>american level
>get shot
American level
Did another one happen?
>european level
>get blown up
>braindead eurotard leftist cuck level
>get raped by pedophile muzzies and still asks for seconds
I'm an american and I've never been shot in my entire life!
>butthurt level
>instantly start deflecting
>eurocuck level
>get raped by a rabid pack of niggers
>play an Israeli character
>American NPCs happily give me all of their money
>Australian level
>Shitpost constantly
>euro level
>get taxed to death
>Australian level
>level is filled with Chinese “”””people””””
>European level
>all NPCs obsess over America
>done with school
>don't have kids
Yeah school shootings ain't so bad.
>eurotard level
>be inferior and be obsessed about the US
>british internet
>get arrested for banter
Ironic considering OP could be from anywhere, including burgerstan, yet you still jump the gun.
>american hospital level
>didn't collect enough gold before
It's America of course it did
Holy shit op well done, you completely assravaged mutts with only 4 words and a wojak. you're either a god or Americans are extremely easy to offend, which actually suits them quite well
>european level
>obsess over america
I love how the british government somehow mistook 1984 for a guide book
He's correct though. In europe nutjobs blow you up or run you over with a truck instead.
>American level
>mutts think anyone bantering them is obsessing over them
>european level
>get run over by truck of peace
> England level
> pray to Mecca
>nothing indicates that OP is from yurop
>still the first thing that comes to minds of burgers is yurope
Talk about being OBSESSED.
Sad euro's, make sure you stay close to the anti-peace van bollards. For diversity
>american character
>banter skill -20
Colombian level
>"get me some cocaina"
This hurt my feelings. Calling the bobbies and having you arrested for hate crime.
Why do people thank this? You don't get charged before a procedure. You get a bill after, which you can wait to pay.
>Irish level
>get drunk
>Ironic considering OP could be from anywhere, including burgerstan
Yet here you are on defense over someone pointing out your obsession
It's a country full of fat people and guns, get over it
I've never seen such an unhealthy obsession shared by such a huge population and this coming from a guy who lives in a country full of obese fat asses
Why can't all you faggots just keep this shit on your own board?
Why is American """""banter""""" so pathetic?
You die of shock when you see the bill.
I love how the only way amerifats can cope with their seething level of asshurt is literally to make up lies
I think I'm gonna eat a burger and play with guns today.
>an average of 1 mass shooting per day in the US
>1 terrorist attack every other year in Europe
don't you see they're equal??
I dunno. Probably the same reason they haven't made a good game in over a decade.
>it's the Americans who have the cope
>not the people who aren't allowed by their nanny government to own a thing that can hurt them
lol imagine not being a US citizen
>Eurosoi level
>-50 testosterone
>+50 tranny faction