What are some good games that let you manage a carrier or fly off one as a pilot. I have been playing Warthunder lately for those vibes, but I'd like to be in more control. Not looking for a specific era and sci-fi is cool too. Are there any hidden gems out there?
Carrier Games
Thomas Morris
Jordan Bennett
>trying to do Case 1 recoveries with the Hornet in DCS
Jesus fucking christ beating Sekiro was easier
Adrian Morgan
DCS is cool. I bought the F-14A/B module, but sometimes its not very relaxing.
Camden Watson
in F15 Strike Eagle II you could take off and land on aircraft carrier
Camden Lopez
Obviously World of Warships
Aiden Edwards
Is it fun or mostly just a mind numbing grind?
Sebastian Barnes
There's always this and Battlestations Pacific.
Michael Murphy
I like the F-18 but honestly the whole carrier ops thing is not for me. I like gently touching down on a stationary surface.
Dominic Fisher
It's fun as a carrier. Plus all enemies will hate you.
Anthony Peterson
They ruined carriers and removed all the fun from them, don't bother.