GODDAMMIT! How the fuck do we destroy these motherfuckers?!

Fuck games journalist and them "speaking for the fans" to force political shit into everything.

Attached: screenshot-kotaku.com-2019.05.12-07-54-08.png (1238x1287, 683K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>How the fuck do we destroy these motherfuckers?!
Vote Trump in 2020.

They only care about clicks they dont really have that opinion
So not making threads about it and not giving it any attention would be a start

Go fucking kill yourself you waste of oxygen. Fuck you and fuck your website clickbait shilling.

If I'm being completely honest I am puzzled why they replaced Beau Billingsly. His Jet voice was perfect for Barret too.

Why even bother dubbing? It's not like non americans will use the dub.

Hahahahahahaha fucking dumbass

This! Our greatest ally needs more money!

>"fans" are concerened

no WE aren't.

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no, YOU are, fans genuinely aren't

>VA finally got his dream of being in a final fantasy game
>kotacucks wants to ruin everything

>falling for the journo bait

I thought the voice acting in the recent trailer was actually good. Not just from Barret, but all the characters.

Yeah they were all decent. I'm glad siperhorth isnt bad

Is the VA not black or something? If he is then what's the issue, exactly?

There is no other way in this clown world.

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only click bait urlinists care, fans just want to play their game

Oh shit bro! Maybe you should go post this on reddit or facebook where people might actually give a shit.

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by "Fans" they meant one tweet from a literal who.
It's manufactured controversy and you fell for it you stupid faggot.

Fans are the ones who care the most since they'll throw the biggest shitfit if something is not as it used to be. Those who never played the orignial and just want to be part of the "in"-group are the ones who don't care and just swallow whatever shit they get served as long as it has the right label.

This, Jerusalem and the Golan heights weren't enough, the American people demand more!

He talks like big black guy which is "problematic" to the perpetually offended.
That said his voice doesn't sound that great to me. I'd rather he sound like Jet from Bebop.

His voice is fitting and is design is good. No complaints.

its literally the voice in my head that reads out his words in FF7, near perfect imo sjws can btfo

Oh Noes, Kotaku released another clickbait article, how can we stop this dying website from ruining gaming?

Leftist media is dying, don't give them clicks, don't talk about them. Soon enough these fucks will all be unemployed.

>I've never played Final Fantasy VII

wait a minute, this isn't a real article

>kotaku writers getting desperate shilling their clickbait garbage on Yea Forums after univision sold their parent company for pennies on the dollar

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>Fans are the ones who care the most since they'll throw the biggest shitfit if something is not as it used to be
This, just look at the DMC 5 Subhuman controversy, THAT was actual fan outcry

Is that pic what he looks like in remake? Doesn't look as black as in the original.

Who cares when Cloud's face makes him look like a big pussy.

I would say the reaction has been positive from people who will possibly buy it, and negative from people who had zero intention to buy it.

What's wrong with what he said?

>Barret’s characterisation in this version involves an exaggerated black dialect, and his re-translated dialogue now also emphasises Americanised ideals about masculinity.

>In what Tim describes as “the most important text box in Japanese role-playing game English translation history”, the game mis-translates Barret’s expression of empathy to a depressed Cloud. Instead of telling Cloud that everyone gets depressed, like he does in the Japanese text, Barret says that people only get depressed if they don’t know “what’s going on”.

>The fact that that line is preceded with the line, “Yo, jes’ think about it… How many people in the world do ya think really understand themselves?” further reinforces Barret as some kind of hyper-masculine cartoon. Not a fully realised person, but a Mr T facsimile full of weak bon mots.

>This depiction plays into racist assumptions people make about black men: Not seeing them as full people, but as hulking masses of muscle that sometimes provide folksy wisdom.



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>This depiction plays into racist assumptions people make about black men: Not seeing them as full people, but as hulking masses of muscle that sometimes provide folksy wisdom.
Typical hollywood bullshit
Invent a stereotype, then tell others they must apologise for that stereotype existing

A million times this. Unless you're the actual author shilling your "article" there's no fucking reason why anyone here should see this or know this exists.

It is unfortunately, a few days ago some Kotaku shill/intern directly linked to the article then the thread was nuked with "infographs", propaganda and shit flinging about race once too many people showed support for Barret and shit on Kotaku

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>“Yo, jes’ think about it… How many people in the world do ya think really understand themselves?”
>>This depiction plays into racist assumptions people make about black men: Not seeing them as full people, but as hulking masses of muscle that sometimes provide folksy wisdom.

This seems like they're the racist ones here if they see a black man say something wise and immediately think of if as part of a harmful stereotype

At least he dosen't look like an AIDS ridden heroin addict anymore, boys got a bit of muscle now

what's wrong with barrett's voice? He sounds like a big ol nig that loves to eat some fried chicken, collard greens, and wowdamellum. which is exactly what he's supposed to sound like

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It isn't though, that's a product of the inaccurate translation of the original game. For some reason they're staying faithful to that instead of the actual JP script.

