Why is he so tall?
Why is he so tall?
I'm 5'11. Feelsokman
>Manlet cope
I'm 5'11 but I feel pretty average, although he is tall for Japanese standards
>why is he so tall
He was born that way
>5' 11"
>tfw tall men are hereditary in my family.
>my father is 6'2, and is the shortest of all the man. Most men on his side are well into 6'5 and above.
>My mother's side is normally tall, with most men being at least 6 feet.
>mfw I'm 5'9 on a good day.
God fucking hates me doesn't he?
You literally must not have ate enough food during your formative years
>tfw 5'3
are you a manlet?
I was gonna say
But then I realized that he's only 16 and could magically transform into a 6'3 gigante after a few years like myself.
Mate, he's from Japanese country-side.
If he were 190cm tall, he'd practically live the life of a freak of nature with every door too short, every bed too small, every sink and mirror too low, all cars steered with legs,...
>6'1 and still feel like a manlet
anything above 5ft9 is tall
>tfw Nordic 5'11 with long neck and slim physique despite being overweight
>Have been told I'm tall on multiple occasions
Who else /dishonestbody/ here?
because hes just like you
when will they learn?
he is literally (Yu)
>live in the Netherlands
Kill me
I'm 179cm
He's only tall if you think persona started with 3.
The persona 2 cast are generally taller than everyone else.
>Brother is 6'1"
>I'm 5'3"
how tall was he? and fuck that hoe
>mfw I'm 5'9 on a good day.
>on a good day
how does this work?
he is japanese Chad
I wish I was taller then 5'11. Being average is suffering
I'm only 6 foot and people compliment me on my height over my friends 6'1 and 6'3 because (thats only speculation ?) I have a great posture and use the full extend of what god gave me.
Hail satan
180 cm / 5 ft 11 bros report in
It's when he weeps in bed a couple hours more and his spine has time relax and stretch
cause hes literally Chad
>inherits mother's genetics
>"God must hate me!"
You just got unlucky son. That said, don't be one of those people who obsess over height like most of the retards here on Yea Forums, it's really not a big deal.
It doesn’t matter how tall or short you are none of you Yea Forumsermin are getting laid
I'd say being 179< cm(5'10½) is the height men should be. I'm only 183
All y'all over 6fters need to shut the fuck up and go have sex, you will never know the suffering of being a less then 5'9" manlet.
just date shorter girls dude, simple as that
american measures are fucking stupid
>tfw 5'4
At least I can still get the occasional date off of Tinder
What is Yea Forums's fixation on height and hairline?
Yea Forums's mostly filled with useless sacks of feces with no achievments or prospects for success so their egos are forced to cope by taking pride in meaningless shit like height, hairline, race, etc.
>taller than most of the smash Bros cast, even characters that are supposed to be canonically taller like snake
>is like twice the size of little Mac who's 5'7
Nigga Olimar is tiny as fuck and scale his ass up to work in the game. Don't be retarded.
you had better fucking believe I'm seething right now
I always thought everything on the pikman world was just bigger