Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games...

Unironically playing a bownigger is LITERALLY the scummiest and most pathetic way to play these types of games, there is nothing worse than having your amazing duel cut short by some "HEHE NOTHIN PERSONNEL KID" bownigger who can't play a regular class to get kills so he has to sit at the back of the map with a bow, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, holding M1, release, like can you IMAGINE the kind of person who purchases and downloads a first person medieval combat game and decides to play as a bownigger? What's the thought process? How is it fun to stand in one place the entire match just holding and releasing M1? and ruining the game for everyone else while they're at it? Bowniggers were always one of the most hated parts of Chivalry and they're back in full force in Mordhau, the devs learned nothing about the hatred people harbor for bowniggers and the people who play bowniggers learned nothing about playing a proper fucking class. They are the absolute worst part of the game, nobody enjoys playing against them, nobody says "OH WOW I GOT OUTSKILLED SO HARD WHEN THAT BOWNIGGER SHOT ME IN THE BACK", and no decent fucking person enjoys playing a bownigger. They're always low level shitters because they can't learn how to play the game properly. It's a fucking wheelchair class so shitters can get kills and pretend they're good at the game with their artificially inflated KD/R. It's always bittersweet when you finally track down the bownigger who's sniped you across the map 5 times in a row only to discover he can't parry even 1 of your melee attacks because he's a complete shitter. But instead of trying to learn the game he keeps playing his wheelchair class and some of them even enjoy how much it ruins the game because all bowniggers are both retarded and sadistic. I hope all bowniggers die of rectal

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Other urls found in this thread:


you can literally slap arrows out of the air in this


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why is this game such a saltmine

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Rapier is where the nerf needs to happen. It's too fast and even when you chamber they counter chamber easily. Morphing chamber only work with weapon just as fast as the rapier. Rapier + shield is beyond broken.

There is nothing wrong with playing the superior choice

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I think you mean comfy

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Been like that since Chivarly

You can parry and riposte them after they counter chamber your chamber, or you can try aiming the chamber at a slight angle to throw them off. But yes rapier shield is cancer

I mainly play exec sword and its terrible against rapier. No speed and no range but I'm too accustomed playing with it.

the fun novelty is wearing off and people only start to care about winning.

imagine being this bad at a video game


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>tfw too much of a brainlet to figure out dueling so I rely on having the biggest weapons and just smacking people's heads off when they're fighting someone else and not looking

still pretty fun

So chambering > feinting > parrying > someone who spams left click > feinting?

i think the joke is that hes a archernigger

Bow is annoying as shit but so is every sniper class in every single game, they're not really op.
Shieldniggers are fucking gamebreaking though.

>serving any purpose whatsoever

Torn Banner is gonna have to make Chiv3 samurai themed now aren't they

How do you counter shields? Do they actually have a precise hitbox you can hit past or do you just have to bait them / team up on a guy?

The real faggots are the ones who try to police regular FFA servers and cry about people not duelling, when 99/100 servers in deathmatch are already duel-only

I play a 3/3/0 2h spear and I literally don't know what a chamber is, I know how to feint but never do, I just flank everyone and scroll up

Most underrated weapon?

Honestly they could make pretty sweet star wars game with all that ballerina dancing.

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>spend the match finding teammates losing a 1v1
>wait for my teammate to almost lose before throwing my shortsword in the back of the enemy's head, then punching them to death while they're distracted
Teammates saying 'thanks' has never felt sweeter.
Why does no one expect you to throw your sword?

this, except bowniggers are less annoying than snipers because they rarely manage to 1 shot you
shields are the true aids and its always satisfying watching some shieldnigger get locked into a corner and kicked to death like the little bitch they are

Is there a better feel than throwing a maul at a charging knigga and ohk him

Whats bad about shields? How am i supposed to protect myself against bowniggers? Made a shield+axe dude with extra throwing axes. Feels good.

hope they're retarded enough to let you kick them, otherwise all you can do is try to meme the hitbox while they backpedal to their allies, apparently you can stab over some shields by jumping but i dunno how effective that is

Warhammer oneshots if throwed?

