Speedrun kino about to start in 1 hour 15 minutes

Speedrun kino about to start in 1 hour 15 minutes

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Other urls found in this thread:


What's the proportion of trannies to women runners?

Imagine the smell

Trans women are women so its 100% women.

Glad they’re starting with Sekiro so I can watch it and then turn this off.

Around 40/60
I'm not even joking

Reminder it's only an online event and not a venue. At most you'll get a webcam and that's it.

Why is the logo a Hyena? Is it because female hyenas have dicks?

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why do these shitty logos always have an animal
jesus christ

Attached: jesus christ.jpg (860x1000, 98K)

This will truly reveal the TERFs then I guess, huh.

I'm ready for the cringe kino

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Trannies, degenerates, and autism boy oh boy

Appealing to their audience.

Yeah I've always wondered why these groups don't clash more, women finally get a female-exclusive event and get absolutely invaded by crazy mentally ill dudes who often barely pass for women, experience 0 of their actual issues as being women and expect equal privileged treatment.

We've already seen this in the school sports scene of dudes completely dominating women only events

11:26 AM Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King (All Bosses) by EnchantressOfNumbers


>women finally get a female-exclusive event and get absolutely invaded by crazy mentally ill dudes who often barely pass for women, experience 0 of their actual issues as being women and expect equal privileged treatment.
this shit is the ultimate secret power bomb, and is how I redpilled my gf. You just slowly subtly mention stuff like "I mean, a big part of the struggle of being a woman is the lived experience, so I guess to just say that anyone can be a woman is kind of erasing the female experience" and you can see the "wtf I hate trannies now" cogs slowly start turning in their head

no because the event will be streamed from homes, there's no venue to be in. the runner will be in their own home and the commentator will be in his own home somewhere.

I thought OP image is the name of the game but nope, It's just a segregated GDQ.

sure thing pal

Attached: gliitchwiitch.jpg (900x1200, 151K)

>event with "girl gamers"
>they have to put the fucking sims in there

Why? Why do all women fucking obsess over that series like they do?

>I'm a transgender woman
>I'm also a lesbian
is there any easier way to find a sex pest?

Attached: 1555223361354.jpg (499x682, 80K)

>Withhelde is running
This was the Touhou cosplay tranny at old GDQ but stopped going. Wonder how he looks now.

>Experience 0 of the actual issues as being women.

They're trannies because they want those issues. Issues like getting a lot of attention, praise for mediocrity, and gifts from beta males.

Ah. Gdq is giving us a third trannykino event for the year. Based ameritrannies.

>intersectionality was all but a mra plot to drive females out of their own segregated spaces

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will she be competing in this event?

Attached: what youd ream of dating.png (586x667, 576K)

>main runner wont run something till its ready and worth seeing
>trannies: we have to be the first to show off sekiro

No, it's not fancy enough a ghetto so he threw a fit on twitter.

It's not even a run by the looks of it. Exhibition means fucking about showing of stuff.

Reminder they stop the stream for fucking hours every day for sleep meanwhile GTA Marathon and many other games using just one series manage to put together a constant stream for a few days.

how delusional can you get?

Will my "girl" be there?

Attached: cute tranny.jpg (900x900, 74K)

Part of being a woman is being a mentally weak retard, but those trannies only have the mentally weak part covered

>That #gamer moment when you chop your penis off

Who? Also I hope you're ironic

Attached: kingwolby.png (1212x436, 60K)

Why did they schedule this shit on mothers day?

Sekiro’s being run by a cis-chick though.

Are you the guy who posted that you don't need a vagina to be a woman?

>"I'm a male feminist"
That's probably the absolute most guaranteed sex pest

Oh, well not like they aren't attention whores too.

Thats funny because trannies will all end up alone since nobody but trannies themselves actually likes them. Everyone else is just grasping for good guy points and eventually the fad will die down.

He's going fuck that tranny tonight.

They’re the reason trannies exist

legosi no

>Section of speedruns full of trannies
>Using a hyena, the literal dickgirl of the animal kingdom, as the mascot

Attached: 1367700065317.jpg (125x108, 3K)

Thats how you tell its pretty much just a fetish to them.

I like how he pairs the statement with a beyond revolting photo

>Putting in work to fuck a fat dude who calls himself a girl.

It at least gives me solace that I'll never be this pathetic.

To be fair, i think trans "athletes" are pretty fucking obvious that they do it for the easy wins, i mean for one being doped on roids and test boosters that make you more masculine up defeats the "point" of trying to pass as a woman. "Trans-Athelete" is basically a Oxymoron due that as pursuing a optimal athletic performance in a "rough" sport is to pursue a optimal athletic form, which would be a male one. Basically if you seek athletic perfection it is at odds with seeking to be a woman.

It also honestly makes them look even more as failures then the "true believers", especially when they competed in the male category without issue before hand. Any "win" is purely Pyrrhic because they humiliated themselves and made a joke of the sport to get it.

The Sims is a amazing game though, i mainly play it in bursts though.

God this will be such a fucking huge trainwreck
Who /hype/ here?

society desperately needs the asylums back up and running


>online only and not a venue
that makes sense, since i saw that runner who's gonna do Super Mario RPG at Limit Break last night

i just don't understand it

i've never acted like this for an actual real woman

are other men really so desperate that they'll turn themselves into dogs over some women? even fake women?

>what gamer boys dream of dating
>a dude wearing women's clothes


The fuck are y’all on, looks like the dude is just being a community manager.

