EA has killed far better studios for far less than this trainwreck

EA has killed far better studios for far less than this trainwreck.

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I don't understand why bioware gets to fuck up 3 times in a row

It's %33 discount current.
Buying worth doing?
I enjoy Bioware videotitles previously.

I've seen physical copies going for 5 dollars and even then I would be cautious.

the bioware name still carries clout with it for some reason so that's probably why

I got it for free and after 40 hours in i can tell you just to wait or find it for maximum 20$, it's not worth it above it.

Combat, graphics(seriously game is jaw-dropping good looking) and flying are the best thing in this game, and each one of them is actually pretty good. The thing is - it's a looter shooter with no content, shit story and shit loot (like 3 guns of each type, then the rarity bullshit. And good luck ever getting above purple lmao)

They honestly should've gone the monster hunter route with this game instead of a destiny clone.
Combat is really, really the strongest point.

No other studio had that kind of connection to the rainbow-color haired crowd

Do you South Americans do EVERYTHING backwards?
33%. Also, $1 would be too much for Anthem.

Bioware is EA's only non-dudebro studio left. It's the blacksheep of the EA company since they don't make FPS, sports games, or multiplayer shit.

how long until the next Dragon Age? can't wait for the next round of BioWare trainwreck threads desu, very comfy

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Years. They were partway through development then had to scrap everything and start from scratch.

fuck, hopefully Star Citizen implodes before then

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So when is the AAA gaming crash going to happen?

They scrapped it to make it a live service game

Never, everything that you hate about these games other people tolerate or outright enjoy. You’re part of a vocal minority against these publishers, and one or two failures is not enough to combat the hordes of consumers who will defend any decision made so long as it’s made with a franchise they like.

It will only get worse.

2020 or 2021 prob. They cancelled the first version last year because it wasn't a "Live Service" like Anthem.
Was going to be set in the Tevinter Imperium, your group would be hiding, and the main quests were a series of Heists. The basic idea was "tall" gameplay with many "locking" choices to promote replayability. As opposed to the "wide' gameplay of Inquisition. Instead of only 1 choice that changed the game (Mage quest or Templar quest), basically every quest would be like that. So you'd have to replay it numerous times to see all the content. They also touted ME2 as their "feel" focus over all other Bioware titles.
It looked good.

Dragon Age. They've killed Mass Effect, they failed at creating a new IP and now all they have left is DA4. If that fails Bioware has nothing left and no reason to exist.

what's a live service game? reeks of jewry

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The game looks like shit maybe upgraded andromeda what the fuck are you talking about


Fuck. You're absolutely right.

>monster hunter route
This to the highest degree. Imagine hunting down big ass monsters to protect the city. It would give off lost planet vibes

What Anthem was

Microtransactions and gambling systems to get people hooked and low reward system for conventional play to incentivize continued spending with a long term expensive DLC release schedule to keep whales spending for the maximum amount of time possible.

It works for most games and they make more money off it than conventional releases so mega publishers flock to the model. Funny as Anthems release is it’s not even a minor roadblock for EA.

You should probably be lying to your bosses at EA and not us if you want to keep your job.


absolute cancer

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These AAA games cost millions and they aren't getting the return they want. I expect a plateau in graphics with more emphasis on gameplay, unless you're a snoy faggot and just want to watch an interactive movie

>jaw dropping
check out ultra settings:

Attached: 2019.jpg (1342x578, 298K)

i can nitpick other games as well.

thing is that you can fly to some really good looking things and actually be there, which is nice.

Anthem main problem is the horrifyingly horrible fucking terribad horribad shit tier loot and content, which is the fucking point. it doesn't matter that the combat and movement is overall good when the content is piss poor

Not only that, crafting guns based on monsters and shit with unique stats and having each gun with unique shit based on scifi and idk monster magic shit.

But bioware is so fucking retarded and incompetent that instead they did a destiny clone without talking about the problems of destiny

good job shitware

Andromeda looks good beside the shit tier faces desu

Andromeda main problem is being a mass effect with a shit writing. ignoring it and the shit faces and animations, it's decent 6

Bioware's fucked up more time, than they would normally be entitled to. However, EA's being shat on from multiple fronts and the general sentiment towards them isn't changing. Their dependency on FIFA/Madden is showing and their investors and shareholders are starting to ditch them. They can't close any more studios, after Visceral and Bioware Montreal, because more people will shit on them. If they ditch Anthem, like they did with Andromeda, people will shit on them, possibly make them liable for a lawsuit, because of former proclamations of "ten year plan". They need a new hit to achieve growth, monetization schemes failed miserably, so now they are changing focus to release Early Access games for full price and to be able to cancel them, without liability, until they get that hit they are after. Right now, they've got nothing and once FIFA and Madden start their downward spiral, which they may already have, since their revenue from these games was $400 million lower this year compared to last year, source being EA's latest financial earnings call, their investors will soon start jumping ship.

Visceral got the axe after Dead Space 3, something they had next to no control over
Bioware deserves to die and stop does EA
I want justice for Isaac Clarke

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I used to look forward to Bioware releases, now this one just completely passed me by and I didn't even know it had been released. What happened?

Bioware has consistently been fucking up since Dragon Age 2. EA keeps them alive as a shield against the commiefornian SJW mafia