Do games journalists have freedom of speech

do games journalists have freedom of speech

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does anyone honestly care if journos start getting STRUNG UP?

No, they have to say what EA and Activision and Square Enix etc. pay them to say

Of course they do. How else could they write such garbage and still get paid?

>lol ur free bro
>but we'll lynch you for wrongthink

thanks leftists

only trannies and democrats

No, but they love saying inflammatory things to perpetuate outrage culture and keep people clicking on their shit articles to make money. Polarization is profitable.

did you get this from the afl-cio

Journalism is dead. Everything is clickbait now.

I think people are unware just how vast the amount of shit made up by journos working with activists is.
If you don't dig deeper your perception of reality will be heavily distorted.

I fucking hate this retatrded meme, regardless of who it is aimed at.

> Freedom of Speech doesn't mean freedom from consequences!

Yes it does, you fucking retard, otherwise what is the point? If you are punished by corporations, governments and other powerful bodies because of the things you say then you don't have freedom of speech. It's societies job to decide what is and isn't acceptable, not your fucking employer, not some bureaucrat.

Yes, and I have the freedom to shit on games journalists.

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why are you acting like anyone who isn't under the age of 14 or a tranny actually thinks this?

journalism was cancer from its conception. All journalists should hang including these pseudo ones (games journalists) too

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I just had to get it off my chest, user. I know I'm screaming into the void but, I had to.

The point is if you say something you shouldn't be shut down for saying it but if it is illegal you will face consequences.
The leftist mindset is people shouldn't be able to say anything.
So a journo writes a fake article defaming someone.
Their FOS is protected so they can do that but the person can sue them.

That's literally freedom tho, you're free to say what you want, but they are free to criticize you on what you think, dumb-dumb

I guess it depends on a lot of factors, English journalists for example were notoriously known for having tight ties with editors, but overall it might depends on the country and website culture. I'm a vidya journalist so if you have any real question I can answer.

>they are free to criticize you on what you think
>we'll lynch you

Nice reading comprehension, Javez.

Journalists are humans just like anyone else. Which is why they are just as susceptible to vice just like any other human. No shit any news medium will be corrupted by the forces they exact influence upon. People with integrity are far and few between, and those that will take a stand that puts themselves at risk are even fewer. You should always view everything you read with a healthy does of suspicion.

>Immediately think the consequences are related to big corporations
That's not how it works, you fucking twat. Yes, you're allowed to run into the nearest restaurant and shout "I HATE NIGGERS". But at the same time the owner is allowed to kick you out because he disagrees with you.

>lynching is criticism

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>Journalists are humans just like anyone else

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Yes, just look at how much bullshit they say and how It never cripples their career.

Leftists will literally murder you for having a wrong opinion, yet rightists are the problem.
How do you explain that, liberals?

>implying you were ever hurt physically by others while staying in front of your pc like a giant turd

Also that's still freedom. You say verbally that people should die, they'll assault you physically. Try to go on the street and insult someone, they'll probably hit you, and they would be right to do so

no and they dont deserve it
every single one of those niggers deserve to be hung

>There are kids brainwashed so hard by /pol/ that think the right is the defender of free speech and the left is the one that censors.

>journalism was cancer from its conception
Journalism has been a major source of information from its conception, whether or not its been misused doesn't detract from that. Journalism can be a fantastic tool for good, it's just that bad journalism can be a fantastic tool for evil. That's a worthy risk, if we can root out the bad.

no, people calling you bad names is not lynching

Why is Yea Forums so assblasted about Journalists?

>left/right false dichotomy
heh, when are drumpftards going to realize that both sides want to flood the country with retarded niggers?

>words hurt muh feefees

The law disagrees. That person would be charged with assault, regardless of what the other person said.

Then maybe don't depict lynching you dumb cunt

Stop saying nigger in video games.

Thing that is irritating about journalists is they think they possess and immunity to everything card
>go to a warzone - immunity from harm
>say lies - immunity from prosecution.
>publish garbage -immunity from criticism.
No such immunity exists they aren't doctors for fuck sake

response is also part of free speech. One is free to say whatever the fuck but just like you are responding to OP others are free to also respond in kind. Some times people with some semblance of power in society can also choose to respond by using said power as a non verbal way to communicate whatever the fuck with others.