According to your logic all women should never do sports and be obese, incel.

So how many actual female runners are in this event?

Reminder that Futurama warned us and we just laughed.

Attached: coilette.jpg (640x480, 40K)

sure thing tranny

Hopefully James wont be there

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>i will turn off the stream if a tranny shows up
how long will i be watching?

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It's pathetic how cutesy these faggots try to act like they're overcompensating because they have no chance to actually pass

I dunno, how long does it take you to finish jerking off?

Why would mra want to end gender segregation?

3 minutes, tops.

The absolute fucking delusion here

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Why is the trans suicide rate 40%? can someone give me a straight heh answer please?

at least put some filters on or something you disgusting leather skinned pig

A sad, sad reminder of what they lost to get where they are while still showing that classic woman power


That image is gonna be a yikes for me

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Mental illness.

because they're mentally ill

I'd kill myself too if I somehow was retarded enough to permanently fuck my body's chemistry and lopped my dick off

Attached: 1550968040013.jpg (276x297, 22K)

They thought cutting their dick off and shoveling pills in their mouths would make them happy, but then it doesn't and they're left dickless, looking like an ugly man in drag, and mentally unbalanced from taking tons of pills.

>Having your hormones completely fucked up after taking so many fucking pills to change them

Attached: 53902819.png (500x500, 365K)

Bitch this probably inspired people to follow in his footsteps. Kids love imitating Bender.

Guys I gotta go. Just send me the cringe comp. Thanks.

nah he was a random dude, I was impersonating proto to stir shit and he sent me that pm

I imagine it has to do with the constant existential dread and psychological torment of trying to convince their brain that their body is something that's just biologically not true.

That and trannies are incredibly susceptible to substance abuse, and all the drugs they take can produce the same affect.

You can't grow back a penis, only be left with a phantom cock.

Attached: 200c5f916be9e42222def577ea132e89.png (758x394, 143K)

because their cult and discords tell them to chop their cocks off and take HRT, causing irreversible damage to themselves. a year later when their mind clears and they realize they'll be a freak for the rest of their lives they snap

Attached: trannies.png (1409x4383, 880K)

Persecution and bullying causing severe depression and social isolation.
Just look at this fucking thread. People are monsters that don't think about how they make others feel.

so about 30 minutes left?

They’re doing it in societies (and a world) that does not accept it. Friction and pressure make them crack.

Fuck off tranny

kys degenerate faggot

Fuck off I'm not calling you a girl if you just put on a wig

Implying anybody is going to watch beyond the first thread. Yea Forums will watch for a bit before getting bored because no couch.

Because rather than learning to accept themselves as who they are, they instead decide to change themselves into something they are not and cannot ever be.

Don’t you have a fucking clock user?

That feeling of depression and alienation you have? Yeah that's because you're the wrong gender and not because life in general is a pretty miserable experience.
I mean, the entire history of philosophy has been one giant exercise in "how do I not kill myself today?"

At what point does anti bullying start bullying the cool kids? We're gonna lose a whole generation of Chads

Attached: TOPTOPTOPTOP....jpg (682x3888, 302K)

they wouldn't be persecuted and bullied if they didn't just put on a dress and bad wig and call it a day
even drag queens and traps from Yea Forums dress better than trannies

I fucking knew some retard was gonna bring up "bullying". Everyone gets bullied, that's not a valid reason for having a suicide rate 10x the national average

Why the fuck did I type in that imgur link

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Hey anons remember to stay hydrated and take a break during the marathon to stretch your muscles!

Attached: 53548706_373635039901902_5298659484899080663_n.jpg (643x723, 47K)

no, I purely rely on a sundial and it's nightime at the moment

>Everyone gets bullied
Are you just pretending to be retarded?

I will give you the praise for mediocrity, but do you really think they get any attention or gifts from literally anyone?

What if you don a bunch of habits that are more likely to get you bullied?

>cannot get women to like you
>decide to be the woman
>women still not like you
>men also try to avoid you now
>cannot grow back your penis
Yeah I wonder why the suicide rate is 40%

I pity the poor couch. I hope they have a spare one.

Don't worry this "marathon" has 8 hour dilation breaks every day

How do you like your speedruns guys?

Attached: ms2pyz3jv4901.png (999x609, 768K)

Oh. Yeah about 24 minutes now.

based Abom


shit show's up

fucking moron

You misunderstand, or maybe i worded it poorly, pursuing sports is fine, im just noting that if you dope, which is unfortunately common on "pro" levels even if "under the table", you sabotage your HRT, basically it is counterproductive to the goal of changing your gender. Female athletes are not the ones trying to change their gender here, and even so more then a few had incidents with "supplements" interfering with their womanly functions across the years, i think there was even a case some years back where one had been given shit by her coach that fucked her up without knowledge.

Testosterone is valuable for physical development, it also very much "Male", Therefore it is fucking absurd that a person who wants to be "less male" would engage with something that would just reinforce the natural manliness rather then suppress it even if he wishes to continue engaging in the sport.

Does that make it more clear? i have nothing against female athletes, i believe it is all about reaching the best YOU.

I'm straight, but I would fuck the shit out of pre-chubby Bailey Jay

Had Ted Cruz started transitioning a bit earlier, he'd probably be able to pull of being someone's ugly drunk regret lay every weekend. Dude has a bit of a feminine look to him.

