the only sport game I've ever truly enjoyed

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Smash ultimate

Greed corp

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Guild II Renaissance

This was my first Xbox game ever and hardly anyone else remembers it

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Caves of Qud

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These could have been really fun if they were released a generation early. Fucking around and responding to random police calls was half the fun of the game, shame the framerate and controls made them neigh unplayable


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Ty the Tasmanian Tiger

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Broken Reality

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Also, Densha de GO.

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I post about qud all the time
Live and drink, my nigga

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>Their really fun
The fuck are you quoting, fag?

Most underrated fighting game of all time

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The Adventures of Lolo

Pokemon haha Gale of Darkness was so good

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This shit was rad as fuck and I don't know why not even boomers mention it
>Dragons, Birds, Blimps, Flying Carpets

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Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures.

Looks like a magic carpet clone (fucking loved magic carpet!). Is it like that or different style?

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Teeworlds. Specifically DDRace

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Ape Escape, since lolifags ruin it every time. It’s torture not to be able to talk about such a good game.

These all suck tho

One of my favorite games of all time. Pure chaos at times but incredibly fun with 64 people servers and insane skill-ceiling

Hum...... Monster tales... Don't starve... Chaos Legion.

>Right about now, it's time to rock with the biggity Buck Bumble

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Double Dragon Neon

Baten Kaitos.

Truly an underappreciated masterpiece. Except the audio filter sounds a little bit weird, but it adds to the charm!

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Jet Set Radio Future

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Raw Danger

still waiting...

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Only I ever made a thread about this.

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Galerian's Ash.

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It's like a jet fighter arena fps but with unique factions, birds are fast but fragile, blimps are slower but tougher and a baller upgrade system

Silver (1999) Infogrames.
Amid Evil (only one or two mentions)
Blasphemous (not one time)

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Super Crate Box


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We have server threads fairly often though.

Silent Bomber

Almost came in to say the exact same thing

I guess I'm blind then

NBA Jam XBLA version

administer smackies

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dying light

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Sunset Riders

Pilot Wings 64

I have a physical copy of that still around. I should try to get it to run on modern hardware.
I don't remember very much of it apart from the campaign being hard because I was a retarded kid. Most of my time was spent screwing around in instant action.

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The Denpa Men Series

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The driving in the game was terrible. I like how NY wanted to make it more "fluid" by letting you switch through stances easier and faster, but the game suffered more problems than LA.

NY should have been released when the 360 and PS3 were released so they can have enough time to polish the game.

My nigga, too bad is a bit too shirt.

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I've seen a couple. Usually they devolve into Nu Wa / Arachne posting.

Cannon Fodder

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Elder Scrolls Online
Aside from no mods I think it's better in pretty much every regard compared to Skyrim.
Better combat, better balance, bigger and more varied world, better enemy variety, and so on.

My old favorite. It was like the ultimate sandbox type game to me and I wish it was capable of being re-released if it wasn't in copyright hell.

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There was a thread just last week.

don't think i've ever seen a thread based around interactive fiction, probably would be pretty fun to have Yea Forums collectively play one
/vr/ has some discussion every once in a while
relegated to /vg/'s indie thread
it's an ok game, played a few times until i got to the end and never touched it again, takes me too long to get finished with and i don't really care to put in the effort of optimization
too much aug lives matter not enough conspiracy shenanigans
ending for HR was garbage, didn't touch MD
yeah really funny
back to 9gag
one of the better movie games i've played
put in a lot of hours gettin gud at the duels
told to play this a while back, it's near the top of the queue

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Silver, probably because Yea Forums is full of zoomers who never had a Dreamcast.

I only recently remembered this again among all the Sekiro hype. I remember being really bad at it, but I was also like 12 or something when it came out.


Space Rangers 1/2

Kirby squeak squad

Indeed I bought the game 13 times soon to be 14 when I get back on my feet

Soundtrack is amazing and I loved playing with a deck full of berserkers

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Time Killers

I have such vague memories of that game. I think I played til it looped. There's a class with a bomb or something, right?

Don't Starve

Shrek 2 on pc

Monster House for the GCN.

There's nothing else in the world quite like Magic Carpet. Damn I miss Bullfrog.

I know it's only known now due to Dunkey raising it to meme status, but when I was a kid I played and unironically enjoyed Bookworm Adventures.

I remember the twist at the end blowing my whole fucking mind.

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Yeah, it's really strange how such a solid fucking game doesn't get discussed. One of the best zombie games ever made.

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I never finished it, but it's one of those golden popcap games I really love.

Bought this for my deployment and had a goddamn blast

Never ever

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Empire Earth 2

Tiny tank

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Shining Soul II

I loved this game as a kid and still own it. Haven't played since I was little since I no longer have a 64. Never got past the second level though

Because Yea Forums is full of fucking zoomers and their garbage tier games

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full throttle... when i was a kid i was just amazed that my video games talked..