So every one can say whatever then someone can respond to that. What is communicated does not have to be fully done solely with language and hence people, groups, corporations, or whatever the fuck can respond to shit by doing whatever the fuck they want with shit they have power over or own.

you don't understand art at all

I would have to dumb myself down considerably to understand these """artists"""

they're all a bunch of glorified bloggers that dont deserve the title of journalist
>"wahhhh meanie alt-righters on twitter are sick and tired of me posting drivel & click bait that only complete fucking morons would believe :("
name ONE fucking journalist thats actually a journalist and not some shitty blogger bitching about the non-existent patriarchy or whatever the fuck they're bitching about thats a non-issue

Freedom of speech is freedom of spech, how the fuck are you gonna prevent it before it happens?
Also stop talking about shit you only know the name, you think there isnt a legal figure of defamation in leftist countries? No one defends what you said, maybe another missinformed american teenager like you in twitter.

Of course, because one of the goal of the law is to reduce conflict. But the judges will still take into account that the other guy insulted him in his judgment.
Also, i understand that you don't want to live in a "safe-space", but the truth is that you're not the only one on earth. Some people don't want to be harassed, because most of the time i don't see valid critism in here, but more like some meme-infused opinion.
Freedom of speech is about criticism to improve, not just insulting someone

Holy shit you are retarded

i can see why someone with your deficits might think that would help him

Yet one side will not murder you for having a different opinion lol

>implying you were ever hurt physically by others while staying in front of your pc like a giant turd

Not him, but I have absolutely been assaulted and threatened for supporting Donald Trump.

There certainly seem to be more anti censorship people on the right than the left.

You literally cannot fucking read you low iq fuck.

>Some times people with some semblance of power in society can also choose to respond by using said power as a non verbal way to communicate whatever the fuck with others.
>What is communicated does not have to be fully done solely with language and hence people, groups, corporations, or whatever the fuck can respond to shit by doing whatever the fuck they want with shit they have power over or own.

That's where you make your mistake. If someone says something you dislike, that should not give you the freedom to make sure they are never employed again by blacklisting them from the working world or society as a whole. That doesn't pressure them to change or consider other points of view, it just makes them think they are right and you're trying to suppress them. What you are suggesting only ends up creating a world where people can't make mistakes as we've seen that apologies do literally nothing in the face of the raging, self-righteous mobs on the internet or in real life.

Don't be a cock-sucking shill for these people.

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>execution is equivilant to criticism

the right is literally murdering you by millions of abortions, a slow demographic death and by not actually stopping the left, retard. the left/Right false dichotomy is just that: a false dichotomy. wake up dumbass

Uh-huh, keep spray painting retarded opinions on brick walls and calling it """art"""

why did you have to bring race into this


The left is completely gung-ho pro-abortion though

I think the main problem is censorship on discussion. These faggots produce garbage; fine. But you can't tell them because you're going to get snuffed, or worse.
I think this has closed a valve where mounting pressure would release in the form of meaningful and respectful exchange of ideas, whereas everything that gets through now is on the extreme, more explosive side of the spectrum.

If you consider edgy teenagers thinking they saying nigger in a online game for kids is freedoom of speech and they being banned is the ultimate repression then yes.

The fucky thing is that, when the constitution was written, it was so that the government couldn't prosecute people from crying out in the public space where everyone frequented or writing certain texts in a letter to be sent out to others. Nowadays the medium for these types of things have turned online where there are no public spaces, and there are a small handful of entities that have an aggressive, near absolute, monopoly on the internet's speech. You don't see how that's an issue?

Freedom of speech laws are now worthless and undermined in the largest medium for speech known to man.

>the right
>pro abortion
This is your brain on soi


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Because they...are? Right-wingers haven't infiltrated and overthrown every single piece of media and entertainment to cram their agenda down our throats.

and? what does "the right" do about it? nothing.
the right does nothing to stop any of it.
>le right lets my have my opinions! except not really because they wont do anything to stop censorship and prosecution for wrong-think..
stop buying into divide & conquer tactics.

And I agree with you. I'm not calling for a complete removal of the law. Harassment isn't acceptable but a one time outburst isn't harassment. All I want are measures that ensure a proper response. Someone using their corporate connections to prevent someone from getting a job isn't a measured response, it's a complete abuse of power and all because someone said something that could have been argued or debated.

You aren't going to help someone improve if you completely suppress them, you're just going to turn them into someone more radical.