Tbh 110% is passing. Omg is that the joke?

hundo boys

Sometimes I feel kinda sorry for the trannies that just want to speedrun in peace but because of a few entitled cringe faggots like protomagical girl they'll never be able to do that.

post "Hello, Ladies!" in chat every time you think something that would get you banned for saying it

>mutilate your body to the point that the damage cannot be undone

Gee, why would they commit suicide...

thanks user

I support women and cis women.

there's a difference?


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I want to fuck that GAZELLE!

Those freaks could at least put some effort. I will never understand the garbage that enables such behavior.

Attached: tranny freak that should be put down.jpg (640x640, 57K)

Thanks mom

>this fucked up audio as metroid music plays and some cunt tries to explain frame fatales mascot in chat

oh, didn't you hear from twitter? apparently






>Yeah I've always wondered why these groups don't clash more
TERFs are hated by right-wingers for being radical feminists and hated by left-wingers for not liking trannies. From what I've seen the right can ignore them because they aren't big and the left usually keeps them down with threats of violence (i.e. "punch a Nazi, kill a TERF")

Technically it's 100% since they cease to be human and become monsters.

I expect it to be like last years shitshow, but worse.

Or just accept reality that people are going to notice and comment on it. Doesn't it make you more of a human being if people can say what they think than if they have to handle with you kiddie gloves?


Attached: 1557181466578.jpg (326x246, 34K)

>Last years
This is the first Frame Fatales though.

Because female hyenas have pseudo-penises.

i wonder what i did

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Coilette X Fry it's the hottest shit ever

It's still a GDQ event.

This will be the shitshow everyone was waiting for all these years.

Stickies are cancer.

I see you're a man of culture as well

Attached: ERGBEQN.jpg (355x597, 35K)

lmao what, is that what it is


If you guys want to have some fun try to guess which runners are trans based on their name on the schedule. For example:


100% trans

Whats with the no skip?


What's the point when they have no chance of beating /ourguy/ Distortion2?

Attached: 1552594293863.png (428x871, 735K)

>experience 0 of their actual issues as being women
I think being an insane tranny that looks nothing like a woman is enough of a problem in itself.

remember everyone: tranny=curve in the chat

god i hope we get webcams for this

Same as with any female streamer when compared to a male one. Boobs.

I mean, i think Sekiro runner is one of the real females if i got shit right.

That would be much higher than I actually expected. My expectation was about 90% trannies 10% actual females.


probably trannies

Because they're too fucking stupid/autistic to realize its just a fetish and because they have a bunch of absolute retards motivating them to go through with the transition.

Nobody is watching this for the speedruns. It's the shitshow we're anticipating.

i wonder how many dialations are going on right now

at least you're not banned in this channel

What should I order Yea Forums, wings or pizza?

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would they catch onto posting 45% in the chat?

of course we will. What's the point of being trans if you can't shove it in people's faces?

You have no idea

depends where you're ordering them from desu

Claris is a tranny. That's Miles.

>first runner is a cute girl
Trannies BTFOd

Pizza, it's the patrician choice.

order yourself some self respect


Why not pizza AND wings, my friend?

Attached: 1557610422799.gif (300x577, 279K)

godbless gdq for having an entire stream for trannies so we can have a comfy couple of days
shame it's not going on when the castlevania collection releases it'd be a pretty comfy couple of days

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it's already starting

Attached: afhwhnt.png (588x112, 12K)

>7 minutes more

Attached: 1557506501681.jpg (2102x3586, 1.37M)

What is Frame Fatales and how is it different from the usual GDQ events?

>SFW = safe for woman

Attached: Screenshot_20190512-105305.png (656x314, 65K)

>6 minutes

Attached: 1557095488664.png (463x583, 270K)

Cook chicken and some broccoli.

Im surprised he managed to not insert something about being a girl or having boobs in that tweet.

>how is it different from the usual GDQ events?
It isn't.

so what are you boys eating first for this event i've got a bonnet of grapes and some apples to chow down on

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Why can't trannies just accept their body insecurity like everyone else in the world who's unhappy about their appearance?

I'm ugly and short but will never expect other people to pretend like I'm actually good looking and tall.

It's tranny only.

Oh this is the extremely autistic tranny who keeps autistically yelling about being a >girl.

Attached: 6884358.jpg (887x1097, 77K)

Reminder being a boy and wanting to crossdress and wear panties sometimes is normal. Everyone does it.

It doesn't mean you're trans. You're just a normal boy.

The way the mothers seem so proud of it... horrific

100% more cringe and trannyposting. All we can hope for it cleanses regular GDQ from those.

Attached: 1550404146793.gif (500x281, 420K)

big difference
it's a sexual fetish for them


It is a "All-Female*" Online event, while *GDQ are basically Speedrun cons that have streams in a room on the side.

*Female includes Transexuals.

You just outed yourself as a gender critical TERF.

Attached: 1536500976283.jpg (500x334, 24K)

More like Failed Females

If these dudes want to be women so badly, then why do they refer to themselves as “trans women” instead of just “women”?

Attached: 4CF128E7-CF13-4495-95FD-F5705D4B7922.png (202x202, 76K)

Make sure to say hi to all of the lurking trannies in the thread.

Is TGT still updating or did it finish? I never caught up to it.

They have no gf so they become the gf

saving on frames all the way to the grave

We got the text ending for it.

The creator quit without ever finishing it.

they also like to talk about how much of a lesbian they are which is quite odd to me

Can't be a special snowflake without giving yourself a special tag.


