Face it shitlords, your time is over. We WILL fix games and gaming culture.
Don't worry to our POC friends; us white allies are here to tell you blacks how to speak. No, no, you don't need to thank us. We'll get rid of this racist characterization.
Face it shitlords, your time is over. We WILL fix games and gaming culture.
Don't worry to our POC friends; us white allies are here to tell you blacks how to speak. No, no, you don't need to thank us. We'll get rid of this racist characterization.
Other urls found in this thread:
Yo blacks, you had BETTER feel some kind of way about this....
or else.
I honestly never thought Barret was black.
well now you know. He's putting on a minstrel show and I for one am not having it.
His whole character is inspired by Mr T, what the fuck did they expect him to sound like? Obama?
He is 56% white
Yes, virtue signaling gigacucks that want their wives bred by black dudes because they have some fucking weirdo internalized fetish are a problem in the west- and not just for gaming, but for society as a whole.
Ignore them, stop giving their propaganda a platform and they go away.
That's why I linked with an archive. I'm not giving them more clicks; just thought it was funny as fuck.
Shitaku was already sold off to a private equity firm a week or two ago; I'm sure layoffs are in the future.
Thank fucking Christ. We need more Hulk Hogan style takedowns.
Afraid much, sweetie?
Are you saying a character in a video game called Final Fantasy shouldnt be realistic?
ironic shitposting has never been funny you fucking faggot
have you heard Mr.T speaking? the guy is a living stereotype
Sorry, discord tranny. The average person hates you and your ilk.
Of what? Your shitposting?
This alleged cultural reform that's underway?
The reality is that in 5-10 years nobody will give a fuck and the trend will die, just like all the other that came before it and you'll feel real fucking stupid for cutting your dick off.
>fans are concerned about barrets voice
If all they can see when they look at barret is his choice of vocal affectations aren't real fans. Barret had a great story arc and character development. He's bro-teir and a good dad.
Did your bulging beluga lard tires jiggle with smug glee while you typed that? I bet they did.
Sorry Kotaku writer. You'll have to learn how to code :(
Throw him in the dumpster with cole train
Why do feminists call them this? Does "men" give them too much power or something?
I know black guys who fucking talk like that in real life. How the fuck is it racist? These are single parent Tyrones, either. These are dudes that work in a law office and are well educated.
Is a southern drawl racist, too? (not that you can be racist against whites huehuehue)
they view minorities as mercenaries to be discarded after they have been used.
Always assumed blacks liked Cole Train desu
they have to stress their relationship to them constantly in hopes of getting that sweet sweet white knight pussy that exactly three people in all of history has ever fucking got.
Mostly yes, a lot of the language they use is coded nonsense. Feminism died when second wave won, and nowadays a lot of angry women want something to be angry about.
But, they do it in a way that you can't argue with them in an endless rhetoric of post-modern bullshit. Brainlets eat the shit up too.
I actually raid on FFXV with a black marine who starts talking like this when he gets worked up. I'm sure he'll be having a good laugh at all these faggots crying racism.
>Unironically using the word m*n
See you in a month sweaty
Black incels seething. Based Barrett
tl;rd allies are not the part of the socjus struggle and never be one of them
>"fans" are concerned
no we aren't. We literally care about one thing.
And it's disgusting.
and thats a good thing!
*blocks your path*
>commercial flop
>fix anything
I hope the next time a mass shooting happens, it will not be in a school or a mosque. I hope it will hit the Kotaku offices and I hope the shooter kills every last one of them. I hope he leaves a note that says "get woke get killed" and manages to escape without being caught or identified by the police.
>commercial flop
lol wat?
what did he mean by this?
>I’ve never played Final Fantasy VII, and because of that, I’m interested in the remake.
Then why are you writing an article on it?
I encourage any anons diagnosed with a terminal illness to consider doing this.