Yeah, I do think that. There's no logical reason not to since even the Supreme Court agrees.

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this is Yea Forums mate, you talk about everything BUT vidya


I just woke up, literally, not metaphorically.

>the right
>does nothing about abortion
born babies can now legally be killed. thank god for the right! MAGA MY FELLOW PEDES, SHADILAY MY DUDES XD

The right protests. Leftists assault them. Stop drinking the bean juice, bud.

Do not argue with retards

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>is not freedom from consequences
This is the shit sjws say right before they slander, dox, harass, try to get fired, blacklist, ruin reputations people for having a different opinion.
Gotta love how much they can't stand that people disagree that they comfortably equate someone speaking their mind on an issue with actively trying to ruin someones' life.
How incredibly close minded and vindictive you have to be in order to react this way to someone disagreeing with you.

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They ruined Michael Jackson’s life, therefore they all deserve to be lynched

Imagine being this niave to the concentrated censorship efforts happening over the past half decade.

>That doesn't pressure them to change or consider other points of view, it just makes them think they are right and you're trying to suppress them.

Not him, but I think we're kind of past that point now. This is a war, and in war you need to fight dirty. These right-wingers need to be pushed out of our society until they learn to have some basic empathy towards people of color.

The right: Stop aborting, it's monstrous

>born babies can now legally be killed


protesting does nothing. you have to actually DO something.
>stop drinking the bean juice

just kill them (metaphorically)

Just kill them all (suppress their speech).

There's that one kotaku guy that does both.
And I think one angry gamer does some proper investigation sometimes between all the paranoia.

see you have to actually do something, not just complain. "the right" is not what you think it is.

Journalism should be about uncovering facts and information not pushing your agenda and forcing your shitty opinion on others.

holocaust but real and for journalists WHEN

Where the videogames?

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man don't fall for leftist tricks it applies to leftists more than anything.
They do this all the time "reality has a leftwing bias" no it doesn't
"Is not freedom from consequences" they are projecting.
This is something they have been told and they are mocking because they think they are immune to it.

>Protesting is nothing

You are so fucking leftist. I guess anything but assault, murder and wanton destruction of property is nothing.

lol, it's not even accurate to call them "bird-brained journalists"

Where the videogames at?

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So if you say something I don't like and my company's response is to hire goons to hunt you down and kill you, I'm just exercising my freedom of speech.

easy solution
all opinion pieces should be labbeled as such
or face fines and imprisonment.

Laughs in Jack Thomson

These guys are always the first to kick off the political shitposting when everyone seems lefty.

I perfectly agree, and i think that's even mor eof problem in some countries like the USA because almost all opinions are declared publicly in their radicalised version, and it just goes into a spiral of hate.
That's the problems when you try to only fight with "values". It's impossible to have an entire society agree on the same values, the best thing to do would be to teach people how to reason, and i mean reason in the long term.
For exemple, taxing more rich people, that's a divisive subject. You can throw opinions as much as you want, but you won't end up with a solution.
If you look at a perfectly neutral standpoint, the augmentation of poverty is detrimental to the society. Maybe that's right, maybe that's wrong, but it's a more useful statement than opinions

no, they just have to do literally anything to stop the left. all the right does complain and then allow the left to do everything they do because they're cucks who give in to pressure every time.
>drumpf: we wont give in to the false song of globalism anymore!
>few years later: i want trillions of nonwhite immigrants to replace us! MAGA!!

but then they wouldn't get their free money for doing nothing and would actually have to work then
literally cannot have that nowadays

No, because that's illegal

What game is that?

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>freedom of the press
>is not freedom from consequences
Aint nothing leftie/commie about oligarchs, corrupt officials, corrupt corporates and other scum killing press workers/journalists for exposing criminal/questionable activities.
Game journalists have it much easier/safer in that respect, considering that either they can be bribed or threatened with a lawsuit. Or just hounded by twitter-warriors and sjw horde.
Fuck off retards.

Honestly this, the whole ETHICS IN GAMING JOURNALISM bullshit was really a precursor of what was to come. Everything is sensationalist bullshit now.

Look, the fact of the matter is that the left are the ones in power. They're the ones who have the power to overthrow white European culture, and the public is completely on their side. White people have been conditioned to fucking hate themselves, and they're more than willing to stick their necks into the noose.