I don't know why they don't just wait. Things like gene-therapy, true vr, age-reversal etc etc are expected within the next 10-20 years. They are all so young and in their lifetime with how AI is teaching itself to become more and more powerful we will reach a point where most shit will be figured out soon enough.

More like failed females fatales because of 40%

Attached: 1556928542454.png (589x323, 14K)

>Is TGT still updating or did it finish

Attached: 1554158334282.jpg (748x748, 288K)

Ok trannies, I dare you to show me 1 (ONE) gammer tran that actually passes as female.
Don't waste your time they don't exist.

because they are insane and most people enable them and cheer their lunacy

>Bing bong.
ALERT! "Vagina" collapse imminent!

Girls and fags love to play house.


Attached: 1500623195685.jpg (474x443, 88K)

God damn it

I can't tell if that voice is a girl or not

Start yet? Are there actual women or is it really all trannys?

>all women
are trannies allowed?


>that silky sensual voice
jackin already lord help me

This game definitely has an interesting playstyle to it

Attached: 1404276048333.png (221x378, 141K)

Massive curve

They are delusional straight men. Of course they would identify as lesbian trans woman.

This nigger already outta breath just from trying to pretend to be a woman

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what tranny charity are they supporting?

hotpokket will get banned so fast


god damn it user

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This also begins.

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>Robo voices already
Off to a good start.

>I'm an ally.

What does that mean? I don't use reddit.

There's nothing wrong with being gender critical or TERF. Are you implying there is?

>only play as girl characters in RPGs and fighting games, watch magic girl and girly idol anime, all profile pictures are girls, love girly fashion
>hate trannies IRL

Anyone else like this?

Attached: 1545557907922.jpg (500x500, 35K)

she sounds cute bros..

At least Sayvi is an actual woman

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>not already being permabanned several years ago

what a fucking shit show

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I looked up a few of the runners and every one I saw was a dude.

How do I know if they're women or trannies? I need to know if it's safe to jack off without becoming gay

neneposters rise up

Attached: 1543662951788.jpg (1200x675, 105K)

>stream already died for me
I knew they were trannies but I wasn't expecting it to be that fast

>stream starts
>audio issues immediatly


that's just you faggot

Do you crossdress?

>stream run by women and “women”
>it’s already a technological shitshow

Attached: 348DDA7D-AF63-4BBA-83C6-7A3499F72CF3.png (1080x1080, 1.56M)

>the one nontranny somewhat cute girl is European in an American event

It's just like GDQ!

It's a speedrun event, so it will be pretty easy to tell them apart because of all of the any%

>constant voicecracks and fake laughs
teehee im a girl :3333

fuck trannies

Trannys made me stop my crossdressing and feminization fetishes. In this regard I can thank them for making me straight by disgusting me to that degree

Like 70% of runners in the event are men.

Pretty solid rule, the more overtly female the name the more suspect it gets, here's a WIP list



>no webcam

No cam?

>i'll be taking 20 mins more cause i'm a woman ;)))

kill yourself you pathetic fuck

Two Girls One Game

>a man can put on a dress and that's all it take to be called a woman
>this is what trannies actually believe

>no cam


just tuned in
is this person putting on a little girl voice a man or a woman?

No one wants to see that shit

>Learned RPG Limit Break donations were to the National Alliance on Mental Illness

Attached: 60164599a06064e38.jpg (308x308, 16K)

The sports one is the legitimately fucked up one.
Imagine training all your life as a women to hold a world record just for some guy with his penis chopped off and wearing a wig to come along and smash it so hard there's no chance of ever beating it because your competing with someone who has a natural drug that makes them almost twice as strong.

>Japanese girl commentating
They front-loaded the femininity

>no camera
>not even for charity?

why does this exist

>Laughs after every sentence

Attached: 1541765134928.jpg (750x738, 220K)

So the XYs outnumber the XXs in an all female event? Clown world


im a girl
im a girl and i have boobs
girl girl girl
yup, still a girl
did i mention i have boobs?


Cop name dont trust


The current runner is a cis-chick.

A charity better suited for GDQ

will it really last 2 fucking hours for a single game?

Attached: file.png (406x100, 40K)

Brianna Will does this and you all shit on her for it.

Theres clearly a gap between fiction and reality and some people cant seem to understand it.

yikes, thankfully only losers fall for this

Why not cam?

>have a drawfag friend
>she's a real genuine girl
>but she's also a furry
>not really popular but pretty good at art
>really loves werewolves and is always drawing buff werewolves fucking her characters
>sometimes she likes to give her characters the werewolf dicks
>the moment she started doing this she was swarmed by tranny followers
>she started a Discord and put me in charge of helping moderate it
>over 100 people join
>90% of them are trannies
>all but 2 of them are "trans lesbians"
>constant fucking drama
>the "#personal_issues" channel is constantly going
>they're always arguing with each other
>but the most popular channels are, without a doubt, the NSFW channels
>near constant porn or talking about porn
>even in the SFW channels the trannies are constantly hitting on each other

Attached: 1441838988564.jpg (200x252, 7K)

They probably just want to do the event for fun which is fine.

Im honestly not even surprised at this point

Attached: 1555269252079.jpg (856x551, 48K)

there's a good reason for that and I think you know why

so they’re not going to show the people/couch for the entire event??

its not a tranny

>no camera
>chat's not subscriber only
>technical issues out of the gate

Attached: what.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

this ain't even a charity event is it

Distortion2 just got 1:16

There is no couch, it's an online event

it's an ASMR stream

would you a plumpy jp speedrunner girl?