>Bowniggers are not annoying
They are literally shooting from their save spaces, just like SJW throwing a tantrum at everything over twitter from their save space in the US and Canada. Fuck these flamboyant faggots.

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Threadly reminder this game will die in a month because the community will break the already extremely flawed tracer system used in many games before this one.
Enjoy while it lasts, Mordhaucucks.

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Ye, chopping down scared bownigger with your executioner sword and teabagging the body.

>Do they actually have a precise hitbox

No, it's like 35% bigger than the actual shield. I've tested it.

You either have to push them in a corner and kick them to death, try to move on their flank and stab them, wait for a team member so you can run behind him, make him push you and then kick him. It's annoying as fuck, especially spear and shield fuckers.

As a dickass crossbowman I feed on these angry tears

Kind of like how you are throwing a tantrum from your safe space, Yea Forums?

Short-spear + Targe user here.
I'm trying to get more feints in but scrolling up is just too damn satisfying, especially when you get headshot after headshot.
Oh yeah, i also have a short sword for throwing purposes. 1-shoting someone not wearing a helmet is satisfying as well.

I guess we found a bownigger.

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Delicious bitch years

Imagine being this butthurt over the weakest playstyle in the game

it's time to post your crossbowman

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>buys a game about medieval melee combat
>only uses bow and runs from any encounter
>if cornered, presses suicide button to not give the enemy a kill
ehehe, bowws ah fine.

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>tfw sneaking past the melee and mowing down bowniggers by the dozen in one shot with a battle axe
>repeat as much as you want because they're so focused on their bowfaggotry they don't care about their surroundings

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Kicking, jumping over them and stabbing, or chambering

Shieldfags aren't actually too bad to deal with if it's 1v1 or if you're dueling the problem is they usually have friends and they'll turtle away until backup arrives

Is the crossbow even worth using in this? I gave it a shot and the damage is just awful for how slow the rate of fire is.

>14 chambers

haha, pathetic. You don't even chamber and morph stabs for a free hit? Literally just scroll forwards then backwards.

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the crossbow is useful as fuck in horde mode

>most kills in one match

Thanks for proving that ranged players suck dick.

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I keep seeing screenshots with armor (specifically chest pieces) that I can't find in the list ingame, what gives?

Why are people complaining about bows anyway?

Most people are wearing heavy armour making bows too low damage

>playing archer really close to group melee
>one breaks offs and charges me expecting to slap my bow out of my hand and me to have no idea how fight
>pull out and dagger and charge him back catching him off guard, has no idea how to handle such a fast weapon
nothin' personnel

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>cant play horde solo without forfeiting exp and gold
>everybody in public servers is just safespot cheesing

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>win a 1v3 against the enemy
>get killed by an arrow to the back of my head when i'm in full plates as well
Fuck this gay shit.

I never played Chivalry, was the game so shit it had a population of 30 people? Twice have I entered a game where some chivfag joins and somehow recognize another chivfag out of the 64 people in the game.

>someone used my archer nigger screenshot to complain about them

Nice nice.

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I've literally never used a ballista before

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by the second half of its lifespan it was a very small very autistic core of players who just spammed mechanic exploits at eachother
so yeah it was that shit

Cross should be red.

What's it like living in a fish bowl?
Or have you accidentally got your NOS button pressed down?

I see you haven't played against anybody who feints.

The problem with Chivalry was that there were a lot of autistic exploits like spinning, bending all the way backwards and swinging overhead and hitting you while not facing you, etc

It got really retarded and “high level play” didn’t even vaguely look like medieval combat anymore and the devs didn’t do shit about it, so the game died

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I hated the spinning but i liked the matrix dodging.
>guy throws a stab from a bit of distance
>bend a bit backways as you wind up you own stab throw your body from back to forth
Mordhau is pretty great but it's lacking bad play punishments.

give me a fun ninja/assassin build

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The matrix dodging isn’t too bad, what’s retarded is when they face away from you, then bend all the way backwards, then do an overhead swing

sabre/messer + 2 accessories like firebombs or throwing daggers

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How can I contribute as an engi? I can't duel for shit since my FPS is sub 60 and constantly fluctuates.