I wouldn't even know about this article if not for you fags going on about it and nor would many others.

>Fans are concerned

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>inaccurate translation of the
>original game
>For some reason they're staying faithful to that
because the original is considered one of the greatest games ever made and fucking around with changing anything will cause western fans to piss and shit all over themselves. See: George Lucas and the shit rereleases/changes to the original star wars for example.

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>This seems like they're the racist ones
I really hope people run with this, especially after Kotaku’s token tranny got backlash for the racist Smash shit. The fastest way for Kotaku to finally die would be for their own kind to turn on them.

>source: my dilated asshole


Barrett's Japanese VA speaks from :17 - :25, tell me he doesn't sound exactly like a 'gruff black man'

>I've never played Final Fantasy VII
No one fucking cares what you think, especially if you haven't played the game you fucking retarded blogger. I still can't believe those retards are that bad at even pretending they're journalists.

Like it or not, if people grow up with a product localized a certain way, they'll be attatched to that and not to the original script. Especially if it gives characters traits they like, such as Barrett

Voting Trump is the answer to many things right now, because you just know it fucking annoys them so damn much.

It's always pissed me off when people shit of Barret he's only a stereotype on the most basic level and hell Square seemed to avoid any of the really bad ones, yeah Barret is a loud hot head that swears a lot but he's also
>A successful eco-terrorist and actually did a shit ton of damage to Shinra
>Has a dedicated following even if it's like 4 other people
>Loving adopted father, who always worries about his kid
>The only one in the beginning who's motivation was "save the world"
It's almost like most of the complainers, hell most FF 7 "fans" have never played the game and only know of it or the characters from second and third hand knowledge (word of mouth, Advent Children, the entire Kingdom Hearts series). Never trust the opinions of secondaries they're almost always wrong and retarded.

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When the fuck is society going to stop giving clickbait bullshit free clicks?
A few years ago falling for it is fair enough because you might not know about it but now everyone is aware what the fuck are you playing at.

>more money to Israel
no matter what we are fucked

>I've never seen star trek
>but let me tell you about sci fi

Trump didnt give more money to Israel though

You joke but...

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And if I'm completely honest I have no idea why anybody has any hope of this game being worth a shit considering it's being developed by Squeenix in >current year

How many $60 DOA titles are you going to buy from these motherfuckers before you realize they're a talentless cesspool riding the coattails of their own former glory.

I doubt the average internet user even thinks about the idea that clicks = ad money so no one gives a shit.

hey reddit, stop giving them attention
kotaku posts these articles on purpose, its to farm hate clicks

Pass a law saying all opinion pieces have to have OPINION at the top of the article in big text.
Or the journalist gets fined and/or jailed.
Clickbait ends overnight.

Yeah because he did so much in his first term


Haha just ignore them haha

>Barret not sounding like a stereotypical hood rat is wrong!
Are these journos racist as fuck for assuming all black people talk like that?

white people will whinge about it being racist endlessly and black people won't care

>Americanised ideals about masculinity
He's a sissy now?

>What is TNG
>What is DS9
>And that without mentioning how fucking progressive the presence of Uhura was at the time
Now ST, the most SJW show in existence, is not SJW enough for them. Amazing.

I think it's funny that masculinity is something inherently wrong to them

This is more because of cultural differences in language. The Japanese language doesn't really have experience with black dialect so they have no equivalent other than "guy that talks deep."

This will never not make me mad.

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>more jobs / less unemployment
>less illegal immigrants
>canceled bad trading deals that gave advantage to China
>advanced peace between the Koreas although still WIP.
>HIV/AIDS Relief program
>released multiple people (like 20?) from foreign captives
>pushed to use less Arabic/ Russian oil and more American oil
>fought ISIS (probably made Obama said to see his baby dying)
>pulled out from Iran deal
>assigned kabanou
List goes on and on...

But I don't live in the US, I'm not even a gringo.

The article was written by a big tiddy black woman though

>ive never played Final Fantasy VII

Capcom managed to pull out of a ten year death spiral maybe Square can. Nier was good and DQ11 was excellent, if they put that much effort into other projects then there is hope not so much for FF 7 Remake though since it's still episodic and just went through a massive revamp which usually kills Square games

He green-lighted the money that Obama promised

He also is the first president who didn't go to war since ages. Fucking pussy.

the VA was pretty shitty though. I don't think they should have gone with voice actors at all.

So absolutely nothing relevant at all to my conservative values?

Yea no, Trump jebaited us all.

Not only that but SJWs doubled down because he was elected.


If you want sheeps it's

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