I'm not even from /pol/, but you would never hear shit like "black people should be bred out of Africa" so why is it okay for white people to be forced out of their own country?

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>job is literally centred around gaming and reporting on it
>practically every single journalist is capped at "being able to read a tweet and make a news story about it"
never mind the RAMPANT fucking corruption and bias in games journalism.
it's the retarded little brother of real journalism, and game journalists know it.

>Aint nothing leftie/commie about oligarchs, corrupt officials, corrupt corporates and other scum killing press workers/journalists for exposing criminal/questionable activities.

Cool I'll just ignore the millions of people killed by communist leaders.

If real journalists start getting hung? Yeah I give a shit because we're fucked at that point. If game "journalists" or 80% of people who call themselves journalists so they can abuse the title to spread their bullshit politics start getting strung up? Nah fucking go for it m8

>They're the ones who have the power to overthrow white European culture
Reminder that Republicans support Israel even more than Democrats do.

>The leftist mindset is people shouldn't be able to say anything.
So is rightist one. You seem to forget that both lefties and righties tend to quickly devolve into an authoritarian regime.

my plan would end clickbait and shitty craptivist journalism overnight.
All opinion piece article must have "opinion" clearly labelled or the journalist is committing a crime.
So any opinion language would be grounds for this if it isn't labelled.

there's a real glut in the supply of journalists so you shouldn't worry too much about a few here or there

I don't really think anybody cares about someone being flippant with a game journalist, but that Kotaku writer's attempts to equate it with suppression of the free press by the government is pretty fucking funny

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Ah, yes, the man who literally didn't even manage to do anything significant.

Meanwhile the left hold ownership over every piece of media you love and care about, and they WILL distort and molest it to push their agenda.

facebook literally caught lying by the senate about censoring conservatives, zuck is probably going to have to pay out big, you're retarded

>I'm not even from /pol/, but you would never hear shit like "black people should be bred out of Africa" so why is it okay for white people to be forced out of their own country?
Yeah, what kind of monster would breed Americans out of America? Could you imagine that?

No it isn't i'm rightwing and i think people should be allowed to free speech.
Kys leftist bug liar.

>point addressed a gorillion times, mostly by leftists

Israel doesn't give a shit about the west, they're just another variety of sand nigger. The people you should be pointing fingers at are native-born American Jews who support this progressive nation-destroying bullshit, who then later obtain dual citizenship to Israel (where, if this country were to die, they would fuck up that country just as badly as here.)

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Wow that's so simple and easy and not retarded at all. You should be king of the universe.

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Why should it be? I'm just expressing my free speech by leveraging my power in a non verbal way to communicate

>Try to go on the street and insult someone, they'll probably hit you, and they would be right to do so
They'll also go to jail for assault.

Maybe i already am.

Again, the distinction between people who serve the public good and people who use the title of journalist to push their shitty politics is where it matters who starts getting publicly executed

What the fuck are you talking about? Literally every single major European landmark is being defiled and destroyed by turban-heads, and our media is painting this as something beautiful and progressive.

My god, look at how many white people cheered when Notre Dam was being burned to the ground.

Well I'm left wing and I think people should be allowed to free speech. Guess this whole thread is about nothing then, since we are all that exists.

There are no real journalists anymore.

Way to miss a point.
You only think that because you are not in a position to be affected by it.

Why do leftist atheists lick Muslim feet all day long?

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>Israel doesn't give a shit about the west

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No you aren't. Leftism doesn't believe in peoples freedom.


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Because their ideology is all about subversion and what better way to subvert western society than to

Fucking brutal

gulf states have a lot of money they use to buy influence with people good at pulling their strings

What are you even talking about? affected by what? my own ideology?
I'm anti-authoritarian btw you leftist bug.
None of you fucking retards actually know what actual rightwingers think

They don't, nobody in Israel gives a fuck about the culture in the west. There's no cabal of Israelites who want whites to disappear and Mexicans to take over the country. If anything they don't want that, since Mexicans don't give a shit about the Holohoax and won't continue to vote for giving Israel tons of aid (the one thing Israel DOES care about.) The Jew shenanigans you're well aware of don't come from Israel, they come from Jewish Americans.

Yeah, what if a foreign force outbred and took over America and defaced natural landmarks with hulking bits of metal and defiled and destroyed the land itself, could you imagine? What kind of monstrous race would do such a thing?

