Happy Mother's Day, anons. What video games will you play with your mom today? I will play Mario Party 8

Happy Mother's Day, anons. What video games will you play with your mom today? I will play Mario Party 8.

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>ywn play mario party with bowsette

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My mum is a literal Shichzo who won’t take her meds and won’t get any professional medical help, so I will play, staying in my room and pretending she’s not there or maybe getting out the house so I can be away from her constantly muttering nonsense and snapping.

Take it from me, women’s rights and independence was a total fucking mistake.

Mothers day was a couple months ago here. I bought her Wimbledon tickets.

You married your mom?

Taking her to flea market and out you lunch

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bowsette trannies MUST be hung

Hug da Bows

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>frogshitters still seething

Bowsette Jr. a cute

My mom doesn't like vidya, never did. The only thing she really plays is Candy Crush.
Nontheless i invited her over to my place for brunch and she's coming in about 15 minutes. So that's good.

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I feel like there's like five different mothers days and fathers days every year. Why do these jew holidays exist?

Capitalism my nigga. Consumerism.

UK has a different Mother's Day to the US

For them to have a day besides their birthday because they raised you

Don't give them replies, it's what they crave
Just block their tripcode and move on

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TF2 , counter strike... ya kno, the good shit

My mom was the one to get me into video games. She would always take me to Blockbuster to rent a movie, but one time we went she noticed the demo kiosk for Donkey Kong Country. I had played other games before, but didn't have much interest. She urged me to try it though because I was fascinated by the speed of the minecart level they had playing. We ended up playing it together until we beat it and then had to beat it every time we were at the store. She eventually bought me the game for us to co-op, and even when it got too hard for me as a kid, she kept playing and beat it alone while I watched.

I even tried to play the Retro DKC games with her, but they were so frantic that she said they made her dizzy. Regardless, I still take a picture of myself playing every Mother's Day and send it to her.

Cheesy though it may be, I plan to marathon the game start to finish on the day she dies.

>name: Ruggarell !!1ei8L6pic/Q

Go back to tumblr tripfag

No other way to respond except hostility lmao

I remember hearing that name a long time ago but I forget why. It was probably a dick pic or something.