I played the fuck out of the demo that was in some PC gaming mag. Cool game

7,62 high calibre

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The scariest game I ever played as a kid. Left a big impact on me. Not very scary when I went back but it's pretty neat

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Chaos Engine. This game is vastly superior to games like Zombies Ate My Neighbors, which gets tons of praise. I only found out about it by doing a Yea Forums gauntlet and got it on Genesis. Amazing game and I only played solo.

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It was really buggy and simple, but I enjoyed it.
1 was still better.

Loved this as a kid, never unlocked the Titanium ranger though. Played it a few years ago, the combat felt awful.


I tried playing a couple times out of curiosity, but I think I gave up on the first monster. Couldn't get a feel for the controls.

Cheap man's Tony Hawk but really fun. I wish hoverboards became a more popular game theme.

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I always saw it as a somewhat hidden gem in the whole collect-a-thon genre. The music is what really sealed the deal for me. Just look up a play through if you're really curious

Good man

speaking of poor man's Tony Hawk....

loved this game as a skater kid. Why don't they make skateboarding games anymore shit's fun yo

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Skate Park, Zoo, and of course Roller Coaster Tycoons were my jam.

I'm jist going to list everything from my game shelf that fits the thread
>Kamen rider climax fighter
>Dragon's Crown Pro
>Octopath Traveler
>Bionicle Heroes
>Rodea the sky soldier
>Wipeout the game (wii shovelware)
>Baldurs gate dark Alliance

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Blood Bowl 2

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Had a demo disc with this on it. Got "you blew it, ethan" burned into my head from all the times I'd dick around not actually doing the mission.

Just bought this after playing a roguelike on my phone, and I am horribly in prepared. any tips to start off with?

sherlock holmes - devils daughter

Project Zomboid

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Is it your first day?

TheHunter: Call of the Wild

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Nobody ever talks about Battle Arena Toshinden anymore

Would you prefer it to be more pants?

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piece of shit microtransaction game

Astro Trooper Vanark

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I mean most threads are fake leaks instead of being about the damn game itself at this point

I played the demo repeatedly.
I have a specific memory of this game.
>Ginger Kid across the street is my mortal enemy
>Beat him up constantly
>His Dad batters his Mum to a pulp
>He runs to my Mum crying for help
>Play Nightmare Creatures with him until the police arrive and sort shit out
>Become bros afterwards

Good times, not for him like but yeah.

Pitfall: The Lost Expedition(console)

It has a remale coming out yet no one is talking about it. FF7 yet again overshadows other good games

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Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance GBA version

For easy mode, go True Kin, prioritize ranged weapons and get corresponding cybernetic. One of the genotypes or whatever should give you a decent starting weapon. High base agility, intelligence and toughness.
Agility will help you hit things and unlock ranged abilities
Intelligence for tinkering and more skill points on level up, leading to access to more skills early on
Toughness for survivability
Try to get a good companion if you can, and outfit them with some gear
Grind a lot before going into Golgotha or the Kyakuyka quest
Get staunch wounds and bandages asap if you have a low hp character
In general, don't be scared to run away if things look like they have even a slight chance of getting dicey. Make sure you have a means of fast egress (freezing grenades, some sort of knockback ability, salves, recoilers, tanky companion)

SOUL: the Pokémon game.
I’ve never seen discussion about it either, because people just keep spamming the

Not surprised, since the last game was released 19 years ago. Shame that the space sim genre is dead, a modern day Colony Wars could be amazing

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I had this game when I was younger but I lost it :( The way Hogwarts was laid out with secret doors and stuff was pretty cool.

$8 for another 30+ hours of content is microtransaction shit

Gaiapolis, arcade beat-em-up with some strange RPG elements in it.

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Echoplex for the FMVs and tunes

Old DOS games

>Tongue of the Fatman
>Budokan: The Martial Spirit
>King's/Space/Police Quest and LSL games
>Indy Last Crusade Adventure and Action games
>688 Attack Sub
>Future Classics Collection
>Stellar 7
>Jill of the Jungle
and countless others that have been forgotten by time

Fuck me, forgot pic

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Haunted Mansion on ps2

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Forgot pic. This is my current build. Pure mental mutations with some decent ranged weapon as a backup. Light manipulation is OP early on and makes for an easy start if you go for mutations. Got two companions - one beguiled and one proselytized - to take aggro so I don't have to worry so much about being tanky

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Maniac Mansion

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My nigger

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Deer Avenger 4.
Sim Copter.
Sim Tower.
Lego Island 2.
Amazon Trail.Deer Avenger 4.
Sim Copter.
Sim Tower.
Lego Island 2.
Amazon Trail.

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This game is just irritating. First level goes on for fucking ever, meanwhile the same circus music loop plays on repeat for ages. Sunsoft were supposed to be good at music, but they really made the early levels grating and repetitive.


ive been on here too long for that

but rock raiders is underrated and undertalked about here

3D Ultra Radio Control Racers

My nigga.