Leftist atheist. I can assure you that I fucking hate Muslims. In fact, I hate Muslims more than any single religion on the planet currently.

Then why aren't you fighting your leftist buddies?

you're probably a liberal or social liberal or centre-left, you would be considered far-right by the leftists

It's a common leftist strategy to conflate criticism with censorship. They'll say shit like "SEE YOU GUYS WANT TO CENSOR TOO YOU HYPOCRITES" when people give them shit.

Neither does the rightism.

Oh, fuck right off you disingenuous little faggot.

American colonization happened LITERALLY hundreds of years ago. The destruction of the West is happening RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.

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You're thinking of globalists.

utterly btfo

By now I am sure everyone who composed the old guard of /pol/ (and /new/ before it) has grown out of it. What is left is an unsavory plague of r/T_D retards like OP who hate journalists because they wrote hit-pieces against our pedophile president, Donald Trump.

Don't forget to upboat this post fellow Redditors XDD also helicopter ride meme XDDDD

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>Implying leftists aren't literally globalists

can't we all just at least agree that jews need to die?


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They've literally said they would nuke Europe if the Arabs ever beat them.

>pope is atheist
This is what protestards actually believe

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Except that is false. That is a rightwing position freedom. I am for freedom of speech, freedom of economics and freedom from tyranny and even violence.

Why do people fall for this left/right bullshit so easy? Don't you have beliefs that fall outside your "spectrum"? Shits crazy that people have been hypnotized to believe that every unique human can fall into one of two competing ideologies.

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Not video games

why are you afraid leftermite

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Because the people who value freedom, truth, and empathy already lost. The left hold pretty much every major business on their leash, and they're more than willing to flex this power when someone steps out of line. If you want to lose your job trying to fight this, be my guest. I need to think about myself.

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It's because the leftwing is extemely partisan and they control the media, academia etc
So the world from their persective is them vs right,

Game journalists hahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Based and blackpilled.

Because it's the easiest way to categorize the enemy.

extreme left ideology has its claws in the media, government, schools, it's infested all of society to the point where even normies and boomers are getting sick of it. the equivalent extremism on the right (actual legit white supremacists, as in the guys too far right for richard spencer who don't just want a white ethnostate, but want to actually kill all non-whites) are extremely rare and have no power in society, they aren't a problem right now, 99% of cases of far-right extremism today as portrayed by leftist media is fabrication or outright lies, e.g articles naming joe rogan and ben shapiro as alt-right

Because the low IQ morons are conveniently located on one side that also denies science, while scientists and moral people are conveniently located on the other.

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Have sex

I would say I'm in the middle bit even then video game journalists are a joke and they should just kill themselves

t. doesn't understand the concept of a spectrum

>nobody in Israel gives a fuck about the west
>The Jew shenanigans you're well aware of don't come from Israel, they come from Jewish Americans.

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Considering where Bethesda is now, i find this image realy funny.


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I know one of your waste of space journalists are going to click on and scroll through this thread. I hope you stay a while and listen. I hope you stop and read this very post, because there's something you need to know. You need to reflect on where you are right now and why. Your job is to write things which will cause people to click on your shitty website and generate traffic for it. The ones signing your paycheck don't give a fuck what you write, so long as it makes the advertisers happy. The thing which is in vogue today is spreading moral panic about 'white nationalists', so you come here hoping to find something you can write about. And you have. You saw a bunch of /pol/lacks scheming to make the rainbow flag its own symbol. Just the same as with milk and the 'okay' sign. You knew what we were doing, but you still couldn't help yourself. Your demand for 'hate' far exceeds the supply, so you will gobble up anything we shit out.

Because you are an addict. You are addicted to hate. You need it. That's where our relationship is right now. We are the dealer and you are the two-bit whore. It doesn't matter how upfront we are with our plans and how exactly we intend to cause chaos. You got deadlines and we got your fucking slop ready for you 24/7. There's articles studying just how quickly we can spread memes and now you are unwittingly spreading them for us. Enjoy your time on Earth. Your social media account has a long lurid history of your anti-white rhetoric and you wont escape the consequences when your power structure collapses.