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They toggled that off in mordhau anyway. you can tell because you can hit anyone behind you with a overhead swing but you can hit a wall behind you

i mean cant hit anyone behind you. fuck i gotta get some sleep.

Push up with your team and build defences on points you've captured. If you have a tool box and resupply it after you spawn you can use the 6 ammo in it to build a mini ballista

Can I deploy the ballista and the other engineer stuff at the same time?

So what exactly was this game?
An indie kickstarter project made to be reworking Chiv as an entirely new, different game but with almost the same experience but better?

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>throw my sidearm at archerfag perching over the spikes in camp
>he runs away
Nigga stole my dagger

>live in the Caribbean
>100+ ping in every server
Florida servers fucking W H E N

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Yes that + no spinning is why Mordhau is less cancerous than Chivalry

They still need to find a way to nerf shields and make the maps more balanced but this can be done with some fine tuning. It comes at the cost of the matrix dodging but that’s a small price to pay to get rid of the reverse overhead bullshit

Finally reached level 30, bros

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Does this game have the superior ranged choice?

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I still think drags should be fine tuned a bit. There's some particularly long weapons like poleaxes, halberds or billhooks that can hit around reasonably well placed parries and even show a hit marker on your back when they hit from the front

Chivalry was a indie kickstarter game too dumb dumb. Based on the success of their HL2 mod

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wow an eyepatch!!

>almost level 40
>people in duel servers still wipe me without me killing them once
I'll just not go on a duel server ever again and feel good about myself.

so an indie remake of an indie remake..

The scariest part about them is when they are actually good at melee combat. Back in the chivalry days when I played it, you’d think oh they’re just a shitter,then you run up to them and they fuck you up with a tiny dagger because they’re great at parrying n shit. Really hurts your ego

Keep dueling bro, you'll get better, you'll learn to read enemies through trial and error.

This is a pretty legit strategy, especially in Frontline. I notice the people who are usually in the top have weapons that can 1-2 shot in the chaotic melee.

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It's the tryhards and chivalry dropouts. Most of those feint spammers can be countered by staying out of their weapon's range so they run out of stamina, or just stabbing them with a quick weapon since they won't be able to react in time. Limit yourself to fighting people with non meta weapons and have fun, after all, their precious weapon juking won't be worth shit in the frontline
Can't wait until competitive duel mode does away with all those faggots

I have almost 120 hours. I don't need to be embarrased by some fag who does nothing but drag while I can't even let off an attack.

See above. How exactly will competitive duelling drive those people away.

Can't remember the last game I played that had such an unmoderated chat. It's pretty nice, hope it stays that way.

Because competitive modes in any game ever are and have always been a tryhard honeypot


>Play game that is basically built around the melee combat
>The archery mechanics are as simple as can be, there's nothing there to master
>Choose to play an archer over something melee anyway

Can someone playing an archer elaborate on this baffling choice?

>having to deal with shield, rapier and spearfags
yea no thanks

It gets tricky because every player is different. Some players just spam stab, some players love feinting and morphing, some players spam left click/rely on a lot of erratic, chaotic attacks, some players are very defensive and heavily rely on parrying and chambering. Getting a good feel for what kind of player you’re up against helps a lot i.e if they feint a lot then you can spam left click or chamber them to punish, if they are defensive then you can feint them and punish them, if they are very aggressive you can rely on parrying, etc

>rely on parrying
You mean losing all stamina and dying while he still has over 90? Because that's what happened to be six times before I left the server.

>Running Dodge with rapier + shield

If you do this, you are literally worse than Mao

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>in 64 server
>mad he cant 1v1

Dude there are duel servers just go play on those

You should be riposting attacks that hit your parry. That way you force them to either parry or chamber. If they parry, the stamina difference is evened out. If they chamber, they lose more stamina than you if you then parry the chamber.


Not that guy, but I'm personally not mad at you guys. Just disappointed

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I unlock my 502 scroll wheel just to make faggots like you cry. Rapier nerf never ever

Post Kniggas. How's mine look?

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The mace. It completely demolishes people in armor

Goddamn right I am mad. That shit is ridiculously broken. Not only is the user completely exempt of all the mindgames the game has to offer due to the shield, but he also has a way out when he does fuck up his block. Not to mention the "backwards dodge into stab during your recovery" bullshit

Absolute asscancer.