Attached: DzRFkAiUYAAUHRT.jpg (901x1200, 171K)

you ok over there bud

Check the schedule: gamesdonequick.com/hotfix


It is actually a trend of the games being run, many long runs.

I think it's because you have to run the game twice since Emma/ Old Man Isshin can only be fought on the Shura ending.

>"""""speedrunner""""' personal best is 20 minutes slower than the current record

How was this allowed?
What was the qualifying criteria to get on GDQ?

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she cute

To be fair GDQs are never meant to be world record attempts, the estimates always account for that

that 5head tho

its because of autogynephilia, obsessed with sex and "being" female

>even girls can play sekiro
is this the easiest FROM game?

No, it's just an online event showcasing different runners from their homes.

Maybe other runs will have facecam.

A vagina

ur a fucking cuck mate
why are you moderating it

Being a woman, that's it.

>avoid a giant white snake
Trust me jap woman if i was there you wouldn't be able to avoid my giant white snake

gamer girls look like THAT?!


If you aren't getting paid, fuck outta there.

looks like one

>What was the qualifying criteria to get on GDQ?
Wearing a dress.

>unironically using cis
Just say real user

Tranny runner with women commentary?

Attached: 498865.jpg (480x360, 21K)

She's run Souls games at both GDQ and ESA though.

Attached: 494949.jpg (1439x2249, 1.1M)

>We reviewed over 40 "female" speedrunners submissions and this was the best one

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 13K)

>moderating a discord channel owned by someone else
>being a mod at all
Why the fuck are you doing this to yourself?

you have autism

I’ve done plumpy White chicks so it’s only an improvement.

>expecting a channer to get paid for janny work

its the only power in his life, managing mentally ill freaks

why are the trannies there then

I already have a girlfriend.
This girl is just an old friend I've known for years.
And I'm not moderating it anymore, and neither is she.

Are you sure about that?

Rami Malek is a woman?!?

I don't care, she should learn her place.

Brain problems. Just like any speedrunning event really.

Attached: 1539723626814.jpg (369x349, 50K)

This is very hard, ja.


Attached: yfjHChJT.jpg (2048x2048, 489K)

>she cheeses the bosses

Attached: 1543313379123.webm (710x400, 2.77M)

I’m not trying to vulgar here, but that’s room to cum on, user. Woman shouldn’t be objectified though. But y’know, good space for that.

ive dated a few cute tranners, that probably is one

>chokes begin

Attached: 1491707222343.png (512x512, 148K)

user even with this small an image, I can see that's not a woman

>doing it for free on discord
At least hit the girl you cuck

>the runner isn't commentating

Attached: 1546791479965.jpg (556x556, 63K)

>constant giggling

Meatfeast pizza with a side of cheese covered nachos smothered with jalapenos and a spicy salsa dip

hey now....


Sorry. Trans people are human. I’m gonna play ball.

This is a long way to say "I can't cheese this as easily".

>a girl is better at sekiro than all of Yea Forums

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aahheheheheheh x333
girrrrrrrrrrrl gamerz x3

There's a big problem in the clinical psychological/counselling/social work world of extremely autistic people spontaneously self-diagnosing as transgender right now. The population already is hugely susceptible to radical and changeable claims about identity. The most common form of this is seeing patients walk in with sudden, extreme left or right wing views. Every single answer to every single question is some crass political statement. You can keep trying to ask one adult about controlling his temper around his mom - and he said he wouldn't calm down until Sweden stopped letting in rapists from Eritrea. That will be the answer to every question.

The reason for it is simple - autistic people don't understand the concept of 'identity'. Autistic people generally only understand concepts, tasks and behaviours that are linked to immediate and clear outcomes. Another way to look at it - autistic people expect every event to be linked to a causal factor that should be immediately apparent and simple to understand (sometimes people confuse this for deep, obsessive, detail-oriented thinking - no, it's just retardation).

I’ve looked into her. She actually is female. But something you gotta realize is that gaming is also an attractive hobby to regular girls who don’t get much attention.

>"Girl" only event
>Half are trannies who have a male voice
>No cam

LOL, imagine being clueless about this and enterng the stream and hearing a dude and being super confused.

>Sorry. Trans people are human
did i say they weren't, no i didn't.

Attached: 1548234427548.png (744x615, 13K)

>i have a gf!
>im not moderating it anymore!
>i did it for the (you)s!

Attached: 1554698496208.jpg (342x342, 56K)

I hope that someone will gas them.

To be fair, it is not hard to be better then Yea Forums seeing how Yea Forums doesn't even play video games, just complain about them.

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So when gender identity disorder is presented in the media as a reason for people to feel alienated from society, or incapable of coping with their own emotions - that's a compelling narrative for any person unable to understand the complex and changing feelings they experience in response to the world.

Gender identity disorder is 100% real and hugely studied, and therapies exist to deal with it. But when significally autistic people insist on being transgender, it's bullshit. They are literally too retarded to even get through the tests we use to identify GID or gender dysphoric feelings. It'd be like giving a calculus test to a cocker spaniel. Significantly autistic people cannot comprehend what identity is, cannot describe their own emotions, cannot dependably identify gender expression in others, cannot be tested for any of it - and this explosion in autistic/transgender co-incidence is a consequence of retards being preyed upon by Yea Forums posters.
Chris Chan is exhibit A of this.

any 100$ donations yet?