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pornstars are gross

cuter before makeup desu

Maybe in the past,but nowadays the left is censoring shit

Honestly I think it's more of a western problem. You only see this sjw shit in Western countries. Most of Asia are still pretty normal. Japan still makes great games too. I really don't get why white people hate their own race so much

>American colonization happened LITERALLY hundreds of years ago
Every single thing you "fight" for is predicated on it and events like it. All of your golden calf culture and civilization would not exist without your people doing what's just now happening to you. An entire civilization based on subversion is getting subverted, who the hell cares? Your only defense is technology and this technology is a large part of what's taking what power you still hold. People are being taught things that will aid in your subversion through this technology, but at least you're oh so advanced, right? At least all of that blood was spilled so you could have this system built on bones that will crumble in bones.

so we're gonna pretend Yea Forums hating game journalists was never a thing until /pol/. nice

Still would

Literally shaking.

Literally not a leftist, not even noguns (I have Olympics-grade rifles)
I grew up listening to Dr. William Pierce while you listened to people like Jordan Peterson. I grew out of this because I realized how many retards and misanthropes /pol/ attracts.

>All of your golden calf culture and civilization would not exist without your people doing what's just now happening to you. Your entire civilization based on subversion

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I just have one question, Yea Forums. I want you to be perfectly honest.

Let's say the pendulum swings the other way, and the right are the ones in control again. They start censoring media and causing moral panic against non-issues like the left is. Would you still stand against them? Would you defy their censorship and abuse of power as well?

Be honest.

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>spread their bullshit politics
Holy shit I hope you're a nigger because in civilized countries you don't get hung for having a different opinion.

She is still hot.

even if that's true, you'll be grouped with pic related

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>Most of Asia are still pretty normal.
What the fuck do you even mean by that, you mindless insect?

there is no growing out of it idiot.

>game journalists
You mean unpaid video game marketers?

>I really don't get why white people hate their own race so much

White existence has generally been nothing but constant advancement and success. Even when fighting two of the largest-spanning and most damaging wars in human history it only served to benefit every white nation involved (except Germany in WWI, but they bounced back clearly.) This has created a lot of resentment.

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I am more than willing to build a system on the bones and backs of literal cavemen who rape their wives as a passtime.

See that shit makes no sense to me, because the modern left, at least from my perspective, is centre-capitalist if anything. I tried to watch MSNBC the other day to see how far gone they are, they shill for shit like war with Venezuela, more businessmen in government positions, the shit twitter leftists claim the rightwing is all about. The literally think Bernie Sanders is an evil kike that's going to take all their money, that's why I never understand this internet turf war shit, I highly doubt the majority of people form their opinions for themselves. I don't know where people are getting these caricatures of their opponents from

They're literally shills, they give no value to society

the point is no one is going to give a shit people hate journalists

>I'm developmentally stunted so that means everyone else is

>that giant boost

fucking shills man

Pendulum is already on the right side and they are censoring shit, they just prefer to target scientists rather than art.

Yes? If the right starts censoring stuff I like obviously I would be against them

everyone replying is lying out of their ass

Race reductionism is such a naive idea.

Who are the last honest journalists out there? War journalists?

If you have the same opinions you do 4 years ago, you have not really learned much

Nice larp blog faggot.
None of you have the ability to change anything and you know it.
Pretty pathetic that all you can do is write your fanfiction gayshit on Yea Forums.

t. game reviewer

>White existence has generally been nothing but constant advancement and success. Even
t. know nothing about European history
Read a book nigger.

I don't feel bad that an ethnicity of people failed to grasp the concept of trade. I especially don't feel bad because there's mountains of proof they were slaughtering each other over territory (or for fun) long before any whites showed up, and they gave up their "proud culture" you jerk off over for guns and listerine. But most of all, I don't feel bad for them because you can get a free ride through life courtesy of my tax dollars by being one. You know what I do feel bad for? My people becoming doughy self-loathing faggots who whip themselves for crimes they never committed.

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I haven't changed in my opinions for over a decade.
I had them before 4chin kiddo

Yeah, like those right-wingers who demand that scientists recognize transgenderism as a legitimate gender. You know, those right-wingers who will literally blacklist you if you even so much as say that cutting off your own dick doesn't make you a girl.

Oh wait.

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I took one of those political compass tests and I got labeled a libertarian socialist. Maybe it's just my perspective, but being labeled as two diametric opposites made me realize this was bullshit. I only care about issues on an individual basis, not following some internet mob's template.