It's like you are all underage faggots or something.

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Jumping Flash and its sequel

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble

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Avadon: the Black Fortress

My nigga.

I've never even heard of this one. Looking it up now.

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I loved deer avenger as a kid, however I can't play more than 30 minutes as an adult. I will keep the good memories in my mind but not try to play it again

Zubo for the DS

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Lifeline. I never got to finish it since the microphone kept giving me problems

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Fallout Equestria: Remains

Magic & Mayhem

the only thing people know about it is someone calling it "ana anacoda's weird sequel".
i still listen to the hub world music from time to time. underrated classic.
always wanted to play. remember when i was a kid seeing it in a target game cage marked up to 70 dollars for whatever reason.

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Always eye this in GOG Sales but then figure I got enough RPGs in my backlog.

Shadow Hearts: Covenant

But the Super Hearing mutation and upgrade it once. It will make enemies appear even if in darkness or behind a wall, which helps teach you how enemy AI works. Also remember you can manually aim most powers.

If you don't have tinkering, just ignore scrap and purge it from your inventory. Liquid water (money) is heavy so try to purchase nuggets and gems which weigh less.

Kill yourself, Barney fag.

>call Gamestop
>"do you have ballz?"

They need those shirt to cover all those exposed boobs


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Looks neat.

this or Lost Magic

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Fucking beat me to it. It's a travesty this game doesn't get more recognition. Easily one of the best RPGs of that generation, up there with Nocturne, FFX and Xenosaga Ep. III.

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Days Gone

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i had it on the gameboy, shit was so dope

Oh shit I remember playing Magical Starsign, definitely need to finish it someday

I haven't seen people talk about this. It's
a pretty good free platformer even though it is a underwater fetish game, as in the girl simply being in a body of water is the fetish.

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Rogue Trip

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These games were based

NFL Street is still the best NFL game ever imo



had this on ps2, it was fun

This game was to me what Pokemon was to others, extremely based

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Game is called Rosenkreuzstilette, pretty good megaman clone and has a banger OST

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>Rogue Trip
Literally who?
>From the developer of Car Combat.
Literally who?!

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Crusader Kings

And THE HARDEST METAL KNOWN TO MAN only get brought up by myself and recently on /vr/.

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I can't even remember playing this game all that much but it just sticks on my head for reason I do not understand

definitely worth it, even with the extremely obnoxious point of no return near the end.

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who was your main?
mine was the hot dog wagon

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No one has ever played this for sure.

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Battlefield Heroes. I still miss it.

what's the webm from? looks great

>to talk about
based ESL poster

Sonic Unleashed on PS2/Wii
Sonic R unironically
Wipeout Pulse
Disgaea 2
DBZ Shin Budokai 2

did you play the remake that was up for a couple months

>pull someone over for running a red
>find shotgun in trunk

It's an odd feel, but a good one

Flying Red Barrel

Azure Dreams:
This was one of my favorite games as a kid, and it was the source of many faps and my love for games where you build infrastructure.

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I used to attempt to play this as a kid alot

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I still play it every few years.

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I've seen it kentioned in flash game threads, but it usually falls to the wayside in favor of stuff like Stick arena and old porn.

I remember that got a couple fake leak threads earlier this year. Add the Nicktoons Unite games to that list as well.

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Evil Twin Cyprien Chronicles. That game is a masterpiece on story telling. And very beautiful for it's age.

Yo I was just thinkin about this game the other day. Almost bought Homecourt recently but it looks like they removed a lot of soul from the series. Soundtrack for NBA street was amazing.


The indie knockoff one or was there an actual remake?

Fancy pants is the ultimate chad of stick figures IMO.

tiny toon adventures wacky sports challenge

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sum pics

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some guy got all the files and shit and hosted his own battlefield heroes server and it over the course of about 4 months it grew to a couple thousand players before EA hit him with a fat cease and desist and he had to close up

It doesn't get his own threads, but open a "best ps rpg" one and it usually gets mentioned.

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I remember user, I remember

Rengoku 2

Either pic related or DDR.

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A MacOS exclusive game from the 90s, is basically a pac-man/snake crossover full of (un)intentional sexual innuendos.


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I want to play it so badly, but I can't get it working. Nor can I be fucked to set up a virtualized old timey rig to run it on.

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Hearing that made me curious, so i googled a bit and appearantly there is something called "rising hub" which looks exactly like i remember bfh. Im downloading the launcher rn, pretty fucking excited desu

Easy. I know there's like 6, maybe 10 other dudes on Yea Forums who know about this game though.

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Dude i too had that game

i got stuck there tho... but it was great!

RNG can get annoying, but it's surprisingly addictive.

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Add one more. It was awesome, beat the entire game with R Middle Kick.