If you want to actually hit anything that isn't standing still, yes.

>see cool as fuck armor I need for set
>it's >3k gold

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Rapier paired with shield

The maul
Do a single mistake against a maul user and you die
Atleast rapier fags are usually shit since they rely on their crutch
But maul niggers are enlightened


that's like 8 full games

Turn your brain off and either join those awful 64 man horde servers which I'd argue last way too long or grind out your favorite game mode.

A decent score can net what 500 more or less. Podcast / shoot the shit and go. Or get drunk.

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>shoot horsefag's mount dead
>watch as he gets ragdoll'd into a crowd of bloodthirsty teammates and torn apart like some zombie apocalypse shit

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Chosen Undead/10

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Step 1. Join duel server
Step 2. Select Rapier class with dodge
Step 3. Scroll wheel stab all tryhard drag fags
Step 4. Win the match and collect tears from all the salty roleplaying nerds

shut the fuck up swordbitch. All you need to do to get alot of kills with the sword is spamming left click. You actually have to aim when using the bows.

Yeah idk either, bows are literal garbage. Can't imagine why people complain about them.

Horde is a big fucking no
>After some point the only viable strategy is to camp into some spot the AI cant reach and you have to watch this one fag shoot 40 npcs for 20 mins

>Shooting into a crowd of people fighting

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>rapiershieldnigger talking shit about halberds and says point cost doesn't matter when every other rapiernigger on his team is rolling bloodlust as well but you can't get shit if you start with halberd
>rapiershieldnigger uses range as his reason to hate it when it won't matter against a rapierfag
What is the best way to kill these faggots? I'm always using a bill or poleaxe whenever I meet them and it's impossible to do anything because they just walk in your face to breathe on you as they wait for you to do anything because of their speed or they just circle you constantly stabbing while still breathing on you.

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I hate fighting against maul users

I get that it’s a slow weapon but the maul is SO slow that it actually fucks with my sense of timing

>hitting your team mates
>archer is so OP omg

who here /quarterstaff/

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i need to learn to stop getting hit

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If they come that close, kick them in the nuts. If nothing else, it will make them keep a healthier distance for the rest of the fight.

does anyone know how XP and coin rewards are calculated? winning doesn't seem to matter shit, but performance does in a way I think?

Accept that you're shit, lay down and die mostly

I think it’s a combination of points + length of the match

Could be wrong tho

Seems to be how long the game lasts, quick wins actually seem to give less money.

Get good, faggot.

I still havent found a reliable way to kill a rapier fucker
Most of the time they do a mistake and I manage to kill them or its frontline and I try to flank them
No other combination is so tricky, its definitely getting nerfed

What else can they add to this game? Besides more maps

You look familiar...
Haven't I killed you before?

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Some more weapons and armor. I'm sure there are a lot more cool stuff they can add for variance.

> Angry French mounted knighted stuck in the mud

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Kick and quickly stab.

Bows are great weapons and require immense skill, timing and aim to use properly.
They are also more strategic than all other weapons, thus only the most intelligent players can understand the joy of playing bow.

Make rapiers cost more to equip. Its a good weapon, it should not be so cheap to equip is all, it is not at all in the same league as other weapons at the same cost. This would also mean you dont get people with shields and full armour using rapier, they would have to lose something.

Who here /mountedgunner/?
Nothing comfier than funneling plebs into a killzone with barricades then mowing them down with a mounted crossbow.

It was made by old Chivarly players who didn't like all the spinning and twirling and 150 fov shennigans

They have been working on a project for 3 years now. Might be Chivalry 2 but they need to offer something different than Mordhau offers though or it's DOA.


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It gets annoying when you are fighting someone and you die from an arrow, or you are walking into a battlefield and die to an arrow. But they are not OP, getting gud with the bow is tricky and there are plenty of ways to counter it

What's the worst cancer guys?

Bowniggers? Rapier/Shortspear+ shieldniggers? Spam-left-click-to-winiggers?