>mfw there'll be people in this thread who'll play it with English voices
>In Kotaku video producer Tim Rogers’s analysis of the translation, he points out how the English translation, which he says was done by a single person in two weeks, inserted that characterization after the fact. Barret’s characterization in this version involves an exaggerated black dialect, and his re-translated dialogue now also emphasizes Americanized ideals about masculinity. In what Tim describes as “the most important text box in Japanese role-playing game English translation history,” the game mis-translates Barret’s expression of empathy to a depressed Cloud. Instead of telling Cloud that everyone gets depressed, like he does in the Japanese text, Barret says that people only get depressed if they don’t know “what’s going on.” The fact that that line is preceded with the line, “Yo, jes’ think about it… How many people in the world do ya think really understand themselves?” further reinforces Barret as some kind of hyper-masculine cartoon.
What the fuck are they talking about? This wrong in several ways. First, Barret didn't say that "people only get depressed when they don't know what's going on" He said:
>"How many people in this world do ya think really understand themselves?
>People get depressed in life because they don't know what's up.
>But, they go on living. They don't run away... Isn't that how it is?"
This was in response to Cloud refusing to act because he doesn't understand why he lost control around Sephiroth. Barret is trying get him to him to act by saying that most people don't understand themselves, and have to keep moving even when depressed.
This. Barret is a great character beloved by many. As a matter of fact I don't think there's actually people out there who hate him.
who fucking cares about niggers in vidya
And this exactly the same in the Japanese version.
>「あのな、考えてみろよ。自分のこと、全部わかってるやつなんて 世の中に何人いると思ってんだ?」
>「誰だって、わけわかんねえから あ~だこ~だ、なやむんだろ?」
>"Really think about it. How many people do you think are in this world that fully understand themsevles?
>"Doesn't everyone gets troubled because they don't understand what's goind on and what to do?"
>"But everything keeps living regardless. They don't run away. Isn't that how it is?"
Some times you retards don't have a brain in your head.
Black men need to breed with my wife
Why the fuck did they replace his voice actor though? the last voice was perfect. Who the fuck replaces one of the most legendary voice actors in animation for a mr.T clone?
Has anyone told the SJWs about this yet?
Guys you keep going I have to pee.
>black guy raises another man's daughter
Barrett is literally the anti-nigger stereotype.
Those fucks will find anything to whine about.
It must be hard trying to do anything creative with these losers around. Imagine making a character as harmless as Barrett (A Mr. T inspired leader, and father) and these fruit screaming about how it isn't woke enough.
"further reinforces Barret as some kind of hyper-masculine cartoon. Not a fully realized person, but a Mr. T facsimile full of weak bon mots. This depiction plays into racist assumptions people make about black men: not seeing them as full people"
lmao you said it not me
>He's bro-teir and a good dad.
No wonder blacks can't relate to him.
In unironically like Cole Train and Barret the way they are. I'm black
I always hated Barret until I reached Gold Saucer. Then you understand the character better and started to like him a little bit more.
I don't know why would they complain about such petty things and skip the wife beating Cid though.
Everyone likes him except no fun allowed faggots who think "le funny black man=racist"
Blacks do like Cole Train. Nobody gets offended by stereotypes as long as the character is still based. It's the Street Fighter 2 Effect.
tim rogers has clout with people for whatever reason
t. knows people who claim to be cynical of kotaku but when his name is dropped they're like
all their whining has done is create a poisonous shitty landscape.
we're in the soviet era of video game development
Do they just hate any good or likeable black characters? God forbid they saw based Bo in Binary Domain.
Based black bro
>tim rogers
Never heard of her
Fucking based
You're telling me none of these people have watched any media with Mr.T in it? Jesus, the ignorance really is spreading.
I hate this timeline. Can I go back?
Where's the fucking time machine?
>Im-fucking-plying X's English dub wasn't pure unadulterated kino
sorry user. you're trapped in this world just like the rest of us. Honk Honk.
Why would you want to leave sweetie? There's nothing wrong with this timeline.
>Shitting on my nigga Cole Train
To the fucking trash, bitch
me neither prior to his being shilled, but I have friends who are SJWs (don't ask why) and use more subterfuge for their bs.
>heh yeah kotaku sux
>but tim rules!
>SJWs hate barafags now
Why are SJWs so homophobic? I'm feeling very oppressed now.
