How could Blizzard just destroy old zones like that and turn them into absolute trash? Yes I'm still mad about Cata.
How could Blizzard just destroy old zones like that and turn them into absolute trash? Yes I'm still mad about Cata.
>how can we improve this zone?
>idk just put a bunch of cracks in the ground and force in some new assets even though they clash with the original art style of the zone
The same way they destroy old anything and turn it into absolute trash.
>cataclysm zones are older than vanilla zones
The Barrens was always trash as a whole. Only the northern region was interesting, which is pretty much intact and identical to the original. The Southern area is now not just a complete wasteland devoid of content and instead interesting for both Alliance and Horde. Fuck your nostalgia.
What they did to the Badlands have no name
Bad wording, the Cata zones have been released in the Retail version for the longer than the Classic zones were at this point.
Are you autistic?
What's the point of this question on Yea Forums?
The team who made the Vanilla zones didn't work on Wrath & Cata, the new guys (aka the B-team) wanted to redesign the world because they thought they could do a better job
>TBC zones are 13 years old
I liked new zones guys and i'm playing since vanilla, yes I'm often nostalgic about them, but its so easy to download private client and play with them, in 10 minutes you realize how boring they actually were
have a nice day
I don't get this? Everything they did in barrens was in line with the lore and enviroments? Only thing that really stood out was the alliance forward base, but the horde got their asses handed to them so OK I guess.
This. Grow the fuck up, aspies.
>haha mommy look, they put my reddit memes in the new zones! epic for the win!
>Completely shitwreck Thousand Needles and get rid of the cute little go-kart track
>No more carrots on sticks for us anymore
How could Blizzard just destroy old lore like that and turn it into absolute trash? Yes I'm still mad about WoW vanilla.
Have nostalgia for classic is plebbit, fuck off.
I can't wait to run across this dock again, missing ships once more just like the old days once Classic drops.
Also I can't wait to fight this overpowered cutie again.
>There are people who want Squeenix to do the same thing in XIV
Would it be warranted? Does the game feel hugely different in just about every way imaginable today to how it did at launch? Genuinely asking, I don't follow anything Final Fantasy.
No. The game is incredibly consistent which is why level 50 and 60 content can be easily included in daily roulettes at level 70.
Yeah, sounds much less justified than Classic WoW vs. Modern WoW then.