Theres the issue, people want to be MLG, but noone can seem to hit shit, and any hits just comes as assists because noone is stupid enough to stand still long enough or remain in the open after being hit. The problem comes from them just giving kills to the enemy and doing nothing themselves, thinking that if they attack at range they are much safer than if they fought in melee.

Vote kick rapiershield users so they dont get xp/gold

>They are literally shooting from their save spaces
If they're shooting from safe spots they have a very low chance of hitting anything at all. Optimal bow use is shooting from about 10 meters where you're not really safe.

I'm planning to try a build where i open with a crossbow shot and then switch to melee, dunno how it will go.

This is basically my playstyle and I don't understand the hate for it. It's genuinely fun as fuck and the only people who can't counter it are people who don't know how to press right click.

I probably spam these but I just want views.



This might be the only game im okay with dieing to arrows because they dont tell me im shit like getting parried by a nigger then feint countered

Raper/shield and short spear/shield

You can at least defend yourself from bows (shields, parries, archers can’t run away from you for long, will drop bow when hit), only thing you can do for rapier/shield is hope your kick lands

Ok listen up faggot, this is how you deal with rapier niggers:
Parry and riposte, forcing them to parry/block or chamber.
Shields and the rapier itself have awful stamina costs for parrying, you'll win every time unless you have a tiny weapon yourself or you keep missing like a retard.
If he's chambering you just keep parrying, he'll waste even more stamina.
If he has a shield you have more options, you can feint into kick or go for jump stabs.
Don't forget that they like to stab at your head a lot so most rapier fags will be easy bait for ducking and matrixing. Dodge that blade and smash their faces in.

Happens once every few matches at best. Gotta keep movin'

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Everytime I buy an item it does this dumb loading thing and it stays like that unless I ALT F4 the game. Is there a fix for this? Does anyone else even have this problem?

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No more annoying than if some faggot comes in out of nowhere swinging and gets an easy kill on you during a fight, or teammates are hitting your back cancelling your attacks so that perfectly timed attack has now stopped and the enemies one hit kill attack is now coming at you in slow motion and there is nothing you can do because your dumbass teammates insist on horizontal swings when they are standing right behind you. I honestly think there is more annoying shit than bows, there are hard counters to bows, throw a smoke in their general direction and they are left with their limp dick in their hands.

The answer is people who use macros to turn ripostes, morphs, drags and feints into single button commands that require no skill.

They're the true cancer because they're literally cheating and will slowly and steadily kill the game by forcing out everyone who doesn't use macros due to their immense, unfair advantage.

Cheating macrofags are the real cancer. They've only just started to take root but it won't be long now before they kill this game.

Gameplay looks like shit.

>Yea Forums memes in chat

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>Grab a longsword for fun and wander up to a fight going on
>Kniggers so switch to mordhau grip
>Suddenly a knigger comes around corner in my face
>Panic swing from above and it instantly cracks his skull
After that I'm actually using a loadout with a longsword and any time I see a guy remotely armored up I switch to mordhau. Stuff is fun.

You mean like the in-game binds like "feint or parry"?

Its going to happen, the game will die because of it, just enjoy it while its not there yet, the game is pretty fun right now. Nothing good ever lasts.

he's talking about setting up custom binds so that you can do a perfect drag or perfect accel etc with one keypress

>Go to the Torn Banner website
>enter their chivalry forums
>half of the first page are deleted topics about Mordhau
Imagine being this salty

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Anyone got some midi tunes for LuteBot?

post main builds

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I heard a guy on a duel server playing this on the lute:


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>no helmet
thanks for the easy kill, fag

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>i probably spam these but I just want views
Kill yourself and quit shilling your garbage, zoomer faggot

Looks like you bercame mad from training

I loved chiv I played it for like 400 hours.

this game honestly doesn't hold chiv's jock strap. chiv was a broken piece of shit but it was fun. I just don't enjoy this game.

Here's my Knigga.
The redditor fears the clover

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When it works, juking all the swings coming at me and cleaving niggas is great. When it doesn't, I just fucking die in one hit. It doesn't work more often than it does, but I still have fun.

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>no horse
are the french, dare I say, based?

