Carrier Games

What are some good games that let you manage a carrier or fly off one as a pilot. I have been playing Warthunder lately for those vibes, but I'd like to be in more control. Not looking for a specific era and sci-fi is cool too. Are there any hidden gems out there?

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>trying to do Case 1 recoveries with the Hornet in DCS
Jesus fucking christ beating Sekiro was easier

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DCS is cool. I bought the F-14A/B module, but sometimes its not very relaxing.

in F15 Strike Eagle II you could take off and land on aircraft carrier

Obviously World of Warships

Is it fun or mostly just a mind numbing grind?

There's always this and Battlestations Pacific.

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I like the F-18 but honestly the whole carrier ops thing is not for me. I like gently touching down on a stationary surface.

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It's fun as a carrier. Plus all enemies will hate you.

They ruined carriers and removed all the fun from them, don't bother.