I like the added hair on Barret's chest
Women don't have friends, only allies. It's just a term that resonates with them.
This generation doesn't know who the fuck Mr T is save for a goddamn WoW commercial.
Whoever he is, he obviously know as much Japanese as he claims to, if he's saying stupid shit based on an obvious guesslation.
Same. Not is he not abandoning his role as a father, his daughter isn't even his and he doesn't rape her. He's not black at all.
tim rogers was the proto hipster, hated all over for his pretentious bullshit. then everyone moved on to hating phil fish, then 2014 happened.
That's just depressing. How can they be educated on that?
wow I sure am glad I'm not a racist and I just think this black character isn't a real character because he's a little too close to being a stereotype, as we all know anyone that is a stereotype (especially PoC!!) aren't real humans
I like how the stereotypical black characters in Apex Legends, Overwatch etc. are never called out by these publications
>put nigger in game
>"hey, i dont like he looks!"
>put no nigger in game
>"hey, where is my PoC character?!"
Man, you should've commented this on that shitty article comment section. Those morons needs to hear the truth. But then again, if they don't agree with you, your comment would never appear because mods. Fucking piece of shit of a website.
Because they're not that stereotypical, those games are pretty inoffensive. No game has actually gotten polynesian representation right until apex.
>reading Kotaku
>actually looking at stuff to get offended by
>immediately having a fitting resetra screenshot
>roleplaying as the faggots being offended to show how offended you are
hang yourself
fucking faggot
>announcing a report
Apex is the kind of representation I can tolerate, implied enough but doesnt take away focus on the whole celebrity deathmatch idea, the real good shit. Overwatch is trash though
did i? i just typed "report", that measn nothing.
you probably typed "hetero" at one point and are still a humongous faggot.
so the problem is that he speaks like black or does not speak like black?
I think my most hated version of modern article writing is when they say and fans are upset or and the internet isn't happy.
Every single time it's like 3 literal who tweets with 4 retweets but they need to justify the writers opinions somehow and make it seem like a genuine story.
the problem is OP and other faggots care about this shit and will spam it every single day from now on.
>this blatant falseflagging
god /pol/cucks are getting kinda pathetic
shut up faggot, Yea Forums has been doing this shit for years you aren't going to change anything
>we were acting like massive faggots for years, so why change it now?
welcome to Yea Forums retard
imagine being so retarded you can't tell the difference between sarcasm and falseflagging
I don't even think Tim Roger's video says that, since even he mentions that Barret uses stereotypical big bro yakuza tough guy speech. He absolutely is a representation of masculinity, and he's absolutely giving a "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" speech (which the kotaku/resetera audience fucking hates and why they're quick to misinterpret it into anything they'd prefer). The only quibble over the translation is that in Japanese Barret explicitly includes himself in people being troubled/depressed. In English, people usually means other people. "People should try harder if they're having problems" vs "We all should try harder when we're having problems." The English translation should have just been a little more explicit in him including himself in what he's saying, rather than something vague that could be interpreted as saying other people need to get their shit together.
So he's a cuck?
Really hope they flesh out Barrette and Clouds homosexual relationship. I mean it's 2019 for Christ's sakes.
Calm down tranny.
>gets another man's cunny
uh, no?
Raising another man's daughter is being less of a cuck than raising your own daughter.
Correct Polynesian representation is not representing the Polynesians. Go fuck yourself for supporting EA in any way, shape or form.
>people that complain about the white race dying out don't want any children
top zozzle
*blacks your path*
>Facebook page watermark
ofc is kotaku saying this shit, jesus shut their fucking business down already
How can you hate Cole Train? youtube.com
>Cole train is a stereotype.
>I fucking see 100% black people acting like him all the fucking time.
Only white people think Cole was a stereotype, otherwise he is the best character in the damned series.
>Goes into death battles with a laugh and a wooo.
>Implying Cole wasnt a black Macho Man Randy Savage.
its always a problem of translation. Japanese original version do not have racial features/tones to distinguish barret from others, so it was a work of translators...and it would be like that in the remake.