Why is the estimate over double the WR and why does the runner not appear?

Here's your fucking (you) faggot.
Are you happy now?
Please tell me how hard your peepee is.

>ironic weebs

>good at
Sorry bud, I come here to laugh at retards, not play singleplayer skillless games like a beta soiboy

>Trans people are human

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all shota event when?

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You're getting too defensive,mate.Why are you angry,you're not lying right?

She sounds like a real woman IMO.

This isn't a charity event.


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stupid fucking animeposter

She is beating the game twice, this category is NG only so I guess that's why since she's doing NG and NG+

>Armored Warrior
>also known as Robert

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Why is the main charcter such a manlet?

Girls user, the answer is girls.

oh right
what's the point of it then?


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what does her farthole smell like

It's too hard to listen to with the constant annoying giggling over fucking nothing.

so much make up to cover up baggy eyes. lol wtf

You fags are so insecure, it's seething.

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I have been, people just kinda ignore me, and i type slow.

The vibe of this run is comfy, they sound cute and non-toxic. Better than GDQ desu

It's just a showcase of female speedrunners.

>blue hair
>more make-up than skin

Unironically a mental illness that's coupled with depression and a whole slew of other shit.

Wasn't that his son?

The start of any speedrun marathon thread is always cancer. It takes a while for people to get bored and leave.

Isn't she the one who ran dark souls 3 a couple of years ago and then got banned from the next GDQ because she had more attention than the trannies?

Yeah man, he’s like any warrior, yelling his own name as falls to his death.

Lack of donations help, but i think it is too early to tell, we are not even 1 game done yet.

You sure about that?

Real gamer eyes
Yes, she's still an ESA regular though

yeah but what about the federation banning that beefy black woman for having a condition that gave her too much testosterone?
I don't think trannies will be accepted by a lot of the governing bodies if retardedly manly women aren't allowed

>first game is a flavor of the month that last for 2 hours and a half

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It’s more just politeness man. These people are like “Hey can you call me ‘x’, or use this terminology in regards to people like me.” And I’m like “Yeah sure.” It’s not that hard. Unlike my DICK.

Doubt she cares, she always attends ESA anyway. Much closer event for her

Why is there no cam

2½ hours. yea not gonna bother. thanks for advertising that shit anyway.i hope your bosses are happy about it.


I wonder how much drama there's going to be when actual girls get more attention in this event.

This run is light on the cringe too, but I'm afraid it may come back with the trannies

So many trannies that people aren’t even sure about chicks who are clearly chicks...

You know why

She's not saying anything

Attached: qxWFUE0.gif (1020x797, 417K)

>/ourguy/ Distortion2
i remember when sekiro came out and he fucked up activating his prerelease code on steam and started crying like a literally spoiled brat. 'its not fair. everyone is playing but me'. i lost all my respect and the worst part was his whole chat was comforting him. what the fuck is wrong with all of twitch.

Attached: 1520017499103.gif (294x233, 886K)

no masturbation allowed
this is a family friendly stream

Reminder Essentia is a based Mormon mom to 5 beautiful white children.

So as not to trigger the trannies when they see what a real woman looks like

Proper term is “suggests” user.

She was born intersexed but identifies as female.
She wanted to participate in female sports but would be better suited, though not accepted, in male competition.

If you want to talk about sports in terms of gaming, like speedrunning, it's more of a psychological commitment and there are still differences in genders.

>No camera


See you guys at SGDQ

Wait, did she just choke, i can't tell because i didn't play Sekiro.

why is twitch chat so cute?

Attached: twc.png (282x341, 45K)

It's an online event

She forgot a skill to get

>person sad
>show empathy

Distortion's appeal is his autism. He's fun to watch because he is legitimately autistic as fuck instead of putting on a persona for stream.

got a link to him crying i hate that fag

>though not accepted

Male competitions are open for both genders

>twitch speedrun
>no camera
Literally what's the point?

only trannies are allowed to have cams

I don't understand why this fossilized meme gets forced on that shit hole. Next year can we expect them to finally find over 9000 and this is sparta?

Men generally have better reflexes and eye-hand cordination





Sekiro is already pretty damn fast, any% is under 30 minutes and all beads is like 1:20 or something.

Isn't ayaya a reference to the pillar men? I don't get it

Okay, i guess that added some time then.

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No she forgot she doesn’t have it at this point. You don’t buy it til a little later in the run, but she forgot that fact and attempted to use it.

They know damn fine well people will shitpost if a cam was there.

my mistake then

When are the “females” on

Nah ironic weebs have reached the moe stage Yea Forums was at years ago.

Wouldn't be surprised if we get more K-on posting

Sup Mugi

>tfw no gf to teach you how to speedrun shadows die twice

OH NO!!!!!!

Please link this

no cam, boring

So the stream doesn't even have cams? Wtf is the point of featuring women if youre not even going to show them. They're not good at the games and nobody wants to hear their annoying voices try to sound like real gamers.

Still choked though. Luckily it wasn’t... fatale.

Stream dead?

>twitch has verified users now
the absolute state

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This was the CoH discord right? I sort of remember this same pic a couple weeks ago around the time Innoc denied some tranny, good shit. What made you want to do this in the first place though

>something trivial happens
>commentator explains mechanics
>no one even says a word

Attached: 1549174558589.png (611x517, 426K)


>everything is a JoJo reference
>I cba to google what I don't understand
I don't have wojack brainlet pics but you deserve one

Why are they just repeating things that aren't funny and laughing
Just like normal sentences

God I love chicks.