>pedophile president, Donald Trump.
he literally responded before winning the election to various questions from fans and also alex jones when asked about the problem of paedophiles in US government, and he said he's aware of the problem and to not worry. then within 1 month of him being president, there's a huge sting in LA, arresting hundreds in a pedo ring, and in his time as president something like over 1500 arrests have been made on paedophiles. he kept his word and is doing great work in the fight against the pedo elite. on top of that, he picked jeff sessions early on, and jeff sessions is demonstrably a good human who is anti-pedo as evidenced by this clip; in it, you can see jeff sessions spot creepy uncle joe biden going in for the bad touch, and he swats his hand away instinctively, jeff knows of his pedo shit and he's having none of it. you're a fucking idiot if you think trump is a pedo or that he's not on the side of humanity vs the pedos. lurk more.

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There's few things as embarrassing as the kinds of people that listen to a Jordan Peterson talk and suddenly think they're some kind of enlightened genius. Man talks out of his ass so much it'd make your average politician blush.
Breaking news, political wars are literally just console wars with a different topic. Same retarded bullshit.

>"real" journalists
Hasn't been a real thing since the days of Thomas Jefferson, jack. Fuck every journalist

Local newspapers.
Almost anything with a larger readership get poisoned.
Local papers are small time enough to actually do their job without interference and influence peddling.

>Daily reminder that game journos gave up on this boss

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sending this thread to my journalists friends so they can finally have proof that this is nazi ass website is radicalizing incels like you

>then within 1 month of him being president, there's a huge sting in LA, arresting hundreds in a pedo ring, and in his time as president something like over 1500 arrests have been made on paedophiles. he kept his word and is doing great work in the fight against the pedo elite.

How come no one gives credit to Trump when credit is due?

Rapists? Like the colonizers? You have no ground to stand on, only self-interest, don't pretend otherwise.

i'm a professional contrarian, terribly broken shitposting machine. i'm always going to be a counter-weight. it doesn't even matter if someone is abusing power and going hitler on some minorities or not, i'd just stand against the popular opinion because that's what i've been always doing and this is my life now.

please send help

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>t. game reviewer

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>demand that scientists recognize transgenderism as a legitimate gender.

Do you have a source for this or are you such a snowflake that you imagine up issues? You don't get to pick and choose things that are supported by science unless you're retarted.

what language is this

orange man quite particularly bad, survey says

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That image is far-right, tho.

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Because every right-wing president as early as Nixon has been smeared by the media.

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>1500 arrests
That is good work if it is true but that does not change the fact that Trump regularly met with Jeffrey Epstein on his "lolita express".

He appointed the prosecutor that let Epstein and all the high profile faggots that conspired in his kiddie fuck island walk scott free with federal immunity for life, as his Secretary of Labor.
Look up Acosta.

user, when was the last time you raped someone in your life? Probably never, right?

Rape is a common pass time in most Islamic countries. I'm not exaggerating, if you are a woman in a Muslim country then you WILL be raped in your lifetime.

You absolutely do not have a leg to stand on.

the language of shut the FUCK up, incel

cope jew

>and the right are the ones in control again.
They already are. They control the most powerful governments and heads of state in the world.

Also you know they would, this is a contrarian shitposting dump same reason why people here defend lootboxes and paid mods.

Keep being mad loser.

If they're buying into QAnon then they're far too far gone already. That's bleeding edge tinfoil hat shit.

Both sides already have stupid beliefs. The problem is the right-wing aren't the ones advocating a total population displacement, where everyone in the country is poised to be replaced by an ethnicity whose average IQ is 80, and if you disagree you lose your life to anonymous jackboots wearing all black. Nor has the right-wing ever advocated this shit.

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>I especially don't feel bad because there's mountains of proof they were slaughtering each other over territory (or for fun) long before any whites showed up
Why should anyone feel bad for Europeans who did the same thing then? Three words: Treaty of Versailles. You fucked each other over for no reason and tens and tens of millions died.

>my journalist friends

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>Literally every single major European landmark is being defiled and destroyed by turban-heads
Give me a single proof of that shit.

why are you so unfathomably stupid?
all human populations have fought over territory. do you have some kind of point?


Because he does dumb shit that would get more clicks. Nothing compared to the petty good things he does. Assuming you were too young to be in politics back with Obama, but there was a similar dynamic between him and conservative media. Google "Obama tan suit" and educate yourself.

Ah so THIS is the real alt right huh

Show me the a serious leftist who does that, please.