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Mordhau feels kinda soulless because they are just a ragtag of chivalry players. they know how to get the combat right but they fucking suck at balancing and making maps, level design and all that shit. but atleast the mechanics are fun.

>running around with a quarterstaff and 2 firebombs

How can any of you play with the Post Process setting set to anything above Medium?
On High settings and Ultra it just introduces these fucking disgusting screen blurs and chromatic aberrations to your screen whenever you take damage, get burn etc. It fucks up with your perception greatly.

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Theres also the fact that theres no real distinction between Blue and Reds in Mordhau. this is mostly because of the lack of classes but superior customization. Masons and Agatha had their own specific voices and custimization options even if limited and they looked distinct. In Mordhau you can look the same on both sides it doesnt really matter.

horses are hella fun

horses are gay and so are you

>It fucks up with your perception greatly.
My perception of range is already fucked when trying to stab with polearms. It looks like it should be going through their head but it misses instead.

Already run everything low/off because the game is unoptimized garbage.

Bastard Sword

Turn on tracers

that is the OP cancer combo everyone spams, hardly underrated

i realy like cut off legs

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I can count on one hand the amount of people I've run into with that build.

>either gang up on someone or get ganged up on the game
no objectives is a massive fucking mistake

it's prevalent on EU serverd

So stop playing the modes without objectives

>lose the fucking middle point on camp after having full advantage over it with 200+ points
>lose the entire fucking match after that as well because my entire team doesn't know how to cap the damn point and a retard on the catapult keeps TKing everyone that actually tries to get the point
Today I have become mad.

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I miss the GET THOSE ARCHERS voice commands

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>lol bro why are you using bows lmao the game is all about melee
>takes shield and spear

Where do you engineer lads place your spikes for maximum effect?
I usually stick them in chokepoints facing the enemy but I get the feeling I'm doing more harm than good as my team is inevitably pushed back into them.

Place them as a deterrent and in secret places, like the jump rock at camp or the tunnels at grad

>lol bro why are you using bows lmao the game is all about melee
>takes 3 fire bomb

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Turn those bastards around, and don't block every exit.
Let your teammates push the front and when the enemy inevitably tries to flank they're fucked.

>be above average
>die to someone really good in a duel server
>same person keeps wanting to fight me
>keep denying him because I don't want to embarrass myself

I like riposting their heads off with the maul, you got to hit them once, they got to hit you 4 times.

That's the trick user, the drag on it is out of this world.

Rate my merc. Halberd best weapon.

Attached: sir doge.png (1009x833, 886K)

I think the wolf shoulder... neck thing whatever the fuck it's called would look better. Overall I like it. Halberd strong and legit one of my favorite weapons outside of this game but I can't help but love the billhook.


>flesh wound
Why is this so popular?

Why would anyone spend gold on the padded chainmail pieces? Makes you look like a retarded hockey player

engie is so underwhelming
you repair some shit, put up a barricade or something and then what? hammer is useless so I always have to pick up a weapon or something and go kill shit, what's the point

Finally 22 for the pants.

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>tfw not high level enough to become /fa/

good taste

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>He doesn't play goalie against rapierfags with his trusty halberd

>he doesn't know about ballistas
If you aren't doing the archers job better than them you're doing it wrong.

my knigga and anti-horse dude, the two I play the most

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Axechad reporting for duty

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I just want to kill other archers and maybe ballista if I can reach.

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>mfw waiting for waifu knights

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Bows seem like time-wasters to me. Yeah some Hanzo main can get a headshot every 2 minutes and its annoying, but he's basically just being babysat by his team instead of actually being useful. Plus running into a corridor full of bowfags and decapitating them all makes it worth dealing with

>spend fifty years gathering materials to fortify an area
>one single fire bomb destroys it all
>can't get close enough to repair it since there's fucking fire
>even if I could it takes more damage than I can repair
I like engineer but fuck...

I want a fast build that can run into archer camps and gib them, whats the best weapon for the job?

fuck greathelms, fuck armets but most FUCK SALLETS, where my fellow rat faced bascinet bros at?