It hides the fact that 80% of runners are men.

autists aren't people




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This is how you can tell they’re real women. The trans women will just speak in autism.

Have you watched GDQ? This is better than the cringeworthy commentary of young males, especially their retarded inside jokes and shit.

>have to be a follower to use the chat
>have to follow for 30 mins to be able to chat

I used to be fine with trannies but all this constant glorification makes me not dislike them now, I wonder how many normal people hate them because of things like this.

It's because they don't understand what being female actually is, so they self insert bimbo teehee airhead shit.

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I don't like women or trannies but atleast I can laugh at trannies
this is just awkward

You’re on Yea Forums man, you’re halfway there.

Don't forget to throw the crippling debt thanks to American pharmaceutical and surgery bills on top of it all.

Um dont b toxic hon :))

That's what's really grating about MtF. They act like some trumped up stereotype of what they think a woman is.

He has always been a salty faggot, i just stopped watching when he got a facecam and started having normalshit content like girls on his stream.

You dumbass the current two speaking are actual women.

>not getting permanently banned for using emotes when chat was emote-only
You missed out

>Estimated time is 2 hours and 30 minutes
>The world record is 1 hour and 17 minutes
Nice "speedrun".

who cares about twitch chat? its just a thousand 12 year olds spamming emotes

Who is that 100% ?

Tune in for SM64 tomorrow for a THICC Finnish girl

Stop watching tranny speedrunners and go play some actual vidya

Attached: 1548831176530.png (333x480, 130K)

>Using Twitch chat at all

I had the surgery forty years ago and therefore have some insight into the comments about dilation. Total fantasy. In the few months following surgery, everything settled in for life.

Let me state that his speculation on the amounts of dilation are vastly overstated. Many trans girls have gone years without dilating.

Once SRS has happen and healing has settled in there is no need to dilate as many times as the writer of the link fantasies. Can it be done? Yes. Is it required? Let your husband take care of that.

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I dunno I find the stream enjoyable. theyre having fun doing a fast run. it's not world record class but 2 and half hours is still pretty impressive.

Instead of ACTUALLY chopping off their dicks and putting on girl clothes, why don't they just roleplay it on some video game? Second Life is perfect for this, and it accomplishes the same thing mentally. Put some VR goggles on and boom, it's that fucking easy

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did he mean to type dilate?

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I watched Kirino Mosaic I don't get why Twitch faggots like AYAYA so much, they don't even know who is 'AYAYA' just relate her to Karen, I hate these people.

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No, there's a meme about keeping hydrated.


>I had the surgery forty years ago

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What the matter, didn't get the right box?

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it's scientifically proven that men laugh less but make people laugh more, and women laugh more but make people laugh less
in other words women aren't funny

No, its true. Dont fall for memes

the absolute state of LARPers

>Let your husband take care of that.
Ewww. Do you also ask others to wipe your ass as an adult?

>no face cam

What's the fucking point?

You'd be surprised at the amount of tranny orbiters out there, these freaks even have patreons and whatnot. Fucking unsettling.

On the positive side, at least we don't have to listen to donation read outs.

>forty years ago

Attached: 1555812012027.png.webm (550x309, 1.16M)

I do not understand...

You don't. Pre-op and non-op transwomen exist.

Attached: 1552501013808.png (1168x1086, 1.52M)

>unmute stream
>have to talk
>it's very difficult
>mute stream again

>tfw have anxiety and this event makes me glad I'm not trans
Looking at people worse than me makes me feel better

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furries aren't better than anyone
now show me your ass, bunnyboy

Open gash larper

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>all this engrish

At least they are selfaware.

Whats with all the beastars posters lately?

>Not respecting Snake Eyes Shirafuji's pronouns

How do I get a furry gf? I want a girl that's into degenerate shit.

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It’s all relative. Transpeople aren’t killing themselves because there’s something intrinsically wrong with genital mutilation and cross dressing. It’s because they aren’t the norm, and the world reminds them of this constantly.

it's cute af

Attached: 8KTtscB.jpg (600x315, 11K)

And you never will, because Autism is forever~~

Attached: kyung_and_friends_comic_17_by_dogisaga_dbyr6vv-pre.jpg (1018x785, 126K)

I get that the mascot is supposed to be a cheetah, but why did they make it look so much like a hyena?

>DUDE IM ANXIOUS... ://// I'm depressed.... ://// I'M SPECIAL

you're almost as bad as trannies

Attached: 1525655190720.png (332x332, 148K)

then you stop with those habits
theres a reason why someone gets bullied, is like natural selection, the weak and fagots get bullied into suicide so they can pass their weak and fagot dna


You'll regret it
me too tho

I know mtf and ftm people who actually are normal and whom transition really helped. Problem is that in USA unlike my country doctors prescribe hormones to anyone so fast while normally it takes years of psychologist to find out if dysphoria is real or its just a temporary state. For questions Czech here.
>tl;dr Jewish doctors prescribe hormones to everyone without any previous diagnosis

its a hyena, they did it on purpose

hyena females have dicks

I wouldn't mind being a cute yellow bunny

It's pretty common for husbands to have sex with their wives, user, but if you'd rather ask your neighbor to do it for you, I won't judge.

Haru is a bunny girl slut that wants carnivore dick

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>No facecam
They know


Somik-chan isn't actually trans, the delicious dick is shopped in sadly.