>game 'reviewer' accusing anyone else of being a loser

comedy gold

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looks more like esl to me

>Nor has the right-wing ever advocated this shit.
t. just turned 18

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Because it's apples and oranges. Enjoy your reservation, even when you lose whites still take care of you. No other ethnicity is going to do that.

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there is no such thing as a 'real journalist'

Journalist was just recently shot and killed in my country. It was an accident but still

One less pro LGBTQPRST faggot to worry about

>Do you have a source for this or are you such a snowflake that you imagine up issues?

The World Health Organization has literally made it so cutting off and mutilating your own genitals isn't a mental disorder. But playing video games for too long certainly is, right? :^)))

>You don't get to pick and choose things that are supported by science unless you're retarted.

This isn't me picking and choosing, faggot. You are not a different gender just because you cut your dick off and call yourself Sally.

>aren't the ones advocating a total population displacement,

>whites aren't having kids so it's Mexican's fault.

Loving every laugh. This was the future you chose when you people decided feminism as okay.

What does alt right mean exactly? I thought it was originally supposed to be a group of white nationalists or something but now it seems like people use it to describe anyone who isn't a racist self-hating white man, so like, normal well-adjusted people. I'm really confused.

>Cannot stop responding with image spam and one liners.
Tell me then, how are you going to change things?

To be fair, that wasnt a thing before the middle east began to get destabilized by the Russians in the 80's. Normal people don't do that, only the hypocritical extremists engage in the shit. Little boys are free game too, shits sad when you look at what could have been.

>It's societies job to decide what is and isn't acceptable
That's the implication there you fucking retard.

people don't realise the issue with the left is they tend to be partisan and extreme partisan thinking is a mental illness.
For example: left and right get together to do a bipartisan thing like build a hospital for sick kids.
Now if the left rejected this because it would make their opponents look good that is extremely partisan.
See if one side isn't willingly to work with the other and is continually hostile it is onsessive thinking.
This explains TDS.

and after he did that and realised what they were all about, he disliked Epstein and later on banned him from one of his resorts for being creepy to a young lady

reactionary politics

is he making a point that didn't cultures have different values or that people vote against muslims

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Remember when the right-wing advocated importing massive amounts of dumb third-worlders who commit extensive amounts of crime, outbreed natives 10:1 and don't pay enough taxes to compensate for the amount of social services they leech? Probably not because that never happened, you retarded faggot.

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>The World Health Organization has literally made it so cutting off and mutilating your own genitals isn't a mental disorder
Do you have proof this was done due to demand, rather than scientific consensus you disagree with?

>wasnt a thing before the middle east began to get destabilized by the Russians in the 80's
it's quite literally in their fucking bible

Because he doesn't actually give a shit.
Read about how he hates pedos so much he hired the guy who let a giant ring of them off the hook.

Do game companies pay for favourable reviews?

>Says this while 90% of thethread Is crying about the dominance of leftists in the positions of Power, some arguing that there are literal commies in some positions.

like what, anonymous? not murdering nuns in the streets with bayonets? putting napoleon in power? be specific here.

>engineer spergs out about muh trannies
>lol shut up
>nothing happens after that

>actual scientists are prevented from presenting their objective studies
>authorities are specifically instructed to deny known science
>institutions are dismantled because their job is to inform people
>gynecologists are forced to use subversive language or the entire institution loses funding
>this is all OK because leftists something something muh trannies and also niggers

americans have no right to speak of whiteness, since they were the niggers of the new world, raping and pillaging the native lands



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literally everyone of them does that
if they didnt, the situation in europe would never have gotten this bad
and it's only going to get worse

even with all the evidence in their face they are doubling down

>Cannot stop with one liners.

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>You are not a different gender just because you cut your dick off and call yourself Sally.
You got a source for that? Or are you too much of brain dead fuck to actually do research about issues you feel strongly about? Funny how you don't have any sources of scientists being forced to admit trannies are legitimate. You just pulling shit out of your ass.

>Because it's apples and oranges.
Only when it's convenient for you to further your race from its truths and what it's done. Only when it helps you hide that everything you have is because of rape, destruction, death and subversion.
>even when you lose whites still take care of you
I'm sure the Muslims will put you in zoos when they're done too.


>Still can't stop image spamming.
Wanna know how I know you are bot?

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Speak to me not of the darkness. I want no part.