Attached: Rat.png (573x937, 697K)

delete horses
delete spears
delete shields
delete rapiers
delete every fucking faggot using any of the above

gain wide

Attached: knigas.png (1396x948, 1.17M)

8/10, good taste, halberd is godlike

Attached: Halberd.png (391x929, 481K)

my man

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Are you playing on a potato? People have their complaints, but optimization definitely isn't one.

extremely based, :^) helm is best helm

I just got it last night and jesus is it good.

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not him but im getting like 40 fps mostly due to the amount of characters on screen, I think im around medium other than textures

Nope. Struggle to get above 150 on certain maps. Definitely not optimized for what it is.

Redpill me on the waraxe. Is it better than the battleaxe?

It could be better optimized. Even the lower-high/upper-mid range is having a lot of trouble at times with settings down.

>halberdbro rushes up to a shieldnigger, kicks then instantly cleaves his head off

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>Struggle to get above 150

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best melee 5pts or under?
i was trying to make a slash-n-smash build, with 2 weapons roughly the same in power, one for smashing armor and the other for slashing skin.
i opted for messer+mace, heavy armor and the last couple of points in throwing axes

Funny that 90% of archerfags just use the default class. It makes them pathetically easy to one-shot but these are like level 20-30 players still using Huntsman.

Pick up a maul with 3/3/3 and just go nuts

So that's why I got vote kicked for topping the scoreboard in a frontline game. I was just doing maul unga bunga and slaughtering idiots who don't parry when they tried to gank, then someone says I was using a macro and I got kicked. Ebin

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>The archery mechanics are as simple as can be, there's nothing there to master
Consistently landing headshots, getting a hang of the projectile drop and having to lead targets is fun. It's not as fun as melee obviously, but it's a nice change of pace every once in a while.

I ususally switch to my bow class if the enemy team has an absurd amount of archers, engineers and horseniggers. It's the easiest way to deal with them.

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excited about more fashion items at level 30

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People who play ranged in any game where melee is an option are stupid cowards.

right now I just need to quickly grab 2k to change my axe's handle
I'm a bit disappointed that the messer's alt skin is just a big steak knife

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>want to whack a horsefucker off his horse with a long weapon
>slightest bump completely staggers me out of my swing
hate that shit

Friendly medic man

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So far I've had the most success with this Goober, Bardiche's pretty good

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this isnt mine

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>my first 10 kills in a single life unstoppable achievement came from playing a no armor shitter character with 3 firebombs and a spear that i grabbed from a dead enemy and kept spamming stab on the whole time on enemies that my teammates were ganking
I honestly did not expect that.

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Is that a GS? What's the point of half-swording?


half-grip increases the turn cap, the windup for stabs and the combos are faster and the damage is slightly raised, that about it

I thought i was the only one

>tryhard redditors getting mad at lutechads

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Can we all agree that Taiga is the most unbalanced map?

>game ends with 50 difference
>enemy faggot writes "too ez"
god I want to strangle someone

That's why he said it. To make you mad. Don't be mad, user, don't give in.

oh shit nigga.
just tried it, it really is fun
war axe+bloodlust is pretty legit

firebomb spam + ganking an enemy with fists and an ally just to steal their shit is legit good
you can legit stall pretty hard if you get 2-3 fire mages to camp an ammo crate


It's really unbalanced. Red wins like 90% of the time.

I'd argue Grad and Mountain Pass are the only remotely balanced maps in the game. Camp favors red a bit, too.

Is this game just a better chivalry or is it dead allready. Tell me now.

lol mad cuz bad

Reminder that calling people niggers and faggots and niggerfaggots in game is officially a bannable offense now.

Attached: mordhau rules.png (764x81, 43K)

>pick up bow
>always end up fighting with short sword instead
its just too good

I feel like these type of ''rules'' always need to be forced, even if the devs don't agree with them, for completely different reasons, maybe the platform you release the game on doesn't allow it or I dunno, something like that.

They told people to screencap stuff and send it to them via their discord together with steam profile links of offenders so they can manually ban everyone. That's potentially a ton of people messaging them, so I don't think they'd encourage that if they weren't serious about it.

This game is allready dead lol
devs got their early acces bucks and gonna abandon now

Maulbros unite
>tfw running around Bobby B'ing everyone

These are my 3 most played guys. I'm trying to think of what to make next.

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