>doesn't know Bailey Jay/Linetrap
First day on Yea Forums?

I want a Sayvi gf

Attached: DM10x12UQAIDYUX.jpg (1200x1200, 204K)

Weebing intensifies, but suppose it should been expected with this game.

Amerifats will seethe, but this is a valid comment. It's like the USA only found out that transsexuals exist in the past ten years, and they think they can catch up to the rest of the world by transitioning as many people as possible.

Is the stream working for anyone??

He was maximum comfy guy until he put on the cam. How did he manage to get that asian pussy though?

What you don't like the smell of open wounds constantly prevented from healing I MEAN 100% NATURAL VAGINAS

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Attached: Deq43xNVAAA_rBR.jpg (898x790, 63K)

Hopefully science finds a cure to this mental illness.

I'm using streamlink+mpv and it's working fine.

That makes sense from a Darwinian perspective, yeah, what’s “weird” is purged from a system that values strength, and community acceptance is conducive to shooting one’s seed, sure.

But that doesn’t make being transgender wrong from a moral perspective. Just imprudent. If someone values something more than survival, like being okay with who they are as a person, they may have to do things that inevitably bring them suffering. The idea is that by living as the gender they feel they are, they will be happier than living the rest of their life having to suppress those inclinations. Often they are wrong, of course.

Attached: 1556741386701.png (1024x898, 1.13M)

She's frigid and asexual.

Well, you heard it from the stream, Non-Female confirmed.

Or your husband. Sorry, I meant no offense.

if these girls keep talking about correct genders they are gonna get banned from GDQ

>see AGDQ thread
>Ctrl+F "tran"
>108 results

Attached: 1519225110965.gif (498x498, 1.13M)

I'm using youtube-dl + mpv. Works fine too


This from a girl at a GDQ event? Holy shit.

um... based?

It's stupid to single out tranny suicide rates. If you look at the suicide rates of all people with mental illnesses you'll see that it's very high too. Yet we (((refuse))) to acknowledge tranny shit as a mental illness and single their suicide rates out and pretend that it's not for the same reason all mentally ill people do it

Attached: wtf2.png (178x173, 68K)

No it isn't, that time is basically like you just beat it for the first time and now you're starting a new game to see how fast you can beat it without looking up or coming up with speedrun strats.

I think Sayvi already is if i got shit right.

youtube-dl works for Twitch streams?
Or does this have a YouTube steam I'm not aware of?

You're frigid and asexual

you clearly haven't visited Yea Forums, /soc/ or /r9k/. or pretty much any board outside of Yea Forums and /pol/ and most webistes. but they're mostly a fetish to most people and not eveyrone would actually marry them as most people want kids some day

exactly how I feel friend

We call that a kuudere, user.

Attached: dilate.png (872x587, 52K)

god I wish I was in that corner...

>Why do female streamers always have obnoxious webcams when all the focus should be on the game!
You guys are pathetic.

I don't know what is doing all the work, if mpv or youtube-dl, but it's working.

>hey hubby can you stick your ding-dong in my pensioner pretend pussy and scrape out all the pus and scabs and other pieces of dead and rotting flesh before it goes septic thanks darling

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Transsexualism isn't a mental illness. Saying it a hundred times won't make it true.


Attached: dilate2.png (1301x464, 107K)

The more impressive aspect is how obnoxious they are even without the camera. I can't even listen to the run anymore.


yea thats the thing, everyone can do with their life whatver the fuck they want, as long as they keep it to them, but when thy try to parade trans like is annormal thing and we have to be cool with that. then is when the bullys need to get on it.

Not even tranny lovers like fauxginas. They prefer trannies to keep their cute penises.

Is this what virgins think vaginas are like? Not everyone's genitals are as filthy as your dick, incel.

they manage to be extremely obnoxious without webcams
and we only want webcams to laugh at trannies


wtf i love reddit now?

Attached: dilate3.png (939x254, 18K)

natalie and sue need to do a co-op speedrun. that would be kino

Why thefuck aren't they showing the trannies talking?? Just audio??

Has Protomagical an hero'd yet because xir got tossed from Trannies Done Quick?

She has actual autism so that doesn't help.

im just waiting for the cringe compilation, and screencaps.
this thig gonna be gold


t. deeply mentally disturbed crossdresser

Even the NHS doesn't classify gender dysphoria as mental illness.


But realistically, it is, it's political correctness getting in the way because of negative social stigma around mental illness and a poor understanding of what mental illness really is.

According to who? It was classified as a mental illness until recently when the (((WHO))) decided that it's not for good megacorp points. Gender Dysphoria is a mental illness, no matter how many times you say it isn't.

Attached: ShiggyDiggy.jpg (255x255, 15K)

>he thinks artificial meat pockets are real vaginas

Attached: 02951872421.jpg (660x440, 267K)

So you’re saying cruelty to people who are not committing acts of cruelty is okay. Got it, you’re a dumbass.

>see yourself as one thing mentally
>you're physically not that
>get surgery, hormones, etc in hopes that it'll fix it
>it never changes, never see yourself as a real women
that leads to depression and then they an hero. it'll always be an issue for them until we get super science that can give them reals vaginas or if we treat it like a mental illness and dont encourage them like how we treat every other mental illess

Attached: dilate4.jpg (1439x1711, 403K)

if you put eeffort into passing and aren't annoying, no one will bully you. see: sphere hunter/sue lightning